Susan Posted October 29, 2014 Posted October 29, 2014 (edited) Basic Information Byond Account: SueTheCake Character Name(s): Ana Issek, Toot, Christine Hachert AI Name(s): N/A Preferred means of contact): Skype, and Steam to a lesser extent. Age: 19 (20 this Christmas) Timezone: -6:00 Central Daylight Time When are you on Aurora?: Varying times, but long periods from when I wake to when I sleep. Experience Previously member of admin staff on Exogenesis prior to coming to Aurora. Served as game admin with Commissar_Drew, TishinaStalker, and Rebel1254. How long have you played SS13?: Since early 2012. How long have you played on Aurora: Five, six months? Lost track of time. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: As a member of the development team and after dabbling in coding and features on my own time, I like to believe I am at least well versed in how the game functions both on a code and player level. Though some higher level things escape me, such as atmospherics, I know the very basics and a few advanced things about the admin interface and debug interactions. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Yes, as previously stated. Exogenesis. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: No, never. Personality Why do you play SS13?: To roleplay. I find a lot of fun submerging myself in an alternate reality and just to roleplay with other characters. It isn't really any deeper than that. I heard of SS13 from a roleplay community I was a part of, and I've only ever played on roleplay-oriented servers. Why do you play on Aurora?: At one point I was part of the Baystation crowd, starting in 2012. However, as some of us know, Baystation has rapidly spiralled downhill and has turned into an awful place devoid of meaningful roleplay. I left that community once I was no longer able to force myself to stick it out and try to fix their issues; they didn't want them fixed, and I wanted a server I could actually have fun on. At first, I tried Exogenesis, and for a while it was fun; however, there was extremely low player count and eventually I came to Aurora seeking heavy RP without the dull monotony of the same faces. What do moderators do?: Admins lite. Their powers are half of what an admin's are, and as with any member of the administrative staff, they have a wide variety of functions. From enforcing rules to atmosphere to helping new players to talking to rulebreakers, moderators handle the brunt of issues with the assistance of higher-up admin staff to ensure the server is functioning well and that most of the players are enjoying themselves without being beaten up by griffers. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: The exact same it would mean to be a moderator for another server? This question begets some fluffy response and I'm not good at those. Aurora isn't necessarily special beyond it being a server that I enjoy and what to contribute to. Why do you want to be a moderator?: Because I see a lot of things go down on server, not only from griffers, but from players and staff; Recent circumstances have led me to believe that staff could use help dealing with certain things, and also because I want to be able to help make the server better. Call me one of those people if you will, but I've noticed a stark increase in chucklefuckery and low quality RP; these new players need one of two things. They need someone to guide them, or they need to eventually be banned. Some need an equal dosage of talking to and guidance. The sheer increase of population we've experienced and the hemorrhaging of staff necessitates assistance, and I want to be able to contribute. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: A common complaint I've heard not only from players but from staff is that sometimes, staff tend to take shit from people too much. I am more than capable of articulating myself in a polite way, but I do not take shit; this doesn't mean I explode at people. Moreover, it means that say were I to render a decision and someone attempt to argue with me about it, I would be more likely to direct them to the forums to discuss it and then mute them from ahelps if they continued than to sit there and argue with them. People that clearly don't take a situation seriously won't be people I hold hands with, either; if they've done something wrong and find it funny, I'm not going to argue with them. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Well enough. I can and do get agitated over stuff that I witness, however I am more than capable of compartmentalizing my issues so that they do not impact my abilities, and am smart enough to realize the threshhold where I need to pass it over to another staff member. Some random guy insulting me on the internet isn't much of an issue, however; I have been called significantly worse things than whatever a random griefer can toss my way. And I know when to take a break if I really get stressed out. If there's one thing I dislike and criticized Baystation's staff for, it's allowing members with personal grudges or issues to handle situations. I know when to recognize that in myself. Edited October 29, 2014 by Guest
Skull132 Posted October 29, 2014 Posted October 29, 2014 Application format updated, please update the 4th answer. Personal contact information scrubbed, as per the update.
Chaznoodles Posted October 29, 2014 Posted October 29, 2014 After asking the applicant some questions about her answers, I feel that I cannot support the applicant at this time. She showed some promise in her attitude, being willing to assist those who need it to improve, and dealing with those who are not cooperative, but also did not answer questions posed to her due to being too 'fluffy'. If I see an improvement in future in her attitude towards questions, and her ability to work in a team, I am willing to chance my support on this matter.
Frances Posted October 29, 2014 Posted October 29, 2014 but also did not answer questions posed to her due to being too 'fluffy'. That is fairly vague. Could we get some more details about said questions?
Chaznoodles Posted October 30, 2014 Posted October 30, 2014 The question which was called 'too fluffy' and 'something from a 7th Grade RE class' was 'What can you bring to the table for the team?'.
