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Everything posted by BurgerBB

  1. Actually, no. The record the comment about suicide came before when I started shitposting about furries. Also there is a serious difference between "Burger, if you killed yourself, no one would care" and "Furries are pedophiles." I will make it more equivalent for the sake of argument. If I said "All furries should die." then that would be a dick thing to say, but it wouldn't be on par with singling out a single person and saying "<insert name here>, you should die." Also I find it a little depressing that you consider that a mere footnote. How you view the conflict itself says a lot about how you view situations. You should care more about not whether or not someone got offended, but how much it has impacted them. You've done this before; you compared like actual legitimate harassment to me making a meme pr about burritos as a joke. While I'm not saying that I was not rude to Jackboot with that PR, I don't think he is as angry or annoyed as I was when the same people would continue to try their best to provoke me.
  2. These are the only two, but I'll format them since you asked.
  3. BYOND Key: BurgerBBStaff BYOND Key: GarnacusGame ID: NoneReason for complaint: Poor ConductEvidence/logs/etc: A continuation of the previous thread but separated for convenience and format. A lot of this involves Scheveningen. While I will be commenting on his conduct previously, the opinions I have about him in the past do not reflect the opinions I have on him on the present and should not be used to persecute him in any way shape or forum. I cannot talk about Garnacus without talking about Scheveningen also so I apologize if it feels off topic. Right so given the explanations that Scheveningen has given me in private discussions, as well as public discussions, this is what, on a very basic level, happened between us: I was rude to someone. Scheveningen did not like that I was rude to someone and started acting rude to me. In response, I was acted rude towards him out of annoyance. Whether or not who was in the right in this is entirely irrelevant in this complaint so I will not discuss that. However, I will be discussing Garnacus' handling of the situation and the general issues I have with his conduct and behavior. Evidence used will be screenshots of discord discussions and screenshots/links of threads. First things first, let's talk about the deal that Garnacus made. The deal was the following: "The next time you guys engage in internet bloodsports on github, these forums, discord or the server i will immediately dish out a MINIMUM of a week ban to the both of you. Block each other on discord and pretend the other doesn't exist everywhere else. This is not a restraining order. If the two of you must interact over a PR then i expect you to do so in a professional manner. If one of you makes a stab at the other then just immediately report it to staff and they will deal with it. "he started it" will not work as an excuse." Proof 1 Proof 2 Now, I had and still have issue with this deal and so should everyone. While I'm not asking administrators or moderators to have the same standards as police officers, but the deal itself places both people at fault regardless of context, one of the most important things to determining how to solve an issue. Regardless of the conduct of either person, if one person insults the other, and that other responds calmly telling them they're wrong without attacking them, both would receive a ban of a week. Now, you might be thinking, this sounds somewhat reasonable as it prevents drama, but there is a plenty of context involved that does not make it so. Context Piece 1: It was not enforced. The rule itself was never enforced. There were plenty of times where Scheveningen broke the rule on discord, on the server, and the forums and I've talked to PLENTY of moderators, admins, head developers, and head admins about it. One of the scenarios would occur: 1. Scheveningen throws insults my way. I do not respond. I immediately speak to a moderator about it. Moderator tells me it's above their pay grade and tells me to speak to an admin. Admin tells me it's above their pay grade and tells me to speak to Abo, the head admin at the time, about it. Abo tells me they talked to garn and garn says it was okay. OR 2. Scheveningen throws insults my way. I do not respond. I immediately speak to garnacus about it. Garn gives some excuse to justify it being okay or not his problem to deal with. Instead of listening every single scenario where Shev broke the rules as proof, I will list one that I believe is the most damning. I reported Scheveningen after he made an incredibly distasteful post on github. Skull said he forwarded it to the head admins. Skull didn't talk to me for about 3 days, and Shev was still being rude. I spoke to Skull about it again and he said a consensus wasn't reached. I waited another 5 days and ignored anything that went my way. Skull had real life stuff to worry about so I layed off. I waited 10 days, I was planning to wait longer but Shev was getting on my nerves as he was making github prs of my already existing prs, but with his own code and tweaks that he wanted but didn't like about my PRs. Skull said that they were going to apply a ban, but for the distasteful post on github. That github ban was revoked, however, after about a few days after an apology given to Skull (from what I've heard). I don't accuracy recall how long the ban really was, but I think it was less than a week. Proof 1 Proof 2 Proof 3 Proof 4 Before this instance I had a genuine feeling that garn really didn't care. After when the ban was applied but then lifted at a short time and the fact that the deal was never addressed, I started to believe that neither Skull nor Garn