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Everything posted by BurgerBB
I suppose? I mean if you really want you could restrict those to mercs.
Because it involves having to break into chemistry. It takes time to do this, and time usually deters people who are too lazy to do anything worth doing.
Yes. Water potassium. Probably even better. Than frags if you access to both chemicals.
I'm not talking about the shitty small grenade casings. I'm talking about the large ones. The ones that have a timed release or a larger release. Could also give them bluespace beakers for bombs that are large. It will be a worthy purchase if used right.
Because you can't get timed release grenade casings in chemistry sometimes, including detonators and the such.
The chemical grenades in the bomb making kit will have no reagents or anything with them. Antags area expected to get the reagents themselves from either science or chemistry.
As suggested by Itanimulli. I forgot that these existed. Manhack grenades, frag grenades, and EMP grenades are frequently misused by antags. Usually near the round end, in autotraitor when they don't have a gimmick but look like they want to do something, they just buy a bunch of grenades and just start chucking them everywhere like idiots. I mean, this behavior gets reported but in a majority of cases this occurs. If an antag usually wants to square off against security or whatever, they buy a real gun or actually act like an antag and break into departments to steal things. Here is what I propose. Get rid of manhack grenades from the uplink. Get rid of frag grenades from the uplink. Get rid of EMP grenades from the uplink. Add smoke/flashbang grenades to the uplink. Add remote activated EMP charges that EMP everything in a 5x5 radius when triggered. Add in a bomb making kit that contains 4 large chemical grenades with timer already in them.
Personal attacks is a fast track to me ignoring you. Just because I point out problems and/or fix them frequently doesn't mean jack shit when it comes to the content I'm saying. From my perspective it just means you run out of things to say or aren't here with good intentions. It's a very good reason for me to ignore you. If you have a problem with how often I complain about features, make a complaint thread so it can be discussed there instead of a "gotcha" to every criticism I make. Also just because something is used in 1% of rounds, and 99% of the time when it's used is shit, doesn't mean that we should go "Oh it's only a problem 1% of the time therefore criticisms are invalid." If I coded in a super powerful weapon in the armory that only appears 1% of the time. Issues are issues if they can occur, regardless of how frequent it occurs. Now, there is a sound glitch with the AMR where it sometimes doesn't play sounds if you're far enough. It's the reason why explosions are sometimes heard by only half the people in a room. There is also the in-game restriction of visibility being limited to a 15x15 area where in reality, you could probably see someone from the library to security. As far as I know, it could be a byond issue but I don't know. Regardless, I do not like the range of the AMR considering the limitations of the game. If not the outright removal of the AMR, I would prefer a rework where it's more of a scopeless bolt action single-casing rifle than a long ranged weapon.
Just to be clear I'm moderately fine with the .357. If you want a weapon that causes fear in people's eyes, then I suggest removing the AMR and replacing it with some sort of highly visible shotgun or melee weapon that fucks your day up. Gank is a subjective term as the amount of RP required for it to not be considered a gank varies from person to person. In most cases the following happens: - Raiders flash weapons - Security escalates - Firefight ensures - Someone who wasn't involved in any of the above gets shot and put into crit/killed. This happens all the time, happens a lot with the AMR where non-armed people get shot frequently and it's annoying to deal with.
I also take issue with this because I personally have a diagnosed memory disorder that makes me forget things very easily unless reminded of constantly. It is part of the reason why as dev I would ask people to report bugs on github and usually get mad at bug reporting over OOC; because I'm also mad at myself. When a problem occurs, I report it instantly because I will forget. It wouldn't be very nice for me nor really anyone else if they're not allowed to complain about a feature using the APPROPRIATE channels to complain about this. I should not be punished because I made a proper thread in the proper channels in a proper timeframe.
In some cases surgery can take longer than cloning, so keeping someone alive can actually put someone out of the game longer than if they just shot them and broke all their organs and bones in their torso. It's used as a ganking tool because of the range it has and it's massive burst damage. I would have very little issue if there was a medium-range machinegun that did 80 damage in the amount of time it took to aim, shoot, fire, and reload the AMI rifle because at least with the first bullet you could react. I mean the stunbaton used to stun instantly, but now it's an over time effect like it should be. The .357 had this same effect where the strat was to shoot people's feet. Everyone and their dog know this strat to the point where it's become a certified Aurora meme that in order to kill someone faster, you aim for the feet instead of the head. This, however, was patched out with my contributions to how limb damage works and I believe Alb's additions of protective armguards and leg guards. The AMI rifle is still a problem, however. People like to claim that it's rare, but with the amount of merc rounds that have occured recently because of highpop, it's all too common for the merc team to combine their TC and get the AMI rifle plus lots of extra ammo. My short-sighted vault addition also made this worse, and I setup a removal thread for it as well.
