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About sonicgotnuked

  • Birthday 31/12/2000

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  • Interests
    Wasting my life with SS13
  • Occupation
    Integrated Electronics Abuser.
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    NM - USA

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  1. I'm more or less talking about xenoarch doing the very core of their job: Hitting rocks, finding two beartraps, and getting brain fried by an anamoly. Not necissarrily looking through ruins.
  2. The only mechanical thing that could be provided is perhaps an access change to the helm door, which is something that can be done with a quick five second PR. The Issue: Xenoarchiology is always a role that takes a signifigant amount of time in the process of doing it. Infact, it's a heavy specialized role and the people choosing the title pressumably don't want to not do their job. Sometimes, there is going to be no one interested in going on an expedition. Xenoarchiologists shouldn't be forced to wait for all the stars to align just so that they can finally do their job an hour later when no one is planning on using the Intrepid or even wanting to spend an hour with the scientist. Plus if you dare mention you'll take out the ship, it's most likely you'll be ICly denied. Regardless, at the end of the day, I don't think this is something that "brews roleplay" or interaction. Interaction shouldn't stop someone from doing the absolute core of their job. Even bridge crew have basic thrust power to pilot the ship round start. If xenoarchiology is a job where I waste the majority of my time while jumping through hoops just to dig the latter half of the round, I'm not going to play it. I feel like this would be a similar viewpoint with other people. From what @Yonnimer told me, a xenoarchiologist is able to pilot the ship themselves as it would fall under their skillset. It turns from something which brews interaction to something where multiple hours are wasted if the bridge is refusing to let the Intrepid go because no one is willing to go pilot the ship and be forced to wait on the scientist for an hour while they stomp around on a distant astroid.
  3. As the Captain during this round, I'd like to defend Royal a bit that there was a lot of issues stemming out of cargo during his antaggary and it seemed like, from my perspective, the department was melting down. The QM was screaming in comms. Sadly, I had to dip right when I called them into my office. But I will agree that there was a lot of roleplay leading up to whatever happened. Otherwise, I don't have anything else to add.
  4. I'm all for hunkering down and being scared Roleplay, but Revenant is not a gamemode that has the mechanics to really have this type of hell where you're starting to fight for survival. The revenants are never strong enough to overcome security if there are a few onboard the station. Honestly, I can list a whole ton of game modes that do a much better job. Vampire is rather notable due to the occasional thralling the entire security department. Revenant creates a situation where both security and especially medical find themselves exodusing to cryo because it becomes increasingly difficult when all your time is spent chasing blue dudes for an hour and a half and fixing broken bones resulting from blue dude attacks. This isn't a suggestion to remove the gamemode. It's a suggestion to remove it from secret until someone adds a lot more things to it to make it pliable for an actual gamemode.
  5. Oh boy, here I go making a REMOVE THIS GAMEMODE thread. Honestly, I like the idea of Revenant. But it currently is a half baked combat gamemode which doesn't even fit the current server atmosphere. It has some serious problems that need to be addressed before being re-added into secret. It feels more like a late game ghost spawner role then it should an actual gamemode. Issue 1: Starting off, the entire premise of the gamemode entirely points you towards the direction that you're these bluespace dudes getting murdered by bluespace usage. That's at least what text tells you as the common revenant just roles with that. It's like if I went to someone's house and told them that electricity is killing people and they should go tell all of society from using electricity. Let's ignore the fact that as a society, we're completely dependent on electricity and without it, a lot of people will suffer. Lore wise, billions rely on bluespace travel to actually get to places and will suffer without it. It's a rather outlandish statement that no one can even do anything about it and just leaves you questioning why they can't go to one of the bluespace gates instead of a research station that mines more phoron than actual research. Issue 2: It delves into security shooting the blue tide for the next hour and a half which gets pretty stale. It seems like a mode that is entirely combat based. The mechanics do not give anything for the Revs to do spooky bluespace stuff except pop a few lights with their scary screeching before running off and making makeshift ghetto weapons (which I find really funny yet stupid) for any chance to go against security. They're just humanoid mobs, except blue, and drop just as easily. They can't even bypass armor without ghetto weapons scavenged up with plasteel and metal that they've found sitting around. Issue 3: The portal is really obnoxious due to the simple fact it doubles down on making revenant a combat based gamemode. It sends out a CC message saying to shut down the portal and screams at Rev's to stop the shutdown of the portal after it finally appears sometime before the shuttle is called. This isn't something that really fits the atmosphere of the server. Issue 4: This all boils down to making Revenant a really restricted gamemode. There is nothing that supports any sort of creativity from the Revenants except for the same three gimmicks that cycle occasionally. Everything tells you that you're creepy bluespace boys that don't like people using bluespace. I think the wiki has an idea of ghosts. Honestly, whatever the gimmick is doesn't matter at the end of the day since it all practically devolves into sec shooting the blue tide. Even if by chance they never shot a Rev, it'll start when the portal opens and the bluespace neutralizer gets sent through cargo. It also rewards the station with killing Rev's by opening portals to spew out materials. Closing the main portal spawns some pretty good items too. On a last note, since this is more subjective since everyone has their one gamemode they can't stand, I personally cryo when I see the "The walls start vibrating" red text. I'm not the only one though.