cared. However, what made me truly believe that Garn just doesn't give a fuck is when he actually enforced the rule. Context Proof 2: When it was enforced, it was enforced in the worst way possible. Right so what got me banned is that I replied to Shev. I did not insult him. I did not berate him. The rudest thing I said was "Oh boy" and told him that he was wrong and explained why he was wrong. He was saying things about my PR that were simply not true so given how I am a contributor and how someone clearly needed assistance in what the PR actually does, I was quite obligated to respond to him especially considering the slogan that him and others chant that I don't listen or respond to feedback. Proof 1 I had to talk to Garn about it because the ban quite literally came out of nowhere. The post itself was more 4 days old when he gave the ban, but more on that later. The conversation I had with him was quite unproductive. It was unproductive from the start when Garnacus assumed that I wanted to talk to him about Shev. At this point I legitimately did not give a fuck about what happened to him so it was quite irritating when I asked him if he had a moment to talk, the reply I got was "Shev got banned too." I said that I wasn't here to talk about shev and rather the ban I recieved. I explained that I wasn't being aggressive. I admitted that I made a mistake, and the mistake was that I responded to him at all. Despite absolutely everything that has occured between me and Shev, this is the thing that Garn decided to use the ban on. I pointed this out and garn responded by saying "it's a miracle that either of you aren't permabanned." I find that odd to bring up considering the history that Scheveningen had as a player and a moderator and how my record only contained 2 automatic forum bans, 0 discord bans/kicks, 0 in-game bans, 0 player complaints in the span of I believe 2 years coming up. Even if I had a history of several bans and behavioral issues, mentioning this sort of thing is unproductive and not really something I would expect from a head administrator. Given his behavior in the past, and how he was acting now, I just decided to call him out. I told him that he likely wouldn't have done anything if I complained. This is backed up by several things I posted in the chat, including how it took 18 days to determine whether or not someone breaking the rules was breaking the rules. I was quite visibly annoyed at this point, I starting to argue that the fact that I reported him and explained to him why he was incorrect was irrelevant, but then I got sidetracked in a long and pointless argument about whether or not I reported the post in the first place. Turns out I was mistaken, but at this point I was just sick of arguing so I cooled down and conceded, asking Garn to promise me that if something actually comes up he'll deal with it. He ended by saying he has no patience for me and promises nothing. Proof 1 Proof 2 Proof 3 Proof 4 Proof 5 Proof 6 Oh, and I said that I was going to talk about why the ban was 4 days old. Beyond this point is just rumor and conjecture but could be elaborated upon by other users who are involved in the incident. According to different staff members and players, Garnacus was too busy playing video games to respond to anyone about it or look into it. I get conflicting stories about it, and I have no proof about this that doesn't involve leaking the leakers, so take this with a grain of salt. Regardless, the timing was awful. At that time, a devmerge was going to occur and I had several PRs and Feedback Threads to worry about. Again, I'm not saying I should be receiving special treatment, but the fact that it was delayed made the ban more awful than it could've been. It's pretty dumb to say that "I don't think I was banned fast enough" but in the context where the delay causes a lot of issues, or if the delay is significant like in that github case, something is not right.
  4. I feel like this thread should've been titled "Staff Complaint - The entirety of the administration team" because it seems that this issue is not local to just Skull. I admit that shitposting and calling all furries pedophiles (despite "being" a furry myself) was out of line, however I genuinely believe that it is not comparable to someone bringing up me committing suicide twice. I was given the same "thin ice" status as everyone else involved and threatened with a ban if it continued. Every single instance where a conflict happens between two people, for some reason staff are obligated to spend equal time and effort telling both sides that they're both to blame. It makes absolute sense to tell me that I shouldn't respond to this sort of thing, however it does not make sense to me to grant me the same punishment or paint me in the same light as the others. This sort of thing seems to happen a lot. I do not mean to shit on Shev but I believe that whole situation was a prime example of this sort of thing where I strongly feel that staff just do not give a shit and rather make the issue go away as soon as possible. I really do not mean to shit on Shev as the situation is resolved and I understood where he was coming from at the time, but good lord there have been many instances where the administration team has grouped me with Shev and unironically said things like "I don't understand why you're not both permabanned." or "I have no patience for either of you." Garnacus even went as far as to implement a custom ban condition where if there is a feud between me or shev, he'll ban either of us for a week regardless of who started it, regardless of the severity, and regardless of what was said. I'm not saying that Shev is the type of person who would do this, but Shev could've told me to kill myself, and I could've told him to fuck off, and we'd both be banned for a week.
