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Everything posted by Lohikar

  1. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/1846
  2. An update on directional lighting:
  3. As far as I'm aware, the character you talk about in your app should be one that is intended to be a head of staff. You don't actually have to play the character, but you have to show understanding in what makes a realistic head of staff. Would it be possible for you to write up a heads character, if only to use for this app?
  4. The minimum age for heads of staff positions is 30 (with captain being 35), your character is way too young. What specific head of staff is your character planned to be? Your paragraph about them is very general and nonspecific. I would also strongly recommend playing a lot more as well as becoming more well-known to the community before applying.
  5. Don't think they were referring to cryogenic storage, just the medical cryonics tubes & medical sleepers.
  6. I'm fairly certain that it is already against regs to build uploads without authorization.
  7. Why would the Head of Security be able to authorize an upload? The AI is under the CE & RD's authority.
  8. Implemented in development branch for next update cycle.
  9. Combat is separate for a reason; it's designed to be hard to get. As-is, it requires both Red Alert + heads ID swipe, or robotics installing a Crisis unlock module. Rolling it into the security module would kind of reduce the efficacy of these balancing mechanisms.
  10. So, what exactly are you suggesting? This subforum is for feature/policy suggestions, not RP suggestions.
  11. Your responses are a bit, uh, short. Can you add more detail to your answers? There's not really much here to show that you're fit for a whitelist.
  12. This could be implemented with minimal effort in the new lighting engine; the main questions are balance and performance. Each time a baseline moves, it would trigger a lighting update on the tiles around it. Lighting updates are fast, but too many at once could cause the server to flip over to the slower (but less laggy) lighting update method.
  13. Now with actual darkness:
  14. It's being looked into, but no promises at this time.
  15. There's performance improvements bundled with the lighting system, as well as the system itself being faster.
  16. They update as soon as you move.
  17. This isn't actually the fault of the lighting system, those areas have dynamic lighting disabled.
  18. I actually fixed the delay yesterday, so that shouldn't be a problem anymore.
  19. There's already pre-made paperwork available in the request consoles, although it is not possible for players to add items themselves. I don't think I have ever seen anyone actually use the table pencode tags, and I don't think it entirely makes sense for you to be able to change the color of paper with a pen (although it would be feasible when printing from a console). As for text colors, this is already possible with colored pens, although they can be hard to find. The idea of adding fonts (to consoles) and abbreviations is an interesting one, however.
  20. This sounds like it's for locking trays that already have bodies in them, not locking empty trays; unless you mean putting bodies in already-occupied trays. That could be bypassed by allowing the trays to be emagged or hacked by an engie.
  21. Also: Vaurcae are not immune to radiation, although they do have a high resistance to it (80%). Cloned Vaurcae also don't have their mechanical organs like the filterbit/internal-tank, so they need to get phoron internals or risk suffocation.
  22. A note about IPC charging: they can charge with cyborg chargers now. Charging off an APC has a chance of damaging you. IPCs also get the borg emotes *beep, *buzz, and *ping (which have sound).
  23. Were you thinking of something with its own power cell (basically just the current cooler stuck into the suit), or a module that runs off of the internal hardsuit cell?
  24. Added to todo list.
  25. Some questionably safe engine design. Okay, this may have been on the aurora test server.
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