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Add Balaclavas to custom load out for security, and put them on the shipbound antags, Thank you.

I love balaclavas. They're the pinnacle of mask fashion. I wear one everywhere in the winter, and the idea of boarding the station as a terrorist in a balaclava is all too enticing. Plus, I wouldn't mind security gearing up with them to become more operator-looking during their shootouts and code red operations.


a lack of tolerance for islam by kafirs : o)

Station needs more cultural enrichment, tbh. +1.


The mask slot is precious, because it can accept the all-important gas mask. Adding a balaclava would just make something that needed to be taken off before the gas mask could come on.


Try turning up to your daily workplace in a balaclava and see how that goes. Security would be tile-stomping you before you could get past Customs.


Balaclavas for security and antags would be wonderful. Though tbh I like the sprite used for the tactical suit, rather than the traditional balaclava sprite because it looks much nicer with eyewear (And especially the classic red thermal goggles).


var currentYear = new Date().getUTCFullYear();
alert("This is " + currentYear + "!");,


i mean come on


Security doesn't need to be able to board the station with balaclavas. They aren't the axe murderer people from the axe murderer train car in Snowpiercer. And they already have one balaclava for each tactical armor locker in the armory, for wearing armor that is only allowed on higher alert levels.

It would be nice for antags, though.

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