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[Accepted] Afitz200's Head of Staff Whitelist Application

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Posted (edited)

BYOND key: Afitz200

Character names: Marissa Picard, Jack Stewart, Nathaniel Moore, SAV(AI), S.A.V.I.O.U.R(Cyborg)

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: I started playing about 8 months ago.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I would really like to get experience and have the ability to contribute with a Head position.

Why did you come to Aurora?: When I firsted opened BYOND I saw the words "Heavy RP" and thought it would be a nice match. I have yet to have a heavy RP experience in a game. It has been something I have been wanting for a few years now. Needless to say, NSS Aurora did not disappoint.

Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yes, I mostly was looking at focusing on Chief Medical Officer, Chief Engineer, and Head of Security. I often play as one of their subordinates as they are my favorite roles. I have already looked at and relied on the Baystation / Aurora wikis for some time now.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:

Roleplay is the ability to take on another character's mindset and thought processes. It involves the skill of limiting your set of knowledge and limiting outside beliefs and personalities that are not specific to the character being played. During roleplay you must act like the character you are expected to be. For example, if you in a Captain or Head of Staff position, you are expected to be serious and have the ability to handle situations in a calm and fast manner- Your knowledge must be that of someone competent in Nanotrasen regulations. Roleplay is much more than just slapping a different name on and choosing a job.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:

Head of Staff are in place with the purpose of being able to organize a department and nudge players in the right direction regarding their role play. Their main concern is to ensure all players have a fair opportunity in game relevant to their positions and to provide a decent environment to enjoy roleplay and have fun in.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:

Whitelisted Players are expected to fully understand the rules and have the ability to roleplay. Whitelisted players should be expected to maintain a fair and fun experience as much as possible with their control and, should invoke roleplay events. A whitelisted player may also be expected to answer questions or assist others in OOC.

I would strive to ensure everyone in my department as a HoS would have a chance to role play and enjoy the game. I would also attempt to nudge players out into RP situations instead of their normal "Job Simulator" play styles.


Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name: Marissa Picard

Character age: 39

Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):

One sunny morning in the city of Big Rapids on Sol III (Earth) on the date of July 2nd 2418, Mrs Picard gave birth to a baby girl, she chose to name her Marissa, after her mother which sacrificed much to get them to where they were that day. Marissa was born into a middle-class family living in Michigan. From a young age Marissa was always encouraged to make the right steps, to focus on education, and to not make the same mistakes they did. Around the age of 8 (2486) Marissa enrolled in public schooling. Her teachers generally thought of her in a positive light academically, but often found her distracted and unable to stay on task. At the time it was thought that she performed too well for the school, and she had a lot of free time compared to the other students- this was why she may have been acting out.

When she was in her 10th year of school she determined the way she was developed was not suited for the public schooling system that was provided. She was unable to work well with the tasks asked of her and generally was unable to live up to her teacher's expectations. Picard and her mother decided it was worth taking the leap forward into private, and personal schooling. This decision was hard on the family as the cost was high, however her mother wanted to give her the best chance at life and was willing to go through the troubles. This greatly increased the Marissa's education as well as sparked her interest in the medical industry. Marissa graduated with her high school diploma at the age of 17 (2435) and decided to follow her mother's advice and jump into her formal education as soon as possible. Marissa joined the school of Michigan's Institute of Medical Sciences shortly after graduating. Marissa got very little sleep working to fund the cost of her education as well as focusing heavily on course work. After a lot of hard work and small jobs on the side, Marissa finally got her Medical Doctor (M.D) diploma. Which this new achievement she applied to a local clinic in ohio as a intern. She assisted the hospital to gain experience while starting her next educational adventure.

A long period of time passed while focusing on her education to eventually bring us to the year of 2442. Marissa had just completed her undergraduate in Pharmacy (Pharm. D). With this new feat and the work experience in the local hospital, she decided to go for her goal. In 2442 she received a job officer to become a general practice doctor in Ohio's Cleveland Clinic. She continued to happily work while supporting her mother financially until the sad day of July 28th, 2446. This date will always be remember by Marissa as the day her mother died. She decided to truly go big to make sure that no matter what, she would make her mother proud. A few months after her mother's death Marissa signed herself a 6 year contract with NanoTrasen. She was going to be sent off to practice for another 14 years. She never forgot why she got to the point she was at that day, and she never will.

