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Everything posted by mirkoloio

  1. How 'bout Priest of Stamos? The guys that pray to Stamos
  2. Lemme toss something in here. Ninjas ARE killable. It just needs time and organisation. If the Ninja runs out of power in a fight they are dead. Like, It happened to me. I was fully charged and upgraded. Went into fight with ERT and they pwned me because I wasted my power on the ninja star too often. Ninjas are very vulnerable to that. Turn off the power and you can rot them out. No power means no ninja abilities
  3. WOO! TYTOS 4 LOREDEV! I can literally HEAR all the fascist groups he will add to the lore.
  4. Good! Now, Tell me exactly what you learned today!
  5. Deutsch ist meine Muttersprache. Weil ich Deutsch bin. Macht Sinn, nicht? (Translation: German is my main language. Because I'm german. Makes sense, no?) English is awesome. I can speak it very good. Also, Meowy sucks. (Translation: English is awesome. I can speak it very good. Also, Meowy is awesome.)
  6. What it says on the tin. Ninja is played way to few times. we /NEED/ ninja because it is one of the best gamemodes and actually is a shitload of more fun then Nuke. if done right. Minimum player ammount for Ninja is 5 players. I'd say we add it to secret rotation with 10 players on ready.
  7. I would have had no proplem at all if you killed me. None at all. Instead you chose to keep me dissabled for an hour. It's simply not the way you're supposed to do it. As I said, I was unable to respawn/be cloned while that time. However, the people I killed were perfectly able to respawn after they were taken down. And if they know how, they even could have respawned /immediately/ after their death without admin help. This is something an alive player in the round, an antag, can't resort to. I can't just respawn out of being removed from the round due to total dissabling.
  8. The point that I /spammed/ glare in Surgery is a lie. I used it /once/. They were performing surgery on me while /AWAKE/. Vampires feel pain, no? Pretty sure they do. As to the point of screeching. I too used that only once. In interrogation. I want to see your reaction when I put you into Solitary with not the slightest chance of escape. I've seen Vampires do way worse shit and get not nearly the same treatment as I this shift. How often were people told to not go over the top with antags and give them some chance? Quite often.
  9. BYOND Key: Mirkoloio Player Byond Key:TechnoKat. Vira De Santos(Ckey unknown). Bakagaijin. NursieKitty. Staff involved: Ryfus ((Complaint currently being filed against them too.)) Reason for complaint:In this round I was Vampire as Stamos. I "ate" Luna Tsuki and Elizabeth Hawthorne. For the first one and half hour all went well and good. Then Security eventually found out. I was interrogated and tried to flee. Now, I was captured some minutes later and have been Straightjacketed, Muzzled, and blindfolded. At first, this might not sound too bad, seeing that I am a vamp and they saw what I can do. HOWEVER: I was in that situation for about an hour and was unable to do /anything/ within that time. Totally dissabling me wasn't enough so my eyes have been taken out additionally. To see such a behaviour accepted by both Security, Command AND medical is in my eyes inacceptable. And from an OOC Viepoint taking a player out of the round for more then ONE DAMN HOUR is excessive and not quite allowed afaik. And before you all start with "Uhhh, Killing people is taking em out of the round too.. bla bla bla". Dead people can be cloned or respawn. I can hardly respawn while bucklejacketed, eyes removed, Blindfolded and muzzled. Approximate Date/Time: 3rd of May. Between 21 and 23:50 GMT+1| 9pm - 11:50PM GMT+1 Edit: Like the IDiot I am I wrote "ninja" as subject title. Changed
  10. mirkoloio


    My most favourite nerd has come back. Yuuuuuus
  11. Laser gun arms, RPG Shoulder mounts, Bluespace gibbing machine and more!
  12. I shall greet you, Py. I am mirkoloio the Lord Marshal of Manwhorekind. Thous shalt only create a manwhore SS13 char if you learned about the Way of the Stamos beforehand. Only the way of the Stamos is the true way to become a full Manwhore.
  13. http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Gary_%22Roach%22_Sanderson *COUGH* *COUGH* Buuuusteeed
  14. Germany wishes a Happy Birthday to you
  15. mirkoloio

    More Vampires

    I can see it comming..........
  16. Frances is a nice person and definetly a good admin/mod/whatever. Also, they're way younger then me and a LOT more mature then me, wich gives them another plus point. (( :3 ))
  17. the current normal ripley clamp CAN and WILL harm people if used on them with harm intent.
  18. Salutations, Friends. I think 1138 acted completely legit and was full within his rights to vaporize Houssam. I'd have done the same.
  19. One thing, guys. I am /not/ complaining that I did not get a shotgun here. It was merely used as to show the point of Bokaza taking over sec's job. What I am trying to point out here is that Bokaza is in the front line of combat when ever something attacks. Be it nuke or Wizard. Everything I've played nuke and Bokaza was captain they were with the first people that we faced, guns drawn and shooting. Again, I am not mad about not getting a shotgun.
  20. Yeah Yeah. I get that point about me. It's not that I'm complaining that I can't Hopcurity. What my issue is that They're literally going gun first at every threat as captain even if there is sufficient Security members
  21. BYOND Key: Mirkoloio Player Byond Key: Bokaza Reason for complaint: ^^READ ME FIRST!^^ Approximate Date/Time: 7.04.2015 19:06|7:06pm GMT+1 Additional Notes: I'd like someone to talk to Bokaza about this, seeing that this can be very immersion killing at some point and is not really something the captain should do. Afterall we don't want Hopcurity. Means we don't want Capcurity either.
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