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BYOND Key: xXtheFurry

Player Byond Key: Ariadne1

Staff involved: (This is if the complaint was ahelped and if it was handled by a staff member)

Reason for complaint: poor rp, metagrudge, insults

Approximate Date/Time: 07/09 3pm central standard

Lets start with this lovely name calling.

OOC: XXTheFurryXx: is the autopsy table special some how? i was just throwing her on a table instead of draing her all the way to dorms

OOC: XXTheFurryXx: dragins

OOC: Ariadne1: It's a table for cutting up dead people.

OOC: Ariadne1: Are you braindead.

OOC: Ariadne1: How olda re you?

So aridane demonstrates a major lack of rp. The narrative is simple, we were both playing geneticists. Right at the beginning of the shift she says she is going to take a nap. When I get into the lab I find her napping. I try waking her a few times and move her out of the lab. Instead of going all the way to dorms I simply throw her in the morgue and return to genetics(she wasn't locked in, she wasn't hurt, it was a harmless joke, I equate it to writing on someone with permanent marker while they sleep, harmless). After about 20 mins aridane returns, without saying a word she pushed me down and attempted to lock me in a secure locker. I attempted to rp saying things like ‘get off me” I barely had enough time to type it and avoid being throw in the locker. So a fight insure and I knocked her on her ass after she would not stop grabbing me. It’s only when I get the upper hand that she says anything at all and her first move was to call security because I was ‘killing her’ (I wasn’t). Security came in and stopped everything

After security left aridane sat in a huff just turning dna modifier on and off to get her all the powers. I tried several attempts to rp and speak to her and she did absolutely no interaction. There was literally nothing as a geneticist I could do because she was taking the machine and doing nothing with it. I just had to sit there for a while or not play genetics that day. If I touched her or attempted to move her she screamed for security. This stupidity lead to a fight between us several times, to the point that I said fuck it.

I added meta-grudging to the list because the next round she did pretty much the exact same thing with the dna modifierrr. She rped with other people just fine but the moment I was in the room she made sure to take up the modifier and do pretty much nothing with it once again kicking me out of genetics by lack of rp. Considering the last rounds interaction was not cannon(due to other reasons), and I had never met her character, it was very much meta.

I’m going to add to this, that the day before, there was a rev round that I left during. I hadn’t even met ariadne1’s character nor meet aridane at all. After I ghosted I saw she yelled in general that my character is the kind of person that pretends to be ssd all the time or just goes ssd whenever I’m arrested. It threw me way of guard. One I can’t stand people that commit a crime then go ssd to avoid the sentence. I’ve been playing ss13 for what 9+ months now and I’ve done that once (I could only take so much bull). I had no idea where that hate or even comment came from considering I had no idea who the character or player was. I hadn’t even spoken to the charater until the next day when the genetics complaint came in. Idk if they knew me ahead of time but it just seemed to be the start of the meta grudging I experienced with genetics in this complaint.

One tidbit because she brought it up in ooc and I’m going to go ahead and knock it down. When I brought Ariadne into the morgue I threw her on the autopsy table. It was the closest table there was and I saw no harm in it. icly there is no reason anyone would think that someone would accidentally dissect a living person. She said that I would have been fired for that. One no I wouldn’t; morgues use autopsy tables for random things all the time, hell I’ve been in a morgue and had dinner on the autopsy table. Two, if someone is dumb enough too accidentally dissect a living person that is surly not my fault.

Lets add one last thing that happened as I type this. I was afk for a few mins on the server (she kept the genetics lab busy so it's not like i had much else to do). she grabbed my ssd character, not sure what she did but when I came back there’s clearly a grab log. so that's a thing


Just to add.

Ariadne1's character almost literally tried to kill my character later during the round with the spat. By disarm -spamming when I was trying to run away.

So add self-antagging or something.

As a note. I've left people on morgue tables before. It's a pretty good prank + time-saver if you're a geneticist. But for bonus points, you should have put her inside a labeled body-bag.

Just to add.

Ariadne1's character almost literally tried to kill my character later during the round with the spat. By disarm -spamming when I was trying to run away.

So add self-antagging or something.

As a note. I've left people on morgue tables before. It's a pretty good prank + time-saver if you're a geneticist. But for bonus points, you should have put her inside a labeled body-bag.


I don't get it. Did she actually try to kill you or just disarmed you multiple times?


Alright, I was a security cyborg for the round, in my opinion, this was a big mess where both sides overreacted, Ariadane could've RPed it ICly about being upset about sleeping on a 'table for cutting up dead people' (all kinds of people are hired and stationed here after all.) or been upset because he/she prefers things done more professionally or so on, Furry could probably have tried calling security and attempting to disarm/push (I have no idea how disarm knockovers work.), after all, unless Ariadane planned to throw you and the locker out the airlock, it would've been sorted out within 3 minutes anyway, I do think Ariadane was in the right about calling security because he/she thought you were killing her though, if someone shaved off 40% of my health I would've as well.

