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The Unofficial guide to /me's

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Alright, so I was a Drill Instructor on a GMOD server based on Starship Troopers. While I had IC duties to train new players, I also had to teach them basic roleplaying ability. And this involved a lot of tedious shit that was hard to cover when it came to minges but I'll share a little snippet from my regime.

/me's - To display an action of your character. Now there is many uses for such a thing, from your character scratching their chin to them attempting to tackle an enemy.

So let's cut to the chase, /me's in combat should always be play to lose. This means, 'Jon Doe attempts to tackle the man' opposed to 'Jon Doe tackles the man, whipping him several times with his manhood to prove how robust he is.' You don't enact an action, and have the outcome declared as well. It disallows roleplay, as you've basically told the players that they can't react because you've decided how it plays out.

Trust me, if you leave the outcome open and allowing the players an option to react then you'll have a better time. Though saying that, it is space station thirteen and even bothering with /me's during combat is going to be a idea. But hopefully this thread is somewhat useful, and will be an aid on the road to not getting banned!

Have fun, stay safe and play safe, always /me putting the glove on before ERP and do it on authorized servers.

  • 4 months later...

Addendum: the game does NOT know the difference between an action and a sentence.

For instance:

/me dances is valid, as it will return "Robot McMetal dances".

/me cha-cha , however, is invalid. It will not, AFAIK, return "Robot McMetal does the cha-cha", but instead "Robot McMetal cha-cha". Everything you put after a /me will appear as text. So don't forget to type out a full action, otherwise you look silly.

ALSO. Quotation marks work. So if you want your character to speak after, or during an action, it's simple. You can do something like this (as long as they're not mute):

/me stares at the dancing robot. "Why are you dancing, robot?"

Will yield, in game:

People McFlesh stares at the dancing robot. "Why are you dancing, robot?"

Use that to your advantage.

ALSO don't be afraid to /me facial expressions or other body movements. A lot can be said with just that.

SECOND addendum:

/me's are a fancy tool. But guess what? You have TWO other friends (depending on your species).

The first one is *. Yes, the asterisk. I'm 90% there's a command to show what emotes are available to your species. For instance, if you are a cyborg, you can do this (if I am not rusty):

say "*beep*"

And the log will return this:

Robot McBorg beeps. (And for bonus points - some emotes have sound! Like beeping. Or angrily flapping with aflap.)

Second of your friends? BANG. The ! symbol. The ! is pretty much an embedding of /me in /say. For instance,

say "!dances

will return

Robot McMetal dances.

Just like a /me. BUT this is where it gets REALLY fun.

It stacks with the other tags.

Which means by typing THIS:

say ";!giggles."


And everything ELSE still happens (okay maybe except languages. I haven't tried languages).

So for instance, this:

say ":c!giggles again. "DICKS!"

will return this:

Captain McGiggles [Command] giggles again. "DICKS!"

On the command channel.

Now go wild my child. Go wild and express yourself.

Third addendum: people can't see your motion over the radio, so don't do that. However you are free to make other people hear sound effects like explosions if there's an explosion close to you.

But seriously though. You can't blink over the radio.

  • 5 months later...

Thank you for someone posting a basic breakdown. Often times as the psychologist I'll lean forward in my chair, or raise an eye brow to express my interest in what the persons response is.


Another thing to note; Blind characters, and characters such as pAIs in card form cannot see /me's of any type, even /me's that include dialogue, so use dialogue /me's sparingly if at all.


What about say "! whistles", etc? It should be a radio (or not, in this example) equivalent of me. Last time I used it, speech bubbles were present, could pAI's and blind people see them?

  • 6 months later...

I have to confirm this.

If you are fully dressed as another character (as in,wearing his ID,covering face,hiding your real ID and PDA out of sight), say for instance, John Smith, and you do the command /me says, "Hello" will the message come out as John Smith says, "Hello" instead of Robot McMetal(as John Smith) says, "Hello" ?

I have to confirm this.

If you are fully dressed as another character (as in,wearing his ID,covering face,hiding your real ID and PDA out of sight), say for instance, John Smith, and you do the command /me says, "Hello" will the message come out as John Smith says, "Hello" instead of Robot McMetal(as John Smith) says, "Hello" ?


Yes, this is true. /me's will go based on the ID you're wearing if you hide your face (or as unknown, if you hide your face and have no ID visible.) So, you can mask yourself as somebody else's voice in this way, mechanically anyways. I don't know the rules around it, I imagine imitating voices would be okay if done sparingly.

I have to confirm this.

If you are fully dressed as another character (as in,wearing his ID,covering face,hiding your real ID and PDA out of sight), say for instance, John Smith, and you do the command /me says, "Hello" will the message come out as John Smith says, "Hello" instead of Robot McMetal(as John Smith) says, "Hello" ?


That seems like powergaming/godmodding emotes, same as someone using them to speak when they are unable. So, don't do that, there are tools to fake your voice or the like.

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