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Staff Complaint - House of Synth

Guest Marlon Phoenix

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Guest Marlon Phoenix
Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: Jackboot

Staff BYOND Key: (This is the Byond Login/Ckey of the staff member)

Game ID: bVn-a8QY

Reason for complaint:

House_of_Synth has given me a warning for not doing my job as a HoP during a disaster. They said I should have been more proactive in commanding security and other crew during a crisis, despite me being a HoP.


16 As a Head of Personnel, mostly disconnected yourself with a threat to the station being a malfunctioning AI. Although some effort was made to keep some crew safe in the form of a poetry event, more could have been done to ensure the safety of the rest of the crew. It is the duty of a head of staff to step up in situations such as this and ensure as little damage to crew and station occurs. You could have at least attempted to coordinate, inform and direct security so that they could deal with the situation in a way you see fit, and in a way that complies with your character's knowledge limits. Just sitting in maintenance with some crew and attempting to get others to come along on the advertising of a poetry event isn't really efficient.


There was a malfunctioning AI and a blob attacking the station. Earlier in the round I had started an improv night. As the disaster unfolded, I decided to turn the improv night into a lowkey disaster shelter. I repeatedly insisted several civilians and cargo technicians attend, going out and pulling in the chef as well. The goal was to keep the whole group of people occupied and secluded in the safe location, out of the way of the disasters and security/medical. I could have also started locking them in the bunker, but on an OOC level I decided continuing with the improv night while the station fell apart around us would be more entertaining.

In-character I was watching over this small crowd of people anxiously listening to comms and putting on a casual face.

I had brief conversations with the Chief Engineer and security, but their responses were either curt or they made generic demands like "DEAL WITH THIS BLOB!!!!!!!!!".

I didn't have information to give the crew. Security and engineering knew more than I. If I tried to run out and coordinate I would have gotten in the way. Synth is giving me double jeapordy here. If I go out to the front lines im not doing my job properly. If I start grabbing civilians and putting them in a room to keep them calm and safe, im not doing my job properly.

I am a Head of Personnel. I am not a security officer or engineer. It's really frustrating that when I push a way to coordinate and oversee the safety of 5 crew members and maintain morale during a crisis, I am still bwoinked for not doing my job properly. I am not a HoS and I am not going to be giving security orders. I am not automatically the acting captain and will not boss the CE around. The CE refused to be acting Captain and did not communicate with me outside curt responses. They could have done more to 'coordinate' with me, but they were busy doing their job. If they needed me they could have asked for me. They didn't ask for me, so they didn't need me.

I am not obligated to bend over backwards to try to beg the CE to talk to me and give me information i can't do anything with anyway.

House_of_synth says I made an attempt but could have done better. I could not have really done any better than I did and still stay within the bounds of a pencil pushing human resource director. I created a safe location, oversaw a calm event during a crisis, and evacuated them all safely. I ran out a few times to grab some items to stockpile. I grabbed a medkit and brought it back to the theater to be prepared, but did not explain why to not break the facade of normalcy.

When an evacuation was called I calmly had everyone in the renovated theater suit up with emergency softsuits and successfully evacuated everyone under my care, and provided first aid to some people, and coordinated with the CE on when to launch the shuttle after holding it.

I communicated and delegated but I am not the Captain. I got a warning for staying in my lane. People literally get whitelist removals for trying to boss sec around as HoP. Now I'm getting a warning for not bossing sec around as HoP. Unacceptable


Full logs of ahelp conversation that I could recover.


[Trial Moderator PM] House_Of_Synth: You're one of the two acting authorities on the station. You should be coordinating the crew, ensuring they are safe. As the CE was. Your skills as a Head of Personnel may not be needed in this situation, but your skills in command would. Instead of letting the CE take all of the weight.

to House_Of_Synth: I was coordinating crew. I brought in the chef as well, to keep an eye on the little group. How am I supposed to coordinate when there is a security and engineering problem? They are all beyond my skillset.

to House_Of_Synth: Coordination is also a 2 way street. i the ce needed me, they could have said something. I did what I could in the capacity of my job. I am not a front line command member.

to House_Of_Synth: im a human resources director lol

[Trial Moderator PM] House_Of_Synth: You could have at least tried to coordinate security and such. However there is also the fact that you pretty much became oblivious to the situation. It is literally your job to step up when authorities are not present. Since the CE had a lot to deal with, being a blob and the AI, you should have made some effort. Instead of holding a poetry seminar in the maintenance tunnels, completely oblivious to situations. The alert level wasn't even raised to blue/yellow when it was required

to House_Of_Synth: I am not a coordinator of security. I am not the HoS. I have been BWOINKED for trying to order security.

[Trial Moderator PM] House_Of_Synth: You don't need to give them commands like a HoS. "Security, deal with this and that" is enough.

[Trial Moderator PM] House_Of_Synth: At least the effort would have been made.

to House_Of_Synth: Why would the effort need to be made to be redundant? It's not my lane. They knew what they were dealing with. :Securtiy, deal with the blob you are already dealing with." I was keeping a group of people calm and in one area in a secluded, safe area.

to House_Of_Synth: I think its funny how I make a concentrated effort to tackle a crisis in a less robust way and keep a group of people calm and safe in non-combat roles within my lane as HoP, and im being bwoinked for not commanding security or engineering.

to House_Of_Synth: im a human resource director pencil pusher who can provide access to people who need it. I was not asked to do anything more than "DEAL WITH THIS!!!" by anyone.h

to House_Of_Synth: I am not going to give orders to security. im hop

[Trial Moderator PM] House_Of_Synth: It's expected of command to step up in these kinds of situations. It is literally part of the job description and qualifications. Not even the alert level was raised when it was needed. You just secluded yourself from the entire round, in essence

to House_Of_Synth: the alert level was already raised. i didnt seclude myself. i oversaw a group of crew in an area to keep them safe.

to House_Of_Synth: If I hid in the bunker and ordered security around like a HoS, would that be preferred?

