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Everything posted by Yonnimer

  1. Yeah with the ban being from 2019 I don't really see a reason not to lift it Should be able to join now
  2. Hegemon Appoints Lords Verdant They Who Hath Become Lord Article #12 In a grand, highly anticipated ceremony held in Skalamar, Hegemon Not’zar Izweski has officially appointed three new Dionae Lords to oversee critical roles in the Viridis reclamation project, which aims to restore the devasted Wasteland. Broadcasted across Moghes, it served as a symbolic moment in the Hegemony’s efforts to heal war-torn Moghes, and the growing importance of Dionae within the Hegemony. They shall serve as Lord Verdant of their regions, and be entrusted with the same power and responsibilities as other Lords within the Hegemony. Hegemon Not'zar Izweski presided over the ceremony, held at the Grand Court of the Izweski Palace in Skalamar. Dressed in formal robes and flanked by his advisors, the Hegemon spoke of the significance of the reclamation project and the role the Dionae will play in shaping the future of Moghes. “The time for renewal has come. These Lords are not only stewards of the land but symbols of the unity. Together, we will be led into a new era of growth and harmony.” Lady-Governor Zhelmi Aeikuzo, the architect behind the Viridis reclamation, was also present at the ceremony and praised for her groundbreaking work in cultivating the Dionae. Her success in growing these specialized gestalts from the genetic lineage of Taarazi is seen as a notable achievement. Though Aeikuzo remains in charge of the overall project, her newly appointed Lords will manage day-to-day operations, overseeing the Viridis regions in the Wasteland. The entire event was broadcast across Moghes, with residents of the Moghes and beyond watching as the Dionae were formally given their titles. The ceremony featured solemn declarations by each of the Lords, pledging their unwavering loyalty to the Hegemon, and the greater Izweski Hegemony. Steadfast Guardian of a World Reborn Against All Harm or Malfeasance has been appointed as Lord Verdant of Ihaliz, the settlement in the southern Wasteland due to its strategic importance. Steadfast Guardian has been infused with the genetic knowledge of warriors and military strategists, making them uniquely suited to their role in defending the settlement from external threats, such as Gawgaryn raiders. Their martial expertise will ensure the stability and security needed for Ihaliz to thrive as a reclaimed stronghold. Ephemeral Connections Formed Upon Silent Shores has been granted the position of Lord Verdant of Rehus, a burgeoning town in the northern Wasteland. Known for their diplomatic nature and extensive knowledge of trade and has been carefully grown to manage the delicate political landscape in the region. Rehus is a key hub for mineral resources and water trade, and Ephemeral Connections will play a critical role in balancing the settlement's economic growth with the tensions brewing between Wasteland communities and industrial interests. Both Dionae were cultivated under the careful oversight of Lady-Governor Aeikuzo in Lazhi, and their roles have been crafted to reflect their specialized genetic makeup. The Wasteland is a harsh and unforgiving environment, and each Lord Verdant will bring their own skills and talents to bear in ensuring the success of the reclamation. Of particular note is the elevation of Taarazi to the rank of High Lord Verdant, placing them just beneath Lady-Governor Aeikuzo in the leadership hierarchy of the Viridis. Taarazi has been a notable figure in the reclamation efforts, particularly in the initial stages of radiation cleanup and their integration within the Wasteland communities. As High Lord Verdant, they will now serve as the direct overseer of the other Lords Verdant, coordinating their efforts while continuing to advise Lady Aeikuzo on matters of strategy and diplomacy. In his speech, Hegemon Not’zar praised Taarazi for their unwavering dedication to the reclamation of the Wasteland: “Taarazi has shown us the power of unity and collaboration. Their wisdom and strength will continue to guide the reclamation of Moghes.” “This is a historic moment for the Hegemony,” said one observer following the ceremony. “Not only have we witnessed the recognition of Aeikuzo’s groundbreaking work, but we’ve also seen the Hegemon’s vision for Moghes come to life with these appointments.” As the broadcast ended, citizens of Moghes ts celebrated the formal recognition of their new leaders. While it is clear that much work remains, the Lords Verdant now carry the hopes of Moghes on their shoulders as they take their first steps into their roles.