Being Security, I don't know what they were like after the first fight/if Ariadane was hogging the machine, and my knowledge of the later fights is fuzzy due to either not being there or arriving to after math, for all intents and purposes, I wasn't in the next round so I can't provide input into the metagrudging.

Though of the two, I believe Ariadne had overreacted far more then Furry did and the insults were uncalled for.


I was pretty much right behind Glory when the balloon went up, and all I saw was Isra sitting in the corner and Murray being bandaged and injected with something by the CMO.

Allegedly this was soporific, but Tamsin was the loudest sedated person I've ever seen so I'm inclined to doubt it.

I asked a few questions- and forgot to ask for witnesses because Sec is new to me -and pretty much came to:

-Isra had moved Tamsin somewhere presuming her to be SSD and Tamsin had taken offense

-Tamsin had tried to bundle Isra into a locker - claiming it was because Isra was murdering her

-Isra had clawed Tamsin to avoid being locker'd

-Tamsin had most likely started it - lockering someone in the middle of a claws-out catfight being tricky at best

-Isra had used excessive force while acting in perceived self-defence


-while Isra had used excessive force, it was nowhere near being a murder attempt

The reasoning was, ICly, that no-one shouting that loudly could possibly be as badly hurt as Tamsin said she was, especially after nothing more than basic first-aid, and OOCly, that she wasn't being dragged gasping to surgery or hooked up to an IV to replace half of her blood.

In the end I gave both a warning to keep their hands to themselves.

Now, I'm entirely okay with the above. Sometimes people fight, sometimes people do stupid things and sometimes Tajarans like to claw/claw/bite instead of tabling their opponents and going for a chokehold like real men.

My issue is: literally before I crossed the hall back into Sec to grab any gear beyond the spawn-in kit, there was screaming on the radio because Tamsin Murray had got into a shoving match with some doctor who wanted to clean up the blood in Genetics.

Because 'evidence'.

Despite the fact that both parties had confessed.

Immediately after being explicitly told to keep her hands to herself.

Just to add.

Ariadne1's character almost literally tried to kill my character later during the round with the spat. By disarm -spamming when I was trying to run away.

So add self-antagging or something.

As a note. I've left people on morgue tables before. It's a pretty good prank + time-saver if you're a geneticist. But for bonus points, you should have put her inside a labeled body-bag.


I don't get it. Did she actually try to kill you or just disarmed you multiple times?



Instead of attempting to Kill or recapture the Slime that was trying to Kill me, Murray repeatedly ran infront of my character to stop him running away, and disarm spammed until I fell over and got glomped by the slime. I count sicking a Slime on someone as a Murder attempt.


Just got to observe some of these issues as AI between the two. Ariadne1's character seemed very very intent to keep accusing Furry's character of breaking regulations and getting her demoted/arrested, more so than of actually doing anything; I watched her literally stare over Safiya's shoulder as she worked, then immediately accuse her of deleting everything and sabotaging research. I can't confirm anything as I was an AI and can't monitor everything that happens, but it looked like the character or player was being targeted.


Hi, i was playing the CMO this round, Ludwick Foreal. I have to say this entire debacle made the round really unenjoyable and i was beyond irritated that this dispute was continueing while lings were killing our crew and taunting us over comms. That being said the first thing i heard was tasmin yell for security and when i went to investigate i found her on the ground damaged, clawed by isra. I made it very clear multiple times IC that she was never close to death, she was still above 60% health, regardless security decided to give a warning for the time being and i agreed, that lasted a good twenty seconds when tasmin called security /again/. this time it was another person not in the complaint fighting with tasmin and i asked officers to arrest them both.

I continued trying to coordinate the mounting body pile with other members of command and had my staff perform autopsies on the corpse to get some good Ling RP going. i was hindered at every move by them arguing and insulting each other over medical comms and in the lab. Officers had to be called about two more times and both were finally arrested and demoted. apparently the HoP informed me then that safiya was brigged while being demoted for /again/ clawing tasmin. From what i saw this round they are both clearly at fault and this RP is beyond problematic, what sort of individual would continue a petty domestic dispute when changelings are rampaging the crew and leaving bodies everywhere?


Due to the most recent event which happened between the two along with staff talking to them, I am personally going to contact Aeidane1 myself.


I did not been able to have a conversation with Aeidane1 due to a following recent turn of events. However, with this topic in mind I have came to the conclusion that Aeidane1 has a bad history of metagrudging and breaking the 'don't be a dick' rule. I want to leave this thread open for a while in case there is anything else to add.

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