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NationStates - Join the Sol Alliance Region

Guest XanderDox

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Basically http://www.nationstates.net/ you run a nation and a bunch of other people run nations, there are multiple 'Regions' which are basically very large groups of nations allied together, there is a UN-esque body known as the World Assembly, as well as a Security Council for inter-regional and international law and such. And there is government nations Arpee.

I'm new to it myself and am still trying to figure some stuff out, but I've created a region if anyone is interested in joining. Just create a nation at http://www.nationstates.net/ and then reply to this with your Nation's name and I'll send you an invite and such. Maybe we can have some interesting nations roleplay, who knows, maybe Aurora will take over the world. Muahahahaha.

Okee bye now.


Go to the regions section, leave your default region if you've just created a nation, and find the search for regions button in the regions area, and search 'The Sol Alliance' , press 'Move [your nation] to the Sol Alliance and the password is Aurora.

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Here's mine that I JUST brought back from the dead: https://www.nationstates.net/nation=the_northern_collective

I had forgotten how long I had played this back in the day. My dream nation did really well for itself. Strong economy, strong military, environmentally stunning, but no political freedom. Although..why would they need political freedom? I'm obviously the best candidate.

That's what the public loudspeakers tell everyone anyway. :twisted:

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Update: I encourage y'all to make new Nations since I wouldn't want you to lose your standing in your current regions, but otherwise, search and find the region 'The Sol Alliance' , the password to join is Aurora. I'll be assigning Officers if people actually join.

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The following is an excerpt from our current 'Welcome Telegram' for the region, so if you are interested in Nations/Government RP, and want to occupy one of these 'special' positions, or just wish to play, come to http://www.nationstates.net/region=the_sol_alliance and join, the password is Aurora.


Officer Portfolios

The Officer Portfolios cover the different 'Officer' positions of the region, they will as a whole, form an executive council of the region that will decide protocol, create/destroy offices, cover WA-stance decisions etc. Anyone is free to apply to the following positions, this message will be updated as the positions become full.

Vice-Delegate Office - Same as WA Delegate, minus World Assembly powers. Current interim is [nation]Biesel and Tau Ceti[/nation] until a new nation is voted in.

Homeland Office - Responsible for the flag, dispatches, and World Factbook entry, as well as tags.

Security Office - Controls the regional password and can eject/ban nations from the region.

Communications Office - Responsible for all telegrams within the region; sending mass-telegrams, maintaining and updating the 'Welcome Telegram' , and welcoming non-Auroran nations into the region with the permission of the Founder.

Diplomacy Office - Responsible for managing our relations with other Regions and the embassies between them and us.

Research Office - Responsible for polls and elections of the WA Delegate as well as any Public Offices what will be decided upon by majority vote.

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I have filled the positions of Military Commander and Minister of Foreign Affairs. I am now looking for a Propaganda Minister, a WA Delegate, a Vice Delegate, a Chief Electoral Officer, and a Postmaster General. If interested, join the region and drop the Republic of Biesel and Tau Ceti a telegram.

This is all in character roleplay, so yeah. Come have fun with me plox.

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I don't care what these so-called scientific studies say," says Jazz Spirit, representing a number of conservative religious organisations. "How can a boy hope to develop properly into a man if he's being brought up by poofs? A father figure is not supposed to behave as if it is 'okay' to be, um, romantically invested in another man - and the same goes for lesbians! Why? Because it is not okay. It'll just give them gay! Think about it: say you have two gay Stamoss - they can't have children because nature did not provide them with the tools and if God wanted gays to have kids then they would have those tools. Don't legalise this blasphemy! Think of the children!"

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I don't care what these so-called scientific studies say," says Jazz Spirit, representing a number of conservative religious organisations. "How can a boy hope to develop properly into a man if he's being brought up by poofs? A father figure is not supposed to behave as if it is 'okay' to be, um, romantically invested in another man - and the same goes for lesbians! Why? Because it is not okay. It'll just give them gay! Think about it: say you have two gay Stamoss - they can't have children because nature did not provide them with the tools and if God wanted gays to have kids then they would have those tools. Don't legalise this blasphemy! Think of the children!"



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