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A new approach to Gamemode Voting: Weighted Randomness


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The issue with out voting system is, that it does not encourage diversity.

Right now we just have the standard secret round with the occasional mercenary round.

And the very rare extended round.

What happens is that people vote strategically.

Some might want to play for example ninja, but they vote for something else, because they want to prevent a gamemode they dont want under any circumstances

So we end up most of the time with 2 or 3 different round types.

So I propose: Weighted Randomness

Basically it works that way:

  • Secret gets removed
  • Every vote for any gamemode gets added to the "random pool"
  • Once the time is up a random entry is picked from the random pool
  • If it is extended, the gamemode is displayed so people have time to get their high-rp chars
  • if its something else the gamemode is shown as secret


With an example (with 20 voters):

  • 4 vote for autotraitor
  • 2 vote for ling
  • 3 votes for merc
  • 1 vote for wizard
  • 2 vote for heist
  • 3 vote for ninja
  • 5 people vote for extended


What would happen with the old system, is that altough people want their favourite game mode, they vote for secret (where their favourite game mode might or might not be included) just because they want to prevent extended.

With the new system this is not a concern any-more:

People can vote for what they want and every gamemode got a change of being the selected gamemode

These are the individual chances of a specific gamemode being selected:


  • autotraitor: 20%
  • ling: 10%
  • merc: 15%
  • wizard: 5%
  • heist: 10%
  • ninja: 15%
  • extended: 25%


Overall there is a 75% chance that it is a antag-round

So people wouldnt have to strategically vote anymore to prevent a mode that they dont want from happening and could choose the gamemode they like the most.

Opinions, Comments ?

Replace the current system with STV (single transferable vote)


Already thought of that but it doesnt apply to us because:

* We dont have voting ranges

* We dont have a council (but exactly 1 gamemode we can choose)

Replace the current system with STV (single transferable vote)


Already thought of that but it doesnt apply to us because:

* We dont have voting ranges

* We dont have a council (but exactly 1 gamemode we can choose)

I'd still work.

--> voting ends, one gamemode "wins"

--> the gamemode with the least votes gets removed and its votes are transfered to the voters's second options.

-->Repeat until one gamemode remains

Result: Everyone can vote for the gamemodes they like without thinking about what everyone else's votes

EDIT: created my own suggestion thread to avoid confusion

Replace the current system with STV (single transferable vote)


Suggesting a different suggestion on a suggestion thread? Shame on you.

This weighted suggestion was suggested before, but would still +1 this suggestion, I would prefer the numbers of votes to be masked, in other words. No one sees what is being voted heavily and influences.

--> voting ends, one gamemode "wins"

--> the gamemode with the least votes gets removed and its votes are transfered to the voters's second options.

-->Repeat until one gamemode remains

Result: Everyone can vote for the gamemodes they like without thinking about what everyone else's votes

It'll also take anywhere between 5 and 20 minutes to get a round finally voted in.

--> voting ends, one gamemode "wins"

--> the gamemode with the least votes gets removed and its votes are transfered to the voters's second options.

-->Repeat until one gamemode remains

Result: Everyone can vote for the gamemodes they like without thinking about what everyone else's votes

It'll also take anywhere between 5 and 20 minutes to get a round finally voted in.

Don't tell me the game would need 20 minutes just to recalculate some votes.

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