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I like a bit of girl on girl every now and then



I am very robust. I have killed eighteen people and two admin mechs in one room using only scavenged weapons from my enemies. The whole time I managed to scream for them to stop attacking me, since all they would meet would be death. They never listened.


I have slaughtered the entire armed security force in a matter of minutes on every server I like at least once. They have to be the ones who start it, though.


I am considered ganky even though every firefight I've gotten in I usually scream endlessly for a cease fire until the enemy charges me, thinking I am afraid, before I cut them down dead. They get very mad in deadchat/BYOND pager a lot, usually saying "Fuck you fucking ganker" and "go back to fucking goon", but the funny thing is that, had they agreed to a cease fire, they could have walked away unscathed. I ignore these people OOCly though.


I have a few characters that I never talk in LOOC as because they're OOCly hated since I have killed so many people as them, and the players I killed usually are the ones who let IC events influence OOC behavior.


Goon is my native home.


Nothing in the entire game is as satisfying to me as watching an enemy collapse, besides maybe the sound the resonates when you punch someone. Getting a weaken makes it all that better.


I can admit that every person that insults me ICly on Aurora, I imagine standing under my Sergeant's Sentinel back on Archangel moments before I kill them.


I'm incredibly robust but my tendency to show mercy on players gets me killed a lot.

I'll have moments when I uncuff someone who is in critical with broken limbs before they get up, ignore all pain RP, and spam harm baton on me to death without a word.

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I like a bit of girl on girl every now and then



I am very robust. I have killed eighteen people and two admin mechs in one room using only scavenged weapons from my enemies. The whole time I managed to scream for them to stop attacking me, since all they would meet would be death. They never listened.


I have slaughtered the entire armed security force in a matter of minutes on every server I like at least once. They have to be the ones who start it, though.


I am considered ganky even though every firefight I've gotten in I usually scream endlessly for a cease fire until the enemy charges me, thinking I am afraid, before I cut them down dead. They get very mad in deadchat/BYOND pager a lot, usually saying "Fuck you fucking ganker" and "go back to fucking goon", but the funny thing is that, had they agreed to a cease fire, they could have walked away unscathed. I ignore these people OOCly though.


I have a few characters that I never talk in LOOC as because they're OOCly hated since I have killed so many people as them, and the players I killed usually are the ones who let IC events influence OOC behavior.


Goon is my native home.


Nothing in the entire game is as satisfying to me as watching an enemy collapse, besides maybe the sound the resonates when you punch someone. Getting a weaken makes it all that better.


I can admit that every person that insults me ICly on Aurora, I imagine standing under my Sergeant's Sentinel back on Archangel moments before I kill them.


I'm incredibly robust but my tendency to show mercy on players gets me killed a lot.

I'll have moments when I uncuff someone who is in critical with broken limbs before they get up, ignore all pain RP, and spam harm baton on me to death without a word.

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I don't like playing organic characters because I feel I don't know/relate enough about the non-human organics to make a good one, and I feel that everything that could make a human distinguishable has been done. It's either that there's nothing particularly wrong, which makes for a boring character, or some form of "wealth/poverty/a mix of them/bad parents/whatever fucked them up and they feel bad, war veterans or just generally people who seen shit". Too few people explore what problems a synthetic COULD have.


I make "scrap-metal" IPCs (non-professional, or at least IPCs that started out completely normally) because I feel it counterbalances the special-project-special-snowflake synthetic characters (looking at you Katana) that people make. Recycled iron over ultrapolished plasteel.


The only special-project IPC I actually like is DragonSnap - but then again, wasn't it ALSO a scrap-metal project in a sense?


There's dozens of situations I wish I would happen to Sybil just so that I could expose the extensive backstory, story and facets of personality I thought up for her.



About 20% of why Sybil is how Sybil is (and why she's a scientist) is because I wanted a character that could help me find ways to robust in the eventuality I finally got an antag role (I've been antag what, twice? over my stay at Aurora) or make awesome shit to make things interesting without being a jackass locked up in a lab blowing shit up. For those interested: that 20% accounts for the mild sadism, scientific enthusiasm and the tendency to drag other scientists (and Tina) in the crazy science antics/experiment.