  5. I understand the lack of an announcement part. Thank you for clarifying on that. However I do have a bit of an issue with you pointing out that I did not report the issue. I want to write up upon this, I was going to do it in another staff complaint, but I'm doing it here because I feel that it is also relevant. In many cases, the following happens: 1. User A insults or berates user B, from a rule standpoint whether or not they broke the rules can be debatable. 2. A mod or an administrator sees this behavior. They either participate in the behavior involved or acknowledges its existence in one form or another. In my experience, it's usually the former. 3. User B berates User A in return. A mod does not step in until very late and usually says something along the lines of "just drop it." or they give the user who was in the first place shit. 4. You report the behavior to staff officially because you find it odd that nothing has been done about it. 5. Staff member tells you that the other person was in the wrong, but says you were too and lectures you on how you should've reported the behavior in the first place. This has happened plenty of times, including an instance of which I linked in my original post. I understand the need for reporting conversations that happened in private or an instance where a mod might've been busy, but say for example when a player starts throwing shit in OOC where a mod or an admin clearly knows that they're throwing shit, you begin to think "this is fair game" so you give up and just tell them they're an idiot because that's fair game too. I've pointed this problem out in the past several times. The response I usually get is "Oh, mod X is just feisty." if a mod participates. "Mods aren't a hivemind and have differing standards." if they know the conversation took place and did nothing to fix it. I can tell you that with absolute certainty, if I reported that user, the mod in question would go "They didn't break any rules." because this has happened plenty of times. I recall when I did the april fools joke involving how cats got paincrit when sprayed with water, I was ironically called a "fucking retard" by someone who was very unhappy with the update and thought it was a shot at Tajara players. I reported this to a mod because they have a history of this behavior and it was dismissed as "just banter". Another person called me a fucking idiot over it about 2 days later and it turned into an argument, in which upon being contacted by the mod in question told me that I should've reported the person in the first place about it. I understand that this is the internet and you shouldn't take anything people say seriously, and I don't, but what really annoys me is the inconsistency that happens and how some people go through great lengths to explain why they didn't do anything or why they gave special treatment to someone else. I recall an instance involving a admin who, upon being question as to why someone who was berating me didn't get so much as a warning while I got a lecture about how I'm a terrible person, said that I was being held to a higher standard because "You were a trial dev once." So yeah. When a situation occurs, I have four options: 1. Report the person to an admin instantly and be told that nothing can really be done about it because they didn't break any rules. Bonus: Be told I complain too much and that I should deal with problems on my own. 2. Keep my sanity and call them out on it instead of just taking it like a punching bag. A mod or admin gets annoyed at the length of the conversation and attempts to shut it down. 3. Do nothing and """ignore""" them while they continue to berate me daily whilst I lose my sanity. 4. Leave. I've performed all 4. 4 being recently. Mostly number 3 but despite that I have armchair psychologists tell me that "They're only making fun of you because you react." which is just a huge kick in the dick for several reasons. I've went with option 3 several times but you don't hear about it because there is nothing to hear because it involves no one complaining. The only time you ever hear about an incident is option 1 or 2 because those involve some degree of sound.
