ariever Posted April 12, 2017 Posted April 12, 2017 BYOND Key: Ariever Game ID: It's been through several rounds, One was a round last sunday and the other happened yesterday I think? Player Byond Key: AcidMind Staff involved: none Reason for complaint: Incompetence constantly, from an ICly stand-point, it doesn't make sense that NT would've hired him, since all he does is abuse the perks the jobs have and endanger coworkers. First Incident: Misaan and Ethan in cargo. They both start clearing out the warehouse, where Ethan finds a clusterbang. Upon seeing it he says, "Oh clusterbang for me, hehehe". Misaan openly expresses her distaste and distrust for Ethan, even pdaing the detective because she thought he actually took the clusterbang, with intentions on using it. Turns out that wasn't the case and he was bluffing or whatever you can call that. Ethan acts up again, and Misaan calls him out for it. Any sane person at this point would try to stay away from the 'agitated by their presence' woman and leave them the fuck alone. Not Ethan, of course because then he seems to be romantically interested in Misaan for whatever reason, even though she tried passively to get security called on him. He then, starts referring to her formally even though he hasn't before and she asks him to stop. Later, out of the blue, he grabs her from behind, hugging her. She replies with 3 failed disarm attempts. She reports this over comms and Uwasv Guwan comes in like the protective lizzer he is. He brings a carp to eat, which Ethan butchers in the cargo office for no real reason, strewing gibs everywhere. Sid(Uwasv) gets mad and grabs him. Ethan tries to get into the hoverpod he had earlier in the shift but Sid throws him, causing a little bit of a bug where he wasn't near the thing but could still use it's radio. That was fixed and the grappeling continues. Misaan, fed up with his hijinks, starts taking a pair of wirecutters to the thing and Sid follows suit. Ethan yells about him being attacked and everyone just replies with 'You deserve it', and breaks Sid's hand with the hoverpod. Ethan is detained eventually and the hover confiscated. Incident Two: A little shorter, I promise Misaan, the engineer apprentice, was the only engineer on the station during a ninja round and failing power. two trips to the doctor later, she gets a solar set up just in time for round end. Being an EA, you don't have access to airlocks and she tossed her crowbar to prevent herself from drifting away in space. Powers out, so she walks around the station, waving at the ninja as she floats around. She manages to get to departures a second before the shuttle arrives and starts dismantling a window and putting up an inflatable door to prevent departures from getting vented. But LO AND BEHOLD, Ethan in a hoverpod comes by and bashes her, knocking her out breifly and breaking the door she built, almost venting departures if she hadn't rebuilt the grille and window behind her. She comes to and redoes what got messed up, as Ethan bashes his hoverpod through the docking airlocks to force it on the shuttle. Not sure if it's his gimmick to be incompetent, but NT wouldn't've hired him if all he does is end up getting himself in trouble or endangering the lives of his coworkers. Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? no, I didn't think it was an ooc grief issue, just a 'this guy has no common sense' issue. Approximate Date/Time: I believe the first one happened Sunday night while the other happened yesterday morning.
Ethan Malakay Posted April 12, 2017 Posted April 12, 2017 First incident: I didn't take the clusterbang, gave it to the tajara officer, and the hug was inside RP, don't be agitated, no i didn't know she was agitated in presence of ethan, butchered the carp because he interpreted "i'm hungry" as "Do you guys know to get meat from this?" he had to get a hand or limb broken, he agressed me. PD: No, it is not romantic feels, it's just some sort of things he does because he is bored. Second incident: Well, he tried to get her out, maybe he has no common sense, but wanted to save her.
ariever Posted April 12, 2017 Author Posted April 12, 2017 Right, so embracing someone from behind is a viable option for someone that's bored? And almost endangering the lives of all the crew to help someone that already had their situation under control? This isn't a 'me being angry at you' issue, I wouldn't've posted the complaint if it was. The character wouldn't've been hired by NT because from what I've seen, he's had no real skills or qualities that'd make him worth hiring. Hell, I can't even get a job that I *am* qualified for.
Ethan Malakay Posted April 12, 2017 Posted April 12, 2017 I use malakay for cargo technician, he only has to be +18 for it, so, deal with it.
