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Staff of Extended round 11/22/2014 12:00PM-2:00PM CST

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: Davidchan

Staff BYOND Key: Staff of Extended round 11/22/2014 12:00PM-2:00PM CST [skull132, Doomberg, FFrances]

Reason for complaint: Abusive use of Moderator/Admin Powers, Failure to resolve a situation in a civil manner, disrupting RP, ignoring server rules for personal enjoyment.

Evidence/logs/etc: Byond crashed while speaking with Skull, I'm sure he'd be happy to share the logs as he was so adamant he was justified in his actions.

Additional remarks: None of the staff made any attempt to contact prior to the event, and when questioned about their actions and motives after the event, they evaded questions and refused to explain their actions, where as they would ban anyone doing similar things to them outright.

Staff online at time of incident: FFrances, Doomberg, Skull132, Sound Scopes, Casperf1, Pumpkinslice, Wittly.

Extended Round, 2 hours into shift approx. Bored and seeing a friend in chemistry, She and myself flirted for a while before retreating in the maintenance tunnels to a Fire Fighting closet away from the rest of the crew. Flirtations became more and eventually she decided to remove her jumpsuit before we took the conversation to skype. At no point on the server did we say or do anything of a sexual graphic nature We ended up laying on a table next to each other and whispering to each other, but my character was still fully clothed and not a single mention of genitailia was made.

While talking back and forth on skype, we heard mech footsteps outside the door of the locker, and upon opening the door a honk mech [Named ERP STOPPER 5000 or something to that extent], and an unnamed centcom officer. After blasting the air horn and summoning security, the mech gibbed and officer ghosted instantly.

When asked about it through ahelp and admin PM, staff refused to site the reason at first and looc was simply admins laughing. Rules of the server clearly state that even ERP is allowed if it not of a nonporgraphic manner, and there are more rules about not being disruptive to RP, griefing or going out of your way to ruin others peoples fun. Yet our Admin staff is allowed to behave in such a childish manner when 2 players are following the rules the letter of the law and yet not a single PM or notification that it had gone to far short of blasting it on the entire server?

I ask this: How is this behavior acceptable, as any non-moderator or admin who had behaved in such a manner would quite likely have been kicked from the server for any behavior mimicking this. Clowns are outright removed, players have been banned for having references to sexual acts or topics in their names, ect... And yet our shining example of an admin team saw 2 players alone, not harming each other or disrupting others, and simplys aw that because they were laying on a table and one happened to have removed their jumpsuit, they were going to jump straight in and fuck it up for everyone?

There MUST be a moderator guidelines to prevent abuse of powers like this, there was no graphic language or actions happening, let alone anything approaching a 'Rated R', so I ask again just what the justification for the interruption and derailing was for.

Keep the round fun for everyone - your actions should always have the goal to add to others' fun, not detract from it.

-Do not break the atmosphere of the game. Also known as 'breaking immersion'. For example, using slang terms for antagonists IC "traitor", "rev", "cultist", "syndie", "wizard","changeling", etc. Use of OOC game slang IC, "robust", "shitcurity", "emag", "esword".

-Erotic roleplay is only allowed under the following restrictions : Also known as ERP, you MUST have the OOC consent of everyone participating in it. Any ERP that takes place must be tasteful, and strictly non-pornographic in nature; essentially involving at its most graphic what one might see in an R-rated movie. Events and public decency take a higher priority over it, that means you can and will be punished by admins ICly and/or OOCly if the ERP is deemed disruptive. Admins reserve the right to break up any and all ERP at their discretion.

Edited by Guest

Alright. Let's look at the facts.

You were in an advanced state of undress (jumpsuit rolled down), on a table, on top of a lady who was fully naked, after you put each other on said table. In a secluded area of maintenance.

I am not exactly sure how you want to spin that, as I can't think of many reasons why people get on top of each other naked. But if you're going to try to convince me that these events had a purpose that was anything other than overly sexual, I'm gonna say that there's a bit of denial going on.

As well as this very incriminating log from your partner in LOOC:

[14:52:21]OOC: (LOCAL) Droaksa Rawibushir/Davidchan : There was no rated r
[14:52:27]OOC: (LOCAL) Rebecca Salaks/BeccaSalaks : We were doing it in skype


So I'm gonna explain it in the clearest way possible:

There was bangin'.

Here's the thing. We don't particularly care where said banging is being done, because as soon as any part of it is carried on station, it becomes an issue. If you go into the dorms, or a room, or whatever, and fade to black, move it to skype, whatever, that's all fine. But if you actually get naked and on top of each other, in-game, it actually constitutes banging in-game, even if you emote it on another platform.

This is the official stance on this. Now as for the rest of this complaint, I'm going to ask you to grow up. I recognize one fault here, which is that the rules are misleading; we've never taken kindly to people having tasteful sex on the station, and as such, the rules should actually read that nothing sexual above PG-13 is allowed, not R. (And I'm actually gonna look to change that.)

Apologies about that. But if you're actually going to get mad because a clown exploded next to you after you were done having pixelated sex with your 2D characters, I'm actually going to suggest that you might have anger and entitlement issues.


Can I just ask, what IC justification is there for to put it bluntly, having sex at work? If you can't go 4 hours without sticking it in something, well then... I think the char has issues.