  6. BYOND Key: BurgerBBStaff BYOND Key: Skull132Game ID: NoneReason for complaint: Poor ConductEvidence/logs/etc: Right. Instead of posting this on Reddit or just going to another discord channel and whining about it I'm going to be genuine and simply just post it here in attempt to fix things. If I knew that some of the things that happened during my time here as a player and a staff member I would not have applied for dev, or for that matter, join Aurorastation at all. But first things first, lets get some things out of the way. I'm not a good person. Me saying this by no means excuses my behavior or implies that I should be excused for any wrongdoing. This is no means a defense of my behavior, and should not be seen as one. This, for all intents and purposes, is to prove a point and show some actual maturity for once. I've been awfully rude to people giving feedback, regardless of the value or worth of the feedback. When I'm interacting with people behind a screen, I do not see people for who they are but as a group. I do not make things personal in order to not lose my sanity, so I attack ideas and things said rather than the people who said them. Never in my time here have I personally attacked anyone directly, only the ideas that they said however a lot of people interpret them as personal attacks, and that's completely understandable. I've been awfully rude to people while being on the receiving end of jokes, memes, and other things. I do not know people's intent, but I can only guess them. Most of the time I am usually right with someone's intent, however the issue is with me dealing with the problem of someone being spiteful. I will be touching more on this later. I've been awfully rude to people while being on the giving end of jokes, memes, and other things. If you see me making a meme about something it means I'm annoyed and I fear that I will lash out at others if I don't remove this annoyance. Memes and jokes are quite therapeutic to me because not only does it let me express myself when before it was impossible, but it brings enjoyment to others. It is a good feeling when something you put effort on is seen in a positive light. I've been awfully rude to people while giving feedback, regardless of the value or worth of the feedback. At the time I have said these things, I absolutely cared strongly for the state of Aurorastation. I've put in hundreds upon hundreds of hours of work into Aurora and I don't want it to see it wasted. I've seen a lot of my friends come and go because of problems that I feel strongly about. When I tell people that people were not a good antag, I mean for them to improve and not just because I'm upset or angry or spiteful or just doing it to piss you off. When friends leave because they're tired of there not being enough proper RP and more depressing sec vs raiders crap, it really depresses me. When I'm talking about issues on Aurora, I'm not doing it for the sake of venting, I'm actually attempting to gather feedback on a idea to see if people support it, and if not, implement things that would make them support it. I've done this with a majority of my PRs and most turned out fine and without trouble, however I can absolutely understand why people can find this annoying or, at most, see it as me attempting to start shit. I've been doing a lot of thinking about my behavior recently as I now have more free time with my free time. I've been told twice in the past few days that I should take note about my behavior, and I have. I'm very disappointed in myself for fucking up in a community. While thinking about this, I realised something kind of fucked up. I've received only one automatic forum ban for 1 day and only one manual forum ban for 1 week. I've received 0 bans on the server. I've received 0 bans or kicks on Discord. Despite my behavior and my attitude, I somehow became a staff member. As a staff member, I have received 0 staff complaints. Given the things I said and done, I should have not lasted more than 2 years, but I did. But this isn't a player complaint about myself. All of this was brought up because I feel obligated to bring it up. At risk of sounding manipulative, I brought all this up because I feel genuinely depressed about it, and the fact that If I don't bring it up, someone else will and most of the conversation will be about me when it shouldn't be just about me. This is about the people who I feel have done wrong, and it just so happens to be the two people running Aurorastation. This staff complaint features one, which is Skull132. There was a discussion several months ago about an issue that occured in OOC. I brought up about how I think prescriptions should be reworked/removed and people jumped on me, stating things like how people don't like interacting with me and other things irrelevant to the issue. Even looking up on it back now, not feeling any emotion towards it, I could say that some of the things said towards me was unneeded. In my anger, I ended up using the word "autistic" to describe the words and this upset someone. Bringing up an earlier point, notice that even at my absolute lowest, I do my very best not to directly insult someone but the words and the points that they said. I believe skull had somewhat of a valid point to say that I called someone autistic however the rest of what they said, I feel, is evidence of some really messed up ways to deal with a situation. The reason why I messaged Skull is because I had an issue with how the mod in question handled it as they did not find issue with people actually for-realsies textbook definition personal attacks when I'm attempting to gather feedback for a potential PR. What I got instead was "mock surprise" and a lecture that had little to do with the subject. When I attempted to talk to Skull about how what I do feels like a burden towards administration staff, he proceeds to talk about how the negativity I receive was deserving. I'm not sure if he is referring to the actual harassment that I reported to the administration team (not just offhand remarks) but I think it exposes a serious issue with how staff deal with things: not at all. That is not what I sent out to talk about and that's not what I was wanting to talk about. I wanted to talk about himself not doing anything to actively