  3. These are some redone and fixed-up sprites that ended up getting scrapped when I initially retired, regardless of how the app goes I plan on finishing them fully. From the top left, there's a jacket initially made for the mada with a little tunic underneath it -> Without the tunic -> Majorly fixed-up eternal robes, will be made greyscale ideally, -> Nebula Lanterns, something meant to be used for the Eternal but might be repurposed, I might make this one of my first mini projects just to get back into the groove of things (Also animated but idk how to make a gif)-> The gleaners tunic, will be made greyscale instead of brown with potentially an optional accessory to break it up -> Four variations of the same outfit originally meant for the ekane + a jacket on the far-right one, also to be made greyscale. These are still in progress and need some touchups and fixing, there are a few rogue pixels and the ekane clothes might be shifted up a bit to account for dionae shoulders. For an idea for an EUM ship, this was originally going to be a Mada collection ship scouting around for fauna to take back or potentially trade with. This is old enough and unfinished to the point it'd just be completely redone from the ground up, but i'd still like to do something like this sometime, especially making it more condensed where it can be after so many issues with the previous voidtamer ships, which may also be redone sometime. I think something like this would be a good excuse to have EUM/Hie factions outside their home system while still making sense.
  4. Ckey/BYOND Username: Yonnimer Position Being Applied For: (Wiki Maintainer, Lore Developer, Deputy Lore developer): Dionae Dep Have you read the Lore Team Rules and Regulations wiki page? Yuh Past Experiences/Knowledge: Previous Dionae loredev for way too long. Examples of Past Work: Narrows, Voidtamers, and around half of the original EUM rework were probably my biggest projects. 1) This is going to have a bunch of overlap with the other questions. The biggest thing I wish to see with the species is an expansion of "aesthetic" or soul to the species itself and many of its factions. A large part of this is their loadout on the server, which, while there (I know because I added it lol), is some, it's primarily just Unathi and Skrell gear those origins for Dionae can take. It's something I had planned on and worked a bit on before my previous retirement, but I would like to add a bunch of various faction gear, especially hie and narrows, as well as gear that is more generalized for the species itself. This is admittedly something I'd like to workshop heavily with the team and player base to see what would be favored, but I would like to set a "Leitmotif" or style that the species leans on even across factions, this could be completely unified or something more split across cultures, like the voidborn or Hie factions having more distinctive aesthetics. If I were to pick something myself, It might be some kind of mixture of alienism, a “sailor”/sea aesthetic for lack of a better word, and maybe some mythicism to help tie them together. Another big part of this is the culture of each faction and what stands out with them. For past examples, this would be something like the Ekane leaning on the sea and bots, the nature-worshiping religion/culture of another, etc. I think this is one of the largest aspects missing from most Dionae factions at this point; that is to say, their cultural aesthetic and hook that people get drawn to. The last thing i'd like to focus on initially are Dionae ghostroles. I do think, especially since the NBT launch, a massive draw of attracting people to a species and keeping people interested in it is through ghost roles, I can say personally I've seen many people show interest in other species as we've had more and more of their away ships added, as well as my own initial draw with the species being me playing Dionae as the ghost role nymph, it was fun and got me interested enough to look into the species as a whole and eventually apply for my own whitelist. I'd like to put some focus on this for Dionae in either the addition of events or on-horizon ghost roles like a randomly spawning nymph rather than the pure reliance on someone growing it, as well as adding some new unwhitelisted awayships. 2) Only including stuff since I've retired, honestly my favorite thing to see has been the little IPC-Dionae arc, it was something I wanted to do for quite some time but never had the time to. 3) I will be completely open with this, I do not like the recent EUM/Hie rework that took place not too long ago. While it adds a lot more lore to the faction, as well as managed to cut down on the number of EUM factions present to make it more understandable, something I maybe should have done myself, I just do not find it interesting or engaging, part of my answer to question 1 is directed at this, I think it lost its soul. If it were completely up to me, I would honestly revert it back if it isn't seen as an unpopular opinion and use that as a base instead with some changes or cutbacks to what I should've initially done. I don't disagree that there were problems even back then, it should've been more focused and immediate attention put on putting more content into it, maybe starting it with some loadout options on release instead of waiting to add some more hooks, cutting back on factions like the Gleaners and Celestial station especially, however as it stands I frankly dislike the current iteration and feel it's just too uninteresting right now. 4) I think Dionae are in a fine place but still needs work. I'll be the first to admit some of my own mistakes are still showing across the species, stuff got rushed and spread too thin instead of focused on and made interesting, but in many ways, it has improved. I do think the culture and aesthetic of many factions and the species as a whole need massive work still, which would be my chief focus if given the chance. There is more I'd like to explore as well, like the conflict between the eternal and Dionae who don't follow it, something that'd likely go with any EUM changes I'd try to work on initially. 5) I can in theory sprite and map, but both need some work and refinement, so I'd still likely need some help with it. I have a few ideas and a few half-finished sprites I still want to add some time, clothes, and a few fluff items for the eternal especially, Additional Comments: Since retiring i've had some time for self-reflection when it comes to my writing and tried to improve on it, I tended to hard-focus on one thing without attending to other smaller things, which became a problem with things like EUMs release where it got caught up in delays due to having to wait for weeks-to-months for LMs to approve it, during that time I let myself get too burnt out instead of trying to find smaller things to focus on, something I'd like to avoid.
