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Everything posted by Lady_of_Ravens

  1. Yeah, really odd. "I'm here for the RP" "I'm here for the combat" "I'm here for the strategic voting". One of these does not fit. I can see the advantage of not having a 51% (or 66%) majority force a vote so long as extended is separated out and announced. I'd be happy either way.
  2. Have I ever seen a vending machine do 0.6 points of damage? Actually, yes, I had one attacking me in the OR once and, yes, as a result of 0.6 points of damage to one arm I was dropping surgical tools. Not often, but enough that I had to stop using that hand until I could get it repaired.
  3. Yeah, seriously. I've had much the same thought... albeit not quite as colorfully. I guess the idea behind putting the IPC chem storage in the groin was supposed to avoid packing all two of the three IPC organs in the chest... but still. A medical belt with a couple of bottles or beakers is a less weird way to carry around meds. Which leads me to something I've been wondering... does anyone actually use their IPC as a walking beaker? As for the rest, I'm a bit conflicted. On one hand, IPCs are kinda op in some respects (being somewhat mobile and functional in crit is pretty sick), but they also have some fairly brutal (and silly) weaknesses. As an example, 0.6 points of damage to a limb is all it takes to get all clumsy and drop stuff, and being unable to self repair without nanopaste means you'll probably be seeing the roboticist every time a vending machine takes a shot at you.
  4. I expect them to help with technical problems, ban griefers, and keep some of the more blatant stupidness in check. It's not a high set of expectations, but on the bright side I've never been disappointed.
  5. I'm not expert on combat mechanics, but from the few times I've been flashbanged they've put me down for a startling amount of time. Perhaps a second or three of stun followed by a period of reduced vision and movement would make more sense than being flat on your back and totally helpless for 15 seconds or however long it lasts.
  6. We obviously both enjoy very different elements of this game... which is fine, I guess. I'd like to think we could find a compromise that doesn't ruin things for more combat oriented players while still letting those of us who prefer more involved RP (including stuff like talking to patients rather than silently hauling them around, stuffing them into machines, gassing them, cutting them open, and moving on to the next one). Hell, I think I even like paperwork... at least, to a point. Particularly with the request consoles making it so very easy. I don't think there's any reason we can't accommodate both play styles. Now, I don't have anywhere near your experience playing antags, but I'm fairly sure that the rapidity with which various ailments take effect is a lot worse for them. They don't have a whole department of lesbians medical professionals dedicated to pumping out miracle drugs, sending out mech-wearing EMTs, and patching them back into a combat-worthy state for another round of validhunting.
  7. It probably wouldn't hurt to add it to the cargo list, though I do think blood drives are better than going to the cargo bay... and not as good as having a blood-generating machine. And, actually, the machine that poops out organs only does organs, not limbs. Limb replacements aren't the most common thing I've seen, but in the dozen or so rounds I've played as a surgeon I've done a couple (and had one done on me once). On the other hand, I've yet to see anyone with an organ that needs replacing. Not saying it doesn't happen, just that I have yet to see it. Internal bleeding, no, but it's not so common for surgery patients to have some blood loss as part of their symptoms. I generally just kick anyone with more than 70% blood out of the OR with an iron pill 'cause it's not worth wasting half a blood pack on them that I might need for someone in real danger. If we had a reliable supply, however, I'd be all for pumping blood into anyone who's short. Requiring reagents from botony wouldn't be especially reliable, but a beaker of chems from the chemlab and waiting for 10 minutes or so per pack filled would.
  8. I have another idea to add to this... not really new-thread worthy, though. Make IV drips collapsible the same way as rolling beds, and stick a couple in medbay so we don't just have the one. Not actually that big of a deal, but it would be neat for stuff like blood drives and pumping blood into someone while they're waiting for surgery, or using the drips for something other than blood.
  9. Yeah, I totally said to reduce the medicine processing speed by a factor of 100, didn't I? I have difficulty respecting such a blatantly hyperbolic argument. What I actually said was a factor of 5, and I have already conceded that the number could go a little lower. How is taking more than than a minute to heal up from life threatening injuries such a big deal? Being bedridden for a few minutes after an injury may not be as ego gratifying as being the badass who boards the nuke shuttle and kills all the operatives, but it can be every bit as interesting from a roleplaying perspective.
  10. I agree with this 100%. Culturing blood should take time, same as setting up cryo or making complex medicines in the chem lab. That's no big deal, medbay doesn't get much use in the beginning of a round anyway so there's plenty of time to build up a supply of faux-type-O (or whatever we're calling it). I wouldn't have it require this nutriment stuff from botony, though... ugh. About the only thing that reliably comes out of botony (when there's even someone playing it at all) is drugs and bees. Maybe if the nutriment sped up the process that'd be cool, but the machine should only need chemistry reagents. Sugar iron and water make sense, but are hardly the only option.
  11. It's actually not that big of a deal for our purposes.
  12. That's totally fucking hilarious. But, also, kinda horrible RP so I get why people don't like it.
  13. Pseudo-random number generation is kinda a big deal in computer science and cryptography, and generating pseudo-random numbers with a reasonable amount of entropy takes time. If you need a bunch of random numbers fast (like for a game), they're going to be shit. That's just the nature of the technology.
