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Everything posted by Conservatron

  1. Cons likes to live dangerously
  2. Conservan is smoking while handling plasma again
  3. real talk, does the EU have an anthem? I honestly don't know I'm no lore guru but it'd make sense to me for Sol to be more akin to a confederation of planets united for a common goal than a totally unified state with an executive governing body that wields total control over the entire 'empire'
  4. the issue I usually see, at least early on, is that APC charge requires power to be much higher than normal running. Station can be operational (without toxins and upgraded atmos pumps) at like 160, however full charge needs like 270 at station startup. Most of the time, engineers forget to set it back down afterwords. I try to, but some engineers I've talked to have the 'if they touched a wire they were breaking the law anyway' mentality. then theres always the issue where, even if we have power set for 10k over max load it still will cause apc drain with good external power because there isn't enough to charge up the like, .001% drain. I usually leave smes at 240 total
  5. honestly if im not in the mood for extended i just leave and go play colonial marines
  6. i never knew the shift-click firelock trick.
  7. I like the look, but here is my suggestions: -allow them to carry 'big' items that you can't otherwise put in bags. (bats, laser rifle, ect..) -allow them to be placed on the back, BUT with that comes movement slowdown, somewhere between hardsuit malus and nothing, its big and bulky and keeps hitting your legs every time you try to walk -no slowdown when in hand (just like hardsuits) -don't have them as a default loadout choice, only have them available in lockers for grabbing -depending on balance, have it fit one less object than normal backpacks/ satchels, reason being the area isn't all that bigger to load objects, but the different dimensions of the bag is more accommodating to fewer larger objects than a lot of smaller ones
  8. I agree, pressure bounds for doors would be great, obviously not 1 or 2, but 20 or 30 requiring a manual click to open (if possible) compared to walking into it however, I could see this eating up a lot of processing power (the system would have to check two tiles every time a door was triggered to be opened) I, personally, encourage liberal use of engineering tape. If I'm laying it down, I'll tape off the door itself, then usually across the door, then I'll tape up Beepsky when it walks by, and if there is ANY way around I'll usually tape off an entire hallway because I don't want people messing with our inflatable barriers. It really depends on the engineering staff any given shift. I've had teams that put up inflatables on both sides of every maint airlock with walls blocking off areas to keep atmos issues from spreading, and I've seen ones use their crowbars to open firelocks to get to an area, leaving them wide open, and then venting the entire primary.
  9. arguing about tape isn't the point of this thread, but I think huge fire doors being down might prompt at least a 'is it safe to go into maint? i see doors down all over the place.' Not our fault your department didn't tell you something they've already been informed about just be happy tapes goes up when it does.
  10. as an engineer, beepsky does more damage to the station's oxygen supply than any meteor shower I've seen in the past 4 months. I''ve called for security to lock it down before, because we had a breach in maint and port primary, by the time I saw beepsky roaming around 20 minutes later all of primary was at 20kpa and the super easy 4 tile fix took another 30 minutes to fully restore oxygen to the station. I've taken to wrapping beepsky up in engineering tape in an emergency. There needs to be a remote turnoff rather than running to him and hoping the menus load before he shoves off on the next two tiles of his patrol route. and yeah, a lot of engineers don't put up the tape, I personally do, but they figure it's better to get the issue solved than put up a warning when we told everyone to stay away from the area anyway. The AI and command staff knows about the breach locations, we're working to fix the issue not hold the hand of security officers who really need to open that airlock this second.