[Trial Moderator PM] House_Of_Synth: Taking control of a situation as a member of command, when no appropriate command is around is fine. So long as you do not make yourself a pseudo HoS.

to House_Of_Synth: You are asking me to be a psuedo HoS. I do not have the authority to be an acting captain. That is a voted position. I asked the CE if he wanted to be one. He refused.

[Trial Moderator PM] House_Of_Synth: I'm not asking you to go down to security and help the officers firsthand. I'm asking you to give them some direction, information and coordination.

to House_Of_Synth: WHy is that more important than the safety of the crew I am currently with, in a way that is within my lane?

to House_Of_Synth: Why did an officer not ask to be acting HoS

to House_Of_Synth: Why am I expected to have info when the CE is the one on the front lines?

to House_Of_Synth: I don't have information to coordinate. The only way to do what you are asking is to sit in the bunker or the bridge and watch camereas or run around to look at everything going on. I stayed put with crew to keep them distracted and out of th way. That is why I pressed the chef to come with me. To get them away from the hallway.

[Trial Moderator PM] House_Of_Synth: Because literally all of the officers were tied up. Communicate with the CE, see what's going on. You can speak with security from the maintenance since HoPs have the security channel. Look, I'm telling you that more could have been done than what you were. Being oblivious from station ongoings is not appropriate for a command member. What about the rest of the crew?

to House_Of_Synth: I did communicate with the CE. T hey gave a brief response and didn't say anything else to me. Communication is a 2 way street.

to House_Of_Synth: I was not oblivios and knew what was going on via the sec and public radios. I could not act on them.

to House_Of_Synth: The "rest of the crew" i was trying to get to come to my event to get them out of the way.

[Trial Moderator PM] House_Of_Synth: Telling people to come and listen to you do poetry does not really imply the meaning of "Come here to be safe, that is an order"

to House_Of_Synth: Because if I made it out to be an order they wouldn't really feel comfortable and safe. The event was kept with an air of casual fun to keep them all calm. Like it wasn't just a random ass thing pulled out. Jawdat did not want to have to sit there with a crowded room full of scared and anxious people. He kept them occupied for a long period of time, out of the way. It was all civilians, cargo technicians, and a security officer with brain damage who couldn't do anything to help. There was a methodology to it. You are placing blame on me for not being the sort of HoP we get complaints about. I run out there to command security and I get bwoinked for it. I arrange a safe room to keep a bunch of people occupied and safe, and im bwoinked for it. I did what I could do within my lane. If the CE and Security needed me so badly they coudl have asked for my help on a specific matter and not scream at me to fight a blob.

to House_Of_Synth: You disagree with my method despite the fact it worked and I had no casualties during my event.

to House_Of_Synth: If I locked everyone in the bunker and threw away the key and said if they left I would shoot them, they would all sit around in the bunker fear-rp'ing and not having a fun time. This accomplished the goal of isolation and security while maintaining an air of casual fun for morale and safety, preventing a panic.

[Trial Moderator PM] House_Of_Synth: I'm not going to argue this further. The round has ended and we are repeating ourselves. You could have done more in order to fulfil your duty as a head of staff. You could have communicated with security, the rest of the crew in a more appropriate manner, and the CE. Saying it's a two way street doesn't mean much when you're only willing to go halfway down the street. You may have had no casualties during your event and made an effort that way. But you could have done much more to ensure the safety of your crew. Being the aformentioned communication aspects and such. Not even the alert level was raised to tell crew that something was clearly up. No announcements were made. Nothing. I'm going to be giving a warning for this. If you wish to contest it, go to the forums. I'm not arguing this here any further.


pics of the event



Additional remarks:

Edited by Marlon Phoenix

Jawdat was just trying to keep everyone safe. The only people that were there were non-crucial roles and one heavily brain-damaged security officer that couldn't speak or walk straight. Sure, some other HoP's might order cargo to purchase grenade launchers and spears, but there are multiple ways to handle any situation. We're a roleplay server, and if someone doesn't do an action, sometimes it's intentional and in character. I don't think I've ever heard of a warning being given over someone NOT doing something, I can't think of any examples.

"You could have at least attempted to coordinate, inform and direct security so that they could deal with the situation in a way you see fit, and in a way that complies with your character's knowledge limits. "

Jackboot was coordinating, informing, and directing the civilian department he has control of. And, as far as I'm aware, the CE was the one giving commands to Security, having two officers follow him at one point and then having them deal with the borgs.

ALSO, Jackboot was in a meeting with CCIA for most of the beginning of the round, probably 15-25 minutes, missing out on a lot of information.

I'd like to hear HoS's reasoning and would encourage the warning removed?


Got lunch break and let me clear a few things:

One, to be anal there are crewmembers to keep morale which concidentally belong in your department. You have to keep in mind you are a VERY critical role being able to assign anyone anywhere in an emergency, staying in maint to keep eye on 5 adults and acting like a hospital clown while admirable is not good use of time.

