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[Resolved] Staff Complaint: Scheveningen

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BYOND Key: Biabri

Staff BYOND Key: Scheveningen

Game ID: BPO-cqwX

Reason for complaint: Scheveningen questioned me on a multitude of issues. The funny thing is, none of them actually happened. When I pointed this out, a point about burden of proof was made, because the burden of proof is on the accused, right, not the admin with the round logs or the accuser, no, not at all.

This was quickly dismissed, I doubt the person will get even a wrist slapping for lying in a report.

The conversation seemed unprofessional.

I'm not really sure what else to say. This just seemed absolutely absurd and like time wasted. If you go into a moderator situation with knowledge that you're going to ignore the other person entirely then why even pretend?

I was fine with you up until this point, you've spoken to me before and I accepted your criticisms. So confused.


[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Okay, I was already warned about you that you would approach these issues like this. You do not listen. You do not care. ... If you cannot grasp this concept, then it is not we who have failed in our job to educate you, it is you who have failed to grasp and understand the atmosphere we are attempting to maintain here.

SO the guy that's lying to you told you that I'd deny the mistruths... And... Sorry, why did you believe that? The last bit seemed a bit random too.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Alright. I have done my reviews of the rounds being brought into direct context. At this time, it's come to light that due to your very laissez-faire and devil-may-care attitude, I would be wasting time asking for your opinion on the whole thing here, because you are under the impression you have done nothing wrong.

You brought up a load of false reports in which I had actually done nothing wrong. You had no intention of listening to me at all, I should have realised this early on and just not bothered, letting you dole out whatever punishment you'd already decided to throw out. What was the point in our conversation? I brought many facts to light and you ignored them.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: If I may present as examples, look directly at the IC reports levied against Amy, and then at the complaints levied OOCly at the same character. You should give a shit, because if you do not care to get your conduct squared away, we will resolve to take the easy way and ban you from the server if you are so careless and reticent in making these extreme decisions.

Talking about those false complaints and IC issues that legitimately were not Amy's fault. It's not my place to talk about the IC issues here but... Really? Please.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: ... exhuming internal organs from people to clone people.

Okay then, that didn't happen.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: ... The very next crossfire round you charged at security with an ion rifle and an energy shield and blasted them with it because "they were xenophobic."

Uh... No. I didn't charge security, I calmly picked up an E-Shield and an ion rifle and shot a round in the direction of the person who'd been screaming hate speech over comms the whole round, hoping to break his ablative armour and comms. Don't you have logs of this stuff to be checking rather than listening to a salty, toxic liar...?

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Restrict yourself to your character's knowledge. You, as a player, might have the knowledge of how to hack airlocks, but your average doctor likely doesn't. Reference the glossary for definitions of powergaming and metagaming. This rule is further explained in the character creation section, as well.

Well okay then, when did I hack an airlock? Sounds like you've been lied to again and not checked a single log!

I get pissed off and say, not too rudely, that these are complete lies. There is a delay before the next message, which is assuming Amy is powergaming and hacking airlocks. What.

to Scheveningen: Wait, you're going to disregard my valid statements?

to Scheveningen: Because someone who is lying told you to not listen to me?

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Prove they are lying. I am right here, listening.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Burden of proof shifts to you to prove they are lying.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: You're accusing them of lying.


to Scheveningen: I walked into a door and lost my hand due to an AI shocking it.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: That does not have to do with the damn hacking thing.

to Scheveningen: Are you going to adress that or are you going to handwaive it?

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Why would people report them if they didn't happen?

to Scheveningen: Because they're salty and want to get at me.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: lol


to Scheveningen: You're defending him.

to Scheveningen: He lied.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Lying requires proof of intent to deceive.

... Generally the idea is that you don't understand that you've been lied to... Uh... I mean, the fact you didn't shut that report down right away shows you got completely and utterly japed.

to Scheveningen: He shot me with a spray weapon and critted me.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: after you attacked him repeatedly.

