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A tip for you malfies.


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So playing malf is "easy" yet I rarely see it done in a way that truly engages the crew so I'm here to give a few short hints.

1. Don't rely on your borgs to do everything, yes they are helpful and yes you should use them but they are not your weapon, they are a tool in your toolbox.

2. Don't be afraid to use your bombing ability, BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN BOMB THE CREW WILLY NILLY! Your bombs are close to max caps and are extremely potent, just not as direct weaponry. And bombing people is cheap and boring anyways so bomb apc`s close to the exterior and let the lack of oxygen slowly kill the crew, but don't go overboard, you are there to make people have fun, not kill them for no reason.

3. Use the station, there are only a handful of machines on the station you can not interface with, and they are there for a very good reason, the rest of the station is a free for all and none of the crew know it!

4. Have fun! You are there to make the station fun yes, but you can still have fun ^^



while we are on the topic of malf, if someone could explain HOW to get the borgification machine and what it looks like, I would be a very happy boy


while we are on the topic of malf, if someone could explain HOW to get the borgification machine and what it looks like, I would be a very happy boy


There are two buttons that do the same thing, one being "synthetic takeover" allowing you the machine from construction borgs, "machine override" (not the explode machines one). Both hack all APC's, synthetic takeover one hacks AI's aswell and allows you to build the machine.


Confidence is key. Subtlety is simple. And misinformation is your best friend. The AI cannot, and really should not even try, directly fighting crew without a sizeable force of armed cyborgs. Opt instead for subterfuge. Gain control before the crew even know it, and then use it against them. Sabotage resistance before it gains momentum.


Confidence is key. Subtlety is simple. And misinformation is your best friend. The AI cannot, and really should not even try, directly fighting crew without a sizeable force of armed cyborgs. Opt instead for subterfuge. Gain control before the crew even know it, and then use it against them. Sabotage resistance before it gains momentum.


Jndeed, perhaps more than any other role the malf AI benefits most from the moves you take before actions are taken against you. The more prepared you allow the crew to be the harder it is to deal with them. Its often enough to simply deny someone resources by creating hazards or traps.


Here are some quick tips to not get fucked over by sec/command/anyone with hands

1. First borg; good idea to be science/engineering/medical, why? More stuff you can do to disrupt (science can analyse the armory weapons, especially the ion rifle, engineering can disassemble the robotic control console, medical and science can borg)

2. Get a borg on medical and one for science, reason is simple; Your medical bot can say the dead body is 'MMI" or DNC and lobotomize em, science can place them in a mmi and add more to the collective.

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