Snakebittenn Posted September 1, 2020 Posted September 1, 2020 So today we added a gulag below the brig. It has a crystal agitator that generates crystals of various essential chemicals that Medical can use. It's linked to four VR chairs with four remotely-controlled Xion frame IPCs, and prisoners are able to go out and mine these crystals. The Warden also has a remote control overseer robot, and the place is hilariously surrounded by landmines. My suggestion is to have it to where prisoners can get a reduction off their sentence for opting into mining. I'm unsure exactly how the conversion should be between >time spent mining and >time off your sentence, but I'm sure we can work something out. It would make doing anything except alt tabbing out of your cell more attractive, and allow for more corporate hellishness. It could be - Based on time spent mining - You have to spend the entire time mining but you get a fixed reduction - Based on output of your mining work I also have no idea if this should factor into HuT or not.
Scheveningen Posted September 2, 2020 Posted September 2, 2020 I didn't actually think this post was real when I was reading over it. I first snorted at "crystal agitator" and then choked at "hilariously surrounded by landmines." Then I looked at the git and wow, there really is a gulag below security now. why.
Butterrobber202 Posted September 2, 2020 Posted September 2, 2020 1 hour ago, Scheveningen said: I didn't actually think this post was real when I was reading over it. I first snorted at "crystal agitator" and then choked at "hilariously surrounded by landmines." Then I looked at the git and wow, there really is a gulag below security now. why. corporate big bucks
Doc Posted September 2, 2020 Posted September 2, 2020 It is surrounded by EMP landmines, to prevent the prisoner-controlled IPC units from escaping and wreaking havoc. Makes sense to me. No comment on how much sense the crystal agitators make. As for regs, this kind of thing should be mechanically enforced to ensure security doesn't just ignore it. The best way I can think of would be to have a similar setup to mining where each prisoner miner can claim points from the materials they've gathered, which is converted to time off on their sentence. HuT should not be affected, imo.
Scheveningen Posted September 3, 2020 Posted September 3, 2020 I've actually seen it by now and I was expecting gulag as in being able to physically send people down to hard labor. Well you probably can since there is a ladder to the new location, but anyway, it's not as incredibly inhumane as the initial impression was given to me. The worst that is up is that you're compelled into a 1x1 VR chair cage to remote control a robot to mine stuff out to get time off your sentence.
Zelmana Posted September 3, 2020 Posted September 3, 2020 I believe there should be a bit of an escape gameplay loop implemented through this. Currently the only options are to robust security, blow a hole in a wall, etc. With the removal of beepsky making a round that opens up the starboard security entrance gates, I imagine escaping is much more difficult.
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