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Everything posted by mirkoloio
If we're going to strip my whitelist because I went over the top with the lore, then I suggest looking at a few other Vaurca too. Because many have been behaving similar to me. And, I want to point out Zah, who changed his hive name twice. Once to Isra, and once to Void. Wich, as far as I know, is against the lore. Vaurca don't just change hive
Some battles are seen depicted on cave murals, and a sense of honor is creaed around drones where, if victorious in battle, the enemy bodies must be consumed after their head is severed from the body with the victor's mandibles. All fighting was done using the claws on a drone's hand, with mandibles, or usage of the legs; although tools existed, it seemed using them in battle was a form of taboo. This may explain why most warriors of present day Vaurca use weaponry integrated into themselves; a way to fight more efficiently without breaking their code of honor. Directly from the Wiki
BYOND Key:mirkoloio Character Names:Eric McArthur, Jamison Stamos, Fabian/Janosch Goellstein, V.O.D.A.P.H.O.N.E ((Vampire Operated Defense Apparatus, Perpetrating Harm On Nefarious Entities, AI)) Species you are applying to play: Vaurca What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Vaurca gray Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yup Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I already had played it. But was banned for not abiding their Lore. While there are no decent guidelines on how to play them at this time, though. Further info in notes Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Vaurca are bugs. From a far, far far away world. Sedantis, to be correct. They went trough many wars and their warriors have a honor code to follow. To not kill with weapons other then the ones integrated into the body. Means, mandibles, claws and whatever. They are weird. They know not much about human behavior and want to learn. They want to Adapt. Vaurca have come to learn from Humans. And that they will. Character Name:Za'Akaix'Ghul Zo'ra Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Za'Akaix'Ghul, Type BA unbound Vaurca, a warrior from Titan Prime. He has been trained very well in his past before the human contact, having lived 3500 years yet among them. Guarding, fighting and taking care of or for his hive. He was sent to NT as one of the best of his unit. ((Assuming the Vaurca have 'units' of Military/Police/Security forces here.)) He was sent to learn the human ways, his inbuilt weapons deactivated and made un-usable for the time being. He did well amongst the Humans, racism unknown to him untill he was confronted once with it. A group of young people harrased him. He however, did not care. Or did not understand what they meant. His hive is most important to him and he will do everything to preserve it from harm and to secure it's superiority. This includes following the directive of the queen. To serve NanoTrasen as if it was his own hive. What do you like about this character? I like that he's not quite curious and knows how to handle himself. He's not afraid of learning new things and especially not of helping NT to achieve their goals. He is generally mistrusting of the Human race, but yet found a few friends aboard the Exodus/Aurora How would you rate your role-playing ability? My RP abilities are sufficient. Notes: I would like to point out that I was banned for something wich actually isn't something you'd ban for. Here's one of the things that lead to it: I was attacked by a Juggernaut in a cult round. I shot the Juggernaut with a shotgun. Then emptied the NT MK58 Pistol into it. It still stood and came at me. I had a knife on me and was wearing -Tactical Armor-. It cornered me in sec where the detective's office is. Running past was impossible. The Safety shutters were down due to a breach. I killed it with the knife in close combat, but succumbed to the wounds immediately afterwards. Please, someone tell me why this is a bad thing? Also, IF POSSIBLE, I'd like Silver and whoever is responsible for the Vaurca lore to provide -detailed- information on how Vaurca react.
Xander has a few good chars. And I can see how him having the Vaurca will be grand. sooooooo.... +1
I've got it on a screenshot. And others saw it. It too was reported. Just don't make things up like this again, Ever. Any lieing won't make shite better, too.
Okay. Let me just throw some counter-measures out here, aye? First off: It is -untrue- that I am bugbiting people on every occasion. I bit a prisoner only -once- and was told not to afterwards. Done. Second: The 'ZA' type Vaurca are raised into being warrios. To wage wars, protect, guard, whatever. Do you expect them to be hopping around, picking flowers and singing 'Kumbaya' with everyone they meet? Third: There was literally Never done any 'groping' or the like with my Vaurca. And I will ask you to -stop accusations like this immediately and for all time- unless you can proove it. Thanky you, Bokaza. The only thing when 'touching' happened was when my Vaurca -touched someone's shoulder and afterwards bowed to them- to pay their respect to them. Since we don't know how Vaurca show people they respect that they do that. I chose this way as it seems quite fitting for an alien race.
Powerboner is such a shitty word. Now, Delta. I'm asking of you to turn down your Saltminging a bit and to listen, aye? I want you to walk up to any kind of security in real life, be it a mallcop or a security officer. And I want to to start unleashing racism and insults on them. What will they do? They'll most likely put you in cuffs for a bit, aye? Now, I've asked here quite calmly, and my Vaurca isn't overly agressive, that I'd like to have less staff breathing down security's neck whenever they arrest someone. It's IC Issues and can be dealt with DO's or Heads. No need to stop the staff from spying on ERP/watching porn, is there? Furthermore, the word 'Powerboner' sounds ridicolouly stupid and made-up to hinder the people who have the ability to do something from doing it.
Now, I'd like to point out that Staff really like to restrict players, mainly sec players, in what they can do and what they can't. Now, I do not think it is either just nor correct for staff to jump at an officer who's arresting people who are actively insulting said officer, but not to jump at the people who down 472 cups of coffee or 13LOKO in about 5 minutes. What I want here is: -> More freedom for Security officers to actually be able to arrest people on 'made up' charges because Someone insulted them, treathened friends or someone they like and things similar. Because, really, we're an HRP server. And people usually don't like such things happening. So why can't my officer go 'a little bit corrupt' and arrest that arse who called him a bug/cat/Whatever? Staff slapping People for stuff that sure would happen now or then does seem like preventing RP for me. ->Staff actually trying to keep the RP by NOT bwoinking officcers that do that, and instead starting to bwoink people who do silly, unbelievable stuff. Internet, do your thing.
