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EmperorJayJay's Command Application - An IPC in a beret praying today will be normal

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Posted (edited)

BYOND key: EmperorJayJay

Discord Username: jiji#4283

Character names:



How long have you been playing on Aurora?:
I think about eight months now? I had a few weeks where I stopped playing but I've been fairly consistent, at least getting a round a day or so.

Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?
Nothing but a few bwoinks over doing dumb things, I was still stuck in the /tg/ mindset of med of breaking in and doing stuff if people were dying but I've ousted that since.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:
The most obvious OOC purpose is to help manage players and crew, so that four people aren't responding to something really only fit for one. They also exist to facilitate communication between crew and other command members to make things easier, especially in situations where one department may not even know an option is present for them. An exosuit for medical, an exosuit for security if the situation is bad enough. Something broken in ops? OM will ask the CE and the CE will send someone to get it fixed. They act as a way to make rounds more interesting than the most minimal interactions.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:
Helping new players to get comfortable with the game and the deeper mechanical issues they may face. Helping to educate people IC and OOC on things they should and shouldn't be doing. Whitelisted players and heads of crew should be setting good examples and avoiding validhunting/metagaming as much as they possibly can.  Whitelisted players also have the responsibility of facilitating roleplay, or greasing the gears, especially with the addition of ghost-roles. Having one command member can be the difference between SFA basically landing unannounced and being told they can come in with a security detail following them or something similar.

Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career?
The phoron shortage has done more than its fair amount of damage to the spur at large. Bright, an IPC made to oversee small docking ports in Kuenoi has spent the last eight years of its life managing this port. Orion Express, after purchasing a large amount of assets and equipment received the IPC in a merger and are now looking for a way to use it to expand their influence in the SCC and prove themselves, especially as new individuals within the SCC, thus, Bright. With Phoron flowing less and less and Orion Express looking to make a splash, they've put a significant amount of hope into this little positronic and sent it off to the SCCV Horizon, with one goal in mind: Find Phoron and impress the SCC by any means necessary.
And remember. Orion Express, for all your logistic needs.

What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?
At the moment I'm planning on playing OM and Consular/Representative for the near future. I want to promote my character SKIPPER to XO in the far future but they still have a lot of growth to make IC. The rest are in my mind for the nearer future such as a Research Director or something else. I'd like to play a Skrell, when I get the whitelist, or Eridani Captain once I'm more comfortable with the amount of control and delegation the role of Captain comes with.

Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?

Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.:
Bright, Operations Manager.

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?
Of course.

Have you linked your byond account to the forums?
I have.

Extra notes:
Keep in mind I'll generally be playing command at times I intend to be playing which will be generally low/medpop or non-events.

Edited by EJJ
somehow i edited it to say ZBYOND key. society

Despite that my opinion on him may be rather biased positively, I must say that JayJay always puts incredible effort into his characters - no matter even if he designs them to be discarded after a week or a month. The knowledge that he's delayed this app just because he wanted to be absolutely certain of the direction and style of this command character has me sure he won't put anything less than his best into the trial and subsequent command play. He's yet to underdeliver, and I can't see him doing it now.


Posted (edited)

I really like JayJay characters they are very different from each other and still he is able to keep up with such differences and always provide a consistent rp with them, the ones i like the most are Sievert and M.A.X  i had a lot of fun with them both IC and following them as a ghost

Plus JayJay gave me some excellent tips on how to play command during my trial


Edited by White Void
Removing an unneeded letter

JayJay has consistently been a positive contributor to the server. Besides the fact that myself, and so many others, consistently enjoy his characters he's gone out of his way to explain mechanics to me in the past, and I'm sure he's done the same for others. I think he'll be a great addition to command staff.


Posted (edited)

Jiji is a decent person and good player. Although timezones meant that we didn't play together very often, I still saw that he was a competent roleplayer and at the very least knows how to do what's expected of him. His characters are diverse and he can roleplay them all equally well. I don't see any reason why he shouldn't get this whitelist. +1

Edited by Sputnik5927

I've no doubt in my mind that EJJ has the potential to play fantastic command characters. From what I've seen so far all of their characters are great to play with and competent to boot. EJJ is also pretty active and a standout member of the community.



I've been around since this beautiful players first fateful days in Aurora and I have had the absolute pleasure to meet nearly all of his characters. Without a doubt in my mind I can say that JayJay would be absolutely stellar as a command player with the amount of care and effort that goes into his roleplaying and characters! Love you to bits, mate! 

Hard +1 to you!


I recall having some nice experiences with VARIANCE, and I can vouch as a hangar technician that Bright makes for a interactive and interesting OM, which is something the department is very much in need of.



Bright has been consistently communicative, proactive and quite helpful in the couple of rounds I played with him. A positive experience all around, and something I hope to see again when JJ tries other roles!



JJ is very cool and has lots of very cool characters. As for command, Bright, Operations Manager, is cool too, and I have seen them be proactive and the like, managing cargo stuff, as well as command stuff.



I never had a problem with Bright's command character, and I played a couple rounds where we had some light interactions with over the past few days. From what I observed, they have a run of things in both calm and emergency situations aboard the Aurora as Bright.


Posted (edited)

: )  (((THIS IS MY REVIEW)))


Kidding, enjoy interacting with Jay in and out of char, they clearly put effort in and I really have nothing to say which others have not.

Edited by JeffMomentRed
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