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Character Feedback Thread

Guest Marlon Phoenix

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I'll just. Merge both threads into one. Alrighty? Alrighty.

There. The general boards are already cluttered with stickies, so some sort of merging helps out v.v

I'll go ahead and say that I think one of the things people dislike about your character is same as mine, unconventional thinking.


What do you mean?


You know, the questionable stuff. Borderline criminal behavior, security drills, brutality, etc.


If anyone has an opinion on my IPC "Jack", I'm interested to hear what people think about him.


Winston Carton. Go.


Personally, he's one of my favorite Security officers. He's a trope I enjoy and a pretty bro dude. I have a character or two that enjoy him. I also have one character who thinks he is a despicable human being and a waste of skin, but hey! You can't win 'em all.


Any feedback for Lockie, Zheng Lu, Chandrakanta Bhattacharya, Wang Shui, or any other characters of mine?


Lockie is a fantastic character. I feel lucky to have had a character able to befriend her. She's sweet, she's kind, and she deserves better than how my characters have been treating her lately. Here's to hoping I get some more interaction with her soon.


Any words about Joshua Carton?

He can take a slap like a champ.

If anyone has an opinion on my IPC "Jack", I'm interested to hear what people think about him.


I only ever really interacted with Jack once during that cult round, but what I did see of him, I really enjoyed (he saved my character's life for like twenty seconds okay). I love the name too, it's so simple yet so cool, and how he referred to himself as "this unit", giving a much more robotic aura to him, as opposed to an android one. Overall, he's a good character and I want the chance to talk to him more so I can give a more fleshed-out response.


Avery Dawkins.

Give me infinite regret and grief.


From what I've seen of Avery, he seems like an awesome character and definitely has his following. But personally, I've tried to interact with him quite a few times, though pretty much every time he's been an assistant, and he seems really reserved, almost nervous- I think that would be the word? As much as I like characters like this, I think this makes him difficult to talk with. Or maybe that's just me, and the characters I play.

I think he needs to lay back a little bit more and be less reserved. He's definitely in his element when in command positions, and I like seeing him with Kimberly, but when he is with her, he doesn't seem to focus his attention as outwards as he could, which is perfectly understandable, but I feel like this combined with his reservedness leads to difficult, almost intimidating interaction. He is obviously a good character though, this is purely just what I've observed of him and he is one who I won't give up trying to crack open, and when I have, I'll post here again.


Any opinions on Dendritic the IPC?


I love Dendritic. It's one of my favourite IPC's. Aside from being an awesomely competent Paramedic, even in times when there are major personal situations, it still manages to do its job.

From what I've gathered, Dendritic seems highly suggestive and quite easily manipulated, which is great, because I've only ever really see a handful of characters put up this personality as well as Dendritic does. It seems to be desperate to search for any trace of meaning or purpose in its life, and once it does, it refuses to let go of that meaning, which leads to perhaps... less-desirable individuals, or less mentally stable (HARUSPEX) taking advantage of this, which is always fun conflict. This seems to be resulting in Dendritic having its own warped perceptions about reality and spirituality, pieced together from the words of others, but I like that it also seems oblivious to this, and (unintentionally?) accepts one word as true.

Overall, Dendritic seems like a classically conflicted Android trying to find the difference between organic and synthetic; the definition of a soul or 'being' etcetera. And I love that. Keep up the good work.


I would like to look at the opinion about my characters:

  • Leonardo Mull(Security Officer);
  • Dmytro Koschoviy(Chief Engineer);
  • Alfred Ewing(Captain/HoP/HoS. Mostly Captain);
  • Skyline(Security IPC/AI/Android. I was playing 2 weeks as IPC and left after DragonSnap was kidnapped).


okay I'll bite

What do people think of Nick Straughan, the IPC(Research Director)and AI SAM, and Ryu'daken Mo'taki?


