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More lethal scanning beds and other things for MALF AI ONLY


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Since AI malf is strong enough already if he has three death borgs, destroyed the borg consoles so they dont die, and can door crush people and etc.

The exploding equipment is all nice and all, but... i for one want to see more creative ways to kill people when they are needed to be tended to by trained medical team. Hey, this guys getting treated? Let's help him and then INJECT TONS OF LETHAL DOSES OF CHEMICALS INTO THAT MUTHA FUCKA! (While he sleeps inside the bed of course) But that would work for the blue beds allright?

B-but swat ding dong wank mang bastard of all dicks, but what about green beds?!

Well i shit you not son, but we could make the green bed to give you WRONG analysis, and make medical team more mistakes while treating their patient!

Cryo? Why not just permanentaly FREEZE the fucker and the cryo is just frozen and must be thawed out over time with the use of the heating thingy machine thingy.

Cloning? Hehehe.. Here's the fun part. People can put the dead people inside, scan them and clone them. But once they try cloning the clone will be nothing but GIBS! Soon as that patient has completed cloning sequence, the body will automaticaly turn into a friggin pile of gibs. (Of course, this method could be use limited times due to how op it would be for AI since it removes people from game while not being cloned properly)

Guest Marlon Phoenix

These are all creative ideas. Malf doesn't have many indirect means of messing with the crew that don't immediately paint it as the antagonist (exploding and shocking doors). Having these abilities would let it eliminate threats without being exposed directly, since it can be assumed that the equipment is malfunctioning. It sort of fits the theme of the round that everything electronic starts malfunctioning.


Only if we add the "equipment malfunction" thing as a random event to deter metagaming. Similar with giant spooders, in which CentComm doesn't tip you off until far after the equipment malfunctions happen.


All of these are pretty great ideas, except gibs. That's kind of just a massive middle finger when you can just blow up the machine, especially considering if it works as you said, it will permanently kill the person since gibbing their cloned mob will ghost them for good unless an admin varedits their ckey back into the original corpse or the gib pile leaves behind a brain.

Though I do particularly love the 'wrong analysis' suggestion since that punishes inexperienced Medical personnel who can't diagnose a patient without the thing, and it might give them reason to start using/learning the other methods of diagnosis.


For the gibbing, i was more like thinking that the machine makes a 'real' body but the only difference is, the player who is already dead, doesnt get trasnfered into that 'real' body that's about to be cloned. The cloned body will only get gibbed, but it cannot longer work on the player that was the cloning done for. For example. If McDouchē got killed and is about tries to get cloned, he wont get cloned but the body that's about to get finished will get gibbed. allright some malfunction in equipment, sais doctor, and tries again. This time the McDouchē gets cloned completely.


Not interested in anything that causes unpreventable certain death 100% of the time, that isn't a well-made and well-placed TTV bomb.

Guest Menown

Two of these either take somebody out of the round entirely, or takes them out of the round for something of an extended period of time. Imagine an AI that isn't even out as gay malf just covertly taking out people this way. Then we have no way to determine the AI is doing this because one, the logical assumption would be to assume the equipment is malfunctioning, given ion storms are a constant thing for some reason, and two, because assuming the AI is breaking shit right away is top-tier meta.

Not interested in anything that causes unpreventable certain death 100% of the time, that isn't a well-made and well-placed TTV bomb.


Never said anything about unpreventable certain death. Surely, the bed idea can be toned down not to kill the person outright but still having a chance to kill the bugger if the medical isn't quick enough to realise the problem why the person is dying of huge toxin damage. Freezing up people doesnt outright kill them. They will be.. Let's say "Suspended" for a period of time. Surely can be brought back into the game.

So in short, do we really want AI to just shock doors/ door slam and explode equipment and people meta the shit out of this, or do we give AI something more diverse and creative to manipulate the round and make people really scared of the said event incase of malfunctioning machines. This would make stealth Ai even better.

I am saying this as a person who myself hate Malfunction and seeing that AI always does the same old shit. Make up some story, manipulate the crew a bit, get op brogs, kek a bit, get destroyed by crew, or rek crew by having op borgs (which are good) rinse and repeat. Oh.. and pop a delta for good measures.

Guest Menown
This would make stealth Ai even better.


We already have stealth AI. An AI can go around hacking every APC until delta's called, then it's nigh impossible for the crew to fight back when the timer's so short.


so you mean to tell me nothing new and do the same old shit and make crew rush the AI core with EMP's ready, RCD's ready to just mall spam the wall and get to AI core and piss on the core and fuck it right up. That's literaly is all? If this is Stealth AI then i am not satisfied with this, due to fact that is uncreative and repetitive and everyone can do it (well those who play AI)


I love it when people suggest things that are already in the game.

Just wait until they're in a sleeper and spam any of the drugs on the list except inaprovaline. An overdose of soporific + bicardine usually has most doctors at a loss for what to do. Bam. Murder accomplish.


As a person who has recently played as a malt Ai I got cluster fucked when the Sec/Engineering team rushed me with EMPS. Had 0 defense. Turrets got EMP and Card Swipe Disabled, and just meh. The team unscrewed me and dragged me around before the admins had to gib me because I was glitched to a wall.


Alright so I got to play as a malf ai last night.

Normally I'd be all for more methods of killing crew. But honestly after being given a quick rundown of how to utilize atmospherics I've decided this idea is actually not very good.

The only modified action is like to see is the core, or the doors to the AI core moved to prevent emitter meta. Especially considering the time it takes to research the upgrade to blow up an emitter.

In my round I was popped into an existing malfunctioning AI and acted as if the unit before me was broken and I was fine.

Eventually an illness struck the station so I prepared my onslaught by siphoning virology, then all of medical, while also locking the crew in, and all exits.

Shit got real once Skull explained how I can add a small amount of plasma to sections of the station so after I thwarted an emitter attack, two crew members attempted to re-enable it, and I sparked the area burning those two to a crisp.

If you want an effective method disable sensors on the alarms, and pump small amounts of toxins into the area. Ramp up the temperature in atmospherics and if someone trespasses somewhere you don't want them, light em up like the vermin they are.

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