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Everything posted by Jakers457

  1. BYOND Key:Jakers457 Character Names:Miko Du'Razhu, Peter Stone, Revvy Black, Micheal Forte, James Brook, Daniel Escher How long have you been playing on Aurora:God knows, probably a few months maybe? Species you are applying to play:IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):IPC colour. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Doesn't exist but I've a good idea. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race:Characters such as Haruspex and Paragon have conjured a curiousity in the species for me. It seems pretty interesting to be a non-organic crew member, as it appears to give a differen perspective on the round. As in, not starving or catching diseases. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:Well mechanically (punny) they are pretty different from humans, due to the fact they don't eat, need surgery or are susceptible to disease. So I like to think that gives them a different angle, they're also logical thinkers.... somewhat. Why does this species in particular hold your interest? I like to think they can have a certain eccentricity about them, being an automaton 'person' with some level of free thought. I mean compared to regular people, they are sent out into the world with a large bank of knowledge and logic, that won't always help them. So they have to adapt and attempt to think outside the box. Character Name: Synthia Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Developed by Nanotrasen to give a more feminine appeal to the IPC models, the Synthia model was intended for professional bed side manners and a compassionate care program. Though it appeared to have these qualities, it also came with an unpredictable demeanor or... emotional instabilities in laments terms. Synthia would not take kindly to people disagreeing that she was the prettiest of her kind and was willing to bicker to the end until she had won her argument. Though some argued that this was impractical, others stated that many employees had such tendencies and provided a smaller workload compared to that of an IPC, so they decided to ship 'her' off to the Dust Belt for field testing at one of the stations. Here, Synthia would work within Medical with other IPCs, so that her learning unit may take in the performance of the other models and replicate it. What do you like about this character? I have no idea, I've yet to get a feel for this character yet. How would you rate your role-playing ability?A solid 8.99999 Notes: Will answer any queries.
  2. I usually keep the lighter within the cigarette packet on my ear, the badge on my belt, the PDA on the ID slot, the speed loaders within the big overcoat, the gun holstered, flash in my pocket with something like a camera or recorder and the rest in my bag. I've not had too much trouble with space.
  3. So during one round, Miko was.kicked out of the bar. So he set out to make his own bar, where all Tajaran were welcome. And so, in the next round he used his cat charm on the Captain to get the necessary permit to create his dream and how that dream flourished. But yeah, I was hoping to see how everyone tpoker it. Well I hope?
  4. Jakers457

