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[Retracted] HunterRS's CCIA app

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CCIA Staff Application


Basic Information

Byond key: HunterRS

Character names: Edgar Dawnguard, Jordan Hudson, various small characters

Age: 17

Timezone: EST

What times are you most available?: Depending on my workload right after school 4-10 PM EST on weekdays besides Fridays, on Fridays 4-12 PM EST, weekends all day depending on work


How long have you played SS13?: almost 4 years now

How long have you played on Aurora?: same time, almost 4 years

How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you? I normally try to fit in 2 full rounds every day, forums I check at least once a day and see what's new, discord I am in voice quite often and don't really check main discord unless pinged

Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: once like years ago on teamspeak and it linked to ss13, but it wasn't supposed to be linked

Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: I've moderated Gmod servers before.

Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: I am a boy scout and have to deal with kids all the timdle.


Why do you want to join the CCIA I really would like to help the server and deal with issues that are brought up.

What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: Patience, Understanding, problem solving and decision making.

What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: Inform the station of things that are faxed and/or deal with investigations.

What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: Helping players with questions on regulations and issues brought up.

How do you handle stress?: Most of the time as long as I take my medication I am fine, but sometimes I need to just take a break.

How well do you work autonomously?: Normally if given something to do I will get it done.

Additional Notes: Nope. If any errors, this was written on my phone so I will have to reread it later.


Unfortunately, my initial thoughts on this application are not positive. It is extremely short and whilst I'm sure you are interested in joining it doesn't show the detail or effort required within the team. It also shows some misunderstanding on our duties and general way of going about things. I myself think that you will currently take things far too personally when it comes to the game, which has come to light in the past via other applications and game-play. This in particular would hinder you within this role as it requires a level head and you must hold no grudges about anything or anyone.

Although it I dislike doing this, I recommend re-applying in a few months time if and when these issues are resolved. Currently I personally do not think you are suited to this role at this current time. I genuinely hope you find this feedback useful and take it into consideration when or if re-applying for our team and applying for anything else, be that staff roles or whitelists.


My first reaction to this was not positive. To start, I'm worried that, if you are accepted, soon afterwards you will "go the way of the dodo." Additionally, I'm worried your attachment to Dawnguard would cause issues when acting the role of the CCIAA, as we are supposed to be indifferent to the affairs and people on station.

I would like you to clarify why you want to join the CCIAA. There are other staff positions you could apply for that can allow you to do what you've given as your reason for wanting to join the CCIAA, which is not a good enough reason to join the CCIAA, in my opinion.

Working autonomously. You seem not to entirely understand what this means. To work autonomously is to work independently and to take initiative in work. By saying "if given something to do," it gives the impression that you can not work autonomously.

To sum it up, at present, this application is not enough for me to endorse you for the CCIAA.


Overview of everything I say at the bottom.


CCIA Staff Application


Basic Information

Byond key: HunterRS

Character names: Edgar Dawnguard, Jordan Hudson, various small characters

Age: 17

Timezone: EST

What times are you most available?: Depending on my workload right after school 4-10 PM EST on weekdays besides Fridays, on Fridays 4-12 PM EST, weekends all day depending on work


So far so good.



How long have you played SS13?: almost 4 years now

How long have you played on Aurora?: same time, almost 4 years

How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you? I normally try to fit in 2 full rounds every day, forums I check at least once a day and see what's new, discord I am in voice quite often and don't really check main discord unless pinged

Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: once like years ago on teamspeak and it linked to ss13, but it wasn't supposed to be linked[1]

Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: I've moderated Gmod servers before.

Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: I am a boy scout and have to deal with kids all the timdle.


And this is where issues pop up. I've taken the liberty of underlining points of interest as well as number labels to address them for this quote and others as we go.

[1] This is incorrect, while I cannot comment on Teamspeak as I haven't been there, you do have a ban on record for 3 days along with a 2 day ban from the main discord, information you could acquire if you asked. An addendum to this would be that a two minute search also yielded me the following in total. 35 staff entries divided into 1 ban, 5 warnings with the remainder being 29 notes. Discord had 2 strikes and 1 ban.