Susan Posted October 30, 2014 Author Posted October 30, 2014 After asking the applicant some questions about her answers, I feel that I cannot support the applicant at this time. She showed some promise in her attitude, being willing to assist those who need it to improve, and dealing with those who are not cooperative, but also did not answer questions posed to her due to being too 'fluffy'. If I see an improvement in future in her attitude towards questions, and her ability to work in a team, I am willing to chance my support on this matter. The question which was called 'too fluffy' and 'something from a 7th Grade RE class' was 'What can you bring to the table for the team?'. ADMIN: PM: Chaznoodles/(Kyr Sunder)->SueTheCake/(Ana Issek): Just three more questions for you, feel free to answer them together or seperately! What is one thing you think you can bring to the table for the team? What is something you think you think you are better at than others who have applied or are admins? What is something you would like to see changed? ADMIN: PM: SueTheCake/(Ana Issek)->Chaznoodles/(Kyr Sunder): Those are all really fluffy, full of it questions I'd expect to see on like my seventh grade religion test or something. No offense. I dislike questions like that. I'm not inherently better than anyone else and my skillset isn't entirely unique. I guess I can say that I have a lower tolerance for bad roleplay and stupidity and don't intend to let people walk all over me, similar to how Frances handles things (IE I made a decision, take it to the forums, we're not arguing). What I'd like to see changed is not to be plagued with awful roleplay, characters, and line-toeing butts that severely impact the fun level and quality of the server. And so these people either need guidance, punishment, or a little bit of both.
Kerbal22 Posted October 31, 2014 Posted October 31, 2014 -1 (note that my opinion might not matter, but it's my 2cents) Susan is often..belligerent. Rude, and generally not that friendly of a person. She also seems biased to me from past experiences which she refuses to let go and has tried to twist against various others. In other words, i'd like to see her ability to deal with others improve before i can even begin to support giving her any more power than she already has. Susan has also used information from other communities (i.e baystation) and past experiences from those in order to accomplish various ways of twisting things into her light. I will not start an argument of what exactly, since this is just my two cents. She also fails to understand that people change their ways eventually, and is fairly uncivil in these matters, as demonstrated on the old forums on the character complaint against me. In short, no. I can't support this.
Gollee Posted October 31, 2014 Posted October 31, 2014 -1, her response to Chaz in this thread alone, as well as my interactions with her in the lore dev chat makes me believe that she would be unsuitable for this position.
LetzShake Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 -1 for all the reasons already stated. Sue is ABSURDLY hostile, just about all the time. It does not take much for her to lose her temper to a ridiculous extreme, as anyone who's been on TS with her or disagreed with her in the past could likely tell you. A big part of what makes this server so great is that there is always good levelheaded staff around who handle situations fairly and coolheadedly. I don't think Sue can do that.
Dea Tacita Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 I'm sure someone, somewhere will see this as a conflict of interest (Seeing as I'm also applying for mod). But here it goes Sue is a pretty great dev who does rather amazing things and has done some great stuff on Aurora. However, she is belligerent, arrogant, confrontational and, honestly rather self-righteous in her attitude. While I don't really have a problem with how she acts, I do have a problem with someone with those traits being on our staff. Very, VERY strong -1.
TishinaStalker Posted November 2, 2014 Posted November 2, 2014 Nobody wants to say something nice about Sue? Alright, somebody has to bring /something/ nice because everybody has a good thing to them, and I believe everybody should at least be given at least one leg to stand on to have a fighting chance. This next Dea quote definitely applies for me due to the nature of my post. I'm sure someone, somewhere will see this as a conflict of interest (Seeing as I'm also applying for mod). But here it goes Here goes, Even my interactions with Sue as a friend have been usually filled with insults, I can say that she doesn't really mean any of those. Sure, Sue can come off as "ABSURDLY hostile" as LetzShake mentioned, but that's simply part of her non-professional personality. In situations like these, you can't judge someone's personality for a situation /entirely/ off of their casual personality. Why? Because personalities change based on the situation. Lets take me for example: I will not lie, I have a real cursing issue, and I think people on Team Speak can tell that from a glance. It's not rare at all to hear me say the word "fuck" or "shit" repeatedly in a sentence, no matter what my tone or what I'm talking about is, but this is when I'm talking with people that I know that don't or won't care. Would I talk like this with my parents? With my boss at work? With my professor? No, I would not because situations like those require more finesse. In a situation like being a moderator, I have no doubt Sue's personality would also adjust to the situation just like most people. I can tell with certainty that her casual personality would not rub off on her personality as staff, and I've witnessed this as an administrator on Exogenesis. On Exogenesis, our coders practically had the same power as an administrator due to our low staff count, and Sue never really went postal on a person through ahelps from what I had seen (and I was on Exogenesis almost every single day until it died) until they were being offensive to her and showing no signs to show any relent; at which point, she would give them a final word, and apply a ban if I was not online or was busy with homework. Aside from bashing her for this, I'm going to give my Pragmatist solution: I would suggest to have a staff member to test Sue on this and if she fails, then to tell her how it could've been handled in a more calm, levelheaded manner, and work with her on this to improve things. Everybody can learn from past mistakes. Don't define the final product by its prototype phase because the final product can always contain either minor differences or a BIG difference. In conclusion, your casual personality is /not/ your personality for every single situation. I'm TishinaStalker, and this is my +1 on why Sue should at least be given a shot as a Trial Moderator.
