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Ash LaCroix's Bomber Jacket

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BYOND Key: Superballs

Character name: Ash LaCroix

Item name: hand-me-down bomber jacket

Why is your character carrying said item to work?: Memorial and sentimental reasons, this is the only physical memory of Ash's father besides the occasional photo along the tribute badge pinned to it.

Item function(s): Same function as a regular bomber jacket with the zipping feature.

Item description: A custom tailored bomber jacket that seems to have been through some action. A silver badge is pinned to it, along with a black and blue strip covering it halfway. The badge reads, "Christopher LaCroix, Special Agent, Mendell City, E.O.W. 10-7-38, 284"

Item appearance:


DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/az8u3eyl28dal9w/bomber_jacket.dmi?dl=0

How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP?: The bomber jacket has and will be a door to discovering more about Ash's late father and in turn, how his death affected who he is today.

Additional comments: Naw.

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