  5. Apologies for the slight delay with this, we both have gotten a little more busy than expected with school and such. After plenty of discussion; we’re both in agreement that campin’s judgment was reasonable and a ban was justified. While not technically command, you are still whitelisted and trusted with a firearm, as a command whitelisted player you are expected to give antags some room to develop their gimmick without instantly moving to shoot them, go with the flow a bit. Especially as a consular, you should not be shooting first, in every role, an antag showing up with a gun but not shooting first does not justify instantly shooting them. If an antag was walking in the halls with a gun out, security cannot shoot them first, if they break into security, security still cannot shoot them on sight. Both sides are expected to escalate and talk in situations like these, not just ‘bow down’, if the antag just immediately shot you, they’d have been on the receiving end of the adminhelp. There was some previous buildup with the janitor Guwan being shot with a dart, and we will agree that the rest of command blowing it off still allows it to be taken into account, this isn’t enough to instantly shoot them upon breaking in, this reasoning is generally more acceptable when on red alert or killing is occurring, like cultists roaming the halls. Despite being unarmored, we do not agree this justifies anything, even if you were armored and they weren’t, you are expected to escalate just as much as they have to, it’s unfair to an antag to just immediately be shot while attempting to provide RP when it’s expected in the rules for them and you to escalate. If you had waited, talked and escalated on both sides, then this likely would not have been an issue at all. When it comes to fear-rp, having people break in with a gun drawn does not make it reasonable to instantly shoot them back, especially as what is effectively a government worker. No governmental worker in a position such as yours would ever reasonably do what you did and immediately begin blasting. They’d comply under fear of their life while demands are made and potentially someone more qualified can more safely deal with the hostels and safely extract them. As a point touched on, another issue is your exploitable. Having detailed exploitable to help antags develop a gimmick and get a hook for the round is good, we’d encourage it where possible as long as the player is willing to be the target of some gimmick. The issue with this is that by instantly shooting someone potentially coming to work off of them, you effectively trapped them with this. I don’t think it was the intention with it, but, this comes across as bait-y, you should try to give antags a chance here, especially while trying to provide them with an interesting hook to work off of with the expolitables. Putting all of this together, the punishment. If this was a first-time incident then a note or warning would have been the proper call, but you have previous notes and warnings detailing very similar situations of rathe rapidly jumping to shoot an antag and needlessly putting your life at risk, while also potentially killing their plans all as a command whitelisted player. It’s a consistent issue, justifying an escalation in punishment to a temp ban. We’ll be locking this in around 24 hours if there are no further issues or questions.
  6. Hi, me and Owen will be taking the complaint. Give us a bit to look through it and discuss it.
  7. Adding to this, they also travel through Z-Levels, which means an IPC player can be snipped and forgotten about for quite a while without admin intervention, Just either needs a nerf or for ipcs to have some kind of second-wind after an emp like that to get some charge back without help
  8. I don't really understand the point of the initial pr outside of just making medical more tedious to play. Rollers going up stairs has never been a problem in the years i've been on the server, the stretchers IRL paramedics use to transport people are designed to go up and down stairs specifically to avoid the issues we're having on server. There's no excuse that it's "realistic" when it's not, there's no reason the company would issue such ineffective rollers like this when we've have had the technology for centuries for something so basic. The PR should just be reverted, this isn't fun to have to deal with and there's no excuse for it.
  9. Sorry for the slight delay with closing this, got a little distracted with some IRL things, closing and archiving
  10. After some discussion, we've come to the decision that Kaiser's aggression at times can cross the line between what's believable and what's allowed under rule #1. Voicing frustration/annoyance with something is fine, but Kaiser's behavior during this tends to lean on being abusive, constantly insulting people and telling people to fuck off or that they're terrible in an argument, which is oocly turning people off from even being in rounds with the character. While normally this behavior can be handled icly, the consistency and aggressiveness of it turns it into an occ issue as it breaks rule 1, don't be a dick, don't ruin the game for others. The behavior on display across all the screenshots, your own included, paint a picture of a character who is incredibly demeaning for no reason and will aggressively fight someone over the smallest detail, rather than try to work it through with them or just give a quick and simple "Do your job", it's a constant barrage of "fuck off"s and "Shut up". It's also worth bringing up that, after a certain point, this type of behavior breaks believability on the character even being hired as command. Command does not have to always be polite with their orders, but should still hold some level of professionalism, they're highly trained members commanding one of the most important ships in our setting, they'd be vetted and trained to not cause issues or snap at staff all the time. A recent example of this would be here, where kaiser snaps at a janitor for just telling him he should clean his shoes in medical, telling him to fuck off near immediately, this isn't believable behavior from someone who the scc would hire as an RD. It's one thing to just be a little demanding in a order, it's another to tell them to shut up or fuck off when they just ask to be more polite. The previously mentioned head of security incident is one instance of this, while frustration is understandable and expected over previous round incidents with the landmine, going completely off on the hos and constantly telling them they're terrible and a horrible hos aren't behavior command should be exhibiting, both from and icly and oocly standpoint and while I don't believe it was the intention, saying the security team would've been better off without them can absolutely be seen as telling the hos' player that they shouldn't have joined the round as an OOC complaint against them and their play, something that can be incredibly demotivating to the player in a situation that could've been handled differently. Voiceing frustrations over something not being handled is one thing, telling the hos all of what kaiser said because they wouldn't handle a minor issue during a major crisis is another and far too much. Overall Kaiser just needs to tone it all down, they can still be abrasive/rude when it's warranted, but they can't be this vulgar going forward. If you have questions you're free to dm me or eddy, otherwise we'll be closing this complaint sometime soon.