I am so going to get Stamos back. ERPLord is comming.
Meow. We don't talk about things that were a year or more ago, yeah? There's a lot of time between that and today.
Front Mission Evolved, pls. Love u deedee
You weren't even there when I played Stamos... neither did I ever have any interaction with you... Who are you, actually? Also, People. I Need some more Feedback, please. Honest Feedback. No chucklefucking.
I don't care what these so-called scientific studies say," says Jazz Spirit, representing a number of conservative religious organisations. "How can a boy hope to develop properly into a man if he's being brought up by poofs? A father figure is not supposed to behave as if it is 'okay' to be, um, romantically invested in another man - and the same goes for lesbians! Why? Because it is not okay. It'll just give them gay! Think about it: say you have two gay Stamoss - they can't have children because nature did not provide them with the tools and if God wanted gays to have kids then they would have those tools. Don't legalise this blasphemy! Think of the children!"
Just wanna point this here out: Hypatia said something that would have gotten The average baldie banned within seconds just.now in The rev round. They said: "I'm being treated like an 18-year old black person on a oh-oh crop farm." I don't think that's acceptable. Not even I would go that far with my offensive jokes. Someone has to do something about hypatia.
Oi, Hang on there. it wasn't meant to Boss you or anyone around. The Item was delayed because I lost my head whitelist. It was supposed to be for my HoS. But now, I'd like it picked up again and done for officer.
I will challenge you now And I win
Mirkoland, the bad Imitation of the 3rd Reich. Has come
BUMP. Last posst was months ago. Updates to the Custom item Happening. I want this done. It was posted in march. The Beret shall be: NT APF Beret. This is a NT Asset Protection Force Beret. It has the NT APF insignia on it as well as the Name "Goellstein" inside. The Jacket will be: NT APF Armor This is a NT Asset Protection Force Armor. It is fashioned as a very trendy jacked in NT Security Colors. The nameplate carries the Name 'Goellstein'. It Looks very sturdy. Don't Forget to add the armor. AFterall, It'd be a conversion kit for a Piece of security armor.
Appealing Personnel:Jamison R. Stamos Specific Incident:Harrasement and insulting of Crewmembers Action taken as a result:Termination of Contract Action contested:Termination of Contract Reasoning for contest: The reasons provided by the Crew are partly incorrect and/or are partly lies. I would hereby like to have the Duty officers Review the Action taken and, if possible undo it. I am available for further inquiries under the adress provided in this mail. Awaiting your Response, Jamison R. Stamos Additional notes: (If there are none simply leave it blank)
Someone should have put that on the wiki.. Changing.
Kek. Saw him as commander. The round ended in death and destruction. I'm interested how soon he'll be banned there for charging and such.
BYOND Key:mirkoloio Character Names:Eric McArthur, Jamison Stamos, Fabian/Janosch Goellstein, V.O.D.A.P.H.O.N.E ((Vampire Operated Defense Apparatus, Perpetrating Harm On Nefarious Entities, AI)) Species you are applying to play:Vaurca What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):That weird Bug Grey-yellow Color, don't know it's name Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:Yes. More then once Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race:The Vaurca are a race I have been waiting for since they were announced first. They are Bug People and definetly will be fun to roleplay as new kinds of racism, RP and antagonistic things will be possible with them. I am sure a lot of fun will arise with Vaurca Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:Roleplaying Vaurca is different due to the fact that they're a newly discovered Race. They're very different. Not only in speech but in their way of Action too. I can't just go and Play a Vaurca like a Human. Or like Stamos. ((I know I said I would, but we all know it's a joke.)) Character Name:Za'Akaix'Ghul Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Za'Akaix'Ghul, Type BA unbound Vaurca, a warrior from Titan Prime. After establishing contact he was moved to Biesel, To Mendel City. Where he began his Training at the security academy, at least the Training for human Standards. To be able to use human machines, Technology and language. He learned fast with genuine interest and curiosity and was not seldom the target of racism. He worked, supporting himself in a small vaurca-compatible home and eventually managed to gain the Permit to be deployed as cadet on the NSS Exodus. He shared the Information with his hive and then was sent off to Biesel again, getting ready for his employment. The time spent on the Exodus went well, untill a very racist barkeep decided to chase him with his shotgun. Of course, Za'Akaix'Ghul didn't quite like that and fought back after a bullet hit his third leg on his left side. He turned and literally bit the shotgun AND the man's Hand in half, incapacitating them. When explained to Superiors and Security officials they were understanding and arranged forms for him to be transfered to the Aurora. Shortly before his first day there he went back to the Hive, his knowledge being absorbed and Memory mostly wiped, the Exodus and it's Events forgotten.... What do you like about this character? I like that he's quite curious and knows how to handle himself. He's not afraid of learning new things and especially not of helping others. His genuine liking for the Human race make him a perfect Person to RP with. How would you rate your role-playing ability? My roleplaying ability. Well, if I want to RP, I think I can do it quite good. But, you should judge. Not I. Notes:
Make them an item and make it so you can stuff grenades inside. Then dip it in motoroil and have a sticky bomb.
Liquid water on mars, bro. That's fucking grand! It makes, if we ever do it, colonizing mars easier. Saves money,too for future mars Missions. Just imagine, bathing in mars Water.
Turn on your TVs, you nerds. NASA found water on Mars. Liquid. Water.