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Everything posted by AmoryBlaine

  1. Oh, definitely. I sent you them in DM. The WIP. I'm probably gonna STEAL a bit from Bay's designs too, though.
  2. Standard, Ballistic, and Riot armors. They're completed. I'm gonna do some alts for specific factions, ect. EDIT: I intend to break down armor into the vest type, and have pouches for items (2, and 4) as accessories, as well as badges, ect. Helmets will have covers with different colours to match the vests. They too will have some types of accessories like goggles, ect.
  3. @SierraKomodo This, but actually just a part of the helmet because it's the future, or something.
  4. Instead of having to wear armored boots, you just attach the armor for that portion of your body, to whatever boot you're already wearing- or the chest armor. This would allow you to have more diversity in how you wear your armor, with little change to actual gameplay outside of not having to carry around two pairs of boots, gloves, ect.
  5. I basically re-did the armor and stole a bit of design.
  6. The left one is garbage that I made a long time ago, in a hurry. There was a better version, but I must have deleted it and sent the older draft version. The left was literally never meant to be used. What features of it do you like, though? I've had someone say they like the belt.
  7. Well yeah, they provide to the atmosphere. Literally. By spraying areas with acid, or massive amounts of blood and green goo. It's been for awhile that if someone screamed about either of those two things on comms, you just chalk it up to the scrubbers. It feels silly to participate in any conversation dealing with why the scrubber system has so much blood, green goo, or acid. On top of this, it gets liquid into windows that can't even be reached by normal means. Overall, surely there's a different way we can have a similar event that doesn't seem so over the top.
  8. Very, fair. I would prefer it not be a thing, given it adds literally nothing to any round, ever.
  9. Maybe we should have less stuff come flying out. Limit it to only a few chemicals, that would maybe make sense to have massive build up in there.
  10. Basically, I made the dress jackets look a bit more casual, and a bit darker. Personally, I hate the frills on the shoulders. Sorta just want the arm stripes.
  11. Just respriting my shitty old work. These can probably be available to everyone, but also spawn for Investigatives.
  12. No skirt uniforms. We almost lost the three current uniforms, so I really doubt we're gonna get gendered uniforms as well. Even so, why would you want your security team to have gendered uniforms. That goes for any of the on-station uniforms.
  13. "Don't put on the high-tech stealth combat rig? But I'm the warden."
  14. The Hazard suits, and radiation suits, bomb suits and softsuits- and standard spacesuits could all use resprites so they don't look so out of date and funny. Suggestions and general support or opposition can be voiced. Mind you, I don't know how to sprite suits. So. I dunno, beg others to.
  15. Yes, my main grievance is that they're used for making stupid shit. Especially given that two of the main types- human and corgi- should be eliciting extremely aggressive backlash ICly, for using human and dog hides, but doesn't because it's a 'meme'. It's one of those things we got in game that exists in a vacuum separate from RP.
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