Further note the warning came BEFORE you organised the evacuation thus it's not relevant to that.

Two, yes you can get punished for NOT doing things when those things are IN your job description.

To quote,

"Demoting bad Security Officers or stepping in for an absent department head also falls on your desk, but going into other departments to micromanage in front of their head is both bad form and likely to make you reviled."

- Aurora Station Wiki, Head of Personnel page, The Five Points of Human Resources Management, Point 5

Appropriate behaviour would be making sure everyone in the room is okay, moving your t-pose into the HoP office, raising alert status to blue or red if possible, calling ERT if possible, faxing central if possible or directly ordering the warden to open the armory OR if it is required, emergency access to open said armory same with emergency access into EVA OR into the blobs location.

HoP has overall more responsibilities than your average head, being responsible for ALL personnel.

To quote the wiki again,

Duties: Administration, IDs, managing personnel numbers, synergize the departments.

Your main responsibility is to manage the crew and make sure each department is fully staffed and working efficiently.

Sometimes people need access to certain departments in an emergency, and the AI isn't up to the task of opening doors for people. Feel free to hand out emergency access to people such as Security Officers if the situation calls for it.

In short, raising alarms, opening doors, granting access and informing central is in your bounds of responsibilities.

Three, let's be honest the reason you were ahelped at minimum of 3 times by multiple people was because of the meymey behaviour during the "sinking of the titanic".

The improv night as I was informed was basically you introducing your and your sons rap album once again and freestyle rapping while people screamed in pain over radio.

Thematically it was like ripping a fart at a funeral

Note: I am not responsible for this complaint, Matt is, I simply thought it appropriate to use some of my time to clarify some things.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

The bwoink came after the event ended due to the evacuation. The verdict and warning was delivered when we all made it to the odin after a delayed round end.

Number of bwoinks does not indicate wrongdoing. If i ahelp you 3 times, and you arent breaking the rules, you are not in the wrong just because of an ahelp.

Will address the rest later.


As a CCIAA staff, I was involved in this round. Yes, I was interviewing Jawdat which lasted about approximately 20-30 minutes in middle of the round out of Jawdat's time. Before he left to the interview, he had appointed a "Deputy Head of Personnel" to cover his duty and to ensure his little rap battle something is completed. I can't say what the Deputy Head of Personnel did throughout the round. Despite my instructions telling him not to do so, Jawdat was on his PDA through the whole interview. The moment Jawdat had left the interview, he apparently knows what was going on. In middle of another applicant's interview, I had to step back for a second and radio Head of Personnel to try to get a control of the situation. He said something like "the crew is upset and angry" meaning he was not able to get a control of the situation. Where was he during this time, I do not know. Because the Head of Personnel was not able to get a control of the situation, I had to scold the general crew screaming on the comms for about 2-3 minutes for insulting their command staffs. When I stated if they do understand, was the first to say IPC Mix said yes followed by others. Afterward, I left the situation in Command's hands. Do I blame the Head of Personnel for this? No. From what I've seen and heard, the crew were too riled up to be told to calm down and work with command staffs provided insults throwing around.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

As a CCIAA staff, I was involved in this round. Yes, I was interviewing Jawdat which lasted about approximately 20-30 minutes in middle of the round out of Jawdat's time. Before he left to the interview, he had appointed a "Deputy Head of Personnel" to cover his duty and to ensure his little rap battle something is completed. I can't say what the Deputy Head of Personnel did throughout the round. Despite my instructions telling him not to do so, Jawdat was on his PDA through the whole interview. The moment Jawdat had left the interview, he apparently knows what was going on. In middle of another applicant's interview, I had to step back for a second and radio Head of Personnel to try to get a control of the situation. He said something like "the crew is upset and angry" meaning he was not able to get a control of the situation. Where was he during this time, I do not know. Because the Head of Personnel was not able to get a control of the situation, I had to scold the general crew screaming on the comms for about 2-3 minutes for insulting their command staffs. When I stated if they do understand, was the first to say IPC Mix said yes followed by others. Afterward, I left the situation in Command's hands. Do I blame the Head of Personnel for this? No. From what I've seen and heard, the crew were too riled up to be told to calm down and work with command staffs provided insults throwing around.


Oh im sorry. I set the pda aside when you asked and picked it up again when you asked, to see the ir info. I did get pdas from the deputy hop asking if we should cancel the event, to which i said no, keep going. It was at this point the events intent changed from a fun night out, to a lowkey shelter in place event.

During the event itself Jawdat behaved casually but before his actual improv cracked, saying "i dont think i can do this." But this was said to his literal adopted son in front of him and he realized he was responsible for everyone in the theater, so he made an offhand comment about stage fright and went on the stage.

There was intent and methodology to the event.

The ce declined to be acting captain but coordinated with security anyway.

I was not asked to appoint a hos or acting captain. My goal was to keep nonessential crew safe and occupied.

There is also this insidious dog whistling going on here comparing rap to hospital clowns. Its an art form, and being one you do not like does not discredit it. Jawdat is very bad at rapping but this is a roleplaying server and hes allowed to be embarrassingly bad at one of his hobbies.

I also did not plug the album "again", @[mention]Coalf[/mention] . I chose a song from our album. There was also a poetry slam and a dance.


Hold on partner, you just took off your wig there.

You chose to stay, why?

Did you not trust that the six adults could keep themselves entertained enough to not run away? Did you not trust your deputy who had until now done everything you asked for to keep the people there and make proper decisions? Did you think the crew would explode without you there? Was your character being a coward?