Nooope. I tried to stab him with a syringe but the assistant's traditional ablative armour set meant it didn't work. I hit him one time that round, excluding the ion to disable his armour and comms which did no damage.

to Scheveningen: He wasn't a patient, mind you. That's another lie.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: ...but you still stabbed him with a soporific syringe.


[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Okay than that pretty much means whatever he did to you was in self-defense because you would've rendered him unconscious whether he did anything or not, so he took the opportunity to at least cripple you in some manner so you couldn't do whatever you wanted after.

to Scheveningen: The soporific needle was early in the round. The crowbar was far later.

to Scheveningen: Did you check the timestamps?

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: It wasn't early in the round, you literally assaulted him trying to sedate him.

I'll take that as a no, then.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: yet logs show he was giving medical attention to crewmembers too. that's weird. puts it into odd contextual perspective.

to Scheveningen: That is weird.

to Scheveningen: He's an assistant.


[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Why should he be held by the same standard if you think it was fair to assault him with soporific?

Why should he be subject to the rules because someone stabbed him with soporific, guys?

to Scheveningen: Really, I think that maybe just stopping with the hypocrisy and lies would be great.

to Scheveningen: 2 attacks, one failed, do not justify 3 sprays of lethal ammo.

You have been banned by scheveningen.

When you can't think of a response, go for the ban

Additional remarks: This situation is obscene and shouldn't have happened in the first place. Instead of coming to me and just telling me about Amy's long list of faults. Players decided to make ahelps behind my back, make reports full of lies and spread those lies.

I've had to tell multiple staff that things I've been ahelped about are just straight up untrue. Why? That's not for me to do. You should be checking this stuff out.

The ban is fine, I will take the time to think about how Amy can be improved and taking advice from people who actually care, rather than ignorant salty and toxic bullies.


I don't accept the ban reason as valid, mind you, but I do need some time away to consider Amy and how she will continue.

I wasn't the one filing false player reports, spreading lies and encouraging toxicity, darling schev.

Reason: Forcible break administered. You have a very very bad player attitude and this has shown in discord in particular where you've been gossiping about this subject and generally not showing you have good will in relation to those who play on the same server as you do. In short, you've been a dick, you need time to cool off and think introspectively about what you've done so far this week, I meant to administer this earlier but you caught me in a long argument over ethical standards you should follow as a player that you don't seem to get..


I'm going to throw my few cents in here. I'm not good at these things so don't expect something too long. Your character was pushing the reigns of believebility to the point people didn't know weither or not to make a IR or a Character complaint. No company in their right mind would hire someone who has complete disreguard for authority, morality, and soooo many different things. You have already stated you wont take any criticism from people are angry with you, or as you stated "were salty", when in reality theres probably a lot more "salty" people than people who enjoy your character. From what i've observed, your characters are cocky, annoying, and lack any sense of authority, this is something Nanotrasem probably looks out for in the screening process. I feel that Schev was just in their decision, if anything they were lenient.


The three day ban is justified, trying to tell people what to do in LOOC is completely valid for a 3 day ban (IC in OOC)

As for a medical ban, you removed peoples organs during surgery, chopped off dead peoples limbs, completely disreguarded 90% of the orders given to you. Honestly I was one of the staff members who suggested a Medical ban, atleast untill you can prove that this sort of behaviour would cease happening.

As for some of the points you pointed out in this complaint. I feel the assistant should have been dealt with, if you can confirm they wern't, why only bring it up in the PMs? Why didn't you just Ahelp sayimg they were doing things out of their job, and instead just try and deal with it yourself by attempting sophoric them? 90% of the reason why some people get more attention than others (I.E what you call double standards) is because we arn't gods, we can't see everything, this is why we have Ahelps.

Also, I cannot speak for Schev, but I will defend them, a majority of the reason the ban was decided were most likely from the logs of those rounds, the reports may or may not be false, but the things said and done during the rounds are reason enough to apply a 3-day ban and a Medical ban.

This complaint is not mine to judge, but I will defend Schev in this one, they are not in the wrong in my eyes.

Also appologies for any spelling mistakes or general crappy grammar, doing this on moblie is annoying!