  6. By no means am I suggesting removal. I just want certain things rebalanced.
  7. Now, let's just get this out of the way. I hate making things that I have absolutely no solutions for since these are two totally outdated subdepartments within science. While xenoarchaeology may have some of the same issues, It's entirely luck based and spending an hour marching around outside to find something to dig up. Xenoarchaeology is the only subdepartment that requires actual effort and risk for high reward. Xenobiology and Xenoarchaeology have little risk and effort for high reward. You can easily not be affected by the plants by just carrying a hatchet, closing the tray lid, and wearing the gasmask. Black K'ois had really the only actual risk because it was utterly terrifying to grow when it blacked out all light while it spread. Xenobotany and Xenobiology are not luck based. There is no added effort needed to grow that next strange seed or try mutating that grey slime again to reach some of the most powerful toxins in the game. Slime Jelly. Cyanide. Slime Mutagen Toxin. Unstable Slime Mutagen. These are all extremely powerful chemicals that require only a little bit of your time to truly create. It is much scarier when someone competent enough understands the base mechanics of these two sub departments. It does not take a lot of time, challenge, or effort to create a cyanide death kudzu that has stinging spines. I've seen, and been affected by, either subdepartment using mutagen to instantly destroy an antag. The unstable plants for example bypass armor and likely spells death to anyone involved. There is very little counter and it's a line I very much want to not poke because I find these mechanics arguably more damaging than Toxins. You can recover people from an explosion. You can't recover someone who met a fate from unstable mutagen which makes them irreversibly a slime after you squirted them with it. It's outdated. It works instantly. It adds nothing to the round when all your problems could be fixed with a spray bottle or a few fruits you've dunked in unstable mutagen that you can just toss. The only fun that comes is for the person who uses these mechanics. There is never enjoyment from the receiving end and it creates a lot of unnecessary salt. TLDR; Issues: Works Instantly. Extremely Deadly. Easy to Obtain. Zero Armor Checks (Unstable Plants). Cheesy mechanics that add nothing to the round when actually used. Low Risk and Low Effort for High Reward
  8. We will start by looking at this chart There is an constant issue regarding this chart. There are glaring inconsistencies regarding this chart. Half the time, the roboticist will claim that they don't know surgical care. It seems to be encompassing on all surgeries, including those which are life threatening. (Such as a damaged mechanical heart) There are also inconsistencies regarding if this is a OOCly enforceable chart or purely IC qualifications. I was earlier told that nanopaste does not act as a substitute to a roboticist (Which the chart does not clarify) In the rare cases, there are organs that suffer extreme necrosis and scarring (Most likely due to MSOF) and must be removed. There may not be a roboticist onboard to transplant a mechanical organ even if something else gets them printed. In my case, k'ois mycosis required a complete transplant of the Liver and Kidneys. Why wouldn't a surgeon be unable to hook up a synthetic organ? I can understand why they can't repair them with a screwdriver due to the complicated machinery. But when it's printed, it just seems you hook up the ports and let it operate.
  9. -1 for spelling my name wrong. In all seriousness, the story is good and I'd like to see them inside medical. Dr. Godard is also a good CMO with a mixture of seriousness and a great balance of patience when it comes to OOC fuckups in medical not absolutely destroying a characters reputation (Which has been an issue with previous CMO's in the department) I feel they support the environment well. The story to me checks out personally. I like the struggle of nobility which is an issue. Big +1 from me.
  10. Byond key: SonicGotNuked Character names: Alik Jrruzhani (Surgeon) I'll just post the list. Everyone else got forgotten due to my six month hiatus and I never stick with one singular character throughout my time playing here. ?‍♂️ Age: 20 Timezone: -7 UTC What times are you most available?: Practically every day. Experience How long have you played SS13?: 4-5ish years How long have you played on Aurora?: 4 ish years How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you? Very. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: I had a permanent synthetic and antag ban a long time ago. I've appealed it since and never got banned since. Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: I was a mod for 1 year on aurora. Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: I've been on this server for about four years. Moderated it for another year. Now I want to dip into the IC modderation. I also had a command staff whitelist for a while (Which isn't necessary but helps) Personality Why do you want to join the CCIA?: What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: I feel that CCIA agents must possess a sense of patience, fairness and be a good example of roleplay. While a moderator must be understanding of an OOC intent while representing the staff team as a whole. The CCIA agent is representing the actions and whims of NanoTrasen at an IC perspective. Every 'higher authority' than the captain is reflected through a CCIA agent on those rare times Central Command does get involved. This provides a quality of fairness that an agent must possess to keep the round enjoyable for both antags and crew. CCIA agents also have the ability to make a character no longer playable or playable only in a restricted manner as well due to the majority of the job being that of incident reports. What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: CCIA agents during an ongoing round handles the big boss fax machine. They respond to faxes and provide a place for the command staff to respond to. They also organize Incident Report interviews for ongoing character development and higher quality of roleplay. Rarely, would they be an overseeing eye on a tactical team. They can have a major impact of the round. It is important to have that in mind when interacting with the station. What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: Outside of the server, a CCIA agent helps determine what actions are considered canon or not when it comes to a staff complaint. They'll, in aid with the other staff, will investigate a situation report to determine antag involvement so that a character will not unjustly get hammered. They also monitor the IC situation reports on the discord. I also feel like they provide a good example of roleplay from my own personal experience. Even if it's not intended, CCIA gets seen as an example. How do you handle stress?: Well How well do you work autonomously?: I've modderated a lot of dead hour rounds.