Then we go deeper.

" The ce declined to be acting captain but coordinated with security anyway."

Se security and engineering were coordinating and it must have been successful as both blob and Malf AI were taken care of at the end, thus this raises the question of why your character was just so unable to communicate or delegate?

Futher your character considered the situation dire enough to grant emergency all-access to all of the station, however upon refusal never thought to pick it up himself? (This is understandable, characters can be reluctant to get more responsibilities then they already have).

And here is the nailgun to the unibrow,

"I was not asked to appoint a hos or acting captain. My goal was to keep nonessential crew safe and occupied."

"I was not asked to appoint a hos or acting captain"

Correct, you were not asked to do your job.

In short I have now realized that in the end synth did not warn you for NOT doing something.

He has warned you for CHOSING to DO the one thing that lead to nothing.

Lastly I aknowledge the evacuation as a good move, however again that could have been done by underlings.

Opinion piece: It is very easy to staple intent to actions after said actions have been done.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

No she wasnt trusted because the emergency was above her head. She was an assistant grocery store manager managing a fundraiser.

What all access did i give? I did not give all access to anyone.

Yes, jawdat is afraid of violence when not an antag.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

I dont appreciate you trying to "gotcha" me. The problem i have is with administrative action punishing my intent. We can argue all day about all the small specific actions taken but you are going after me for trying to overtly stay in my civilian lane during an emergency and letting the trained and qualified staff handle it. I am not the acting captain and will not proactively run around handing out access and promotions if command is not asking me to or jawdat does not have the confidence to do it himself. I am not the acting captain. I am not trained to coordinate security. I am not ranked high enough to tell the ce what to do.

I would appreciate testimony from the ce player and if they would have liked for me to ge more on their butt. They were very curt, but we had earlier cooperated in a non emergency situation to get the theater room itself set up.


Hey, I was the person playing CE this round, so I figure I should probably give some input.

During the round, at the start myself the HoP did indeed try working together to work out this improv event and stuff. Things started to gradually go south concerning the malf AI a little bit into the round, so I started working with security to take on the AI and its borgs. It was around here where things started going south, as myself and the security officers ended up cornered in the bunker while trying to fight off the malf borgs, and it was about then that the blob announcement also came. I'll agree that my responses were kind of short and a little hostile, but that's because I was in a dangerous situation for much of the time, so I didn't have much time to give better responses. While it's true that help from the HoP would've been helpful, I'll accept that it's my own fault for not actually asking for assistance. Nor did I even notice mention or suggestion of being made acting captain, because it was a rather hectic situation. I had to break my way into the AI Core, through several reinforced walls and rock, with hostile borgs right on our tail; grab the AI, come back out, leave the AI and carry a dying officer to medbay through the sublevel, come back, grab the AI, help another officer carry a dead officer back through the maintenance tunnels, try and get the AI to science, end up taking it to security instead, leave it in their care, run to engineering, try to rush upgrades to Atmospherics because there were loads of breaches, grab an emitter, run to the surface, try and coordinate my remaining engineers, locate the blob core, kill it, try to patch external breaches, and then restore atmosphere just barely in time for red dock to be safe for the crew. It's then that myself and the HoP did coordinate properly to ensure that people made it to the shuttle.

It's true that I was reasonably miffed for having to act on my own a fair bit, but in Jackboot's defence, I didn't directly ask for help, and I was a bit overwhelmed and busy with the workload to stop and chat.


No she wasnt trusted because the emergency was above her head. She was an assistant grocery store manager managing a fundraiser.

She was not trusted, it's why you titled her "HoP deputy"?

" a person who is given the power to do something instead of another person, or the person whose rank is immediately below that of the leader of an organization: "

But I won't be anal about it and consider that perhaps you simply failed to find the "correct" term at the time and gave "deputy" as a quick thinking thing.

Even then how was she incapable of holding 6 people in one room by entertaining them? The people stayed there because they had a good time, not because you ordered them to have a good time. They could have had a good time without you, sure maybe not AS much of a good time but still a good time.

Your presence was not required, it was required elsewhere. You might think of yourself as useless but a head of personnel is one of the most useful heads in such a critical round, doubly so when access to the AI is involved.


What all access did i give? I did not give all access to anyone.


I apologise, I wrote that part wrong. Due to the nature of my work I usually only have time to respond in longer posts near or after midnight.

"Futher your character considered the situation dire enough to grant emergency all-access to all of the station" is the one I assume you mean, what I meant by that was:

"Your character considered the situation dire enough to want to grant emergency all access of the station, to the CE"


Yes, jawdat is afraid of violence when not an antag.


Understandable, however doing the bare minimum of your work as an HoP, I.E opening the armory, opening doors to the bridge during the malf AI or granting officers extra access to the bridge, raising alert level or trying to swipe for ERT were non-violent actions.


The problem i have is with administrative action punishing my intent. We can argue all day about all the small specific actions taken but you are going after me for trying to overtly stay in my civilian lane during an emergency and letting the trained and qualified staff handle it.

I am not the acting captain and will not proactively run around handing out access and promotions if command is not asking me to or jawdat does not have the confidence to do it himself.

Then WHY is he a HoP?

Because what you're saying here is that Jawdat isn't confident enough to do his own job properly, if you are not capable of doing something, you promote people who are. I.E the deputy.

To quote the wiki, once again.


A Full Department Is a Happy Department!