Point to me where these sort of thing occurs? I mean I would be fine for better suggestion forums standards but I don't see the issues you're describing.
False. As I mentioned in the OP, getting hit by a bullet stuns you for 3 seconds. This is more than enough time to reload the AM rifle. Edit: Oh I see you even mentioned this very oddly specific scenario "But they're safe if they have someone willing to get them out!" which, again, is very oddly specific and very rare. If not kills them, it means they have to go in surgery for about 10 minutes to fix their broken bones and organ damage.
Then it seems like this debate has shifted from whether or not the AMI is powerful but how much game mechanics should affect bad behavior and to who. The AMI's existence causes bad behavior. It's lack of existence will cause bad behavior. However I feel the AMI I feel ruins far more rounds than people who validhunt antags. It's easier to bust someone for valid hunting and ignoring realism than it is to bust someone for using an AMI maliciously. My primary issue with the AMI, since I nerfed how gibbing works, is the amount of damage it deals at long range. I would be relatively fine with a high damage weapon as long as you can see it. I would be fine with a shotgun or something that did that amount of damage but had a range of 5. It's long range makes it a gank tool that's commonly used by a gank tool by regulars. As I mentioned before, the .357 is in a fine place. A long range sniper that kills you in two hits is not.
implement widowmaker's sniper when
There is also the issue of new players. New players tend to only sense danger when it on their screen. Even players familiar to SS13 but new to Aurora might experience this as I think other coderbases except CM uses sniper rifles. Recently a lot of new players walk into areas where it is obvious that AMR usage is there, and usually get shot because of it. A round last night was a prime example of this. I think new players were hit with AMR bullets than any active combatant when the shuttle was called.
Seems like I forgot that I implemented a feature (might I add that most people on the forums didn't want it including some arguing for the AMR's existence) that prevents one hit kills via gibbing. Makes u think. The issue is that when the AMR is used, it's never used for RP. Like I've stated, in my 2 years of playing on the server, I have never seen it used for RP purposes but instead a near-insta-kill meme weapon. The .357 is often used for "RP" in hostage situations and you all know how much I dislike the .357, but at least now people SOMETIMES use it for RP. The AMR is never used for HRP. Never. I have yet to seen it be used for HRP and I don't think there will ever be a situation ever where it's used to further HRP that isn't "GUYS STAY IN YOUR DEPARTMENTS AND AVOID THE HALLS, THERE'S A DUDE WITH A SNIPER WHO'S SHOOTING INDISCRIMINATELY." Someone explain to me a situation where the AMR can be used for HRP. Which gimmicks are used for this? What gimmicks have been used for this? What gimmicks will be used for this? Also how come any time an antag nerf is brought up, people bring up how strong sec/science is. How about instead of shutting down every suggestion to nerf something, we also nerf what science/security has?
I implemented it and by far I think it was one of the worst ideas I've had. I expected traitors would use them for clever, creative things that would not be done with 25 TC as a reward for actually doing an objective, but I was wrong. I suggest replacing it with some high value or rare item that would still peak the interest of traitors but not give them a massive advantage.
I regret the traitor tele crystal in the vault thing solely because people use it to buy the AMR and I encourage people to revert that aspect. "The AMR is used rarely" shouldn't be an excuse. If 100% of time when it isn't used by an idiot, it's super OP, it shouldn't exist. Things shouldn't be powerful just because of how rare they occur, or how rare it is to get someone who is capable of using it. Lawgivers were super powerful, however they were rare because science would seldom make them, but when they were made, they were silly OP. "But science gets powerful weapons" shouldn't be an excuse either. If you think science weapons are OP, then advocate for a nerf. Currently I'm going after the biggest fish right now and that's AMRs.
AM rifle. Stats: Weapon Costs 25TC 7 bullets Costs 4TC Bullet deals 80 Damage Instant-kill on headshot Instant-kill on groinshot Hitscan Bullet is a guarantee 3 second stun Penetrates super excessively 90% of the reason why merc is cancer. Still in the game despite being a lowRP weapon. Long range Practically silent at long ranges. Honestly. Why. Have. This Gun. In my 2 years of playing on this server, I have never seen this weapon be used for something other than murderbone mayhem. I have personally never been killed by it, however I have seen just a lot of shit plays with it from regulars and new players. Let's stop being intentionally dumb and kidding ourselves when we say that this is a weapon to counter mechs. It's not.