solve this issue. I attempted several times to bring the conversation back to how the administration team is not actively dealing with hostility but then they they were talking about how I called everyone autistic when that is not what I said nor implied nor what was even received. I ended up giving in, because I'll be entirely honest, I was feeling a bit emotional when Skull was starting to say "Nothing you did means anything." which honestly just fucked me up. I think at that point I realised that becoming a dev was a bad idea. Proof 1 Proof 2 Proof 3 Proof 4 Proof 5 I ended up talking to Arrow about what Skull said. I'm not going to post the conversation out of respect for his privacy and the fact that I find it absolutely embarrassing to post. He ended up talking me out of withdrawing my dev application and made me realise, for a short time, that Skull's opinion doesn't matter as much as I think it does when there are two head developers. Effectively, my full viewpoint on the situation was the following: I think what I have done for the server matters and I think my voice should be heard when I say that I do not feel sane when I'm interacting with the community. While my messages to skull could be interpreted as "I'm a dev, I deserve respect because I can code.", that is not the case. Never in the history of me being on here have I downplayed anyone because they couldn't code as skull suggested. While I said I feel entitled to respect because I worked on the server, that's not all I was going to say. The direction my point was going was "I am entitled to being treated nicely and so is everyone else.", as somewhat showcased by me saying "I don't think I'm better than the average community member." but then Skull told me that nothing I did mattered which turned the entire conversation into something else. There are plenty of conversations I had with skull that usually were like this or worse. When I go to talk to him about issues that I feel that need to be discussed, it almost always devolves into "Burger, you are a terrible person, that is all that needs to be said with you. I am done arguing with you." and this is apparently just how it is. I've received unsolicited messages about "The Rules and Guidelines of Arguing with Skull" in which some of those come to light. One of those rules is to admit mistakes as fast as you can because they can and will stick to it, which they have done. In a particular instance as seen in Proof 1 and 2, they were discussing that my Burrito Meme PR was inappropriate, which I already agreed with and fixed before they spoke to me about it. It didn't stop them from giving me shit about how I'm being a hypocrite because I was "doing the same thing that I was complaining about for months." Referring to the fact that I spoke to Skull earlier about how Shev's previous (now resolved) hatred towards me in the form of memes, criticisms, and shitposts as well as me talking to other admins about how there were one or two people who constantly brought up "ORGAN DAMAGE" on a daily basis despite no appropriate context or setup, in both cases were determined to be acting maliciously by the mods who were dealing with them. And on that subject, Skull's advice for me to deal with these people is to "Stop caring." which I feel is quite important, as seen in Proof 3. While a lot of the things he said were quite reasonable in that "stop caring" post, those things unfortunately were never put into action. Proof 1 Proof 2 Proof 3 I decided to resign after about 3 or so months of being a dev. Arguably I did it on peaceful terms given how there were very few incidents, people admitting that I have improved, and being voted best dev on a meaningless internet poll. What got me to resign, which is the theme of this entire post, is caring. There was a point that I realised "You should care, but about the right things." I was an unpaid volunteer spending 4-6 hours a day coding for a server where 3 out of 4 of its current head staff heavily disliked me and a vocal minority of players despised me. Any reasonable person would go "You should not be putting yourself in your position." and after about a month of inactivity, arrow floated the idea around about resignation so I said yes after thinking on it. Upon leaving the dev team, willingly and without issue, the first thing Skull said to me is that I shouldn't talk about Burgerstation. Perhaps this is reaching but I did not receive a single thank you during or after the departure from Skull, Arrow, or really anyone else in dev staff for that matter. Garnacus said a casual "ok" after I said I'm resigning during a conversation where he suggested that I should implement some things, quite rudely. Bygone who upon hearing this fact, took it upon himself to make the announcement as he enjoyed my work. I do not think I am a unique case however, because being a dev on Aurora is a thankless job. No one compliments each others work. No one says they did a good job on something. No one is anything more than "Did you get x done?". Positivity does not exist in this environment. Regardless, his attitude and jokes have been quite odd after my departure considering the context of the rest of this post. In once instance, a user said Proof 1 Proof 2 (On the topic of releasing Burgerstation) So what is the point? So why would I make a complaint if I stopped caring about Aurorastation? Well the problem is that I still do care a little about Aurora Station, as a player. I still occasionally play, very rarely, and I still talk a lot in the discord. My complaint on Skull is the following: I don't think he cares. Whether or not he cares about the server, or just me, is an entirely different argument. I have not went up to people and started a conversation on Skull, the only time anything of such occured is when people went up to me and said "Just be careful what you argue around Skull." I think I finally realised this when the following occurred. Someone, who has been having issues with me for the past week, said "If you killed yourself tonight, literally nothing would change." Proof 1 Skull saw this. Proceeded to comment with edge. Bystanders saw this. Proceeded to react with "What the fuck" and ask if this is strikeable. Skull said yes. Then nothing happened. Because Skull does not care.
