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Return the security cyborg

Star Dust

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Posted (edited)

I've been around on Aurora for a while now, and I do remember when we use to have security cyborgs, I do think returning them could be an interesting thing to bring back. I know they were removed because alot of players in the past abused them as emotionless, fearless security officers that often got emagged but I think with how the community has matured alot since then that we can trust players once more with the role.

But if there is more to this dislike of the security cyborg do let me know, for my understanding of why it was removed is extremely limited.

Edited by Star Dust

Fact of the matter is, security cyborgs incite players to act in an extremely validhunty way for several reasons, chief among them the fact that they're lawed to defend crew/the ship. The same problems would happen, regardless of whether or not the playerbase has matured, simply because the role itself makes the players act a certain way. That's also without speaking about the balance issues of having a robot that feels no pain and no fear barrelling at you with a taser and handcuffs, and additionally the fact that we don't want 2 extra security officers.

Voting for dismissal.


I have to agree with Matt. Although I liked sec-borgs at the time I think the way they change the dynamic is too much.

Now, if you could re-add crisis borgs that have to be remotely piloted by actual crew from the crew armory for emergencies...?


The only way I could see security cyborgs returning would be removing two security officer roles or a pretty hefty rework of how borgcode works.

Which would probably entail:

- Borgs to either have non-lethals or no weapons on green. (Which would make them not much more than walking walls on legs if antags go hot on green and alert isn't raised fast enough. And would make them a very high value target for any mercs/traitors with an emag or rogue AI.)

- There to either be a system that unlocks weapons on Blue and Red. Or an installable and removable board that would unlock the weapons regardless of alert level if you were worried security borgs would be fucked over by lowcommand rounds. (This board would also need to be able to be installed by security somehow if there's no machinist on or something. And that would run into the problem of security inherently being able to unlock secborgs which means antag sec could round remove them by pulling their cell out.)

And those require a hefty amount of coding.

22 minutes ago, EJJ said:

The only way I could see security cyborgs returning would be removing two security officer roles or a pretty hefty rework of how borgcode works.

Which would probably entail:

- Borgs to either have non-lethals or no weapons on green. (Which would make them not much more than walking walls on legs if antags go hot on green and alert isn't raised fast enough. And would make them a very high value target for any mercs/traitors with an emag or rogue AI.)

- There to either be a system that unlocks weapons on Blue and Red. Or an installable and removable board that would unlock the weapons regardless of alert level if you were worried security borgs would be fucked over by lowcommand rounds. (This board would also need to be able to be installed by security somehow if there's no machinist on or something. And that would run into the problem of security inherently being able to unlock secborgs which means antag sec could round remove them by pulling their cell out.)

And those require a hefty amount of coding.

Could you not just tie weapons into the firearms management that the HoS and Warden have access to?


Also, walking walls on green seems like the kind of thing stationbounds are made for. If I’m in my shell as AI I will often put it between weapons fire and the crew even though I have almost no offensive capabilities. 

27 minutes ago, Evandorf said:

Could you not just tie weapons into the firearms management that the HoS and Warden have access to?


Also, walking walls on green seems like the kind of thing stationbounds are made for. If I’m in my shell as AI I will often put it between weapons fire and the crew even though I have almost no offensive capabilities. 

Oh yeah I didn't even think about the firearm control stuff. I always forgor that exists tbh. That could be a good middle ground.

Again I'm mostly just throwing ideas out in case a coder feels like making it happen. And there's still a big chance it just results in sec wiping a lot of antags more often than not.
I think if security borgs are back, it would also be hard to account for how many sec are on the ship or when to ask a borg to swap to a security module. Maybe making them a role locked to security only could be a good middle ground? So it doesn't eat up other borg spots.

I'm not trying to really argue for their inclusion or for dismissal for the record, just tossing out some ideas if any coders are extremely interested in trying to bring them back.


I personally find them no more offensive than G2 Officers to fight, rather easier even, but I can see why one wouldn't want them returned. Neutral on this idea given I'll admit a disdain for stationbounds in general.

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