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Everything posted by AmoryBlaine

  1. Guns are very dangerous, which is why my INTENT should be taken into account. If I'm trying to HELP, I'm clearly not putting my finger on the trigger. But I fire anyways, which is stupid. If I want to cause HARM, I do have my finger on the trigger. That is all separate from whether or not the firearm is set to SAFE or not.
  2. Re-add the intent based safety system to co-exist with the mechanical gun safety system. Frankly, having the system based purely off the state of safety on/off, is weird since the safety system gets overrid with harm anyways, so it's not really doing what it should- not fire when set on. CM's system has both intent and mechanical safeties, and they compliment each other quite well. I never misfire, because I never have the intent to fire unless I want to, or when I do swap to the intent to fire, I don't fire, because the mechanical system is on. It doesn't hurt to adopt this system, since it benefits the user and has no downsides other than sorta covering the same thing, but differently. Clicking the screen with help intent and a gun in hand should not lead to me shooting anyone- safety on, or off. It's the help intent.
  3. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/8213
  4. If the biggest reason for the change- as understood by the playerbase- is maint loot, remove the maint loot. As of now, it serves little function to anyone other than sort of prize for traitors wanting to waste TC on accessing an area where no one is. Yes, you can hide back there. Yes, you can hypothetically gather a cult back there. But that is severely cutting down the likelihood of actual fluid interaction between antags and stationeers. It is wholly on the antag to seek out the interaction, since the safest area is now essentially devoid of any threats and it is unlikely that outside an known threat being in maint will security actually enter. How maint and security function now, is fairly poor. The only means to accessing maint are through a station wide removal of ID locks, going and getting your ID upgraded, or dragging someone else along with you to act as a doorman in what is likely a dangerous situation, given the need to access the area in the first place. None of these options actually make sense if there's an emergency requiring you to be there. If there's an emergency requiring Sec in maint, you don't open all the doors. You don't go to the bridge and get your individual IDs upgraded by a command member who is hopefully in the round. You don't drag more people into the situation. Revert the change, don't revert it. I don't care about I already got used to it as is. But it's clearly a flawed concept, and has been executed poorly.
  5. That's exactly the problem. Both have a subtext as to how they operate, which forces those selected into a fairly narrow choice. The idea behind this, is to eliminate these understandings of how the roles are played and taking things a step back so the players understand that it's more about creating their own narrative with a vast amount of equipment and means to ends. I would like to think that this sort of open-ended gamemode would be preferable to el classico off-station antags. Frankly, I would wrap Ninja into this as well, and move the small shuttle they have to the merc base as well, and allow it to land on the station like the rest of the shuttles. I'm sure plenty of us have done solo gimmicks as ninja and found it fairly lacking in the options as to how we can approach the station. The opening of any group is fairly important. So being forced into teleporting aboard railroads the ninja into being an intruder, whereas a shuttle can recieve clearance, ect.
  6. I want someone that isn't me to add all the shorts, and camo pants. Please, someone step up to do that.
  7. Honestly, the base should have more in common with a costume room, than an actual base. It's an area for planning, not for actually playing in. You start there, you formulate the gimmick, the objectives, the equipment, then you leave.
  8. Remove raiders, put their shuttle at the Merc base, let Mercs choose what ship they want, or if they want both. Remove the name 'Mercs' and rename it as "Visitors." Better diversify the equipment and clothing available at the merc base.
  9. I can't talk for the others. I started with the goal of changing literally all of the clothing sprites so they'd be of comparable quality without standing out from the rest of the sprites. From near day one, that's what I've been working on. That's what I've done so far. So no, I don't think it's a strange stance to ask, "Why would we add stuff that stands out from everything else, and is not even attempting to follow with the rest of the existing works?" It didn't start with me just deciding to do these few and then deciding to another few. It what is most pressing and I am capable of changing. That was Security, because I played Security. Then it was MedSci once I got a grip on a design for them, then the rest. I am nearing the completion of respriting the uniforms. At no point was I contributing work that wasn't also tied to wanting to consolidate an overall design. Wezzy resprited most all the kitchen food. I assume this included the steak. Brainos decided to change that steak, and has not changed anything else. But he also kept with the overall feel, mostly changing the colouring, and adding some stuff over the top. He didn't change the design of the steak.