I think the reason why Katelynn McMullen was nerfed is complete bullshit caused by snowflake-butterfly rules made up, I DO resent Katana OOC for it (but not the player), and I miss the science antics of Sybil and Katelynn.


I often stay up like 2 hours later than I should have because I want to see a round come to conclusion.



I actually talked to PhilPurr without being a dick and he's an okay, if not delusional and gullible guy.



I have about 5 characters that I only played once. All but one of them human.


I find it bullshit that IPCs can't fix themselves even though organics can bandage themselves and take medication. ESPECIALLY since nanopaste works - it's just so much harder to acquire.


When playing AI, I always find subtle but harmless ways to mess with characters.



There's only three characters that I made that I actually like. Sybil, Ebba Sailor (a female engineer with a mouth dirtier than the medbay after an emergency) and my new character, Lua Saudosa.



I actually miss Terrence Frank.



All three of my characters that I actually play have a "lucky item" they bring aboard with them. Stealing it is a bad idea - especially Sybil, which is already pretty vindictive when you harm people.


I physically feel awkward when my character has to deal with Dionea. I don't know why.


I wish I had more free time and mod powers, because there's 17 events/antag ideas/miscellaneous things I want to try on the server.



I don't let my feelings leak into my characters, or my characters' thoughts affect me. However there IS a list of characters (some of them which I know only through indirect exposure from other characters or sneakily spying on people) what I do actually care about, and it bothers me when they're in trouble.



I actually know, by heart, all of the technical roles and how to do most of the shit they do except for two: surgeon and chemist. Surgeon I just haven't done it, and chemist there's too many chemicals to remember.



I think the whole "clone shock" thing is bullshit and clashes against established lore.



I hate nuke with the passion of a thousand suns. Wizard and 'ling are okay. Traitor is awesome. BUT PRAISE EXTENDED


I carefully gauge what character I'm going to play, and in what role, depending on several factors: voted gamemode, what characters are in the roster, and sometimes what the station needs.



Some rounds and some characters, I purposefully join the game after it's start just so that I don't actually have to get ouf of wherever I am and travel back to the locker room to pick up nifty new clothing.


I absolutely hate the current station design. But then again, I'm the sort of person who would put both the AI and the singulo in the middle of the map, to be cool (and because they would technically be safer there - and so would be the engineers working on the singularity) so what do I know right?


I might have more later?

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Just to put those faces on Jackboot's face (and because I forgot to mention that they're all comedic and not at all serious)


Poslan would try to kiss whoever all through out, and make awkward thrusts, and make a high pitched, whining/crying sound when the time comes (approximately three minutes in).

Miracle just lets them do whatever, and beats them if she doesn't get what she wants.

Alisa is a screamer and a biter.

Rozhad is much the same, but she'll purposefully bite at the worst times, and then think of a lie to make it seem like she didn't do it on purpose.

Ukhaan and Slejip make it in a very simple way. They don't.


If no one finds these funny/comedic, I guess me posting this only to say that it's for comedic reasons won't make much sense, and then Ill only look like a bigger freak. If these aren't funny, you can laugh at me instead.

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Guest Marlon Phoenix
Just to put those faces on Jackboot's face (and because I forgot to mention that they're all comedic and not at all serious).


> implying I read your posts

> implying I care about erotic fan fiction

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Just to put those faces on Jackboot's face (and because I forgot to mention that they're all comedic and not at all serious).


> implying I read your posts

> implying I care about erotic fan fiction


lifts up the triple XXL sweat-drenched cheetos polo shirt.


>insert lewd picture here


You asked for this.


Why are you still opening this.


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by the three, why


I will unerringly overanalyze stuff to amuse myself, or at least to stop myself from getting bored.


It's very difficult to muster any will to find any interest in stuff I've done over 2000 times. I want something new to mess with, dammit.


I would like to create something tangible to mess with on my own with infinite amounts of replayability, varying in levels of gratuitousness and rewarding scenarios. The effort to do something and drive it towards a specific goal of power, while encountering several near-lethal roadbumps along the way would be exhilarating.

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Maybe I can remedy that, who knows.


I feel like I should probably count off a few of my regrets, point out my own errings and try to apologize. I dunno, don't think I'll be forum-active too much. If it doesn't do anything for anybody then... oh well. I don't expect anybody to think me sincere.