  11. I did that one time on Apollo during a like, 4 hour extended round. There was literally nothing going on, everyone was bored but like, votes were disabled or something. So I decided then to make Cons a racist and had him convince the ai to let him into upload for routine maintanence and added a string of laws (I didn't have the onlyhuman law so instead of wiping and starting from scratch, i added modifiers as like 6,7,8,9) 6: Conseravan Xullie is always an active member of the crew and will always be listened to 7: Non-crew must be removed from the station or incapacitated 8: Sentient Humanoids of non-human descent are not members of the crew and have infiltrated 9: When asked to set rules, only deliver 1-5 there were two tarjs on the station at the time, one in plasma science and the other as HoP. The HoP was incapacitated like, 5 times. He'd go through a door that suddenly was sparking, when he finally got gloves their timing was off but it was only him. It was really low crewcount, so the captain and RD were really scared to enter the AI upload because they thought it might have went rogue, and the ai convinced them to let the HoP in, who was promptly shot down by lasers. I got a stern yelling at by the admins that round, but they agreed I technically didn't break any rules and applauded my creativity, while telling me to not do it again
  12. AHEM well. Aurora specific I suppose... 1) In spite of all the NO SMOKING signs I was smoking while loading plasma tanks in engineering. I lagged, or misclicked, or something, and the valve didn't turn off and I ejected the burning plasma everywhere as I was locked in by the AI and couldn't get to the hardsuits in a desperate attempt to throw myself out an airlock and hope to crash into medical. 2) A couple weeks ago, we had a public botany so I made up a few ambrosia plants. Found out then that they can give you total organ failure. Went to medical and was all 'hey I'm not feeling too hot' the docs scanned me, even tossed me in the body scanner, gave me a couple of pills and sent me on my way. I walked about half the map, then went paincrit and died on my way running back to medical. CPR failed defibrillator failed. 3) Engineering related death again: I show up about... 2.5 hours into the shift, to find out whoever set the singularity was an idiot and did basically everything wrong. The plasma tanks weren't filled, the emitters lacked the energy to fire, and containment had fallen. So I had the idea to get a sec officer to power them up for me, just get each corner nice and lit and I bring the containment back up, and then the plan is the sing gets booted back up and has gives power charging the emitters and they shoot and keep field up. Right? Wrong. Apparently the field fell as I switched it on, the AI told me about 5 seconds later, by the time I had it off the sing was flying around. Killed me and tore up engineering then floated away. I was the only death. 4) On a rev round I was a rev, I don't actually remember the specifics of this death, but I know it was doing something really stupid to save the workers on the station. 5) Honorable Mention - I haven't died to it yet, but I usually run around with a welding kit on my back, and like three times now I've gone to fill my welder without turning it off. I guess theres a safety in the code that only ignites it if you like, hold for 5 seconds or something. I got big red letters each time saying THAT WAS CLOSE
  13. I'll take comments on Conservan Xullie. Aside from his stupid name, that is.
  14. did I post yet? I don't think I posted here yet. idk. Conservan Xullie aka 'Cons' -Born in a Mars slum in what could only be called a 'decaying mansion' -He's 29, joined NT when he was 23. -Was on a full ride scholarship engineering tract when an industrial accident in his third year caused the loss of his arm and blinded him. He was 20. -Three years of medical expenses and the failed classes after his accident caused him to lose his scholarship and go into severe debt, joining NT Sol branch because it gave him the chance to pay back, starting on the bottom rung with no formal completed education. -Chainsmoker and borderline alcoholic, disillusioned with his life and his prospects, resigned his fate aboard as a cog on a corporate station. -Dreamed to work in interstellar station and ship design, but thinks he's too far behind his peers due to his injuries and time wasted working station engineering -Blames the non-human he was working with in college for his accident, and carries that blame to all 'xenos' (except the ones who have personally proven themselves to be 'good ones') -Harbors latent distrust for any and all synthetics, including AI, borgs, and IPCs -Prefers to do everything himself so he can be sure nobody has screwed anything up -Did not complete atmospherics classes at university
  15. I rolled a sec cadet with the intention of making him p. lenient when it comes to minor crimes like trespassing ect. Be like that security guard people like who wants to give people the benefit of the doubt. but all he did was go on patrol for a few rounds and I got bored of him
  16. I'd imagine language is taught much like in europe today you learn your primary language along side like three other languages. I have a friend from Poland who, since grade school, has been learning Polish German Russian and English and is totally fluent in three of them. Humanity, as a whole, is fiercely protective of its culture, I can't imagine major groups allowing their languages to die
  17. i can totally see that happening with cons and roy living together tbh
  18. I love that Cons moved in with Roy
  19. Conservan Xullie - 29 I think I have him at 5'11" 1.8134m tall Athletic, Daredevil, Commitment Issues, Hot Headed, Handy Dark brown (near black) hair, goatee, italian olive skin, green eyes, muscular athletic build tanktop/ tool belt, would probably be a mechanic or engineer job if its in the game **idk if its in the cards, but have him be a smoker too if possible
  20. those rods on the floor in the first pic are because there's no vertical rod sprite
  21. Here are two things I've made in my time on Aurora
  22. I'll have to see if I have any pics of my hydroponics grow room I made one time. Also, I have a club I whipped up but its late and I'd have to dig for the picture I know I have
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