What do you like about this character?:

This is my first character! I have naturally favored her due to her being my first experience binding many memories to her name. She is strong and takes a lot of her background and life style/design choices from me personally. I put a lot of personal "love" into this character during her creation and as such, she will be my favorite.

Answer you are likely looking for:

Marissa is dedicated to her job and the people she treats. Marissa is great at managing her own expectations and is often happy and great at providing smiles to her co-workers.

What do you dislike about this character?:

She often lets her job get in the way of personal relationships and can be hard to connect with emotionally.

What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?:

Marissa is a natural born leader. She is great at taking control of situations and being able to efficiently allocate resources and direct crew in tough situations. Marissa has the ability to be "approachable", which is good when discussing matters with subordinates.


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?:

Over time while playing Aurora, I have found more and more confidence in my ability to roleplay. I still have room to improve in areas such as maintaining more in depth character traits and quirks. Overall I would rate it a solid "Good" with room for improvement.

Extra notes:

I would love to hear all feedback regarding my application or in-game roleplay. I know I have made mistakes in the past but I like to view these as part of the natural learning process. I look forward to people's opinion and hope I am considered positively for whitelist.

Edited by Guest

Had a nice time tith Jack Stewart yesterday. He stood around medbay and helped our incapacitated staff through a crisis situation, being an honorary doctor as we coached him through procedures and made him fetch things. He was really awesome to have around, a literal lifesaver. +1 from me


I do really like Afitz AI and cyborg gameplay, they are very good at it and I've seen some from Mr.Moore and he is pretty good, but I do not know Picard, but based on the RP of Afitz's other characters, I believe they could make a good head of staff, also, their background is quite informal and is more filled then mine, She has my vote +1

Had a nice time tith Jack Stewart yesterday. He stood around medbay and helped our incapacitated staff through a crisis situation, being an honorary doctor as we coached him through procedures and made him fetch things. He was really awesome to have around, a literal lifesaver. +1 from me
I do really like Afitz AI and cyborg gameplay, they are very good at it and I've seen some from Mr.Moore and he is pretty good, but I do not know Picard, but based on the RP of Afitz's other characters, I believe they could make a good head of staff, also, their background is quite informal and is more filled then mine, She has my vote +1

Thanks for your feedback. I enjoy getting feedback regarding my roleplaying and am constantly looking to improve :)

Thanks again for taking out the time to reply!



I've had the chance to interact with several of Afitz's characters, with Marissa Picard and Nathaniel Moore being the ones I've seen the most of. From what I can tell, he seems to truly care about his characters as well as how they interact with others.

Now for the Bio: I like that this character has acquired some solid background in terms of raw facts and emotional development. By going into detail about Marissa's family and schooling, we get an idea of what sort of issues she had to overcome. The utilization of the "dead parent" theme is used tastefully in my opinion. The sudden loss of a loved one lead her to seriously think about her life and seek out greater goals. To me, that sounds entirely reasonable. Losing family will no doubt make most people think things over and, at least in Marissa's case, decide she could do more.

My only real gripe with the biography is that the last two sentences feel so rushed in comparison. " She was going to be sent off to practice for another 14 years. She never forgot why she got to the point she was at that day, and she never will." There's a lot of emotion in that last line, but its wording just hits my ear oddly. The short mention of her training period could also use some adjusting. All in all, these sentences get the job done, but I'm just a stickler for details now and then.

I can testify that I wasn't all too confident in Afitz's abilities in the past, but anyone's first steps into a new medium can be wobbly. In the months that Afitz has been here, I can say that there has been a definite improvement in his form. Having only taken the time to seriously consider his RP recently, I can say for a fact that he seems more comfortable in SS13 as a medium for RP. TL;DR: He's gotten way better at character work and RP.

OOCly, Afitz's answers don't raise any red flags for me and he himself seems to conduct himself well. He's also open to feedback. Gotta love it when people open the doors and say "please insult my work so I can learn."

Can Afitz handle a head of staff whitelist?

Yeah, probably.

Let's see how this goes.



+1 from me. Played with his character and they were good and such. Nothing wrong with them in an OOC regard either.


had the pleasure of interacting with his engineer earlier today


[Common] Nathaniel Moore says, "YOU DID IT WRONG"

Rob Oster asks, "How did this happen?"


Nathaniel Moore says, "You actually did everything wrong.."

[Common] Nathaniel Moore says, "Blame the damn assistant.."

[Common] Nathaniel Moore says, "DAMN IT ROB"

all in all 10/10, +1 from me

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