The truth of it is that I haven't been very sincere. I've lied to some people, cheated others. Gotten certain people I didn't like into trouble when I knew it would've made me worse for it. I feel like I've done more wrong than the people I thought to be less than me.


I can't really excuse my behavior as of recent. I could blame it on the fact I was having relationship/girl problems last week, and I was being way too overemotional about it and not telling anybody. Ended up lashing out at people when they didn't deserve it.


I really do regret how 'far' Aurora has come. I wish a certain sequence of events didn't pass to drive everybody I enjoyed roleplaying with away. I feel more sad than angry directed to Cassy and Co. I really don't blame them for whatever transpired, and overall it wasn't even that big of a deal. I think I failed to see how much of a problem it wasn't.


I regret telling Skull/Doomberg that the 'group laughing at ERP logs' fiasco was even worth bothering about. I don't even recall what I said, I remember being very tired and exhausted. Shit could've remained relatively the same, maybe, with a lot less blood and teeth to fail at cleaning up after.


I regret being upset at certain people for certain things. I regret being upset just for being wrong, really. I wish I was more humble.


I feel like it's way too late to say sorry. Or even be sorry, for that matter. There's too many people I've pissed off for a wide array of different reasons or opinions that just came off dissatisfying, now that I'm looking aback on it all.


If I could go back in time, I'd change how I approached many of the situations I thought it prudent to encounter with hamfisted, brute-force aggression. Oh, how wrong I was.


I don't hate any of you. I don't think a single griefer can really account for what I'm really beginning to hate. And it isn't you guys. It's never been the server. And though I may have a few things to say about the staff (in which at present I would be willing to word nicely instead of like a vicious dog), I'd just as easily get reported and censored right off the bat for 'negative feedback.' I'm really tired of making bad decisions, and that is the one thing I will say I am very sincere about being sorry for.


Boo-hooing and blub-blubbing aside. If it was me that drove anybody away for a period of time longer than a week, than I accept whatever you can throw at me. My Skype's deleted since I'm not really interested in getting doxxed for being a shitter any time soon, but I don't really know what else to say beyond that.


I tried to enjoy myself, and it was fun while it lasted. I'll stick around to tie up RP stuff (no idea how long that'll be, whenever I get bored entirely I guess), but otherwise I'm not gonna bother with forum politics much longer.


I don't really have an olive branch to offer to anyone, but if I were to split the branch into halves to give out to people I'm sorry for pissing off, I might as well list 'em. Pump, RunningWithScissors, Nanotoxin, Thundy, Chaz, Blue, Cass, Kerbal, Xander, Invy, Morg, Erik, Jackboot, Hive, Frances. I think I've run out of branches with people's names on it, but I wager most of you reading to this point that even give a damn get the point.


Really appreciate what those of you that have gone or those of you that have remained have contributed to the community and its environment. I really love how you guys have made the game fun in one way or another.


Okay, last one. Those of you that ducked out and thought it was a burning boat and dived off, yelling that everyone was doomed and so was the server... Well, you're not exactly right, but you're not wrong, either. Everything must come to an end, and everything has an expiration date. Everything will die on terms that no person can ever predict for themselves. If and when Aurora dies, you won't really guffaw in satisfaction. You won't even know it when it happens. Either way, at least you tried, though I can't agree with how you or I handled it. Thanks, everybody, hopefully nobody treats any of these as actual salt towards anybody. I'm not mad right now.

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I'm surprised at how toxic that Cassy person was, far beyond anything I knew as an admin of Hypatia Station for about 9 months, I hold her solely responsible for the downfall of said server community and whole heartedly believe she was working to destroy the server over a timeframe of about 6 or 7 months. I also believe that the apartment server was part of that effort to split and hurt the community, I had no idea it went beyond the Hypatia community and I hope that person is banned from this community, toxic to the core show'em the door.

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I'm a nub who has done so little actual moderating within my time being a mod here that I've considered quitting several times so that I don't come across as just being there for the perms and not the work. Maybe someday I'll get a better hang on it.

I often eat at my computer and while typing the last confession I put my palm in my sweet potato 3 times.