I didn't remove the organs, the organs were not removed by medical staff to my IC or OOC knowledge. I have no idea why the organs were where they were, on the outside of her body. The organ removal was a number of false reports that you fell for.

Amy generally doesn't disregard orders unless they are completely wrong. If you're talking about Schev's CMO telling her to get changed, she was waiting for cargo to get something when she was arrested for not being in medbay and not doing her duty. This from the CMO who spent more time securing the captain's ID to demote a RAMPANT NURSE ON THE RUN AND DANGEROUS ON A GREEN LEVEL ALERT than working... She demoted, for negligence, the nurse who saved someone's life twice in a shift in a really boring and slow medical shift....

The IR for this is still going through, we'll see what happens.

It looks like some things that factored into your decisions as staff are not correct...


To quote the logs from Scheveningen, the same round where you were removing dead peoples legs and arms for Biomass


[00:59:48] bP8-dzhI SAY: Biabri/(Amy Periwinkle) : (Ceti Basic) Luckily, you're perfectly fine without your kidneys....

[01:00:17] bP8-dzhI SAY: Biabri/(Amy Periwinkle) : (Ceti Basic) I think I've failed at medicine...

[01:00:31] bP8-dzhI SAY: Biabri/(Amy Periwinkle) : (Ceti Basic) I'm holding someone's kidney's in my hand. They're not dead...

[01:02:03] bP8-dzhI SAY: Biabri/(Amy Periwinkle) : (Ceti Basic) Just forget about your kidneys.

[01:02:19] bP8-dzhI SAY: Biabri/(Amy Periwinkle) : (Ceti Basic) You seemingly don't need your kidneys...

[01:02:43] bP8-dzhI SAY: Biabri/(Amy Periwinkle) : (Ceti Basic) Appendicitis causes the apendix to rupture out of one's anus, bellybutton or urethral tubing.

[01:02:50] bP8-dzhI SAY: Biabri/(Amy Periwinkle) : (Ceti Basic) Perhaps you had....

[01:02:54] bP8-dzhI SAY: Biabri/(Amy Periwinkle) : (Ceti Basic) Kidneyitis...

[01:03:48] bP8-dzhI ATTACK: Ward Sagan (pisest) was hit by a the kidneys, thrown by Amy Periwinkle (biabri) (JMP)

[01:04:06] bP8-dzhI SAY: Biabri/(Amy Periwinkle) : (Ceti Basic) Shove the kidneys in the cloner.


Yeah... show me where that says I removed the kidneys? If you look in the logs, as is expected in your position, you would know that she brought her kidneys in and asked why they were no longer inside of her.


The fact that you still just threw them into the cloner, with absolutely no disreguard for the patient is a major problem. Mods do not get access to logs easily, and I really don't feel like going through it on mobile. You are still harvesting organs if they just /happen/ to fall out. You are taking something from someones body, and converting to biomass for no reason seeing as you have so many different ways of getting that, that doesn't involve stealing organs from living players.


The patient was fine. We did not pop the organ out. We in no way influenced the organ not being in that body. We don't have a farm of people who's organs are mysteriously popping out.

What is this emphasis on /happening/ even? It did happen. We don't know why.

The methods of getting biomass were limited at the time, we did try other methods and the methods got more and more extreme as we went on. The AI and borg were, for some reason, against helping us secure biomass, while the chemist spent 20 minutes making barely enough biomass to clone one person before heading to cryo.

We only discovered that we could use the cryo mix to make more biomass after all this had happened.

Regardless, this is unrelated to the ban and is unrelated to the complaint.


Jesus fuck where do we start

(This is a really long post. Beware opening it.)


"Reason for complaint: Scheveningen questioned me on a multitude of issues. The funny thing is, none of them actually happened. "

Yeah.. They happened alright. Feel free to PM any admin to retrieve the appropriate logs according to the IRs and game IDs. Including the Player Complaint.


When I pointed this out, a point about burden of proof was made, because the burden of proof is on the accused, right, not the admin with the round logs or the accuser, no, not at all.

