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Enlarge text for high profile actions

Guest 1138

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Posted (edited)

Why? Ease of information, for one, and two, things like decapitation, limbs blasting into gore, taking contact hits with projectiles, spacemen gibbing, et cetera, should be blatantly more obvious than other actions, and with the additional flair of being shocking and wowifying. Not necessarily "nar'sie has risen" tier of huge text, but large enough to make it stick out from actions like the chef putting eggs and flour into a microwave to make bread. When violent action is happening, is usually when the human mind is most focused, so it would also bump up the effect of immersion a little. Nothing tells a player to make their character say "Holy --" like:

Sslazhir Yinzr's tail blasts into gore!

Naturally, certain sources should be sized differently based on the context that the depicted action itself occurs.

so what should it effect?

The following:

Getting hit by a projectile or item in melee combat, you want to know if you're getting hit or not, so much other people. It'd be much more obvious to you, anyway.

Delimbing in any sense.

Spacemen gibbing. Stuff like that really sticks out.

Explosions occurring as a result of specific sources or flashbang detonations.

Pain text that hurts REALLY BAD. Lower degrees of pain should be smaller in text, such as "your body stings slightly."

Surgery failures.

Anything else I can't think of at this time.

Edited by Guest

How it is atm, at least with gibbing:



This suggestion is fully possible, since dm offers the possibility to change the size, color and even font of the text.


I like this idea. Really imporant actions in combat sort of get drowned out by lesser attack logs. The emphasis will really be an alarm bell for players to see and react to more strongly, and will give more clarity to what's happening during combat or just other emergencies causing serious bodily injury.

Don't you already can enlarge the text?

CTRL-mouse wheel


Erm. they are talking about for specific things. Not just an overall boost in text size. That wouldn't help with what they were talking about so things of a higher severity would be more noticeable.

Don't you already can enlarge the text?

CTRL-mouse wheel


Erm. they are talking about for specific things. Not just an overall boost in text size. That wouldn't help with what they were talking about so things of a higher severity would be more noticeable.


Ah. Like a pop-ups windows? I wouldn't mind.

Don't you already can enlarge the text?

CTRL-mouse wheel


Erm. they are talking about for specific things. Not just an overall boost in text size. That wouldn't help with what they were talking about so things of a higher severity would be more noticeable.


Ah. Like a pop-ups windows? I wouldn't mind.


No, like, certain actions in your chat log just having larger text than others. Like someone exploding into gibs having big red text compared to someone flipping on a zippo lighter, or feeling a lot of pain during waking surgery being bigger than someone giving someone else a hug.


I've done some experimenting with this, its easy enough to do. I've done it a bit in the diona overhaul infact

But as far as i could tell, there's no finegrained control over the text size, the jumps between font sizes are really large, theres only one intermediate font size worth using.

Difficulty also lies in determining what things are worth the emphasis

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