When a department is lacking in crew members, you are expected to take the initiative to find qualified crew members to reassign or promote into the department. Offering pay raises, reimbursements, or recommending people into certain departments are all good ways of convincing people to transfer to a department that needs more staff members. Denying crew members a transfer into a fully-staffed department is a good way of getting staff in the places you need them as well. But remember to not be obstructionist: Work with the crew to find where they would be happiest and most productive.

A Happy Department Is a Productive Department!

Now that a certain department is staffed, it also falls under your and Internal Affairs' jurisdiction to make sure that each of the departments are running smoothly. Check up with all of the other department heads frequently to make sure that there aren't any inter-department problems or any major problems between crew members.

You can also periodically check up on departments personally. Try to keep these inspections informal. Departments don't appreciate it when you are domineering or start demanding things from them![/b]

You did not "stay in your lane", the equivalent of what you did is balancing on two tires at the edge of your lane leaving the rest of the lane empty, putting in the question why you were assigned an entire lane in the first place.

Look I'm not trying to crucify you for what you did, but I have repeatedly quoted the wiki on what exactly your job is and you indeed have failed to meet the standards expected of a head of personnel, while it is admirable to have a character that knows less than more you have to understand that there is a time and place for mucking about.

The six people had fun, but there were enough ahelps arriving to say that other people have found your actions either as unfun, unfair or immersion breaking and you have to pay attention to these people.

I sincerely apologise if I came off as agressive or wanting to call you out or some such things, I do not want to see players be paraded around as examples of bad play.

However from my position you have neglected your job to the point where it calls into question why your character in in the HoP position in the first place, this is where it becomes an OOC and an administrative issue.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

She was promoted to a deputy position to handle service and civilian for a fundraiser, and partially to reward her efforts in being an integral part of organizing the event to begin with herself. She was not expected to take up arms and lead a strike team. Jawdat was not expecting antagonist actions this shift.

The HoP does not have armory access. I am pretty sure weapons were handed out by a warden? Nobody asked me to give them armory access. I am not opening the armory for security as HoP. People have been bwoinked for this.

I met the expectations of my job. I handled my own department and allowed the people trained to deal with the emergency, to deal with the emergency.

You are saying I should have been in my office handing out access, running to open the armory, ordering guns, and other things that I have gotten bwoinked for in the past.

You need to pick what you want me to do. Roleplay a civilian hired to manage civilian crew who has civilian responses to crisis scenarios, or someone who is brave, brash, bold, proactive, and on the front lines?

I'm not doing the second as a head of personnel.

The CE just posted that he was handling the matter and did not have time to coordinate with me.

I am not the acting captain and I am not going to run the station as an acting captain.

You are quoting the wiki and claiming nonsense from the statements that absolutely are not the intent of the statement. The only feasible way to "fill the empty slots" would be to do what Alberyk does as a HoP and raise a feudal levy of conscripted civilians and giving them rifles to rush the AI. Like.... All you are quoting is clearly discussing standard operation human resource work.


"Offering pay raises, reimbursements, or recommending people into certain departments are all good ways of convincing people to transfer to a department that needs more staff members. "


Yes this is very valid here. I believe you are telling me that I should have handed out all access to the civilians, gave them rifles from the armory, and promoted a command member to each department, taking acting captain-hood for myself, and bravely overseeing a stunning military operation to secure the station.


Departments don't appreciate it when you are domineering or start demanding things from them!



Jawdat works as a HoP to be a human resource director. He doesn't play it expecting a blob and an AI to malfunction and begin killing crew. That is called metagaming and powergaming. You are telling me as an administrator to powergame and metagame during crisis'. No, I'm not going to do that. Civilian command work best overseeing evacuations or otherwise sheltering people in place and trying to keep up morale. If there is an armed intruder in a grocery store, you do not expect the store director to take up arms and begin rallying the cashiers and courtesy clerks to resist the intruders. That is how I played the situation and that is how I will continue to respond to situations as a member of the civilian staff.

I am completely astonished at your responses. How can you extract "be the acting captain/HoS" from "Keep up morale and job satisfaction?"


Exaggarating my posts, making assumptions and misinterpreting everything I say on purpose to try and draw assumptions that I am forcing you to metagame is disgusting.


She was promoted to a deputy position to handle service and civilian for a fundraiser, and partially to reward her efforts in being an integral part of organizing the event to begin with herself. She was not expected to take up arms and lead a strike team. Jawdat was not expecting antagonist actions this shift.

That wasn't my question, re-read the previous post and answer it.

I asked why she could not stay there and keep the people there. I asked why you simply didn't order them and continue with your responsibilities.


The HoP does not have armory access. I am pretty sure weapons were handed out by a warden? Nobody asked me to give them armory access. I am not opening the armory for security as HoP. People have been bwoinked for this.

HoP can grant emergency access to anyone if required, including himself.

Weapons were handed out by the warden after severe convincing by security staff, you yourself have sent me a screenshot where security officers are screaming at the warden that if he had opened armory sooner the situation would have been resolved faster.


I met the expectations of my job. I handled my own department and allowed the people trained to deal with the emergency, to deal with the emergency.

No you didn't, read the wiki.


You are saying I should have been in my office handing out access, running to open the armory, ordering guns, and other things that I have gotten bwoinked for in the past.

I checked all of your notes, you have no notes or warnings for the actions you have described.

However you have multiple warnings and notes over doing something completely outside of your role just to fuck around and make an OOC joke including innapropriate announcements, breaking into departments to cook eggs, giving yourself all access to get to said eggs.