  11. BYOND Key: SonicGotNuked Staff BYOND Key: @ShesTrying Game ID: cbi-dGr4 Reason for complaint: TL;DR: I feel that it's perfectly reasonable for a skrell xenoarchaeologist to understand bluespace and how it works. Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks: None
  12. Just have wizard show up when you have like 5-10 people readying up. Let me pain two scenarios. Secret Wizard at 2PM, lone antag, with 25 people readied up in which there is a full security department. Suddenly you have the entire department surrounding them if they dare breath an centimeter away from regulations. Suddenly tazed to the floor or shot horizontal an hour into the round. Secret Wizard at 2AM with one officer who can't just summon the entire force of security. Does some magic shit and someone accidently gets hurt. You're not going to have the entire department surrounding you in three seconds.
  13. Why not remove that useless space Z level miners keep drifting aimlessly through?
  14. Alright, this boils down to misconceptions, and a lot of it. My first course of action is to address the staff complaints you listed above: 1. There was a mutual understanding at the end of it. 2. Arrow explained some backend dev stuff and the complaint eventually dropped. 3. There was some changes that occured. 4. Misconception. It was clarified and dropped. 5. The drama was investigated. Investigations tend to happen behind the scenes out of the server's eye. 6. Skull apologized after discussion in the post. 7. Matt was apprehended by Garn about this. Now onto individual topics I will refrain from posting on a perspective of how the development team handles administrator maintainers outside of what I was told. These were mostly instances that were never reported. But there was some back end investigations that occurred. Inter staff discussion are not typically seen until said person is literally removed. Nanako was stripped of dev perms after abusing them. To be all honest, I do not know what personally exactly happened to Fowl and Pacman, but they either got removed or pressed out by the dev team. From what I've personally seen with access to the inter-staff discord, this is incorrect, because they do keep tabs into the moderation chat and we do have discussions. Alb is a maintainer. They have access to the server. Garn also has access but generally uses it when the server dies and he's around to hit the big restart button. I've seen Skull make mistakes, but he hasn't ever tried to cease the server. I've never faced disrespect from him and when I've seen it, it generally ended in an apology (I.E, that staff complaint 6) This is a contradiction of your point above. To be a maintainer, you have some server access. You want administration to have control. You don't want administration to have any control. That's what the maintainer position is from what I see: To have some control in the server operations and code base. There are clear guidelines staff follow. This is why I'm posting this, because it peeves me when people have a misconception that staff are immune. Staff, generally to get their position, show that they uphold the general server rules. That's why you don't see them getting banned because Aurora gets as a whole gets staff from people who show they understand the rules, can learn from their mistakes, and be all around decent people to work with. In fact, I've personally talked to skull about one of his frustrations being vented into OOC and moderated it like I would do any other player by asking one of the admins to disable OOC. Then I spoke with him a little. This is why staff complaints exist for staff members, not involved, to take an unbiased approach on the situation and come to final decision if said staff member was in the right or wrong. While I can't post some examples onto other people, I can post my own mistakes and issues that were investigated and resolved like any other person. I will be blurring the names of the people who issued my notes since it's pretty standard when sharing them. https://gyazo.com/7fff7c23abe926a72a40a497e6e98a14 | During my first mod trail During my time as a moderator. https://gyazo.com/2924970c5e195b0cfd1ef5f46896d791 https://gyazo.com/6fca285817418f69bb09bd61de0d3f82 In Conclusion The staff team does moderate itself. I've spoken with people. I've started conversations. I've been personally spoken to before when I screw up. I understand the misconception that staff are immune from an outsiders perspective, but most of the issues, are handled in the back end. 90 percent of them get resolved internally and it never comes to the light of day since there is honestly no place for it. It functions. It exists. The mere exsistance of the entire staff team being 53 people and functional is evidence enough of this fact. Because if there was not moderation, there would not be a team that exists since it keeps the team functioning and working together despite the MANY differences among everyone. Look at the two recent lore arcs for example involving Tajaran and Skrell. You have lore developing a concept. Developers actually adding the concept into the game. CCIA pushing the IC company side of things. Administration enforcing the rules so it doesn't fall into a mess. All of this is not possible when a team is dysfunctional. Inner staff moderation is a key corner stone in a functional team.
  15. No, sorry, that's not how it works. This was some pretty clear evasion from 2016 - 2019 instead appealing an easy perma that could of got lifted. It logged every attempt to change your IP or ckey via proxy or VPN and your explanation makes zero sense regardless. To perfectly honest, I would of most likely lifted the ban since your last attempt was a year ago. But lying just leads me to one conclusion: Appeal Denied. Locking and Archiving.
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