  7. Burgerstation 13 and the fact that the CMO slot is very contested during certain hours. You can extend the trial if you like, I don't mind.
  8. Hmm today is this loss

    1. Scheveningen


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  9. I think a more accurate expectation of mine is that relative to the gamemode, you should be expected to interact with your share. It's fine to interact with 2-3 people if it's autotraitor. It's not fine as ninja to chairrp with the captain for an hour and a half. I understand not being able to interact with more than a quarter of the crew as as a lone antag, but what gets really infuriating is somehow there are 4 autotraitor and all their gimmicks are "fuck interaction, I'm going to throw grenades everywhere and cause as much chaos as possible."
  10. I personally see nothing wrong with SOME command roles becoming antag, however there is a line that is usually crossed that I very much dislike.
  11. >Roza is an asshat though Excuse me what the fuck.
  12. Playing Head of Security seems undesirable to me but perhaps in the future that might change if I get in experience as CMO. I don't know how to explain it, but it's not something I want.
  13. BYOND key: BurgerBB Character names: Diamond with Flaw, FLAW, FLAWED, Ilaeza Marwani, Roza Lusk, Marcus Burgs. How long have you been playing on Aurora?: 2 years Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I feel that I can actively improve how command is played Why did you come to Aurora?: Was trying every active server, came to Aurora. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: Yes. It's pretty underwhelming tbh I'm going to scream at Chada respectfully and calmly to tell them to fix it. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?: Yes, one major warning for accidentally blowing up departures as MALF on first go. Several minor warnings for minor rule breaking, including joining as Chad from the chad vs virgin meme. One 1 day long forum ban for racking up 3 minor warnings over the course of 6 months, 1 week long forum ban for breaking an agreement from garn. Sentenced to community service via developer status for ERPing in the janitor's closet. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay should be about fun. It's playing something you're not and having fun while playing it, however good roleplay is playing something you're not and people other than you having fun in the process. All players should strive to be a roleplayer who cares more about the experience of others than themselves. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: Heads of Staff exist to provide some sense of leadership to their departments and serve as "veteran players" that can assist players unfamiliar with it's department mechanics as well as to improve RP among antags and crewmembers. They also exist to provide some sense of realism in that a top of the line research station actually has people looking after it. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Don't be a powertripping idiot who is only a Head of Staff in it for themselves. Actually contribute to the round in some meaningful way that doesn't involve chairRPing with antags 24/7 or bossing people around. Don't be a dick to your underlings, don't make new players hate you, and actually help and teach others. Be the reason why people play that particular department. To medical, Diamond with Flaw will serve as mostly an advisor if there are others capable of their job that can do it for them. Given how medical is bland as fuck and is only entertaining from a gameplay perspective if you actually do anything, most of the work will be relegated to their underlings. Diamond with Flaw will never do tasks that others can perform for them at the time, however if asked for, Diamond with Flaw will offer assistance. To the crew, Diamond with Flaw will be attempting to host various medical related events such as blood drives, first aid training, medication awareness, and extensive sex education. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career? Tau Ceti has gone to shit. Racial conflict and tensions are at all time high with various species and backgrounds. Despite this, Diamond with Flaw is continuing on, hoping to make people's lives better whilst also gaining some knowledge about medicine and chemistry in the process. The benefit of not having organic attachments to ones other than your own nymphs, as well as an almost complete lack of emotions, means you do not spend time feeling bad for your friend perishing from a k'ois infection or another Tajara gang attack. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? CMO Captain, possibly. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: Diamond with Flaw, CMO How would you rate your own roleplaying?: Relatively excellent. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes. All things must come to an end. Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Yes.