  14. Is cargonia full of chucklefucks because it's rarely used, or is it rarely used 'cause it's full of chucklefucks? I'm guessing there's a viscous cycle going on here. But back to the topic at hand, I tested and 5 out of 5 protohumans had A+ blood, so unless I got really unlucky (which is possible with such a small sample), they can't be used for practical blood generation.
  15. We have bluespace shuttles, cloning, mind control implants, teleporters, and the likes but culturing red blood cells in a lab is too magical? Besides, who wants to deal with those chucklefucks in cargonia unless they have to?
  16. What's so bad about medbay?
  17. Yeah, because RP is all about getting back to chasing antags as fast as possible. >.< Some people won't coordinate no matter what you do, but for the rest of us, lack of coordination is mostly a matter of lack of time to do so... particularly when medbay is flooded with casualties from whatever disaster just happened. There are plenty of ways to keep people alive while waiting for treatment, particularly if blood is made more easily available as is being suggested elsewhere. I'll concede that surgery could probably be left at more or less the same speed as it is now, and maybe slowing things down medicine by a factor of 5 is a little overkill... but then again, maybe not. Right now most injuries that don't require surgery can be completely healed in a minute with time to spare. The other side of this is that dying is slower, so your chances of actually surviving to get to medbay are higher. And being cloned is even more of a delay than delayed medical code... assuming you even get cloned, which is not guaranteed.
  18. I'm kind of inclined to agree, since blood is about the only actually scarce resource in medbay. But right now it's a bit too hard to come by. Perhaps require a combination of components from chemistry and actual blood of the desired type to perform the synthesis?
  19. Look it up... the coloring has far more to do with tradition and image than safety. If we wanted to be all realistic about it we'd drop lab-coats entirely from medbay much as current hospitals are doing because the sleeves can easily become contaminated and spread MRSA and other pathogens around between patients. As for chemical spills... anything that actually harms an IPC is probably going to be melting holes in the lab coat, too... white isn't necessary to notice that. It is necessary if you want to bleach the shit out of your clothes (which is, as I understand it, a big part of how the tradition started), but I'm assuming we have a wee bit better fabrics and cleaning agents in 2457.
  20. Time to crank out some faux-type-O! This would certainly help a lot with blood loss patients... as would a couple more IV stands.
  21. BYOND Key: lady_of_ravens Character name: LiLITH Item name: LiLITH's Black Labcoat Why is your character carrying said item to work? Because she needs to take a lab coat to work anyway, so it might as well be a stylish black one that sets off her oh-so-pale synthetic skin. To LiLITH, looking good (even when splattered with blood or grease from her work) is a tactical decision designed to help in distinguishing herself among her coworkers. Item function(s): Same as every other type of lab coat, just with a different sprite. Item description: A sleek black labcoat made from durable synthetics. A tag inside the collar reads "Property of LiLITH" in red block letters. Item appearance: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/a9fb90s7k57d98a/AABPhwyrqOT6TECaCNAloTQpa?dl=0 Additional comments: I play LiLITH almost exclusively in science and medical jobs, so this is an accessory she could almost always use and looks quite a bit better than the normal, boring white.
  22. Oh, it's definitely too easy to fix someone up, that's half the point I'm making. Both healing and dieing need to take longer so that people have time to generate RP around it. You may have a point about surgery... at least, most surgery. I maintain that facial reconstruction should not be one of the quicker procedures. As for blood loss... unless you do a blood drive (which happens, but not so very often), there isn't really that much blood in medbay. One bloodpack isn't always enough for one patient, and depending on their blood type there may only be one or two packs you can actually use on them.
  23. I'd be fine with requiring a 66% to force a given game mode, but I don't think it'd be as much of a problem as you seem to. The reason we end up with almost all of the votes split between two (or maybe three) game modes is because our current system encourage players to switch their vote from the mode they'd like to one which maybe their second or third choice but at least has a chance of winning.
  24. The way things are now, not-immediately-lethal injuries can often kill rather absurdly fast if you don't get medical care, and when you do get medical care you heal up rather more absurdly fast. Which is great for a lower-RP server, but it here it means missing out on the opportunity for a lot of RP related to injury and recovery. It also results in medical emergencies generally being handled with a lot less RP than they ought because there's simply no time to emote, or check medical records, or any of that stuff we ought to be doing. If we reduced the rate for bleeding out, processing medicine, getting organ damage from too much toxins, getting infected, and so on by a factor of five or so I don't think it'd hurt much in terms of game balance, but it would mean medical got a lot less DOAs... and who knows, the recovery ward might actually be useful once in a while. The timer on surgical operations could be increased as well... maybe double for most things, but up to the same 5-times for stuff like repairing organs and doing facial reconstruction. Though if bones and organs went through a somewhat lengthy healing phase where they were dramatically more vulnerable to damage, that'd be really awesome. The same logic could also be applied to food, and even more so, booze. A slice of pizza shouldn't make you fat, pounding one drink shouldn't make you slur horribly... though when you do get that drunk, it should last more than 30 seconds (and maybe come with blurry vision and other related side-effects). Actual liver damage should be reserved for people who spend half the round in the bar.
  25. I've got myself a new character I mostly play so... if I woke up as LiLITH I'd... well... I'd have a really weird conversation with myselves about wtf just happened. Then I'd we'd change into the sexy purple scrubs, grab a bottle of sleeping toxin, and then chill out in surgery waiting for some stupid meatsack to drink their liver into the toilet. It wouldn't be a long wait.
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