  11. This should be done, will leave this open a few days in case there's more problems
  12. Sorry for the delay with this, the ban should be lifted, if there's a problem feel free to reply here, will leave it open for a bit before locking and archiving.
  13. Echoing what a few people have said in ooc and that a preference toggle would be preferred over this being the standard option, if it's not possible then this shouldn't be our movement system. It feels awful to play like this, it makes you feel incredibly sluggish to the point where it is a bit frustrating, the normal system isn't exactly smooth but it feels right for the way the game is, not really the case with this system. I am almost completely certain movement is actually slower with this system as well, if it's due to sever lag or something else i'm unsure, but, movement speed feels like its been cut in half and it's painfully obvious as a first responder. This needs to be reverted asap, I don't want to play any role with movement until it is and it seems the sentiment is shared.
  14. Hello! Apologies for the delay to getting back to you with this. Overall we do have a few issues with the application, namely in the character's background. While some of the basics are present, our server's lore isn't really incorporated into much of it which ultimately leaves too much out of it. We'd highly suggest you take a look at some of the other accepted applications to see what they go into detail as well as the questions we will sometimes ask, as well as checking out https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Dionae_Out-Of-Character which should help. The biggest things we are looking for that's currently lacking are: - A concrete place of origin, right now it's incredibly vague and doesn't mention which planet they're from, which nation, and any mention of if they were around another species or only dionae. To change this it'd be best to have them hail from an existing planet or region, EUM, CoC, Biesel, ect, having them interact with relevant factions in whatever corresponding nation - While the name is fine, especially for a young dionae, adding a little more to it would make it more distinct. "Warm Breeze In A Bright Dawn" for instance. - very minor, but the current ship is called the Horizon, the Aurora was the previous map's name/a station in biesel. - This is more dependent on where they're from, but, opinions on other species, the ct-eum, eternal, religion, ect should all be incorporated where possible. We'll leave it up to you if you'd rather edit a new backstory in, comment it, or start a new application for it. If you have questions feel free to dm a member of the dionae loreteam over discord or leave it here.
  15. It looks like I put an extra zero in the bantime, my bad with that, ban should be lifted. In the future, if you're ever unsure how long you'll be away you're free to just ahelp it saying real quick you might be gone for a while or not long at all, you aren't sure yet. If you're worried about it becoming a problem it should be possible to setup an adminhelp macro as well saying the same.
  16. Hello! Overall we feel your app is fairly solid so we'll be accepting it, if you have any questions feel free to dm someone on the dionae team.
  17. Apologies with the delay, overall the team felt your app was fairly solid without any real questions to ask, so we'll be accepting your app!
  18. https://pastebin.com/3bHVfuu2 Interview
  19. Hello! Outside of the previously mentioned thing we needed changed, the app is overall fairly solid so we'll be accepting it
  20. Hello! Overall we fell your app is fairly solid, but do have some questions regarding Star's time in the spur: Have they formed any opinions on the Eternal religion or church? Do they have any opinions on other species or synthetics? Has anything happened to cause them to hold these opinions? What about the megacorps and the SCC as a whole? Is it intended that they were just assigned to the Horizon, or did they request to be sent there, and if the latter, why?
  21. Hello! Overall we feel your app is fairly solid and don't have any significant questions, so we'll be accepting your app.
  22. Sorry for the delay with this! App is overall fairly solid, so we'll be accepting it. Although please don't use the full name as your actual character's name lmao, little too long
  23. I'd have no issues with either of these suggestions, once school starts to calm down a bit I can see how hard it would be to implement.
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