Majorly all of your controversial actions were done for the sake of OOC humor, I am very sure this one was too no matter how much you try to play up "bunkering".


You need to pick what you want me to do. Roleplay a civilian hired to manage civilian crew who has civilian responses to crisis scenarios, or someone who is brave, brash, bold, proactive, and on the front lines?

Neither, I want you to play a Head of Personnel: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Head_of_Personnel

The CE just posted that he was handling the matter and did not have time to coordinate with me.

Yes, the CE indeed confirmed that you didn't do anything and he had to handle the entire round by himself, two departments one of which doesn't even fall under his jurisdictoin.


I am not the acting captain and I am not going to run the station as an acting captain.

Nobody said that, read the wiki.


You are quoting the wiki and claiming nonsense from the statements that absolutely are not the intent of the statement. The only feasible way to "fill the empty slots" would be to do what Alberyk does as a HoP and raise a feudal levy of conscripted civilians and giving them rifles to rush the AI. Like.... All you are quoting is clearly discussing standard operation human resource work.

I asked you to do your job, your job is to delegate department not equip militia.

I even bolded the parts which described what job you were supposed to be doing but I guess I'll have to capitalize the letters next time too.

"Offering pay raises, reimbursements, or recommending people into certain departments are all good ways of convincing people to transfer to a department that needs more staff members. "


Yes this is very valid here. I believe you are telling me that I should have handed out all access to the civilians, gave them rifles from the armory, and promoted a command member to each department, taking acting captain-hood for myself, and bravely overseeing a stunning military operation to secure the station.

Baseless assumption, disregarded.


Jawdat works as a HoP to be a human resource director. He doesn't play it expecting a blob and an AI to malfunction and begin killing crew. That is called metagaming and powergaming. You are telling me as an administrator to powergame and metagame during crisis'. No, I'm not going to do that. Civilian command work best overseeing evacuations or otherwise sheltering people in place and trying to keep up morale. If there is an armed intruder in a grocery store, you do not expect the store director to take up arms and begin rallying the cashiers and courtesy clerks to resist the intruders. That is how I played the situation and that is how I will continue to respond to situations as a member of the civilian staff.

Your own personal interpretation of what the HoP is, appears to be incorrect.

I am completely astonished at your responses. How can you extract "be the acting captain/HoS" from "Keep up morale and job satisfaction?"


Guest Marlon Phoenix

The eggs thing was years ago, you are really pulling out all the stops. This is rapidly turning from a staff complaint on house of synth, to you reviewing my entire behavior history on the aurora, and seems like you want to strip my whitelist from the angle you are pushing.

Are you handling this complaint??


Weapons were handed out by the warden after severe convincing by security staff,

great! so i wasn't needed.


you yourself have sent me a screenshot where security officers are screaming at the warden that if he had opened armory sooner the situation would have been resolved faster.

OK, give him a warning.


Majorly all of your controversial actions were done for the sake of OOC humor, I am very sure this one was too no matter how much you try to play up "bunkering".



Matt is an adult and my equal now, he can discern what he wants.

Yes I have confirmed that you did your job poorly, the fact I have revelead your entire outlook on the role is all wrong happens to be something I did not expect to see.

We have decided to talk to the warden before this complaint was raised, precisely right after I informed staff of your PM, they will be talkted to. Excuses nothing you did.

If you want proof contact a headmin, I don't want to post moderator discussion logs in here.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

I'm not going to play HoS when I am HoP, but if it is really that important that I have the responsibility of acting captain (as Coalf, the whitelist admin, is insisting it seems to me) when I am HoP, then I will be more proactivel in appointing heads of staff to act upon these issues so that I am not held responsible for micromanaging departments outside my lane. I put my civilian staff first, and that seems to be a main problem. It also seems a big problem is the face that was put on for the intent of keeping them distracted and calm. I can also take steps to do fear-rp in more conventional methods. That is how I am interpreting the accusations spread out against me.

At some point this is going to make the precedent that the HoP is a second captain without the authority but the same responsibility.

I will be glad to see this resolved.

Guest Marlon Phoenix
Posted (edited)

I knew there was a reason i was getting especially annoyed with coalf saying i dont know the HoP guide or the intent behind "filling in for other departments."

Im the one that wrote these guidelines in or added supplementary clauses.

Its the "houssamified" edit.

This is why i got snippy. I felt condescended. I did more than read it.

EDIT: Wow this attachment looked a lot smaller on mobile

Power attaching


Edited by Marlon Phoenix

So, I feel like there's a lot more than just this going on, but I'll comment. I played Detective this round, serving as the catalyst for the malf situation. My character contacted the CE, upon realizing the situation, and then proceeded to attempt to organize Security's response to it. At no point did my Detective contact the HoP, and this was done very intentionally. He examined available staff, and chose the member he thought would be most likely to help him solve the situation, the CE. ICly and OOCly, I didn't believe that the HoP would have any exact knowledge on an AI's power supply, programming, or defenses. And yes, that wasn't exactly his call to make, but the situation called for quick action, so he reacted on instinct.