Why do you want to join the CCIA I really would like to help the server and deal with issues that are brought up.

What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: Patience, Understanding, problem solving and decision making.[2]

What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: Inform the station of things that are faxed and/or deal with investigations. [3]

What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: Helping players with questions on regulations and issues brought up. [4]

How do you handle stress?: Most of the time as long as I take my medication I am fine, but sometimes I need to just take a break.

How well do you work autonomously?: Normally if given something to do I will get it done. [5]

Additional Notes: Nope. If any errors, this was written on my phone so I will have to reread it later.


[2] While they are within the qualities of what I feel a CCIA Agent should have, I don't think you have all that. Patience and understanding specifically with the past and even the present to extent in mind. Your problem solving and decision making also comes into question from other incidents where I've interacted with you or seen others interact. I'm going to list other qualities I feel are necessary that you may not have in adequate supply, such as rationality and a cool head.

[3] I feel this is an incomplete answer. You mentioned below this was done on phone, this strikes me as you didn't really care much about it. CCIA does more, they are an integral part of round progression and lore advancement as they help facilitate almost everything from an IC prespective.

[4] Broad answer, but not exactly much. Have you taken the time to ask any member of CCIA for what they actually do?

[5] Experience tells me this is not always the case.

So this is your app, let's get into detail.

I'm going to discuss incidents as they happened. Now usually I wouldn't hold a single incident against someone, they happen, it's fine. But from personal experience it is not a single incident. The same issues keep popping up. I am of the belief that everyone is entitled in their capacity to place complaints against a member of staff as it's a serious matter, I however do feel that a complaint you raised was a bit silly.


Looking over it, it almost felt like you weren't reading what you were writing or didn't realize where the issues stemmed from.


Last year, around this time, I applied for probably the 10th time for command white list, after I was denied I was told by staff that I can no longer apply as that character


This was your initial statement to your complaint. You seemed unable to grasp what the issue here, even after we"staff team" illustrated the issue to you time and time after. So let me show you how you reacted to it at the end.


Delete this post please. I knew this wasn't going to go anywhere. I just wanted to see what the hell would happen. But as usual what I predicted was correct. You guys all look towards the past as usual

Then Archive it, I don't care. I knew this wasn't going to go anywhere.


After going through that whole ordeal, you just quit. Either you dropped it to save face or you actually went in there for the hell of it. This was really bitter and goes against what you said about in your application about going through with things. You were also especially bitter, while excusable considering your dislike to the ruling, doesn't put you in good light when it comes to becoming a staff member.


I am know by others, I have made friends IC and OOC, but I don't like playing different characters. Great help here Abo, thanks a lot/



This link also concerns me as it does display your OOC attitude to a certain extent as per my ruling on a complaint. Such behavior is not something I want.

You are also very insistent that staff pick on you and treat you unfairly. What usually happens is you make an issue about it, sometimes a complaint and then you disappear, I lost count of your "I'm leaving for good." announcements you make. It feels to me that once you have something in your head, it's very hard to work around it. It took you six applications for you to finally go through the what's been required of you to reattain a whitelist that was stripped for gross misrepresentation of corporate regulations as Head of Security.



To go back to my "I'm leaving for good." point, here is a link of a thread you made https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=7744&p=74999#p74999

You just have a very strong habit of making it seem like any form of criticism is an attack on you and that makes everyone with an opinion to be out against you. I'm sure if I dug deeper I could find more examples of this form of behavior from you.

Overview: I'll just say that I do not support this application at all for reasons explained before and reasons explained here in my overview. You lack the necessary qualities and trait I require of staff, chiefly among them a cool head and the ability to rationally process things, I've already cited examples above and I'm sure I can find more if I dug deeper, the current search was no more than 10 minutes across discord and the forums. You're also stubborn with the wrong things, which I'll raise you the whitelist links I provided as one example where you directly went against feedback and later command team ruling on your applications, I never understood the point of this as it really felt like a waste of the community time until you did decide to make an application with what was acquire, which as we said did get accepted.