The accusers had already supplied ample proof in logs and round IDs, as well as written formal reports. It is then Your job to refute that with your own proof Against it, known as a defense.


This was quickly dismissed, I doubt the person will get even a wrist slapping for lying in a report.

I'm sorry, say again? Point the lies out. Bullet them. We'll go over it one by one just to make sure everyone understands on level ground.


The conversation seemed unprofessional.

Was it unprofessional or did it seem unprofessional?


[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Okay, I was already warned about you that you would approach these issues like this. You do not listen. You do not care. ... If you cannot grasp this concept, then it is not we who have failed in our job to educate you, it is you who have failed to grasp and understand the atmosphere we are attempting to maintain here.

Was this the beginning of the log? It seems a little out of place, like you approached him with prior statements, or he approached you and this is his second statement. It seems out of place.


SO the guy that's lying to you told you that I'd deny the mistruths... And... Sorry, why did you believe that? The last bit seemed a bit random too.

Schev's referring to ("that last bit") the complaints in which were sampling bad roleplay/conduct in many forms by the accused.


[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Alright. I have done my reviews of the rounds being brought into direct context. At this time, it's come to light that due to your very laissez-faire and devil-may-care attitude, I would be wasting time asking for your opinion on the whole thing here, because you are under the impression you have done nothing wrong.

You brought up a load of false reports in which I had actually done nothing wrong. You had no intention of listening to me at all, I should have realised this early on and just not bothered, letting you dole out whatever punishment you'd already decided to throw out. What was the point in our conversation? I brought many facts to light and you ignored them.

"a load of false reports" Which ones and in what way were they false? They all seemed to hold true. Logs were acquired and had the proof to solidify the complaints. I don't see how the "false reports" could be false. Unless you suspect the admin crew is just bullying you? Once again, it seems like you left out a portion of this conversation, and, much like your responses to the Player Complaint, took it into a context in which only other people have done wrong, ignoring the faults on hand.


Talking about those false complaints and IC issues that legitimately were not Amy's fault. It's not my place to talk about the IC issues here but... Really? Please.

"Not amy's fault" Amy died in the crossfire round because she decided bodily harming people was an entirely responsible way to deal with people saying things she didn't like. . as a Medical Professional. wew lad. You chopped peoples' limbs off because you couldn't be bothered (Or simply didn't know how to acquire/wish to ahelp about it like we have written in the server rules) to acquire biomass without committing a crime. (Disrespect of the dead can be defined as mutilation of corpses, "TRAITOR" or not. They are still cadavers with proper rites and rights.)


[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: ... exhuming internal organs from people to clone people.

Okay then, that didn't happen.

Aight, fair enough, he means the limbs, but was thinking of the kidneys, and by Your defense, the kidneys were removed because byond was being weird. Not a problem.


[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: ... The very next crossfire round you charged at security with an ion rifle and an energy shield and blasted them with it because "they were xenophobic."

Uh... No. I didn't charge security, I calmly picked up an E-Shield and an ion rifle and shot a round in the direction of the person who'd been screaming hate speech over comms the whole round, hoping to break his ablative armour and comms. Don't you have logs of this stuff to be checking rather than listening to a salty, toxic liar...?

"screaming hate speech" =/= Atlas radio. Joe Ward's a gimmick. He's an atlas radio host. If you didn't know, ATLAS is a sol-based human faction looking to carry out a galaxy-wide imperial rule of "humans first, aliens maybe." Ward supports that very much, and hosted his own Tau Ceti radio show in his spare time. Disagreeing with him does not validate him for being murdered, attacked, or sedated when he was doing none such thing at the time he was in medbay. "Breaking ablative and comms" it doesn't do anything to ablative, and you could have killed someone if they'd had a mechanical organ. Of course you seemed to just want to "GET RID OF THE HATER", but fine, fine. Blame it on xenophobia. "Don't you have logs of this stuff" Speaking of proof, don't you have like, a date of this conversation, screenshots, or logstamps for any of this? "salty toxic liars" Made me laugh. Thank you, but we're not so much salty as we are done with dealing with a toxic player who only wishes to respond to constructive criticism with "stick it, loser".