As furrycactus said, once we got into the core, the situation quickly fell to chaos, even to the point of the two officers accompanying (Graves and Fitzgerald) being left behind to hold the borgs off while the CE and Detective pushed forward (at this point, the blob formed). But at no point during that did anyone really inform the HoP of the situation. Given the lack of communication, and the seeming lack of experience with issues such as these, I don't feel like attempting to keep the crew calm, contained, and safe is an instance of not performing one's duties. Especially for a HoP.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

So, I feel like there's a lot more than just this going on, but I'll comment. I played Detective this round, serving as the catalyst for the malf situation. My character contacted the CE, upon realizing the situation, and then proceeded to attempt to organize Security's response to it. At no point did my Detective contact the HoP, and this was done very intentionally. He examined available staff, and chose the member he thought would be most likely to help him solve the situation, the CE. ICly and OOCly, I didn't believe that the HoP would have any exact knowledge on an AI's power supply, programming, or defenses. And yes, that wasn't exactly his call to make, but the situation called for quick action, so he reacted on instinct.

As furrycactus said, once we got into the core, the situation quickly fell to chaos, even to the point of the two officers accompanying (Graves and Fitzgerald) being left behind to hold the borgs off while the CE and Detective pushed forward (at this point, the blob formed). But at no point during that did anyone really inform the HoP of the situation. Given the lack of communication, and the seeming lack of experience with issues such as these, I don't feel like attempting to keep the crew calm, contained, and safe is an instance of not performing one's duties. Especially for a HoP.


Thank you for your testimony. I appreciate that you took the time to respond to this complaint. You also gave a good insight.

Did you feel at any time that I should have intervened in the situation? Do you think that the round would have progressed better had I gotten involved with the security situation? Would it be reasonable to expect me to leave my little shelter-in-place-and-pretend-to-be-casual event to appoint a Head of Security to better oversee your department? Do you think it is reasonable to expect you to receive orders, or at least guidance from a head of personnel?


Thank you for your testimony. I appreciate that you took the time to respond to this complaint. You also gave a good insight.

Did you feel at any time that I should have intervened in the situation? Do you think that the round would have progressed better had I gotten involved with the security situation? Would it be reasonable to expect me to leave my little shelter-in-place-and-pretend-to-be-casual event to appoint a Head of Security to better oversee your department? Do you think it is reasonable to expect you to receive orders, or at least guidance from a head of personnel?


I'd say the argument could be made that you could have assisted, but I don't agree that it means you had to. I wouldn't say the situation was made more difficult by your actions. If the CE and Detective had been yelling for assistance from the HoP, and they had ignored the request, I could see this issue being valid. But they didn't. The situation was tense, things went wrong, but it was resolved.

Now, in regards to the round's progression, I'll start off saying, obviously I didn't have a bird's-eye. I saw only my portion, and knew only what I read from others. But, personally, I rather enjoyed the way it played out. At the request of the AI, the fewest people possible were told. Security and the CE go in to handle the situation, situation gets bad, situation gets dire, and at that exact moment, a blob breaks out. And the people most suited to handle it are trapped in the core by borgs that are trying to kill them. To me, the sequence of events built great tension for the round.

In reference to appointing a HoS, I'll say this. OOC yes, having the ability to access all of Security and have a Head would have made the round issues wrap up more neatly. ICly, no, it shouldn't have happened. If we look at the Security staff, we have two Officers (one 19, the other 22) who are FAR too immature to handle that responsibility, one Officer who, while likely mature enough, lacks the ability to manage his emotions well enough to handle that responsibility, a Warden who was too scatterbrained to know to hand out weaponry, and a Detective who, while essentially coordinating the department, could not handle and would not want the appointment. So, all that is to say, there was no viable candidate in that round for HoS. On top of all of that, if I understand the timeline correctly, leaving your location to do such would have been pointless, as the majority of Security was entirely unavailable. So, keeping the people with you safe, in my mind, was the most viable choice.

In reference to your last question, I'll say yes and no. According to regulations, you could have stepped in and given orders. Perhaps it's my own personal bias, but as a Security-main, I rarely see this action as justified or realistic. Very few HoPs are played as having the experience to effectively command Security. And I find that many often tend to micro-manage that department specifically. To be honest, hearing a HoP yell things such as "Charge!" over Security channels has always made me cringe. If I'm wrong in this, anyone can feel free to correct me, but I've always felt the position is meant to advise departments when needed, not lead them. (After all, how many HoPs are seen partaking in Engine setup or surgical procedures.) And I'll emphasize again that (while I don't know your character well) I don't believe they have much knowledge on how to stop an AI that is actively being hacked, or how to properly handle a blob.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

I got yelled at as hop a bit ago for advising security to get warrants to search a department and i got reprimanded by the captain uriel evans. I am getting flak from both ends. I followed the expectation presented here and got push back, despite there being no hos. I advised and communicated and got reprimanded.

It was only later i bit the cmos leg off to prove my innocence in a murder. (I was an antag which is why i tried to steer sec to do things in hop capacity)

Theres no winning. Even doing as coalf is saying i get pushback.

The expectations laid out by the warning remain inviable. There is either something not being said about the event that there is an actual problem with (the fundraiser itself existing and being deemed immature and tainting any action i took) or the expectation of the job is not proper in the context of hop behavior requirements.


Alright, response time! Firstly, I'd like to apologise for the delay in responding to this complaint. Secondly I'd like to thank you for bringing it to the forums instead of arguing in ahelps. It makes all our lives much easier.

So, the reason I gave you this warning is because you seemingly disconnected yourself from the round's events. I've trawled through the logs for the round in question, looking at everything said to you and by you. Overall I found that you were dismissive of the situation. And felt that you played for your own motive the entire round. Being this rap event. Now don't get me wrong, I have no issue at all with you hosting this event. However my issue is, as I said, you disconnected yourself from pretty much everything else. I saw no conversation between you and other command about evacuation, in fact the AI brought it up. I saw no effort from you to actively gather crew during the crisis beyond "Come donate to my rap event!"