  14. By "we" I mean the current staff and head developers. There is absolutely nothing I can REASONABLY do as a single developer without reworking absolutely everything from the ground up to solve this issue. Every single round in Aurorastation consists of the following: - Antags interact exclusively with security AND/OR antags interact exclusively with command. - Command tells everyone to fuck off and remain in their departments to let security deal with the problem AND/OR Security tells everyone to fuck off and remain in their departments to let security to deal with the problem. This needs to stop. It's getting annoying and I'm genuinely considering leaving like everyone else is doing because this server has become repetitive nonsense that I can no longer tolerate. Things need to change and NBT certainly won't make a single difference and end up being a collective waste of everyone's time unless we can come to an actual agreeance on this being an issue and we actually discuss putting policies and additions forward. This discussion needs to be dealt with NOW. Not when NBT comes out, but NOW. Here are proposed solutions in order to fix this hot mess. I encourage others to post their solutions as well. - Put policy in place that enables transparency acts where the crew has the right to know of any emergency situation on the station unless alerting the crew of such a situation would reasonably cause panic. Example: The crew should be informed that there are 4 armed gunmen patrolling the hall. They should not be informed that there is a nuke on the station and that someone stole the nuclear access codes. - Actually listen to the players and remove/redesign game modes that are known to be terrible and conflict with HRP. Despite a overwhelmingly dislike for changeling, voted one of the worst game modes of 2018 in the player survey by a majority, it continues to exist because of nefarious reasons. Broken content is currently being kept in circulation because of the fear that developers won't work on fixing it if it is removed. This is one of the worst reasons I've ever heard to keep something in a game and I feel that it's currently damaging gameplay. Keep content in the game because it's good content, not because it's bad content and you're hoping it will be good content one day. - Encourage antag gimmicks that interact with the crew. Discourage antag gimmicks that interact with two or less people. On other servers you are punished if you're an antag without actually antagging, on here, ChairRPing with the Captain for one and a half hours and then causing 10 minutes of chaos is too common. Yesterday a round was delayed for 30 minutes because the antags decided to go all out in the last 10 minutes and broke a lot of escalation rules. If you spend your antag slot roleplaying with a single person, then you should be punished the same as if you stay on the shuttle as a ninja. - Encourage Heads of Staff to run mini-events and celebrations while working. Could be anything major or minor like a birthday party to a christmas celebration. A lot of great HoP's did this in the past and they all turned out to be great events. Al-Faysal comes to mind when I think of this. Station-run events rarely happen, unfortunately. I will personally be submitting a command whitelist application in order to assist with implementing all the IC related things, such as player run events and better crew information.
  15. >outranked skull and arrow for best developer oh boy it's time to usurp
  16. Right. It seems that you're not here to argue. I've stated my points several times throughout the OP, as well as given several replies to you. I have given you enough information on my views to prevent zingers like this.
  17. I think most people come to Aurorastation for conflict for antags. There are several other games out there which contains better and purer RP, however without the conflict of antags. Do not try to dismiss my thought on the issue as a result of a bad experience. I have has several bad experiences, seen several bad experiences, and several months after the fact that it happened and came to the conclusion of "Secret extended is super fucking flawed." Extended is voted in. It will be voted in more often. Extended rounds that are voted in will be better and enjoyed by all, especially compared to secret extended.
  18. I don't even know what you're trying to say here because that won't happen. People roleplay during secret, however they roleplay differently. They roleplay with antags in mind, they roleplay with the conflict in mind, they expect the conflict and build the roleplay around it, but it never happens so their roleplay is ruined. Again, people still roleplay during secret. They just roleplay differently and there is absolutely nothing wrong with this.
  19. Just because it's against the rules, doesn't mean it's bad. Everyone metagames. Absolutely fucking everyone metagames the roundtype and if people say they don't, they're lying. It would be absolutely stupid of you, as a serious roleplayer, not to metagame because it means that if you treat it like an extended round like a good little angel you are, chances are it will be interrupted by antags or overshadowed and now you'll have to go through the very annoying process of determining what was canon and what wasn't canon, if anything. I've tried not to metagame before and it was very unfun. One of my character's mother died, however the moment was ruined when a shitter cuban pete decided to bomb the entirety of the station and the emergency shuttle was called 30 minutes in. Upon reflection, this is hilarious as shit, but as someone who cared about roleplay at that time it was absolutely annoying it that interrupting the conflict I created in the round and did not build upon it.