[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Restrict yourself to your character's knowledge. You, as a player, might have the knowledge of how to hack airlocks, but your average doctor likely doesn't. Reference the glossary for definitions of powergaming and metagaming. This rule is further explained in the character creation section, as well.

Well okay then, when did I hack an airlock? Sounds like you've been lied to again and not checked a single log!

You're confusing Schev explaining the difference in occupations for him accusing you of something. He's saying "A doctor doesnt know engineering, an engineer doesn't know security, and a security officer doesn't know science." It's a divvy of departmental knowledge, squared away in our server rules.. . That I'm hoping you read.


to Scheveningen: Wait, you're going to disregard my valid statements?

to Scheveningen: Because someone who is lying told you to not listen to me?

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Prove they are lying. I am right here, listening.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Burden of proof shifts to you to prove they are lying.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: You're accusing them of lying.


to Scheveningen: I walked into a door and lost my hand due to an AI shocking it.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: That does not have to do with the damn hacking thing.

to Scheveningen: Are you going to adress that or are you going to handwaive it?

Again, referring to above with the airlock, but "you're accusing them of lying" Yes, you have happened to have said "salty liars" and "complete lies" quite a bit. You reply with no screenshots, evidence, or attempt to get logs from any admin and provide them in the reports. I am baffled.


[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Why would people report them if they didn't happen?

to Scheveningen: Because they're salty and want to get at me.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: lol

Alright, maybe lol wasn't the right response, but that's the same as a judge asking "Why would people make noise complaints about your apartment" and you replied "Because they're mad" . . Okay, mad why? What made them mad? What made them so mad they'd make up a bunch of random shit to falsify your name? How did they come up with this? Why did so many people do this? Why are all of the complaints different but relatable and patternable?


to Scheveningen: You're defending him.

to Scheveningen: He lied.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Lying requires proof of intent to deceive.

... Generally the idea is that you don't understand that you've been lied to... Uh... I mean, the fact you didn't shut that report down right away shows you got completely and utterly japed.

We don't handwaive complaints, first off, and secondly: Where's the lie. Make a defense, instead of just repeating "hes a liar. they're lying. they're salty and liars." Ask for logs, get screenshots, make a defense. Build your case against it.


to Scheveningen: He shot me with a spray weapon and critted me.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: after you attacked him repeatedly.

Nooope. I tried to stab him with a syringe but the assistant's traditional ablative armour set meant it didn't work. I hit him one time that round, excluding the ion to disable his armour and comms which did no damage.

Attacks on Joseph Ward:

1. Stab with soporific

2. Shot with ion rifle

3. Bashed with crowbar

1, 2, 3, and as the Count might say, that's a multiple. if you Tried to sedate him, you still Tried, whether that try succeeded or not. In reference, let me explain it like this: If you shot at someone with a gun, and missed, can you waive it off like "i didnt do anything because i missed" You still Shot with intent to Hit them. You still Stabbed with intent to Sedate them. Secondly, the armor came off of a warden who'd died in the medical lobby WAITING for medical assistance. Since he was dead, Ward took the armor and ID, telling a security officer that he'd done so. The officer (I forget his name. If pertinent I will retrieve logs for it) said "Look, we just need security right now. I don't care who you are, take this" And handed Ward a taser gun. Security knew full and well Ward had his equipment.


to Scheveningen: He wasn't a patient, mind you. That's another lie.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: ...but you still stabbed him with a soporific syringe.


You stabbed with intent to sedate. Whether it struck true or not.


[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Okay than that pretty much means whatever he did to you was in self-defense because you would've rendered him unconscious whether he did anything or not, so he took the opportunity to at least cripple you in some manner so you couldn't do whatever you wanted after.

Aye-aye, captain.


[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: yet logs show he was giving medical attention to crewmembers too. that's weird. puts it into odd contextual perspective.

to Scheveningen: That is weird.

to Scheveningen: He's an assistant.


