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Everything posted by mirkoloio

  1. Hunnewle is a good player both IC and OOC. Good RP and such. But as an AI/borg, he's not good. With all due respect to a person I consider a friend, I think AIs and bots aren't a thing he should continue playing.
  2. Minecraft Username: mirkoloio Character Name: Jamison Stamos Character's Role: Viscount Brief Bio: Jamison was born to a poor noble house somewhere in the area of Borealis. He's been trained well by his father, a knight in the service to the King. He's a good bowman and knows his way around the castle. Some even claim this man is able to freerun pretty well.
  3. Jesus, Get the sand out of your vagina, really. Go back to playing the game and stop whining. it's a game afterall and it's christmas, for christ's sake.
  4. Git gud. The weapon was spawned by staff. You lost, get over it. You cannot win every firefight. Also, The energy Carbine was given to me by the warden after the initial engagement at medical
  5. Someone look at this? I mean, we do't usually have these long waiting times for an appeal like this.
  6. Created the Vaurca. You're all going to get assraped by them, then harmbattoned by Admiral Za'Akaix'Ghul Zo'Ra and his Superheavy Dreadnought((MOD)). Edit: I just saw that someone was fucking faster than me with that.
  7. Well. You will have one year for the game. After said year, it's handed over. Obviously, no flooding with magma. I will likely use a tileset. So, I dunno if that's okay with you. But I like it that way. Can play without, too. I will upload it on the DFFD on friday once it started with me as first overseer. If y'all join it, it'll be fun. And, well, I guess Storywriting is mandatory? That means, your dwarf will have a story. YOU are the overseer and will write the story for their year. Not everything, mind you. But make it in a single post with screenshots. Examples of older fortresses can be found around here, I guess. Just search
  8. WELL! LeMirk started it again. Anyone up for it?
  9. mirkoloio

    NT APF?