For example, during your CCIA interview, you were PDAing another crewmember to make the arrangements for the event.


[08:35:26] bVn-a8QY PDA: Rudu Tabro-Rae'shi (PDA: PDA-Rudu Tabro-Rae'shi (Cargo Technician)) sent "some people have said they are too busy with a 'security situation' to come :(" to PDA-Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat (Head of Personnel)

[08:35:40] bVn-a8QY PDA: Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat (PDA: PDA-Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat (Head of Personnel)) sent "they are fools and cowards. try spamming more people." to PDA-Rudu Tabro-Rae'shi (Cargo Technician)


Ok so, this is around the point where things started going sour for the station. You never followed up on this by the looks of things in the logs but this could be any security situation right? Dismissing it isn't too much of an issue at this stage.


[08:40:17] bVn-a8QY PDA: Aiaez Ah'sakra (PDA: PDA-Aiaez Ah'sakra (Deputy Head of Personnel)) sent "So do I. Uh. . .I am not, entirely sure. I dont think the CE is completely done, yet. . .hes facing a few other issues." to PDA-Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat (Head of Personnel)

[08:40:31] bVn-a8QY PDA: Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat (PDA: PDA-Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat (Head of Personnel)) sent "use all your power to make it happen on schedule" to PDA-Aiaez Ah'sakra (Deputy Head of Personnel)


The same could be applied here, it could be an engineering thing, which would be out of your hands. However the next PDA message is a core part as to why I think this warning should not be expunged.


[08:56:49] bVn-a8QY PDA: Aiaez Ah'sakra (PDA: PDA-Aiaez Ah'sakra (Deputy Head of Personnel)) sent "people are dying, and the borgs are bein dickheads" to PDA-Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat (Head of Personnel)

[08:57:39] bVn-a8QY PDA: Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat (PDA: PDA-Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat (Head of Personnel)) sent "we have to launch. we can delay for 20 mins." to PDA-Aiaez Ah'sakra (Deputy Head of Personnel)


You argued that your job as HoP is simply human resources? At what point does someone in HR dismiss the fact that people are being killed, following up by "We can delay the rap event for 20 minutes". You never even followed up on the fact that people were dying. The crew were dying but all you did was push for this rap event? I don't know about you, but I think that falls out of line in terms of the duties of a command staff. In no world is it realistic to ignore the fact that multiple people are being killed because you have a rap show planned.

You told me that you advertised this rap event as a safe place for crew to be during all the ongoing station commotion. But looking at the logs you said no such thing. It got to the point where even the crew started speaking out. Here is one example:


[09:10:45] bVn-a8QY SAY: /(Willow Harper) : (Ceti Basic) Jawdat, can you not be a useless fucking cunt and help with the god damn AI issue?

[09:11:06] bVn-a8QY SAY: /(Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat) : (Ceti Basic) I don't know AI, sorrrry


Ok, sure, a HoP may not have knowledge of AIs and how they work. But you did literally nothing in response to this other than say "Sorry, Dunno how AIs work" To me that doesn't exactly seem like the kind of response a command staff should be making. I never asked you to go be at the forefront of security, I never asked for you to fix the AI with engineering. My point is you did absolutely nothing in terms of helping save the crew other than advertise a poetry slam where there would be pizza and drinks.

You did, however, ask the CE whether they wanted to be acting captain, as was said here:

[09:13:00] bVn-a8QY SAY: /(Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat) : (Ceti Basic) CE, want to be acting captain?

[09:13:10] bVn-a8QY SAY: /(Asaar'Kalid M'kar) : (Ceti Basic) He is too occupied to scold the crrrew.


Yet you never follow up on it in any way at all. You drop the issue here and go back to dropping beats behind the bar.


[09:50:20] bVn-a8QY ADMIN: PM: Jackboot/(Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat)->House_Of_Synth/(Embers On The Horizon): In my capacity as HoP I can't deal with the threats. Thats why we have sec and ce. I kept a group of people calm and safe.


I feel like you deflected some of my points in the ahelp by using the rap event. The event wasn't really made with the thought of being an isolated, safe place was it? You never advertised it as such, shown by the logs of the round. You seemingly used this event, in some ways, as an excuse to duck and dodge my points. Masquerading your negligence to do something as you are expected, as one of the commanders onboard the station. You never mentioned calling a shuttle, you never coordinated an alert level swipe. You didn't deliberately put crew in this area, it was mostly coincidence. I think the only thing you did in response to this situation was evacuate those at the event. Which I have absolutely no issue with.

So, to recap, the reason I gave you this warning is because you basically disconnected yourself from the round. You are a command staff, you are expected to direct the station. You never ordered any of the civilians to safety. They were left to die while you hosted a rap event. You ignored blatant signs that something was going on just so you could go forth with your pre-planned mini event. As I said I had no issue with the event. I enjoy seeing the community make these kinds of things in rounds. My issue is that you used it as an excuse to ignore everything going on around you. Even the crew were speaking out against you; asking, even pleading for your help. And all you did in response was offer pizza and drinks while you rapped about chores. So yes, overall I think this was poor play as a command staff. Sure you were in a CCIA meeting, but the situation was ongoing for the rest of the round also. You had plenty of opportunity to act, but did not do so. Therefore I do not intent on expunging this warning.

Lastly, I just want to say there are no hard feelings on my side over this.

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