Pratepresidenten Posted April 12, 2017 Posted April 12, 2017 To toss in my two cents here. Every single time I've run the station as captain, Ive had to suspend you for fucking about non-stop. You pull contraband out of the warehouse, such as clusterbangs, cloaking devices and other antag items, and you openly run around with them, as you goof around and antagonize security by evading arrest. There was even that time when I recieved several complaints that you tried injecting people. I come over to cargo to see whats up, you barge out of cargo, holding an implanter and tell me to hold still before you proceed to try and jab me with it. I smack you to the ground and call security on you, and what do you do? You run away, forcing security to look for you. Your character's constant chucklefuckery would have gotten him fired a lon time ago, for failure to perform your job to a satisfactory standard, and not to mention the security risk you pose. Although some of these instances has been valid due to an antag status, the majority of them were done as a non-antag.
Ethan Malakay Posted April 12, 2017 Posted April 12, 2017 I didn't cause mass hysteria nor deaths. And yes, ethan is childish
Dragonspare Posted April 13, 2017 Posted April 13, 2017 My two cents, even if those are minor crimes, they're consistent, a private mega-corporation would hire a man-child that's more of a hazard than a capable worker, he would've been fired a lot ago, if someone makes an IR soon, he will, all of my interactions with Ethan have been displeasing and bland. The one i can remember completely is the time because he wanted to become a 'borg because "reasons" (the reason was that he felt that he cannot do his job in his body, he was a damn librarian/assistant or something along those lines) then i guess next round they retconned it, Ethan's player seems to think that their acts have no consequences on rounds that aren't the one that the crime was made. If this doesn't gets solved OOCly (that it shouldn't, because NT could've hired them just because he's a low-pay worker), then just make an IR, even if it takes some time, i assure he'll get fired. If his records haven't been edited to fit how "childish" he is, it would have to
Guest Menown Posted April 14, 2017 Posted April 14, 2017 Ethan's childist? Isn't he like one hundred and twenty-five?
Faris Posted April 14, 2017 Posted April 14, 2017 Ethan Malakay said: Oh *holds his chest* The HATE :V You should show a certain level of seriousness here.
DatBerry Posted April 14, 2017 Posted April 14, 2017 why is this not an IR? this looks like exactly why we have CCIA. the responsibility for their continuous behavior partially falls on you for not going through the proper channels.
Scheveningen Posted April 14, 2017 Posted April 14, 2017 All characters must maintain a certain level of competence to be at least able to do their job without either breaking the law or messing it up. Ethan Malakay is one of those characters and the person that plays them constantly defends their honestly rather ridiculous levels of incompetency and inappropriateness in IC. This was notable in the case where I noticed the other day that he repaired a Death RIPLEY that spawned in the warehouse. I checked his skills, and... Well, do note the character is 19 years old. He was then told to change them. Whether he actually understood or not, I wasn't present for the end of the conversation, because we've had to speak to this person for a few times now to not only read all of the rules on proper character creation but also roleplaying properly, too. Either AcidMind needs to improve his attitude and start creating acceptably balanced characters or CCIAA is likely to be the last concerned party in mind to handle this issue.
Ethan Malakay Posted April 14, 2017 Posted April 14, 2017 Menown: Yeah, fixed it Sharp: Yeah i know The one above: Yeah, i fixed it some days ago.
Dragonspare Posted April 15, 2017 Posted April 15, 2017 Even if you fixed it, the character's attitude is still the one of a goof that does invasive and plain foolish stuff to enjoy himself (breaking a few regulations in the way) and it is not believable that he would work in a private research station for a megacorporation. I've been told that this is far from what a IR should be, an IR should be an incident/accident that happens once and they need a little dicipline, this is for characters that shouldn't work in the first place, example: our dear Ethan. And even if you know how much seriousness this may take, you don't show it, so it's the same as if you wouldn't know it.
ariever Posted April 21, 2017 Author Posted April 21, 2017 With the way Ethan's acting, he wouldn't've even be hired. I feel like this is the same for all of your other characters, seeing as all they do is abuse their job perks to goof off. If you want to goof off, join as an assistant or something, not waste a slot where someone else could join. The game models real life, as in they'd have to go through the application process, job training, and orientation. Malakay and Savage, even though this complaint isn't for him, both wouldn't've passed. You either have to roleplay seriously or move to a low-rp server or something.
Faris Posted April 28, 2017 Posted April 28, 2017 The person in question has received a permanent ban, so this complaint will be dismissed as they cannot play said character.
Scheveningen Posted April 28, 2017 Posted April 28, 2017 Should add for the above, for mostly unrelated reasons to the actual complaint.
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