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New Gamemode. Alternate Universe - Great war


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Posted (edited)

Gametype: Alternate Universe - Great war


The game mode takes place in alternative reality. In universe where Syndicate(or whoever you want) are of size of Sol Alliance. Tau Ceti is Under control of Sol Alliance, but is given almost full autonomy. Tau Ceti + Sol Allaince are in tense relationships with Syndicate and are about to declare war at each other. Since it is an alternate reality, lore rules apply less and we are not sure if any Xeno faction on whose side, which is up to either Lore devs or admins or players interpretation. Sol Allaince is under martial law, hence all civilians are required to comply with any authorities and are combat trained and ready to be conscripted at any moment(of course not as good as actual troops).


Player count requirement: as High-Lander, potentially 15-20?


Job Change: Security - Trooper, Warden - Sergeant, HoS - Commander, Captain - General. 


How rounds start:

All players spawn as usual on their jobs, where suddenly everyone's screen shows them sucked into some singulo and appear on same place as they were, but in different uniform and hence in our alternate universe of war. Half of players who marked their preference as antag for this gamemode instead would respawn at Syndicate Millitary base. Each Mech recharge port will spawn with random combat mech fully equipped. Most of utility crate will spawn with random ammunition and guns. All security gear will be replaced with millitary grade gear. Hence security voisuits will be replaced with Combat RIG's. All weapons will be replaced with better millitary grade weapons. Each department will have a crate with random guns and ammunition. The conflict goes on until either of sides met their individual win criteria or temporary peace was established. In this game mode ERT or TCFL will not be available to be called.


How round goes:


From NT side - CC will send fax with Sitrep on situation explaining that a war is about to begin and that station must prepare defenses for possible invasion. A ship will be send, but it might not make it before invaders arrive. 


From Syndicate base -  antags must come up with plan on what to do. Once they are ready and geared up, they will load into (Check below what options of transportation are). Syndicate gear options will be: syndicate commander grade mechs, suits, weapons as well as TC's for illegal grade tech. Once transportation moves, Aurora will receive announcement of official declaration of war and will automatically switch to Red Alert.


Transportation options: I thought of two options.

  • Extended Syndicate Commander shuttle that is bigger
  • A whole ship that will be on roof level of station which will have small Medbay, hangar, equipment bay. And small shuttle go from and to the ship. Mech will be able to use special "drop pod" location for dropping on station if they want to. 

    Sketch of ship






NT win conditions:

If all syndicate troops are dead. Or if NT has transmitted coordinates of Syndicate ship by boarding it and sending GPS coordinates of ship to Sol Alliance ship via special device to destroy the ship.


Syndicate win conditions:

If they capture and hold either SAT or AI upload, by hacking either of them with special hack device. Which will cause station self destruct to engage without ability to disengage it. Or all NT troops are dead. If NT troops call and board emergency shuttle.


Conditions for tie or peace:

If Syndicate ship flees the station.



What will this bring RP wise?


Well this is kinda another game-mode that require lots of combat. But it also require lots of coordination from both side. It would also be interesting to see RP and interaction of regular crew with military crew during martial law. This also changes regulations and lore, which gives Head of Staff more freedom to interpret their actions.


Edited by PoZe

I don't think a regularly occurring basic round type that changes the entire context of the setting is going to happen.

At best you get an event out of this.


I don't see how this being a consistent gamemode would produce any substantial and fresh RP from any crew but command. Speaking for myself, I'd rather choke than have to RP military shit so often, especially with no real build-up or closure. I don't care about the gameplay aspects of it - first and foremost, this is a RP server. Well, at least for me. When designing gamemodes for this server, you probably should think about RP first and gameplay second, and with how this is written, it's painfully obvious that RP was something hastily added at the end.

I also don't see how this would change regulations and lore. And AU lore for other gamemodes is indeed not something that I think will happen.


Posted (edited)

This seems like a amazing event, but not something that could happen often as a gamemode, here is why:


We see from rounds like crossfire that most of security would go military-like antag, so syndicate would have advantage

The hack device does not seem to have a long duration (unless you didn't state it), so a round can end quickly if a single syndie just rushes sat or ai upload

People would still have their memories of previous experiences, and would likely send most of the round freaking out about suddenly being in a new universe

What will the other crew do? Will IAA just sit in their office and write complaints to the Sol Alliance?

Every round would be a murderbone bloodbath, which doesn't really support RP.

Overall, while I HIGHLY recommend making a event suggestion of this,  this should not be a gamemode.

@PoZe -1

Edited by ben10083
On 18/03/2019 at 03:02, VTCobaltblood said:

I don't see how this being a consistent gamemode would produce any substantial and fresh RP from any crew but command. Speaking for myself, I'd rather choke than have to RP military shit so often, especially with no real build-up or closure. I don't care about the gameplay aspects of it - first and foremost, this is a RP server. Well, at least for me. When designing gamemodes for this server, you probably should think about RP first and gameplay second, and with how this is written, it's painfully obvious that RP was something hastily added at the end.

I also don't see how this would change regulations and lore. And AU lore for other gamemodes is indeed not something that I think will happen.


I disagree, I see everyone get RP from this. I will explain why below in other's quote.



What will the other crew do? Will IAA just sit in their office and write complaints to the Sol Alliance?

Every round would be a murderbone bloodbath, which doesn't really support RP.

This is similar to rev round kinda. Think about it, everyone onboard will be from different dimension where there is more liberty and no martial order. None of the crew are ready for military action and are not trained. So here you are, being thrown into this new universe, and command will get message from CC(which is millitary HQ) to get ready for possible invasion, make sure crew are ready, etc. Command characters are also from different universe, they are not used to be a dictator every day right? So it would be their choice to follow or not CC orders and be hard ass on crew(just like rev). Crew also has a choice to either try and do what they are demanded to or not.

Most likely I see people to be more peaceful and try and negotiate peace with syndicate. Also remember that syndicate characters are not real characters and hence they play as if they are from this universe.

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