I have trouble believing in your ability to be impartial and not crossing the line of metagaming as you will have tools at your disposal which provides information not given to the average player. It's a matter of trust, which I'm not sure if I'm able to give you at this time. Next point is the minimalist nature of this application, have you asked any member of CCIA about what they do? Reviewed other applications? As you said, Additional Notes: Nope. If any errors, this was written on my phone so I will have to reread it later.

My belief on this if you were accepted, is that something or someone would outrage you on virtue of you taking things super personally and as attacks against you, culminating in you disappearing for good this time and then resurfacing sometime soon, as it has happened numerous times. I've made this post using my observations on you, evidence and direct interactions. Any assumption I've made was based on the previous, so I don't think any of this is really baseless.

Brief addendum. I am interested in hearing your thoughts.


Quick disclaimer:

I don't hate you or anything, I personally think you're pretty chill at times. For the sake of getting my point through as there are already a lot of points made, I'm going to avoid sugarcoating things, I apologize in advance if it sounds rude at times, as it's not my intention to discourage you from applying or anything.

With that out of the way, let's get to my points:

I know that mentioning the latest Lillium report will immediately evoke sour faces, but it was more than enough to prove how personal you can take things. This is exxxxxtremely destructive to CCIA work, as you are expected to be pretty much an unperson. What I mean by this is that you cannot have your personality to affect your decisions on IRs or in events that you'd come across en station. You are allowed to have an opinion, you just are prohibited from reflecting it to your work, which is pretty fair. For the sake of reference and transparency, I'll link the report you've personally made below:


After re-reading your posts on the report, I'm even less confident in believing that you'd be able to come to any objective conclusions, especially to situations revolving around your friends, or perhaps around people that you dislike.

I'd like you to reflect on one question regarding this. Imagine that the person you dislike the most has submitted an IR on your closest Aurora friend. Would you be able to respond objectively, even if it meant that your friend was clearly in the wrong?

My second point, it's nigh obvious that you've trouble accepting your fault.

We're all people, we make mistakes. Maybe out of sheer anger, maybe just by overlooking something. What's important is that you own up to them, and have the ability to say that 'I was wrong.'. It's difficult to do, really, as it is pretty destructive to one's pride, but it's a must if you're going to be a member of staff, where even a small, disguised error can cause the machine of CCIA to start clanking.

Hell, I've been banned from the Discord server myself for pinging a particular admin over and over again, but I accepted my mistake, apologized to them, and I'm now avoiding pinging anyone, for I realized that I was overlooking how annoying it must feel to be expecting anything important when you're pinged as a member of the higher-up staff. Would you be able to do the same?

And again, since I'm not really going to involve any personal experiences, the proof to that claim can be found right here:


For the sake of getting my point across, I'm going to summarize the dialogue that made me believe that HunterRS is not the most capable when it comes to receiving a negative response to their actions, and admitting their when what they believe to be true is proven wrong.

HunterRS: Abo denied my Command app because I applied as Edgar, this is wrong and I'd like to be considered akin to a new player, I improved my whitelist app and I believe I should be accepted but Abo blacklisted me

Abo: I didn't blacklist you, staff just want to see a new character backstory to see that you're able to present what you've learnt from your past apps in a form different than Edgar so apply as someone else

HunterRS: abo that was the past, therefore it's invalid

Synth: you can play Edgar as RD after you get accepted, we just wanna see that you can write a head of staff app with what you've learned, instead of the Edgar app which is patched like 10 times to fit feedback

HunterRS: i'm going to rewrite my lore for Edgar, i'm just scared that the char i'll apply as will be denied because they're not well-known

Abo: then play another char, get known by people

HunterRS: i'm already known by people, thanks abo(obvious sarcasm here)

And it goes on, and then at the end, you post the following, with the exact same words:

HunterRS: Delete this post please. I knew this wasn't going to go anywhere. I just wanted to see what the hell would happen. But as usual what I predicted was correct. You guys all look towards the past as usual

and then when Abo told you that reports can't be deleted you've said:

HunterRS: Then Archive it, I don't care. I knew this wasn't going to go anywhere.

