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Late Join Synthetics


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Robotics storage is a good idea.

But yeah - while both AIs and borgs can be made from new posibrains, which voids this whole thing since Research can get the research to manufacture them, I like the idea of a robotics storage.

If a borg needs to go off, they go into robotics storage - HOWEVER we could probably put something in where it de-links the ckey of the previous players, and holds the body for about 45 minutes (before deconstruction). Within that 45 minutes, there could be an observer/lobby verb to check for bodies. If there is, said player can re-activate borg, give it a new name and assignment (pretty much respawns the borg) and play like that.

The main issue there is, as far as I can tell, with making borgs generally spawnable mid-round is twofold: first, on round-start, there's a 'role' limit of 2 cyborgs (more can't spawn). Just like other roles, IC actions can instate more borgs - but allowing that would, most likely, go against the role limit.

Second, while I cherish and giggle at the idea, I don't think many players would enjoy a round where 90% of the players are cyborgs normally.

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I think the idea is to have late-join robots possible only if there are less then two on the station. I'd like this, as my primary character is a cyborg, not an android, so posibrains don't help me.


Exactly right. The idea is to make it function like... well every other role, where if it isn't full, you should be able to fill it. I understand Robotics needs a job, but it's pretty unreliable to get to be a cyborg through them.

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I don't really like how there's four or so MMIs but only one posibrain to activate. Most borgs I've seen tend to go "SSD" in the middle of the round, wasting a slot. Since they don't really have cryo, they become a waste of space.

It's worse if it's the AI. Manually replacing it is difficult because there's a very small sample size of ghosts or observers that actually want to play AI.

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I like the ideas so far. It would definitely add a layer to it.

Or hell, Fractal - didn't you want to do away with the concept of a posibrain being the only source of computing power in androids? We could probably add a "Microprocessor Card" to the Robotics fabricator, and say that the Positronic Core is just a special processor with remote access. We can use that two-ways, from there on:

One, the board behaves halfway between a posibrain and a pAI - you plug it into either the Research computer or a specific console, which brings up an interface that allows the roboticist to start a query on it - which brings up a prompt to either any player who has the job 'android' at at least low (like how the game doesn't sort you into a Head role you're not 'volunteering' for) or has another toggle on. The toggle explicitly says that it's a processing board for a cyborg (and make sure that the board can't be inserted in a robot body that doesn't have a law board), and then the roboticist gets to pick an android kernel to download - after that, the microprocessor card behaves exactly like a brain. Pretty much literally beaming down an OS into a processing card.

Two, the microprocessor board allows 'activating' a blank Android with no kernel. From there, the roboticist pushes the android into a 'Download Station' machine that does a similar thing, sending a prompt to all people with the toggle on - that allows downloading them directly into the android body instead of a card.

Personally, I'd rather have the second option (mainly because it allows construction of blank androids to perform tests on) - but IMO either could work, especially if we also add a "Heavy microprocessor card" specifically for AI players to choose from.


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CM has a verb to 'join as larvae' that you can use as a ghost, if you've been ghosted for 10 minutes AND the larvae has been SSD for 10 minutes.

a system like that where, if the borg is properly stored, and has been offline for 10+ minutes, the shell can be inhabited by a new posibrain and get a new name.

and if that DOES come back, then the former borg player spawns in as a posibrain and needs IC interaction to get inserted into a new body.

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So, I just had an idea.

The only way to late-join is with posibrains - robotics spawn with one, and that's often not enough (if they think to even activate it).

So how about this: all ghosted players, 10 minutes after their death, have an option to interact with a new machine, the "Posibrain Chute". Basically, instead of waiting for a posibrain to be activated/made then activated, ghosts have the opportunity to activate a chute that dispenses them, automatically, as an active posibrain (of course they can delay this until they see a roboticist in the lab). Thoughts?

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So, I just had an idea.

The only way to late-join is with posibrains - robotics spawn with one, and that's often not enough (if they think to even activate it).

So how about this: all ghosted players, 10 minutes after their death, have an option to interact with a new machine, the "Posibrain Chute". Basically, instead of waiting for a posibrain to be activated/made then activated, ghosts have the opportunity to activate a chute that dispenses them, automatically, as an active posibrain (of course they can delay this until they see a roboticist in the lab). Thoughts?


Maybe as something different from a posibrain. Posibrains are SUPER valuable for R&D to deconstruct, and making them an unlimited resource would skew science pretty hard.

Maybe as a brain in an MMI from a storage fridge, similar to how cryogenic revival works?

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