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FASCISMFORTHOSEWHOWANTIT complaint 2, electric boogaloo

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BYOND Key: Trazz666

Game ID: bVa-ayba


Staff involved: toasterstrudes

Reason for complaint: General annoyance, really

Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? Yes, and uncertain. I ask about it during the next round, but I kinda just got a 'make a player complaint about it'.

Approximate Date/Time: 7-3-18 about 12 am (CST)

This is FASCISMFORTHOSEWHOWANTIT's second complaint about traitor AI'ing. However, instead of just being a poor antag and excluding borg involvement, he just didn't do anything as far as I could tell. Admittingly, I was a borg a little late into the round, so I didn't see things from the borg side for the majority of the time. I was, however, a security officer for most of the round, and there wasn't even a hint of AI antagging (I didn't even know we had an AI). The rules on antagging state that the point of an antag is to drive story and generate interaction, both bolded and underlined. Fascism did neither, no story was generated as nothing was really done, and interaction was minimal since as soon as I told them I couldn't do medical as a borg they locked me down and started complaining to science I was broken in an attempt to remove me.

Antagging was so non-existant that round, I was genuinely confused and thought that Fascism didn't even know they had a law 0. I even went straight to their AI core to bring it to their attention, and all I got was a 'How the fuck did you get in here' ICly and 'wow i found the worst borg' OOCly. When finally cornered to acknowledge their status as antag, they refused to answer and started deflecting by saying, and I quote "Did it ever occur to you I might not want the crew to know that?" and "So...why did you tell the whole crew I had one?" Of course, those quotes can be seen as an admission they they knew they were an antag, which begs the question why nothing was done about it.

I mean, I've been warned for less as an AI. I'm a little surprised this has been an issue enough to warrant 2 player complaints on the forum.


Well, I'm not really sure what was done during the round in question by them. At some point, I think Fascism ahelp'd them about me drawing attention to us being antags? I'm not sure. I got a bwoink from them, and I explained I was trying to draw the AI's attention to the fact it was an antag, and that I thought he didn't realize it. The reply I got wasn't really clarifying. So when the round was ending, I went to the AI core to LOOC Fascism, and toaster was there LOOCing too.

Then next round, when I asked if any action was taken, I was ignored (but then again, it was before the round even started, so maybe it just wasn't noticed). When I added a PM to the ticket bringing up the fact Fascism has had a player complaint before about bad antagging while AI, toaster added themselves to the ticket and told me to make another complaint if I felt it necessary. Then they closed the ticket leaving my original question unasked. So I figured I might as well make one to get *some* kind of disciplinary action going.


I feel that this player is the epitome of a bad Aurorastation antag. Lack of involvement with other people, throws their cyborgs under the bus if it suits them, tells their cyborgs to go away any time they ask nicely to get involved, the focus is always 99% themselves and 1% the handful of people they choose to RP with. I don't know why they play like this, it's so infuriating that this sort of thing happens every time they play traitor AI. Do they just despise cyborgs? Do they despise allies?

I don't mean to bring up old grudges but my previous complaint was closed because the admins found that our two gimmicks collided with each other when that wasn't the reason for their behavior. They just hate working with cyborgs, for some reason and like their RP very small and very contained.


I had very little involvement besides the bwoink to Travis.

The bwoink was because of an Ahelp from Facism about how one of his borgs just up and stated their 0th law a bit after they were created, and outed them before they could do anything, the round was about an hour and a half in from my memory, so yes there was plenty of time for something to happen, but I still think stating the law to screw over the AI was a bit of a dick move.

I am not condoning what was done here, nor am I taking a stance on which side is right, due to my extreme lack of knowledge from the round. I had joined for like, 15 minutes before taking the Ahelp, so I have no clue if the AI had done anything yet, or was just stealth AI'ing, though I would like to note, the attitude in both LOOC and OOC was not accounted for, and would like to take this message to say, hey if you have a problem don't flame in OOC about it, doesn't solve anything, and only makes things more difficult.



First of all, sorry for the delay, again. I've reviewed the logs of that round, and to what I can gather, the AI did indeed not involve itself too much in antagonistic actions, nor did they interact with their cyborgs to do so. The AI, however, only got drafted into traitor around 25 minutes before the shuttle was called, so it is understandable that not major involvement was possible, as there was no time to do so, and little escalation was possible, I'd assume. This is no excuse to simply decide not to do antag stuff, which is why I'm going to look a bit more into that.

I'd like to know Fascism's side before arriving to any conclusions about this case, so I'll be invoking them to this complaint so they can post their reasoning, if any.


I remember having some dumbass gimmick which as mentioned before I couldn't really build up on it that much between managing all the chaos all the other traitors were causing and the fact that the round was wrapping up.


and interaction was minimal since as soon as I told them I couldn't do medical as a borg they locked me down and started complaining to science I was broken in an attempt to remove me.


You said you didn't want to be a medical borg of your own will rather than saying you didn't know how. So yeah that's cause for alarm.


Of course, those quotes can be seen as an admission they they knew they were an antag, which begs the question why nothing was done about it.


Because at that point I was just trying to remove myself from the borg that's saying crazy shit over common about the AI being rouge, I didn't have very much opportunity to do anything when somebody's actively blowing my cover. I coudln't do anything anymore because I was using up all my time to stop you which evidently still wasn't enough. You aren't an ally if you're working against the AI and the AI shouldn't treat you like one just because you're slaved to it.


Ok let me expand on that. The borg explicitly stated that it did not want the crew to be safe. It's not that the player didn't want to go through the hell of mediborg or the robot didn't know how. If you're saying that kind of crap it's really not that much of a leap of logic to assume you are not a safe person to have freely roaming a building. I still stand by lockdown and sending it to robotics was the logical thing to do. Like if a crewmember says that kind of thing most people would probably call the ISD. If that's not enough grounds to lockdown a borg it doesn't seem like the RD should even be able too.

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