  20. Voting secret without extended in rotation will be like voting secret with extended in rotation. People will still behave the same way because even with extended in rotation, they still expect an antag to ruin everything.
  21. You're lying to yourself if you don't think that people don't treat secret differently from secret. You're lying to god if you think that there is something wrong with this behavior especially given the shit antags pull. It is very obvious that secret extended rounds are played differently then voted extended rounds. On secret extended no one talks, nothing happens, everyone sits at their post. No one RPs except for civilians. Voted extended, everyone has fun. Everyone RPs, everyone hangs out with each other, people socialize, people play realistically.
  22. Then vote extended. Get people to vote extended. If other people want to play extended, then extended will be played.
  23. It really is but since people don't want to solve this issue, then let's solve issues caused by this issue.
  24. This has been done before and it needs to be done on a yearly basis if not a monthly one. Remove. Secret. Extended. Secret extended always results in the following: - Security players patrol the halls endlessly for 2 hours. They seldom RP because they fear that starting RP will result in it being ruined by some shitter antag. They don't want to be responsible/berated by other crewmembers for not being active while there is an emergency. - Medical players watch the suit sensors monitor endlessly for 2 hours. They seldom RP because they fear that starting RP or leaving medical will result in a medical emergency caused by some shitter antag. They don't want to be held responsible/berated by other crewmembers for not being active while there is an emergency. - Engineering players sit at the desk or endlessly pursue projects for 2 hours.They seldom RP because they fear that starting RP will result in it being ruined by some shitter antag. At this point when literally nothing is happening, they alt-tab and do other things because they already did anything engineering can do in a round. - Science players do science to its maximum and then pursue projects for 2 hours. They seldom RP because they fear that starting RP will result in it being ruined by some shitter antag. - Cargo players are cargo players and are used to literally nothing happening in their department. - Civilian players RP because they have no responsibilities. This isn't good game design. When most of your players are bored as fuck because nothing is happening, this isn't good game design. I legitimately do not give a shit if you say "This is an HRP server.", the fact of the matter is that this is an HRP server powered by unique and interesting conflict. 3 out of 5 departments (Security, Medical, Engineering) are designed around there being conflict, and 2 out of 5 of those departments (Cargo, Service) are designed to assist those departments. If you look at the number of people who currently play and the occupations they choose, you'll notice that almost always one of two departments dominate the station: Security Civilian (Service/Supply) Security is chosen the most because they receive the most conflict out of all of the roles. They interact with the antags the most. They get to do the most things and have the most impact on a round. Civilian is chosen the most because they get the most amount of RP from themselves in the round as they have no responsibilities or obligation to interact with the antags. This seems like a no-brainer where people desire to choose the jobs with the most conflict, but to me I see this as a fundamental design flaw. It is absolutely near impossible to have actual non-conflict based RP sessions without knowing the current gamemode. When you try to do non-conflict based RP in a round, it usually is interrupted or made miniscule compared to the conflict going in on the round. Trust me, I have done this when I used to play Marwani. The only time I could ever get any meaningful character development through, it had to have been voted extended, otherwise it's just dealing with the antagonist or avoiding them. So if you pick engineering, science, or medical, you are handicapping yourself by "choosing" to risk RP. Almost always these departments are never full. There is always a lack of medical, engineers, or scientists. There is never a lack of security or civilians. Yet, a round cannot function without engineering, science, or medical. If you have no engineering, you have no one to setup the shields or the engine. If you don't have medical, you have no one to treat serious injuries. If you don't have science, you have no one to repair IPCs or provide mining with upgraded tools. So lets lessen the punishment of choosing these roles by removing secret extended. Lets actually get people to do their jobs and roleplay properly on a gamemode where the objective is to have fun and roleplay. With secret extended, you are literally wasting 2 hours of someone's time because given it's secret, there is going to be antags. Lets actually fucking admit for once that sneaking extended in secret rotation is a band-aid solution for extended to be played more, and not because that's what secret voters want. Do you know what people do when they want extended? They vote for extended. Did you know that people actually vote for extended? It happens, and it will be voted when people want to play extended. If secret extended is removed, extended won't phase out of existence, but instead, will only be played when people actually want to play extended.
  25. Currency still stacks. Rude responses is what happens when it gets emagged so I don't see the problem here.
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