  10. This is starting a new staircase. It's not getting us off the ground, it's restarting us with a totally new shading, totally new level of detail. The issue here is these stick out greatly. And will until this supposed completion of a staircase fifteen years from now. Accepting improvement in what sense? How is this an improvement, it has entirely foreign shading and detail levels. That's- again- not building on anything, that's going back to square-one. I entirely understand how they work. It's inefficient, and has us without any set aesthetic or design. People do not contribute higher and higher quality work, they contribute subjective work. And doing so in small tiny amounts with no real goal is why we are where we are.
  11. Okay, great. I'm looking to bring these sprites up to par with these. Sadly, I'm not this individual and cannot replicate their style. Is this individual willing to overhaul the rest of the sprites, or are they just doing a few Dominian sprites? Are they even attempting to keep with what we have, or entirely doing their own thing? Exactly why we should not be doing this. Unless we have a means of actually bringing the quality of sprites up to this, it is only acts to break with the current design. The only person who is close to this style is Brainos. Stagnation? No. Cohesion? Yes. You want to move to this art style, you don't have this one dude do a few Dominian sprites and then just hope that someone else redoes everything in the next 10 years so that they're on par.
  12. I already did that. The 5.56AP magazines are no longer extended for no reason and instead have a red band. The rubber magazines aren't added because of reasons. I'll figure out why later when I make a PR for it.
  13. What exactly do scrubber events add to the game, other than minor or major inconveniences, and why should should we keep them at all? As far as I am concerned, this is a start. And the end is just removing the whole thing, seeing as it literally exists to have the janitor clean up stuff that isn't player/character made such as tile dirt, and messes. If we NEED events, maybe they should actually be interesting and not exist to make me put on a mask or move to the corner of the room without a scrubber.
  14. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/8203
  15. Still working on shotgun shells, and other ammo types. .45 magazine, for security's pistol. 5.56 magazine, for the ERT bullpup carbine. 12mm magazine, for the Mercenary submachine gun.
  16. As I like to say, the whole function of my colour scheme is making it easier to wear different colours. All uniforms are approaching neutral as to allow more use of coloured accessories. Anyways, here's how those all look in this. I barely changed the RD uniforms, so, those are whatever, given they're alts. Currently, most all these sprites are already in. What I'm really doing now is dealing with the standard jumpsuits, and fixing past design flaws. I'm fairly happy with the colours. I'm most disappointed with the gardener, since I have no idea how to make them stand out, but also not.
  17. Oh, don't worry, there won't be a HoP dress. It's best to keep skirts as personal wear.
  18. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/8181
  19. These are super good!
  20. If anything, their primary source of ammo being linked to the security team's armory means it's less likely for him to gain access to it unless there's an emergency. You can pretty easily ask Cargo to get you ammo, either by ordering it or auto-lathing it. For access to armory ammo you need to actually have a situation going on to justify access, and have a warden or HoS. Both of whom are not happy to give out ammo early.
  21. It doesn't fit. Again, this does not mean it is BAD. It means it's it lacks congruence with the rest of the designs being used. The shading is not the same as that which we have for nearly anything else. You have been given visuals. I don't really need to tell you that the shading is not shared between what we have currently have and these sprites. It's visible for you to see. Take a look at all the other fabrics in the picture, none of them have the same shading to them as the new sprite, which once added will- in comparison to what we have- look like shiny plastic, which is not the fault of the sprites, but of where they're being used- which is alongside the rest of our sprites. This isn't about how good my sprites are, nor how good these sprites are. It's about how well things meld together, how well they obey the same design principals and techniques, so that we remain consistent. We are currently getting resprites for a lot of stuff, so now more than ever do we need to try and figure out what our look and feel should be, and stay with that. Clearly, this stands out, even among the newer sprites.
  22. All sprites. Because the shading, and artistic design being used is out of place. It does not meld with what we have. It suits CM better.
  23. Yeah, but it's not about how GOOD it looks, it's about how well it mixes with everything else we have. It makes the most sense for this to be the start of a cohesive artistic change, rather than a few sprites. They differ way too greatly from what we have currently for them not to look odd when worn in game alongside current sprites. Just because I'm against them being added doesn't mean I think they're ugly.
  24. Yeah, I know, which is why I was doing them myself when Zundy asked me originally lol
  25. That doesn't really matter, given they diverge so massively that it will look jarring. The base human being used does not even have the same shading as our new ones. Unless all our sprites are going to follow in a similar manner to these so that they meld well, it's a bad idea.
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