First aid. Autoinjectors, bandages, ointment. Any 18 year old human who'd attended primary school would know this. Fuck, any 10 year old would know this if their parents taught them.


[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Why should he be held by the same standard if you think it was fair to assault him with soporific?

Why should he be subject to the rules because someone stabbed him with soporific, guys?

If Schev believes I was out of bounds in my duties that round then he is free to approach and alert me to that fact. I will adjust my roleplay accordingly.

(See? Not that hard to cooperate.) What I believe Schev means here is that why should someone being helpful be fair game to be sedated and "handled by security". For all I know, you could have just dragged Ward into maintenance and left him there without sensors or ID.


to Scheveningen: Really, I think that maybe just stopping with the hypocrisy and lies would be great.

to Scheveningen: 2 attacks, one failed, do not justify 3 sprays of lethal ammo.

"stop lying!" What lies? Define them. Bullet them. Explain them. Logstamp them. We're waiting for a defense, but all you reply with is "everyones lying because theyre salty at me"


This situation is obscene and shouldn't have happened in the first place. Instead of coming to me and just telling me about Amy's long list of faults. Players decided to make ahelps behind my back, make reports full of lies and spread those lies.

I'm not too sure about the others, but I know I did. Here's a SCREENSHOT of how you replied so kindly to my criticisms.


You literally told me to "stick it".


You have been banned by scheveningen.

When you can't think of a response, go for the ban

"When you can't think of another lie, go for the fake news gimmick"

I think we're done here. I've made my piece. Sorry if it was a bit long.


No, really, I was questioned about 5 fucking things that didn't happen. Schev is more than capable of checking this out, do not say otherwise because you'll prove yourself as nothing but a bigger liar.

No, they made reports, they couldn't provide proof because nothing had actually happened. I have multiple ahelps where I've had to tell staff they'd been lied to rather than them actually checking the situation out. Do not dispute this because this has actually happened unlike your false complaints and can be checked easily.

[*]Hacking the airlock (No...? But try again! I'm not sure why Schev questioned me on that because it didn't even come up in the report.)

[*]Attacking security (Didn't happen)

[*]Trying to murder you (I hit you once.)

[*]"people making comments about their character as grounds for murder and bodily harm." (I hit you once that round and you opened up with three sprays of bullets.)

[*]Amy was going full ham with her stolen energy shield and ion rifle, shooting at marines (What? You arrived after they did.)

[*]neglected her duty as a nurse (?)

[*]validhunting the antags (???)

[*]going straight for guns and weapons (False as anything else you've said.)

There's also this to be noted...

[*] having taken an assault rifle from a fallen marine onto his back, he equipped and shot Amy full of holes until she fell to the ground dead.

[*]Ward pulls a baton

[*]Wearing ablative armour

[*]Is an assistant

[*]Screams over comms obnoxiously, hate speech, hasn't broken the law at all, should expect no repercussion. Makes inflammatory remarks at the wrong time and gets smacked, opens fire using his little powergaming armoury of weapons.

And I'm the one lacking self awareness...

This was the prior statement:

to Scheveningen: You have the logs for this round, you can see what has happened, why are you taking this stuff at face value?

To which he responds: "Well the person who made this report told me that I should ignore you when you call out these lies." Because that's how you handle these things, of course...

You know what? Logs were not secured at all. Schev approached me with an abundance of outright false reports, stuff that didn't happen at all, and even drew false conclusions from the logs that they did bring up!

You know nothing about literally any of the IC situations and make a boatload more incorrect assumptions with every sentence you type. Don't comment on it if you have no idea about it.

You're still lying. Security wanted to talk to you for hooliganism and Amy decided to attempt to sedate him. Due to your powergaming, wearing the ablative armour, this attempt didn't even work. Amy did not attempt to murder you, she failed to sedate you once and hit you with a crowbar. Stop.

