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[Resolved] Readthisnameplz/Garnascus

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BYOND Key: Scheveningen

Game ID: bU2-aL7K

Staff BYOND Key(s): ReadThisNamePlz, Garnascus

Reason for complaint: A chaplain by the name of Adam Taylor landed in the brig initially for assault. He smashed a bottle on someone's head and immediately got brigged for it. They then pulled a fire alarm in the brig which I went to check out, and examined the culprit.


Once I identified the individual in particular as Adam Taylor, Chaplain, I sent an adminhelp message and had it handled by Readthisnameplz, moderator.







At this point I dropped it, because I already intended to make a complaint over this to allow for more transparent discussion to be undertaken without concerns of being given information I shouldn't have for an ongoing round.

I will say, however, that the worship of memetics is definitely a nonsensical excuse just to have "The Worship of Memeism" on your Bible. You cannot just default to "It's just my character" in situations like these. It breaks immersion and it is not fun for anyone who is trying to take their own roleplay and other character's roleplay seriously in-game, it is the environment that has been fostered here for about four or so years. Most characters I see are moderately sane and reasonable, befitting of the setting with their own interesting expressed motivations, some of them are even inherently antagonistic in nature and they are guaranteed to always cause conflict when they're on the server, but it's always worth looking forward to. It's just goofy through-and-through, I don't find it that reasonable, tbh.

What I've personally witnessed from Adam Taylor was an extremely griefy, goofy, non-serious and immersion-breaking concept. He sits inside the goalpost that people talk about when they complain about nonsensical or unreasonable characters, and I find it weird that staff didn't pursue this any further, because the character did a lot in the round that made absolutely no sense for any non-antagonistic character to be doing at all on the station.

After this, the chaplain was released from the brig and immediately beelined to break into hydroponics. For what reason I have no idea, as a security officer I was already responding with an ion rifle to deal with an emagged cyborg and back up my fellow officers. I witnessed him break in and as much as I wanted to do something ICly, my character was already caught up with larger priorities.

I then killed the ninja later on into the round, and the server almost unanimously voted to vote for transfer once I murked the ninja with a detective revolver.

Once the shuttle docked at the Odin, the chaplain had this to say:




I reported this and the head administrator took my second adminhelp complaining about this guy and only had "This is fine" to say. Nothing else, no other reasoning aside for it. I'm mostly suspicious about this and I'm curious as to why the round wasn't delayed to clarify this, since the rules say that you must remain in-character at all times and that you must have a sane, reasonable and sensible character concept.

I asked in a third adminhelp if I could have the player's ckey to make this complaint more streamlined so that I'd have a better idea as to who I'd be complaining about in terms of their behavior, but the head administrator insisted they wouldn't give it to me until after the complaint was made, even though this isn't public policy expected of staff members, and I was previously expected to give out ckeys for people being complained about in the past. I'm not sure what changed.

Afterward, I spoke to the player of Lin Dyslioth about what they experienced from the chaplain as they were detained. They told me that the chaplain apparently only replied in all caps and wrote something about masturbation on a piece of paper in the brig. They didn't get a screenshot of this but I'm taking their word for it because whoever played Adam Taylor was effectively creating situations of grief rather than actually roleplaying as a sane, balanced and reasonable character.

Approximate Date/Time: 24-Jun-18, around 12-2AM for GMT-4.

side note: this was originally drafted as a player complaint but it was moved to staff complaints instead since this is me contesting the decision and strongly disagreeing with how they dealt with this. Although frankly I have more issue with the character going unpunished than going after the staff for not doing enough.


I am not going to bwoink someone for making a weed joke after i play a weed meme song at round end. Thats just not gonna happen. Only rule around MIDIS is do them before the round starts and after the shuttle leaves. Round start and round basically. This is all i was involved with.


Just a notification that I'll be taking this complaint.

The issue involving Garn is resolved now and further context to the poster being made available explained the matter. I am still however going to investigate Readthisnameplz and the Chaplain.


Hello there! Sorry for my delayed response, I wrote one out earlier but didn't upload it, then I closed my browser and lost it T-T

Allow me to dive into this, I received an ahelp regarding the chaplains religion, I took it and thought Schev said Captain. I simply misread that, my apologies.

Now, onto the actual issue, I spoke to the chaplain about the religion, and they explained to me that it was not about memes, but instead memetics. Which, in his words are photo's that have special power to them to cause someone to stop breathing/stop a heart. Which, to me sounded like a sound thing to worship considering the game literally has sun gods, moon gods, space Jesus, a giant demon named Nar'sie, etc. I figured it'd be okay for him to worship something like that as long as his behavior followed the rules. I explained that the name "memeism" is not okay and he needed to change it, he agreed to that and we wrapped it up. No harm done really.

I closed both tickets and thought nothing else of it.

Now, regarding the chaplain causing issues and such, being disruptive, etc. I had no idea any of this was happening in the round, I was not paying attention to the chaplain, like, at all. While this is a mistake on my part, there were several new players and a lot of things going on in the round, so please forgive me and my lack of attention. The chaplains behavior was not ahelped a single time that round, only ahelp I received about the chaplain was from Schev. No one mentioned to me that he wrote a vulgar note in the brig, or tried to break into areas. While, I should have noticed this, I had other things going on in the game that I had to pay attention to.

This is a very short version of my original reply, I'm just tired and don't have the energy to write the entire thing again.


Hi. Spoke with Doc who helped me handle this as well as Schev personally.

Schev wanted me to lock the thread since our talk was satisfactory but I kept it up to outline the verdict and consequences.

I'll start by saying both Garn and Read are fine. Read especially conducted their investigation as best they can with the information they provided. There was some other information that came to light during the investigation itself. We will be speaking with the player in question when able to and apply the appropriate punishment accordingly. I'm going to deem this resolved and archive it now.

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