Yeah, this doesn't give me too much confidence in your ability in concluding arguments, neither does it make me believe you're effective in communication, which believes me to my third point:

You've a lot to improve on in terms of communication. CCIA has no room for coy, no room for sarcasm, and no room for hate. I had to conduct at least four interviews with people that I'm not a fond of, and I completed them objectively. I didn't try to expose them during the interview, I didn't press them, I didn't use information that I gathered OOCly when I was deciding on their punishment, I didn't try to disprove what they've said, I just listened to their part of the story like everyone else, then I decided on actions that'd be applied to them like I would with anyone else. I seriously ponder if you could do the same.

In conclusion, I am less than pleased to object to you joining CCIA. You've a lot to improve, but again, so do I. CCIA is not looking for the perfect people who've no emotions and who handle everything 100% seriously, we are just looking for people who can communicate clearly, and have the skills of differentiating IC from OOC, accepting their errors and leaving their bias out of the door.

But again, maybe I'm wrong about you, at least that's what I hope. We will say what the senate will say.

Good luck.


Yeah, absolutely not. There's no way I can support you becoming a CCIAA. I do think you'd genuinely make a terrible CCIAA from an objective standpoint unless you have a serious personality change and that doesn't happen over the course of some months and certainly not overnight. This is made especially worse when you have obviously demonstrated that you have zero idea on how to implement change and feedback. Considering the fact that throughout your whole application process (including your accepted head of staff app), you had tons of people explicitly stating they're not supporting your app because they don't want Edgar Dawnguard for an RD and think he's a terrible character at it. Yet here we are with Edgar Dawnguard RD, regardless of what 15+ people were telling you. It's easily summarized by Principal Skinner from the Simpson's asking if maybe he's out of touch, and then concluding with it's other people that are wrong.

To further expand on Abo's post above when it comes to your general behavior, you've already proved to us time and time again that you don't know how to keep your cool nor how to stay rational the instant something sets you off. Any time you'd bring up your head of staff for feedback, if someone so much as uttered anything involving your long application process, then you'd immediately fly off the handle, and post in a way that I can only liken to somebody that might be unironically crying at his computer while typing. Caps lock, no stops, weird spelling mistakes, very desperate logic that makes absolutely zero sense; the whole mile. Such as one time you were asking the general server on how you've been doing as Edgar Dawnguard RD, and I said something to the effect of wishing you'd have taken advice to play a new character. At which point, you responded along to the tune of "I WASN'T ASKING YOU, TISH" even though you posed the question to the general public in OOC at the time. At which point, any feedback from me was met with you claiming "THAT WAS THE PAST" and God help you if you do the same thing here because you always present it in the most double standard way possible. In that you believe your past doesn't matter when you've done something, but other people's past matters, and we should forget your past entirely and not judge you on it because that's what you want. Then, that whole matter concluded with, maybe 5 or 10 minutes after, another player and I stopped talking about your whitelist, you ahelped claiming that we were both actively harassing you. Despite having stopped and our dialogue towards you summing up to how you're shutting us out and, essentially, claiming we're not entitled to our opinion because our opinions were harassment, even though our opinions were looking at you objectively from where you started to where you were at that point.

In short, you don't know how to keep your cool and when you explode, you explode. I, personally, don't want you anywhere in a staff team. A huge part of being staff is how we present ourselves in non-negative manners. Having someone that gets easily frustrated on a hair trigger to near breakdown levels consistently is not only bad for image, but also especially bad for staff roles where you have the ability to apply punishment to others.


Yeah, no. You don’t have a cool head and I heavily doubt you can detach yourself enough to be a fair and unbiased CCIA. You respond to feedback by telling the person off or exploding or just flat out ignoring it. As seen with your head whitelist, when myself and a bunch of people said "sure but no Edgar" and here we are again with a Edgar RD. You literally only care about what YOU think and couldn’t give less than a shit about what others want.


I understand everyones concerns. And if you guys really all think about that. I will like to withdraw on this app to work on said things. Thank you everyone for your input.

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