Why should I have proof? There's the admin literrally checking the logs of what has happened and they ignore entirely the time stamps and every other piece of proof. Why do you keep saying "We" and acting like you have literally any authority AT ALL. You have none. I can't even bring myself to respect your opinion. You are not honest. You are a liar and nothing more than that in my eyes. Constructive Criticism

Once again, why do I have to provide logs, not the accuser here. This was your job, not mine, I don't have to defend myself, you have to prove I've done wrong.

Honestly, reading the rest of your stuff, it's the same nonesense. I'm no longer going to give full responses, it's a waste of time.

You're not a member of staff, quit it with the "We." It's cringeworthy, honestly.

You're wrong, basically, and I don't have to prove a single thing to you. You had no reason to comment here and should not have done so. Don't expect a single minute more of my time. I have wasted enough on you.

Regardless of what Schev believes, the rules do apply and we would appreciate you following them.

The General Forum Rules

Only post if involved. If you are not a moderator or administrator and were not involved in the incident(s) referred to, you may not post or reply to a staff complaint regarding said incident(s). It is permissible, however, to provide testimony regarding a staff member's behavior backed by proof, in the form of screenshots or logs.

Stay on topic, this means that the posts should be constructive and focus on the complaint itself only. Any off-topic post made will be removed and met with a reminder to remain on topic.

No flame wars. No trolling. Self-explanatory.


Scheveningen questioned me on a multitude of issues. The funny thing is, none of them actually happened. When I pointed this out, a point about burden of proof was made, because the burden of proof is on the accused, right, not the admin with the round logs or the accuser, no, not at all.


Most, if not all, of it happened. Everything from the first round that earned you the medical job ban actually happened and it was utterly horrific to look through the logs of the first round, given the amount of cringey, repulsive and unprofessional comments your character made in IC while being complicit in turning the medbay into a chopshop.

You could've broken into chemistry for the sole purpose of getting clonexadone and blood for synthmeat production and that would've been much tamer than turning the entire medbay into a chopshop as a non-antagonist. Instead, you only did so to grab a corpse to chop up instead.


This was quickly dismissed, I doubt the person will get even a wrist slapping for lying in a report.


It's dubious to assume they were lying. Lying requires proof of intent to deceive. I highly doubt any member of the community here would risk getting their rear kicked by the staff team for lying in a complaint, and ClearThoughts did not lie. You have yet to provide proof they were lying.


The conversation seemed unprofessional.


No more unprofessional than Amy Periwinkle conducted herself in IC through both of the rounds linked in addition to the rounds mentioned by the IC reports, I assume. I would not be able to stoop to that level without being yelled about it first by my own peers.


I'm not really sure what else to say. This just seemed absolutely absurd and like time wasted. If you go into a moderator situation with knowledge that you're going to ignore the other person entirely then why even pretend?

I was fine with you up until this point, you've spoken to me before and I accepted your criticisms. So confused.


If you think that was a waste of time, you're probably wondering whether this complaint is going to be much of the same or not.

This reminds me of the movie American Psycho, where Patrick Bateman allegedly kills an attachment of police officers and flees to his apartment to call his lawyer. In the film, this is the first time we see him display a moment of weakness because he has been seemingly killing people since the beginning of the film, he is afraid and pouring his heart out to confess to every killing he has done. It's important to understand the when and why, because Bateman is only remorseful for the killings because he finally feels like the law is catching up to him and he will face consequences for his actions. Before, when he felt free to do this to people, he was calculating and unremorseful of the actions he committed. A similar comparison may be drawn here at least in the psychological sense, you only seem to be freaking out and putting up defensive walls around you because you feel as though your sense of agency has been stripped because consequences both positive and negative result of taking certain actions.

You were fine with me up until I checked the logs of those two rounds and saw how impractical, unrealistic and immersion-breaking your character's behavior was, in which I decided to job-ban you for the IC behavior and I chose to three-day server ban you because at the same time I was speaking to you, you were still posting on discord about what I was speaking to you about, before I had even got to the point of the matter.



I was very glad I had such an undivided attention span from you. I decided you weren't worth the time needed to educate someone who seemed so unresponsive and purposefully difficult to communicate with, and I skipped the pleasantries.