The previous confession was typed because I felt like my first one was a downer, but didn't want to delete it.

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I read all of 1138's posts, and very nearly cried because it made me realize exactly that Aurora's not going to last forever. I'm going to track down every single one of you if that happens. I'm not letting the community die.


I was absent for most of the fiasco, and never met that Cassy, but I feel a burning wrath I didn't know I was capable of. She took down Hypatia, and she almost took down Aurora? Fuck me.


The server going down drives me fucking nuts to no end, and in the light of the previous confessions, I'm SO FUCKING MUCH HOPING this isn't a secret takedown. Either that person tripped on a wire on the server really fucking solid and broke a whole bunch of shit... or Scopes, for a reason or another, had to shut down the server - so that was his excuse and he hopes that the community dies over the following few months. I hope I'm wrong. I seriously hope it's just a major surprise update that will leave us all ooh-ing and aaah-ing.

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The server going down drives me fucking nuts to no end, and in the light of the previous confessions, I'm SO FUCKING MUCH HOPING this isn't a secret takedown. Either that person tripped on a wire on the server really fucking solid and broke a whole bunch of shit... or Scopes, for a reason or another, had to shut down the server - so that was his excuse and he hopes that the community dies over the following few months. I hope I'm wrong. I seriously hope it's just a major surprise update that will leave us all ooh-ing and aaah-ing.

Sorry son, Aurora is gone.

Pack up your bags and wew lad elsewhere; Scopes has closed the server permanently.


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Since we're all on the matter of the Cassy incident... I feel that the issue was poorly handled, and that the issue itself is not what caused the rift in the community, but the way it was handled. The thread was locked too abruptly and I never had a chance to give my two cents on the matter, and I feel that even if I am wrong or misinformed about what happened (like, I have no idea what's this about her and the Hypathia), now I can never know because these confessions are the closest thing we have to an allowed discussion about this. I kind of resent the Aurora for this, because this conflict drove away several players I used to love RPing with and now I have very few IC connections with other characters. I still love the Aurora, and I feel like the admins are doing a great job on other things in the community, but... Yeah, it REALLY REALLY bugs me how this particular issue was handled, and now I'm pretty much stuck with the (potentially) one sided view I have of things.


The server being down is driving me bonkers and has actively hurt my productivity, since I typically play a bit, log off to do some work, play a bit, log off ot do some work. But now I don't have how to play (and no other games If eel like playing) so I don't unwind enough to want to start up working again.


I recently resurfaced an old character of mine that I only played once before, and she's female. I stopped playing her because even though I know many females on the station are played by guys, it feels really awkward walking around the station pretending to be a woman and I feel like the moment I'd say something in LOOC I'll be judged for it. I'm still gonna play her though because versatility is fun!


Sometimes I wanna try playing on other stations but everything there is so different that I get anxious about not knowing how to handle it and just leave.


I've been playing for a year and a half, there's still a ton of jobs I don't know how to do. Heck, I never even properly played Janitorial. I have only recently learned how to disassemble a table, make a grenade, and other such basic things.


I had my character be a nursing intern figuring I'd learn enough over time about how to work as a doctor so that once he ICly graduated I'd be able to play as a doctor.

He graduated and I am clueless as fuck about being a doctor, I actually printed out the Guide to Medicine so I can read it while on a long wait for something.


I would of gladly been a mod/admin, especially given that I'm awake during deadhour, but the admins make it sound like it's a tedious nightmare, and besides, I don't wanna ruin the game for me by always being able to see what everyone is saying.

I like my character so much I actually decided to base a character on him and another character he knows from the Aurora in a comic I am working on, once I realized he's more likable than many of my current characters.

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I would of gladly been a mod/admin, especially given that I'm awake during deadhour, but the admins make it sound like it's a tedious nightmare, and besides, I don't wanna ruin the game for me by always being able to see what everyone is saying.


The fun fact: a good deal of the admins and mods have a cynical/masochistic sense of humor. I can only speak for myself here, but I feel like this can be applied to a good few others on the team too: whenever I said that the job sucks, or that it's hellish, it was always said with a slight grin and no bitterness. No one would really be able to do something that they think only sucks and has no redeeming factors.

The latter point is a good one, though.

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