    Where did the NT APF go? Was it wiped out of the Lore? Is it still there? I need some infor if my Custom items are outdated AGAIN. Lore people, please shoot!
  10. What improvements I made, you ask? , I moved out of the kill4fun part. Where, I as a Person, made wrong choices. Many of them. I have turned towards more seriously RPing. I mean, the only Things I do all day are RPing, eating, drinking and sleeping. When I'm not at work, that is. I want to say that I grew in all aspects of it. And I do think I am finally able, after so Long time, to take up one of the ropes to strangle bad People with. I do hope this suffices to prove my Point to you, staff.
  11. BYOND Key: mirkoloio Character name:Za'Akaix'Ghul Zo'ra Items name: HUDblinders, Vaurca Security Harness Why is your character carrying said item to work? It'd make sense. The blinders just being cool for RP and the Harness as a uniform because My 9 1/2 ft vaurca can't possibly wear normal stuff. Spoiler: Show/Hide Item function(s): The Harness is just a re-skinned gear harness and the blinders normal blinders with the same handicap as the normal ones, just with a SECHUD inbuilt. Item description: HUDblinders: Specially designed Vaurca blindfold, designed to let in just enough light to see. It seems to have some additional electronics added. Vaurca Security Harness; A tight fitting gear harness in security colors and with security emblems. Item appearance: I suck at visualizing and spriting. Just do the stuff in security colors and let your imaginations roam. How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? Additional comments: Well, It will provide RP and not make people ask me how I'm wearing the sunglasses on my four eyes.
  12. My last warning was five months ago. And a lot... It's four with several months inbetween. The warnings, at least. And, well, I'd say some of those notes are VERY outdated. The Stamos Era is over. ((sadly)) Time changes people's Maturity. I'm 18 now and I do think I have improved sufficiently in both manner and mentality to be able to properly handle and enforce the laws and rules of Aurora station without (many) further mistakes.
  13. Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account:mirkoloio Character Name(s):Jamison Stamos, Fabian Goellstein, , Za'Akaix'Ghul Zo'ra, Eric McArthur AI Name(s):V.O.D.A.P.H.O.N.E( Preferred means of contact:Whatsapp, E-mail. SMS if you're desperate Timezone:GMT+2 When are you on Aurora?: Whenever I can and feel up to it. Experience How long have you played SS13?:For quite some years. About three or four, if I am not mistaken. How long have you played on Aurora:About two years. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?:Quite some. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?:Yes, Yes I do. I've been Admin on the old Commodore Sandbox server hosted by DrCheet0 Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?:Yeah, years ago from Hypatia. A few jobbans, wich were resolved and antag bans for being bad. Personality Why do you play SS13?:Because RP is fun. And there's nothing like SS13 anywhere. Besides... dwarf fortress. Wich sadly doesn't have servers. Why do you play on Aurora?:Because Aurora is awesome. Also because it's, in my oppinion, the best RP server AND we got Vaurca What do moderators do?:Moderate, really. Keep people in line, assist admins and handle proplems and disputes. E.g, someone ganks someone. Mods step in, handle it. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?:It does mean quite a lot. I mean, I'm taking up responsibility for a server I've been a (more or less) active part in for about two years now. Why do you want to be a moderator?:To actually be able to assist the staff and fill the gaps where no mods are online. They exist. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?:I'm quite immune to insults. Really. Insulting me over text is like literally not getting any reaction but a chuckle from me. I'm willing to donate a lot of time to Aurora, too. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?:As mentioned above, I'd say with an above average ability Anything Else You Want to Add: Yes indeed! People know me as the ranting, racistic and imroper guy. Well, it's all show to amuse people. And you gotta admit it. It works quite often, too.
  14. You only need the account number to access accounts of departments. No card.
  15. Well? Anyone gonna reply anything?
  16. It decreases the range of view by two, I meant to say.
  17. Reminds me, make them Job locked. So i only spawn with them when in security
  18. Indeed. Those do not give benefits. They are Security only. Conversion Kits. Means that I will have to have the item to apply them to. Also, the Vaurca blinders decrase your viewing range by one and blurr the rest .
  19. BYOND Key:mirkoloio Character name:Za'Akaix'Ghul Zo'ra Items name: Integrated Vaurca Tazer, HUDblinders, Vaurca Security Harness Why is your character carrying said item to work? Because they, lore wise, would have these as a security vaurca. The blinders just being cool for RP and the Harness as a uniform because My 9 1/2 ft vaurca can't possibly wear normal stuff. Item function(s): They would all be conversion kits. The Tazer just a normal tazer with a different wield sprite and different sprite in general. The Harness just a re-skinned gear harness and the blinders normal blinders with the same handicap as the normal ones, just with a SECHUD inbuilt Item description: Integrated Vaurca Tazer: Thiz tazer looks like a long, reddish tube with a few cables and ports on the rear end. The front holds a small laserpointer to ease the aiming for the Vaurca. HUDblinders: Specially designed Vaurca blindfold, designed to let in just enough light to see. It seems to have some additional electronics added. Vaurca Security Harness; Tight fitting gear harness in security colors and with security emblems. Item appearance: I suck at visualizing stuff. Just.. do your thang. Also, My vaurca is red, for the tazer. How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? Additional comments: Well, It will provide RP and not make people ask me how I'm wearing the sunglasses on my four eyes. It'd give new room for emotes AND it'd fit the lore.
  20. +1 just for applying for a Vaurca. +1 also for being an awesome person and a good Rper. Know your chars, like your chars. As they said, the application is a bit.. sparse. But I am almost certain that you can BUG just as good as I can. (Wich is amazingly good, btw. Stamos bug, anyone?)
  21. My Char in Armageddon got killed :C
  22. NutsieKitty and Skrell? As long as they don't cut my limbs off ;P +1 for being a great person, RPer and other.
  23. Allahu Akbar I'm still alive. And will SOON be back. Prepare for the Stamos. The McArthur and GHUL *chitters*
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