Dea Tacita Posted November 2, 2014 Posted November 2, 2014 Nobody wants to say something nice about Sue? Alright, somebody has to bring /something/ nice because everybody has a good thing to them, and I believe everybody should at least be given at least one leg to stand on to have a fighting chance. This next Dea quote definitely applies for me due to the nature of my post. I'm sure someone, somewhere will see this as a conflict of interest (Seeing as I'm also applying for mod). But here it goes Here goes, Even my interactions with Sue as a friend have been usually filled with insults, I can say that she doesn't really mean any of those. Sure, Sue can come off as "ABSURDLY hostile" as LetzShake mentioned, but that's simply part of her non-professional personality. In situations like these, you can't judge someone's personality for a situation /entirely/ off of their casual personality. Why? Because personalities change based on the situation. Lets take me for example: I will not lie, I have a real cursing issue, and I think people on Team Speak can tell that from a glance. It's not rare at all to hear me say the word "fuck" or "shit" repeatedly in a sentence, no matter what my tone or what I'm talking about is, but this is when I'm talking with people that I know that don't or won't care. Would I talk like this with my parents? With my boss at work? With my professor? No, I would not because situations like those require more finesse. In a situation like being a moderator, I have no doubt Sue's personality would also adjust to the situation just like most people. I can tell with certainty that her casual personality would not rub off on her personality as staff, and I've witnessed this as an administrator on Exogenesis. On Exogenesis, our coders practically had the same power as an administrator due to our low staff count, and Sue never really went postal on a person through ahelps from what I had seen (and I was on Exogenesis almost every single day until it died) until they were being offensive to her and showing no signs to show any relent; at which point, she would give them a final word, and apply a ban if I was not online or was busy with homework. Aside from bashing her for this, I'm going to give my Pragmatist solution: I would suggest to have a staff member to test Sue on this and if she fails, then to tell her how it could've been handled in a more calm, levelheaded manner, and work with her on this to improve things. Everybody can learn from past mistakes. Don't define the final product by its prototype phase because the final product can always contain either minor differences or a BIG difference. In conclusion, your casual personality is /not/ your personality for every single situation. I'm TishinaStalker, and this is my +1 on why Sue should at least be given a shot as a Trial Moderator. my account was given from professional interactions with her in development. She did not adjust whatsoever, coming off just as arrogant and self-serving as ever. Administrating/Moderating is hard enough as-is without having to dread another member of the team that ruins the experience coming online and ruining your day. And while your post makes no-doubt good points, both my professional and personal experience with her, sticking with a firm "hell no" and from this thread alone, it's obvious many others agree with me
Huivn Posted November 2, 2014 Posted November 2, 2014 Never been on TS, never played with her, as far as I know, but I firmly believe that this server's WALL OF TEXT RULES SECTION, and most of the staff keep shenanigans low enough as it is. The last thing you guys need is a REAL motherfucking "my way or the highway" elitist on your staff. -1
Frances Posted November 2, 2014 Posted November 2, 2014 Never been on TS, never played with her, as far as I know, I... Yes, but... What do you base your criticism off of in this case?
Guest Marlon Phoenix Posted November 2, 2014 Posted November 2, 2014 Hummmm. I've worked/observed with Sue extensively on the lore team and have debated with her on things on the lore team chat room. She has a very vibrant vocabulary and a spunky way of getting her point across, but none of it was ever going off like a sailor with nothing of substance. She knows her job and can work things effectively, even if she has a different and more robust attitude than people are used to dealing with. However, I've been around people with this kind of behaviour all the time IRL; she's one of the good ones I think, and I'd be willing to give her a chance. +1
Dea Tacita Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 Experience as a trial mod thus far along Sue has been positive as TishinaStalker indicated. Reversing my -1 to a tentative +1 for the time being.
Tenenza Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 For what it's worth, I trust Sue enough to be responsible under stress. From my experience with Sue, she is very hostile, exceptionally so, but I don't believe it clouds her judgement. I believe she keeps a particular difference between her own opinions and her actions and judgements. Honestly, Sue's attitude is most certainly intimidating and somewhat inciting, but I don't believe that matters so long as her judgement is fair.
Guest Posted November 4, 2014 Posted November 4, 2014 I wouldn't even consider whatever attitude she possesses as "hostile." At worst its nihilistic but I don't see how that'd hamper her ability to moderate. From what I've seen, Sue's completely capable of making good judgement calls and understands the rules and regs for the game itself. She has a large knowledge of game mechanics and is perfectly capable of performing her duties. +1, that's it. Being a different kind of person with a different outlook on life doesn't make you really bad for a position.
Valkrae Posted November 5, 2014 Posted November 5, 2014 Sue is an efficient and professional Trial Mod, from what I have seen as a player, and as a fellow Trial Mod. She's quick to respond to anything that may pop up, and gets straight to the point with people who Ahelp. EDIT: Forgot the add the +1, oops.
Frances Posted November 18, 2014 Posted November 18, 2014 Application denied as of NOV-11-2014. If you have any questions, feel free to direct them to me or Skull132.
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