Player Complaint - Zechariah Thaddeus
BurgerBB replied to Snakebittenn's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
Also another note, the gimmick itself was not every good. The gimmick was basically "Service and Cargo members are fired." I have 0 motivation to feel sorry for service members. I was a roboticist. I could not give a shit if the priest or whoever was fired. As long as I get my materials, my research levels, and my paycheck; I'm a happy man. I had no reason to rise up because I just could not give a shit, however if you bribed me with money or whatever I would've joined instantly. If it was an extended round, I would've done the same thing except I wouldn't make the durrand, and I wouldn't have made the exosuit control console. -
Player Complaint - Zechariah Thaddeus
BurgerBB replied to Snakebittenn's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
Hello I play Zechariah. Here is what happened. The round was boring. I had nothing better to do. I wanted to get involved in the round, so the first thing I did to do that was make a Durand. I fully equipped the Durand, marched to Security, and asked for Job Security and to speak to the Captain. It was a big dick energy move, and the only fault of it was at the time I wasn't a rev, but I didn't see any revs recruiting anyone so I took matters into my own hands to make the round interesting. At this point, I believe the round was at the 1 hour mark. Whoever played Lukas Chapman and the Tajara CSI can confirm this. My intent was to scare the Captain into keeping my job in case that I was a next target. This did not happen as the Captain did not respond to anything at all. I then went back to robotics, kept the Durand, then decided to make 2 Gygax's for security because I was bored. I equipped both of them with the following: 1 exosuit control beacon 1 laser carbine 1 repair droid 1 taser carbine This was a very reasonable thing to equip them with. I could've gave them grenade launchers, shotguns, machine guns, general hell, but I did not. At the 1:40 mark, when nothing was happening, I gave the first Gygax to security. At 2:00, right near the crew transfer shuttle vote was called, I gave the second gygax to security. My absolute intent was to get involved with the round some way and cause something like maybe a mech battle after the proper amount of escalation. The exosuit control beacons were placed in there for a reason, as I constructed an exosuit control console that allowed me to shut down and view the information of any mech with the beacon installed. If the revs contacted me, I would've been able to shut down all the combat mechs and give them new ones, like the Durand that I kept for myself. If the loyalists contacted me, nothing would change. Despite myself being in contact with 2 goddamn revs in science and 1 in mining, 0 people talked to me about anything. I left myself incredibly open to get converted like a drone leaves themself open to get emagged by a traitor. The antags absolutely roleplayed with no one but command and security with their peaceful protests which I don't think they had the intention of being anything other than peaceful. I believe my crime here is metagaming, as I was preparing for both situations where either sides would recruit me for rev or loyalist because I knew that the round was Siege given some earlier round-start dickery, and the central command messages. So a tl;dr: I left myself open to get converted. I left my mech bay open at all times. I put in contingency plans in place where I could shut down exosuits at will. I also could change the AI laws. I could do all sorts of amazing robotics related things, yet no one seemed to really have the idea of roleplaying with me and then using my services to further their goal. -
I've suggested this before for the following reasons: - AIs play will be improved and be held to a high standards - There will be less AI playing. The second one is more important because there are a lot of gamemodes that are absolutely ruined by AI presence. Like if it's rev, and rev is starting something, the AI will just bolt closed all the doors and alert security as soon as they sneeze.
Research is and has been genuinely the worst job mechanic of Aurorastation. Out of all the servers on the hub, Aurorastation research is unquestionably the worst. Current problems Research resets to 1 every round. Research is super tedious to perform and requires several menus to go through a sub par interface. Research as a Cyborg is worse. Interface is absolute shit, as mentioned above. Research consists of following a guide and performing the same actions over and over again. There is no optimization or variation someone can perform. Roboticist is absolutely shafted of content if there is 0 research. On other servers, a roboticist can do research themselves. How to fix (short term): All research starts at level 5 on round start (except for phoron, bluespace, and illegal). This will still make research shit, but significantly less shit. How to fix (long term): Research starts at level 5 on round start. Remove the feature where if you sync an item of level x research when you're at level x research, research is increased to x+1. Make it so that miners, xenobiologists, and other occupations can discover objects of high research level. Just going "wait until next big thing" or "wait until research overhaul that has taken 2 years to debate and make" is dumb. Research needs to be fixed now.