Leonardo Mull(Security Officer);


He's actually one of my favourite officers to have while Head of Security

Posted (edited)

Vittorio Giurifiglio

A character everyone likes to hate. A more then welcome evil. I know him OOC as "the racist one" and IC'ly my first impressions were mostly that he's rude. I've seen his racism take an almost predatory nature, which was actually very interesting. I haven't had much interaction personally, but he still made an impact on my characters. My IAA, almost like an old bitter cop, considers him like an obvious criminal he never managed to pin down despite having evidence (mostly due to round to round canon shenanigans), and he hates Vittorio. My other character was revised to be, not racist, but he doesn't treat xenos same as humans anymore, with your influence. Also very colorful insults. But the negative aspect of the critique is that Vittorio reeks of being a self insert. And your other character sounds similar, especially with being also a racist and all. We


As a warden, i remember him looking pretty intimidating. I didn't get much interaction with him until Glitchy visited my old psychologist. This is where Glitchy shined in 1on1 talk. Two people played EXCELLENTLY. Very easy to get lost in both organically. Player is a very entertaining roleplayer. Great on-the-spot drama and amazing responses. A great concept aswell, backstory seems lacking a bit, but this seems like the idea character that you develop the backstory through playing. Sorry i kinda sucked at psych. You made me wanna go buy a cool car to compensate for my smaller RP.

Unit+Watson OTP

Avery Dawkins

Despite me working security often and seeing him around Kim and as captain, i still IC have NO idea what kinda person he is. Despite this, most my characters have strong opinions of him. Take that however you want, Doom. As security, his threats somehow always make me think twice, even when i set my mind to do mean stuff. Him being around Kim is adorable, and slightly terrifying once you read the records. I saw him get a job of tailing wizards or antags on more then one occasion, and strangely i don't see much of anyone else get that job ever. So ive come to know him as "tailing person" (at one point tracking Morgana and taking pics, i remember). He's a very competent captain, and also very nice to IAA . Makes James wanna snuggle him. Avery and Kim are adooorable. I wish i knew what hidden shit you whisper to her all the time. I hate to come of sounding a bit negative. I like seeing Avery around, bit hard to approach non-professionally

Winston Carton

My,my,my...so much to say...

Winston is one of those characters that makes me wanna find the player and have him tell me all his secrets. The greatest story arc that i wasn't a part of. James knows about his wife and step brother. James knows about all the strange questions he asks the tajaran bartender. James spends many nights sighing wishfully, wanting to know what's going on in Winston's life. My IAA gained a lot of respect for him, seeing as he did, and does a good job as security, despite personal drama affecting his life. Player's dedication to do IC forum replies only emphasizes my own laziness, good job on those replies. 2 lenght. I wonder what the original idea for the character was and how much he truly developed. As much as he is good in security, i wouldn't mind seeing him as bartender more too. I was soooo suprised to know you have trouble talking to people ingame. I remember discussing the best places to find prostitutes with Winston when he was bartender, and had a lot of fun talking to him. I think you're just not giving yourself enough credit.

Also, meat puppets is a concept from Neuromancer by William Gibson, fun fact <3

Lux Niklaus

A character i LOVE to hate. Sorry for being such a dick and even making you cryo (not me alone, but still...). You're my favorite HoS, completely unlike Avery, i can't take any threats from Lux seriously. it's so hard to criticize Lux because his faults are what makes the character soooo enjoyable. I don't want him to fix his mistakes (even though he probably did...sadface.jpg). In other roles i've seen him as IAA, might wanna give him a more interesting backstory. Overall adorable/10.Hell, you can fix him as much as possible, but Morg will never love his voyeuristic, swear hating butt! Viva la commander faggot!


Is he the bartender?

I saw him being really good talker with other people. UHazeri

10/10 funeralnfortunately i was playing my eerily realistic introverted socially retarded IAA, and was stuck eternally /me'ing about drinking coffee.One of the better bartenders, and a cool concept

Lockie Green

You fucking know what i think of Lockie, you FUCK!

Lockie is life, Lockie is love

I enjoyed all the

crime and snuggles[/hr]

Unathi sex talk[/hr] stuff Morg and her did.

One of the most characterized characters on station, and my personal favorite. Amazing concept, amazing backstory, great roleplay, very easy to gush about, ugh Lockie is great. I'm not saying she's necessarily the best, but she's my favorite. One day i'll hopefully be Murky to your Glimmerlight.And i sincerely hope no intentional asshole ever crosses paths with that forgiving maniac .