In regards to the string of comments.


[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Restrict yourself to your character's knowledge. You, as a player, might have the knowledge of how to hack airlocks, but your average doctor likely doesn't. Reference the glossary for definitions of powergaming and metagaming. This rule is further explained in the character creation section, as well.

Well okay then, when did I hack an airlock? Sounds like you've been lied to again and not checked a single log!


It is obvious you have never read the rules, because if you have, you would've noticed I was directly quoting from the repository of rules we have at: https://aurorastation.org/rules.html

I even informed you that this was directly quoting from our rules, and you were still stuck on "the airlock thing".

In particular:



to Scheveningen: Wait, you're going to disregard my valid statements?

to Scheveningen: Because someone who is lying told you to not listen to me?

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Prove they are lying. I am right here, listening.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Burden of proof shifts to you to prove they are lying.

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: You're accusing them of lying.


Logs proved you;

1.) Turned medbay into a chopshop when there were other alternatives to seek biomass without defiling corpses

2.) Assaulted an assistant that literally disavowed the ATLAS hitsquad when they deployed to commit terror attacks, in which you stabbed them with a syringe of soporific because of "hate speech." There is no "hate speech" clause within regulations, by the way, you are not supposed to act as a rambo nurse either.

You're digging yourself the deeper hole here. You need to provide a better case than ClearThoughts did to support he is lying (which I seriously doubt). You cannot simply say someone is lying without any reason why. That is an obvious display of a defense mechanism for someone who is in denial and refuses to accept that they are fundamentally flawed as a person, like any other person. It is absurd to have to deal with this kind of self-righteous attitude. All due respect.


[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: Okay than that pretty much means whatever he did to you was in self-defense because you would've rendered him unconscious whether he did anything or not, so he took the opportunity to at least cripple you in some manner so you couldn't do whatever you wanted after.

to Scheveningen: The soporific needle was early in the round. The crowbar was far later.

to Scheveningen: Did you check the timestamps?

[Moderator PM] Scheveningen: It wasn't early in the round, you literally assaulted him trying to sedate him.

I'll take that as a no, then.


I did check the logs.

[05:43:16] bP9-aFyb ATTACK: Biabri/(Amy Periwinkle) used the syringe to violently inject stoxin (15) (0u transferred) into ClearThoughts/(Joseph Ward) (INTENT: HARM) (JMP)

An hour and ten minutes into the round. The round only lasted the typical two hours and ten minutes. He did not hit you first, you instigated it. He has full license to fight back or return to kick your ass, because a nurse that does that is bound to try and hurt other people they disagree with. Wholly justified in IC, unlike the BS you pulled later on with the ion rifle and the energy shield.

If anything, you do not have the full truth here.


Why should he be subject to the rules because someone stabbed him with soporific, guys?

to Scheveningen: Really, I think that maybe just stopping with the hypocrisy and lies would be great.

to Scheveningen: 2 attacks, one failed, do not justify 3 sprays of lethal ammo.

You have been banned by scheveningen.

When you can't think of a response, go for the ban


Any staff member can go straight for the ban if the responding player is proving to be uncooperative, overly confrontational and downright rude, as you were displaying. I was already intent on doing so given the amount of unprofessional and harassing comments you have made as a player levied towards other members of the community. I took the time to speak to you anyway because it is my job to give them even the slightest benefit of the doubt until the discussion proves that I reasonably cannot.

I was not about to waste more of my time that I could be spending assisting other players, rather than enduring your thinly veiled personal attacks and unfounded accusations of lying.

Nobody deserves that. Wait out your ban, learn when to shut up and not make things worse for your image by saying something stupid, read over the rules and the Crash Course on Roleplaying as linked in the rules page, and educate yourself on how you can do better and improve as a roleplayer.


I'm dropping this complaint, I understand perfectly now that it isn't going to go anywhere.

I'm not going to defend my actions any more and I'm not going to make any accusations, expect 0 ahelps from me, ever. I'm still confused about why you brought up powergaming and the airlock at all.

I'm going to just move on from this and improve in the future.

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