  Frances said:
As well as this very incriminating log from your partner in LOOC:


[14:52:21]OOC: (LOCAL) Droaksa Rawibushir/Davidchan : There was no rated r

[14:52:27]OOC: (LOCAL) Rebecca Salaks/BeccaSalaks : We were doing it in skype


The nature of the skype conversation is irrelevant to the situation. The rules only apply to events and exchange on the server proper.


  Frances said:

So I'm gonna explain it in the clearest way possible:

There was bangin'.


Again, what happened in the room was far below the PG-13 level, hell I can find you 'chick flicks' with more graphic dialogue and scenes. Had there been any discussion, acting out of ACTUAL sexual acts or anything beyond what at best could be considered foreplay, the actions of the mod team may have been justified. But as it stands, no. It's like being accused of breaking into someone's house for standing on the door step.


  Frances said:
Alright. Let's look at the facts.

This is the official stance on this. Now as for the rest of this complaint, I'm going to ask you to grow up. I recognize one fault here, which is that the rules are misleading; we've never taken kindly to people having tasteful sex on the station, and as such, the rules should actually read that nothing sexual above PG-13 is allowed, not R. (And I'm actually gonna look to change that.)


The rules as they are stated as important, you can't have one set of rules on display and enforce a different standard. Which begs the question, What standard is the mod team even held to? Shattering any atmosphere that had been built in the round and harassing players because YOU may have taken offense? If the people involved had managed to do this without moderator powers, would they not be facing bans?

The behavior of the staff at large is what has me upset here.

IIt's hypocritcal Players are banned harassing other players, even in private. If any of the admin team had an issue with what has happening far away from the eyes of the crew, they should have contacted either or both of the players involved. Not simply decided to grief and laugh it off cause its a joke. Hows it any different when some baldy reads WGW over coms or people run about acting like greytide and using meta language.


I love how people still think there are exceptions.

At their own discretion means that they can break it up any way they want to, whenever they want to.

You're actually lucky you weren't banned, and all that happened was that your little cybersex session was interrupted.

  Rusty Shackleford said:
I love how people still think there are exceptions.

At their own discretion means that they can break it up any way they want to, whenever they want to.

You're actually lucky you weren't banned, and all that happened was that your little cybersex session was interrupted.


Okay, let's talk about discretion. According to the rule in full, ERP is allowed and to be kept to a nongraphic situation. Okay? We agree on that? Great.

The ENTIRETY of what happened in the closet was about 5 or 6 back and forths about talking, hugging and flirting. No groping, no unusual touching beyond a hug, no innuendos and no intercourse. This falls entirely under PG-13 label, no?

So I question the discretion. I question it hard. What was the motive? It wasn't disruptive, there wasn't even LOOC talk until after the admins decided to involve themselves. There was no attempt to contact or discourage a situation that was not even breaking the rules as they were stated, the mod team decided to needlessly escalate it, and all for their chuckles.

2 People partially naked in a room counts as ERP now? I've been strip searched by security for little no reason. That didn't count as ERP, hell that wasn't even consensual. I've witnessed people dressing and leaving the security office, far more obvious something was going on in there. I didn't see any "ERP SQUAD' for that. So why, I ask, was this situation singled out save for it being a boring round and a mod team happy to abuse their power in ways that would get regular players banned for attempting to replicate in any form.


If you saw things like that, you should have reported them via adminhelp. Contrary to what you think, mods don't actively seek out ERPers. It's only when they happen upon them do they decide to take action.

The part about people getting dressed when leaving a secluded location. Not the strip searching part, though security would need a good reason for it.

Also, consider this: if you want to get your rocks off, try using a different medium than a 2d spaceman game.

  Davidchan said:
2 People partially naked in a room counts as ERP now? I've been strip searched by security for little no reason. That didn't count as ERP, hell that wasn't even consensual. I've witnessed people dressing and leaving the security office, far more obvious something was going on in there. I didn't see any "ERP SQUAD' for that..

You're grasping at straws now.

Whatever convoluted actions were actually going on do not matter. If you get on top of each other naked to have a casual conversation about chemistry, that's your problem. But if it looks like sex, you can be sure as hell we're going to break it up.


  Davidchan said:
So I question the discretion. I question it hard. What was the motive? It wasn't disruptive, there wasn't even LOOC talk until after the admins decided to involve themselves. There was no attempt to contact or discourage a situation that was not even breaking the rules as they were stated, the mod team decided to needlessly escalate it, and all for their chuckles.

Keep the fucking off-station. Steamy makeouts are fine. Steamy /naked/ makeouts are not. The reason for this is simple; few people that come to play this game have any interest in seeing anybody fucking with their 2D spessmen avatars. This includes stumbling upon such situations. This includes ghosts having to witness such situations. Don't have sex at work.

Is that clear?


Either make ERP against the rules or don't. Because right now it's a beginner's trap, and it's just an excuse to, frankly, abuse power.

I have no problem with it being against the rules but make it against the rules instead of making it an opportunity to take your boredom out on somebody. It comes off as petty and immature when stuff like this happens.

It's "heavy RP" not "heavy RP unless the admins think you're slightly too saucy in which case it becomes goonstation"


As FFrances noted, this is indeed a fault with the current rules, LetzShake. And it will be ammended.


  Frances said:
This is the official stance on this. I recognize one fault here, which is that the rules are misleading; we've never taken kindly to people having tasteful sex on the station, and as such, the rules should actually read that nothing sexual above PG-13 is allowed, not R. (And I'm actually gonna look to change that.)

Apologies about that.

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