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Everything posted by Conservatron

  1. how would they work lorewise? as it stands I (perhaps wrongly) assumed the gravity generator is powering the station's rotational thrusters to rotate at a rate capable of simulating gravity and when the generator fails there is an emergency shutdown. I just find it weird from a physics standpoint that you can have gravity in one room and not another
  2. that said I have some possibly station destroying science plans so i might roll a scientist to put them in motion
  3. Maybe that's one of the reasons nobody likes playing it. Possibly, but just entering science as a non-scientist or command member is considered infilitration into a secure area. The labs are high-tech, even station personnel should see it beyond certain limits, corporate espionage is rampant. Opening it up to other people would remove it being infiltration..
  4. the id thing would require some weirdness though. Either it'd mean they have to program in new permissions slots for cell 1/2/3/4 then make sure to give them to all security people, or they'd have to use some funky substitution method like making one cell mapped to 'science' and another 'cargo' and having cell 1 have only science access, while the door is science OR security or something
  5. i've seen it take less time than humanly possible to toggle internals on if you forget to switch them i've also seen it take over 10 seconds. maybe it can be the one mechanical buff for humans, 2x as long to get a popped lung when exposed to space
  6. Conservatron

    Tossin' blames

    maybe i'll roll up a scientist and try to get some of my experimental projects off the ground. I have a few, most of which will probably result in the death and destruction of the station and its crew, but some are more... subdued?
  7. pro- maint access behind cells for antag rescue, maint door by perma for antag rescue con - no way to visit people in cells unless given entry to brig, not sure how to allow it with the side access
  8. for those, how wide is the hallway its in front of? if its 3 then the first, if its 2 then the second. whichever gives it symmetry imo
  9. we probably could have put the mech fab behind windoor too or created a dedicated production area but without the ability to lay down conveyors that'd be more difficult
  10. rolled down jumpsuits that don't like the person is walking around with poop in their pants
  11. i believe this to be intentional, just like how the door to maint doesn't lock down either
  12. there are a number of crates that are only CE access off the top of my head i KNOW supermatter crystal is ce access (which is good) and i believe collectors and emitters are also CE access (which is bad) i might be wrong though.
  13. idk if its been said, but the 'station map' sprite in arrivals needs updating to represent the current state of the station and where departments are
  14. i try to only play one round a day if that. some days (fri/ sat) i'll play more but like, rounds can take a looong time. At least with engineering you can usually multitask, I've been doing a lot of licensure studying while playing
  15. Conservatron

    I made a thing

    this looks great
  16. am i the only one who moves the disposal pipe when i kick the wall out?
  17. jamini im disappointed in you a true engineer will let the station go dark to follow their dreams
  18. im sure engineering would be more than happy to set up a singularity in the bomb test site
  19. i had a great ninja round (not aurora) where i decided to fuck my objectives and remove the shoes and hats from everyone on the station. it worked well until the hos shot me full of lethals because he was pissed i took his shoes.
  20. side question do singularities still cancel out? can you still kill one with an adequately sized bomb?
  21. i want to see what happens when you shoot a supermatter into a singularity
  22. alternative way-more work intensive solution is to retrofit another part of the station with a conveyor belt... like putting the supermatter in the middle of cargo
  23. Getting the SM into the chute would be tricky though. The only way I can think to pull it off is to throw Conservan into it to nudge it in! try throwing a baseball bat at it
  24. please no i hate the gas turbines also disposal bin with a chute for disposal is a great idea
  25. only improvement I can think of is walling in and pressurizing the collectors so you don't have to go eva and get rad exposure to change the tanks
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