    The Jawdat Family

  5. I prefer them to the red babygrows. Whenever I play security, I wear the white uniform due to the fact I dislike the manbaby look.
  6. I suppose so, apologies if I seemed hostile.
  7. Not really a complaint as such, just a proposal based upon what I've read so far. But if you want constructive, then I suppose doing away with rev entirely would be best. I believe someone suggested a mutiny round instead, which would make more sense with the setting. Though even that would probably take some refining
  8. If we're going to have ganky security, then remove rp_rev and let's stick with normal rev
  9. I want the PDA so I can be a power ranger
  10. I like the character's you've made, BootyYahYah is still a bitch though. I'll offer my characters too. If allowed, Micheal Forte, Peter Stone, Miko Du'Razhu and Revvy Black. (The other characters aren't as known so I'll leave them out.)
  11. She awakes from her sleep, only to be greeted by the cold hard floor and the darkness that drapes across the room, suffocating any spark of light that could be had. The woman clambers to her feet, tugging against the chains that restrain her hands. She examines the room, it was small and empty. The only thing noteworthy the was the dark stain on the floor, was it blood? Was it her blood? She stands still, focusing on the sensations across her body for any pain that was indicative. As she overcame her grogginess, she could feel a fresh, burning sensation on her arm. Though the room was dark, her eyes were becoming adjusted to the environment, she could make out shapes on her arm, they appeared to be numbers. Why was this? She looked towards what appeared to be door, she examined it whilst recollecting the events before she fell unconscious. Her eyes light up in realization, before shortly turning dark and empty. 'They found me, didn't they?' Note: This just a quick attempt at some creative writing and a little insight into Revvy's life. I don't usually write much so it won't be to the quality of some our fine Aurorians.
  12. Miko has a thing for Braids.
  13. Let's face it, the records in character creation and in game aren't too great. I mean, if there was a way to clearly list medical issues or legal history rather than leaving a text box for the player to fill out. Not every player is adept at writing and laying out a decent looking record, and those who do attempt to.. don't always get positive remarks. So why not revamp it? Make a decent lay out and lists all relevant information clearly.
  14. So I did the thing where I bought an incomplete game because I was seduced by the concept. But I can safely say it's really good, even at Alpha stage, the game runs pretty well and looks pretty tidy. I mean it's lacking a bit in content, but there's a more or less substantial campaign type tutorial and the multiplayer is pretty fun. Though I must say the unit selection is pretty... sub par and makes things difficult when the enemy is breaking through your lines, and you can barely keep the men organized due to how it's laid out but apart from that, I think it stands out from other RTS based games. Your troops have their own name, photo and inventory. So you can't rely on unlimited ammunition to get you through the day because they can only carry so much on them. If they get knocked over by a shell blast and lose their gun, they're not going to be too useful unless you order the individual to loot the corpse of his friend. This even includes vehicles and ordinance, they're ammunition will need to remain stocked and if you don't have a supply truck nearby, things will get tricky. Though in all fairness, I keep to the traditional tactic of throwing as many bodies at the enemy's line until I see an opening... but eh, keep an eye on it if you enjoy strategy games or just find interest in World War One.
  15. CKey:Jakers457 Character Name(s)/Position: James Brook, Research Director. Extra Notes: If Lucy Sparks isn't interested, I could always do it.
  16. I've already bugged Skull about this but eh it interests me. Are Unathi diapsids or synapsids?
  17. That was one situation, but I've seen many situations where people get chastised for trying to make a buck, or occasionally get ganked by the crew.
  18. Which is a shame, Miko was about to buy a meal with gold ingots. You know, to flash his miner swag.
  19. Just putting it out there, the amount of stuff we were processing in mining may have crashed the server. I think at one time we had over a thousand metal, about the same with plasma along with other rare ores.
  20. But then the darling crew throw a fit. I also find it fair for cargo to charge for crates, unless the order is stamped by a Head of staff.
  21. Now I'm not suggesting this because I'm against people charging for their services, hell I think they should sometimes. It's mainly due to the constant circlejerk argument of not being allowed to charge people, which is a load bull if anything. The EFTPOS were placed there, ICly, so the department can charge if they so choose to. If we think of it with some logic, why would NT place EFTPOS scanners into departments and then claim it's against regulation to use them? But with people failing to comprehend this, I suppose it's best if we did away with them and avoid the mess all together.
  22. Though apparently that isn't the case with this incident, though I'm not going to chastise Swat about it because I enjoy interacting with Fortune. I mean, I suppose they could claim a bounty if one of the current crew had a price on their head but aside from that, there isn't much to be had. I mean, I robbed the vault once and it was incredibly successful, didn't get caught until I tried hitting tech storage. But even then there was little satisfaction to be had. Most antagonists have a loose objective, such as the cult or Nuke Ops, but then others such as simple traitors have nothing. The idea of having a traitor or 'sleeper agent' is that they can be activated for a particular goal that needs to be achieved. Getting a call saying 'time to pay your debts to the Syndicate, here's some expensive equipment' then for them to give you no real goal to achieve, no benefit on their part or long term investment, makes little sense cost wise.
  23. In regards to the borgs ganking people, I feel.that's the borg players at fault as they are the ones actually murderlising people. If anything, objectiveless antags doesn't seem like a practical idea. The objectives would cause the antaggery to 'focus' on a particular thing rather than the absolute freedom to use dangerous gear as one sees fit
  24. Emmy Gray is a wonderful character, especially in the security department. I can't see she'd not do the species justice
  25. I'm not too sure they'd allow it to have an armor rating.
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