Best catpain!

I jst realized i lost the .txt to elena is best catpain...i'll get it back once...

Enjoyed listening to all the love shenanigans. Favorite Captain, never fails to make me blush( and sweat) when she notices me. Senpai/10. No other captain also inspired as much of confidence as Elena in me. Would not fuck with her...well...you know what i mean...

Hard to approach, but steps were taken to remedy that, and i liked the interactions i got so far

Kane deWitt

Edgy,yes. But edgy in the best way possible. I've personally seen people gush all over how cool he is. Personally i have no problem with his character. Nearly had fun RP with my priest, Hosea, but round end. Otherwise not a lot of interaction to make a better critique. But dem coolness


10/10 funeral

Edited by Guest

Emily O'Harron

Is she intended to be so nice? I like her in that she's very motherly and since I have like no personal interaction with her, gives me the idea that she loves being HR so she can help people. I think the majority of my interactions with her were as Anna, and it was usually very brief and professional. So that's about as much as I can give.


Terrace Frank - who plays this guy?

We need more like him. No, I'm serious. He's the guy I love to hate. ICly, basically all my characters hate on him. OOCly, I love this dude! He's able to generate so much arpee with his hounding, and his adoration for paperwork and protocol. He's the best IAA I've ever witnessed, and actually gets work done. Anybody who can look straight in the eye of my character Lori Alvarez and has the nerve to charge her 1,000 credits - and she doesn't /hit/ them - garners some respect.

His job is to be a pain in the neck, and he does it oh-so-well. Seriously, kudos to anyone that can play a paperwork related job - I hate those with a passion. How he manages to stay professional with all the gossiping and dislike behind his back, is commendable.

Terrace Frank - who plays this guy?



I have to agree. There isn't another character I love to dread seeing their arrival. He's pretty much a perfect IAA


Terrance Frank is so cool, I set him up his own Internal Affairs Department spending account in the Account Uplink. He's magnificent and I want to see MOAR of him!!!

Also, craving more feedback, Niklaus Lux(Nox)

Guest Menown
Um, no. Terrence Frank is not played by Meowykins. He is played by someone called Bobbyswagger. I, too, adore Terrence Frank.


I do noooot play Terrence. I play Cat-IAA, and sometimes Heather. IAA just gets dull for my tastes, but that's neither here nor there.

I like Terrence.

So, I've played a couple of rounds, albeit not exactly in my best light but I've played with a few new people.

Opinions on my CE. Steven Macnaughton?


Steals Nasir's slot. 0/10. Would not ERP.

Naw! kidding.

So far he seems to know his stuff. It felt neat to hear you mention that we do similar things as chief. Maybe i'll get a chance to play under ya at some points, but overall he's been solid and enjoyable to work with. 7.5/10 - 8/10, need more interaction!


Revvy's youth pretty much shows through her speech patterns and general approach to things, but her ability to slap cuffs on criminal scum isn't affected by her naivete. She's amusing to watch develop, can't wait to see how she turns out.


Anything on Acel Delrico, for those that remember when I actually played him(And will return to doing so again at some point probably), and the newer guy Axton Florent, who is still being developed? This could certainly help with him, because I'm not so sure where I want to go with the guy.


I'd do the recent ones posted on this thread but I've been gone long enough not to know most of them well. So, fuck. Gimme older ones.


Steals Nasir's slot. 0/10.


Similar feelings when I wanna play Lori and I see that CE is already taken........


:( I don't play that often.


Chief Engineers are a finicky, possessive bunch.

That's why you so rarely see more than two of us in the same shift. If we have more than one, we'd all spend three-fourths of the round in the SMES room/atmospherics bickering over what settings are ideal to provide power for the station. ;)

OUT: 100kx3, 0kx3, IN: 125kx6 is still the best.

ANYWAY, I do like that the few CE characters that Aurora have are overall pretty solid. I wish I had more chances to interact with ya'all on Nasir at times.

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