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Everything posted by Lady_of_Ravens

  1. If LiLITH's mission on Aurora is uncovering deep background intelligence on it's crew... she's failing, hardcore. Like Fraser, I haven't really gotten to know Gauss enough to learn about who she is as a character, but she's another competent and dependable research department regular. So, pretty close to the exact opposite of Illdenberg.
  2. So, this is the hip new thing to do, so here's my thread asking about LiLITH. I'd be especially interested in hearing how people think of her as a department head, how human-like her mental processes seem, and how far down the uncanny valley she appears.
  3. As someone who's been playing in the research division for a few weeks now, I see R&D as mostly being that boring thing you have to re-do every round because if you don't robotics sucks and you can't make anything useful. Of course, it's also the key to having a medical HUD, med-u cart, nanopaste, and force gloves every round, so not all bad. It's also something which, if delegated to new players, is generally done rather badly/inefficiently and the next thing you know you're ordering glass and metal from those boxheads in cargonia. *dramatic shudder*
  4. Perhaps replace the protolathe with a protofab which works like the mech fabricators and takes time to produce items. This would make production time an additional cost, particularly with more sophisticated items. Another idea for the deconstructive analyzer is to be able to add new schematics. For example, deconstructing an energy shield would let you fabricate energy shields.
  5. That'd be awesome!
  6. Sadly, I have no pictures of LiLITH.
  7. Just what R&D needs: more weird weapons that aren't actually useful. See: plasma pistol and decloner. Having the ability, either by finding the crytals or ordering it (for a high cost) on the cargo computer, to build new SMESes would be great. As would being able to make power-sink style explosives. Teranium shouldn't be added as a necessary ingredient in normal or high capacity power cells... and I'm not sure if it would be desirable to require it for super-capacity cells either. Super capacity cells are currently very easy for R&D to get, and adding an even-more-exotic-than-diamond component would be a major nerf in power cell manufacturing.
  8. Cargo-genetics-robotics-research. Cargo is generally too slow if there's an emergency, stealing tools from genetics or, worse, robotics, just passes the problem along, and R&D can't manufacture bone gel, which is necessary for most surgeries. When shit hits the fan and medbay fills up with burst lungs and has three surgeons standing around looking like idiots while the fourth actually works on a patient, it'd be nice to have a spare set of surgical tools to go with the huge stockpile of anesthetic tanks/masks. Not as nice as having a whole second OR, but also a lot easier to implement.
  9. I like the idea of having a second set of surgical tools for use in case the first set are stolen or lost, or in case roller bed surgery is necessary.
  10. Tehehe... well, I AM strange and unusual! So there!
  11. A competent science minion I can rely on not to be a goofball or chucklefuck. That's some pretty high praise, especially when comparing with characters like Illdenberg. If LiLITH ever took the time to get to know her subordinates/coworkers I'd probably have more good things to say, but she doesn't, so I don't really know much about your character.
  12. I'm Raven, the regulation goth lady! I still have a warped sense of humor that borders up against but never quite enters the realm of "good taste", and I still only ever play synthetics... though I do have an IPC now who seems to fit about 90% of the bad stereotypes for SS13/Aurora snowflakes and yet still manages to be an awesome character.
  13. Here's a solution: subtract "time served" from brig time, but only after doubling all the brig times. They're absurdly short as is.
  14. Just escape pods... that's cruel and horrible, so I like it... Except it still ends the round.
  15. These are not the borgs you are looking for.
  16. The problem is that A) people go for the shuttle far too quickly most of the time and, B) it's an auto-win for the mutineers.
  17. Yes... monitoring and being able to lock out weapons production are a good idea. I'd say have it set at monitoring at round-start as there's no reason to be restrictive during rounds without sufficient command staff. It can already be hard enough to do science/R&D during dead hour.
  18. And a lower one for IPCs, who can be absurdly young.
  19. What's this even supposed to prevent, though? Science militia is an issue for the admins if it's done in an inappropriate way, scientists with gun fetishes who print out massive quantities of weapons just 'cause it makes them happy are an issue for the RD, sec, and a DO if necessary... or maybe the admins. And scientist traitors have every reason to be making laser cannons for their own illicit use. All this would do is make sec feel less insecure about their itty bitty little tazers, and increase the amount of work the RD has to do. And be a huge bother for scientists when there's no RD available, and give the HoS power over a department they don't really have any business having anything to do with. The HoS is responsible for station security, not weapons development.
  20. No, they're dumb.
  21. I love the idea of indefinite detention. It makes me happy.
  22. An interesting character, but as other people have said, too much of a delinquent to realistically keep her job. LiLITH likes her because she finds Illdenberg to be an anomaly worthy of study, but one of the meatsacks would've canned her by now no question.
  23. During mutiny we're cut off from the aid of centcom. We can't call them for advice, there's no ERT... but we still have the emergency transfer shuttle, which acts as an auto-win for the mutineers. And it's how nearly all mutinies appear to end. No need to fuss around with the authentication device when you can just call the shuttle and flee to victory. Obviously this isn't how things should go. Please fix it.
  24. Xullie as an engineering role model... *shudder*
  25. Dies other than crayon would be nice, certainly. And aesthetics are important.
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