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Aim delay


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When you're trying to deescalate a hectic situation by deploying a firearm, you can't and are basically forced to use it as even if you take aim to force someone to stand down you'll just automatically shoot them since they are in the middle of doing something active (fighting, running etc.). There's no time to react to someone aiming at you unless you're standing completely still doing nothing.

So the suggestion is to give taking aim about a second long delay in between clicking and reflexive trigger. So that you could see the aim sprite on your character, get a big red message, hear a distinct aiming sound and react in time to stop.

This could also be used to react agressively or escape but it's intended and not really a bad thing. Aiming takes time IRL, not taking a shot has risks. Ideally you would be able to interrupt taking aim by taking a shot by clicking at the target again (just like you can with the current system). It also allows for mexican standoffs when you react to someone taking aim at you by pulling a gun and taking aim yourself which is sadly impossible atm.

video for reference


Isn't there already a delay? I sure thought so because of the reasons you mention. Definitely seems reasonable to have it.


Isn't there already a delay? I sure thought so because of the reasons you mention. Definitely seems reasonable to have it.


If it's already there i can't feel it. Every time i take aim at an actively acting dude the gun immediately goes off. So if it's already there maybe make it longer?


if you make the delay longer, then why not just shoot them normally? if we add a second delay the aim function it becomes useless



if you make the delay longer, then why not just shoot them normally? if we add a second delay the aim function it becomes useless



Because you want to make them to stand down instead of killing them? "Shooting them normally" when you have an option not to is generally what excessive use of force in detainment, use of excessive force, manslaughter and murder regulations are used for and is a not very good practice


The delay is currently 3 seconds I believe, which is more than enough time for someone to say "Oh crap, there's a giant crosshair on me!" and stop whatever they were doing. Making it more would give far too much time for the person to run and disarm the person aiming.



Isn't there already a delay? I sure thought so because of the reasons you mention. Definitely seems reasonable to have it.


There used to be a two second delay, which served its purpose the majority of the time. People on the recieving end had enough time to react without it functioning as an aimbot if they were ready, but people being held hostage or on the run generally would be shot if they didn't stop.

As it is now, all the aim mode functions as is an aimbot. You cannot hold somebody at gunpoint with it unless they know you're going to, else you will fire instantly and cause a firefight.

But maybe that's the intended use of it now, an aimbot for the upper hand at the start of a conflict, rather than a tool to RP aiming at somebody without instantly firing or typing out an emote. Either way, I agree with the suggestion to bring back at least some tangible delay so it can be used in the way it used to be, for actually holding people at gunpoint, not just blasting them instantly with a higher aim chance.


Alright so most of the people seem to be in agreement that it's either already a feature with a 3 second delay or should be a feature. The thing is, it's not. I'd suggest a 2 second delay. So If aiming is supposed to have a 2 (or 3) second delay i would like a confirmation of that from a code maintainer to move this issue to github bug reports

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