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Everything posted by BurgerBB

  1. At the time when you asked me to do code for you, I don't even think I was a trial dev. At that time I had a lot of PRs to write, including major overhauls of mechanics, such as mental medication or fire extinguishers, something like that. This is currently what's on my plate now: Generally I never take suggestions. Sometimes I take suggestions if I feel incredibly motivated, but none of the ideas you presented to me really motivated me to drop everything and get right to it. Reminder that I am unpaid and everything I do is volunteer related so when I'm not staff, or even a trial dev, I'm not going to code something I don't feel motivated coding especially when I have other projects that need attending to, and I feel, aren't important enough to spend time on. Unless I'm being paid real cash money, motivation is the currency in which you pay me in. Also life advice. If someone is going up to you and telling you that I'm talking shit about dionaea lore and the state of it, then maybe you need to consider that perhaps the people who are bringing it to your attention are doing so maliciously especially when the screenshot you posted was taken out of context and does not mean what you think it means.
  2. There was a project I wanted to do that involved giving miners magboots, and adding some forms of wildlife to the asteroid as compensation, however there were outcries of the xenoarchaeologist getting shafted. Would people still be interested in a PR that does that if the xenobiologist is given a small arm to defend themself?
  3. I mean pretty much anything is possible in byond, especially the suppression of an existing framework. Attack logs could be overwritten if the victim exists in the thunderdome.
  4. About a week ago I had an epiphany. The chances of a gamemode occuring when displaying secret chances don't necessarily reflect the chances of an antag actually happening. I decided to spend some time calculating the chances of an antag appearing using google docs and the results just made me sigh and giggle, a siggle if you will. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1peEImzfnToz4i5UVUz1GpIcL8Op-9HenMpRjugyKDv8/edit?usp=sharing I have found the following key points: Merc or raider has a 16% chance to occur. Ninja or Wizard has a 27% chance to occur. A single antag has a 16% chance to occur. Ninja is the second highest antag type to occur, with a whopping 16% chance. Cult or rev has a 20% chance to occur. These are... really bad number honestly, especially for an HRP server. I genuinely feel that some of the gamemode weights need to be rebalanced in order to actually reflect the chance of an antag happening, rather than it's gamemode. Most gamemodes with similar antags are the same (with the exception of cult + vamp, because that's just pure cancer). So I propose the following: Reduce the chances of merc/heist related gamemodes. If 4 team station invaders was it's own gamemode, it would be the second highest occuring gamemode, next to autotraitor. Reduce the chances of single antag gamemodes. They occur way too often, and when they do, the round is incredibly boring. Reduce the chances of ninja. It occurs way too much when you consider other gamemodes.
  5. +1 Because I strongly believe that all lore developers should have some amount of actual coding experience. The Skrell lack a lot of actually interesting mechanics, and what I've seen from WIP PRs is that LordFowl is interested enough in the race to actually code in a large framework for skrell despite not being asked to or being paid for it. LordFowl not only has the coding experience but they're also staff.
  6. Being addressed: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5439
  7. Considering that it adds more depth into chemistry bombs other than just obtaining two bluespace beakers, I'd say that this would improve the chemist experience if there is ever a chemist antag.
  8. Alright. I'm going a little crazy with this. I'm planning on turning chemistry into toxins 0.5 with the introduction of "Phoron Salts". Phoron salts are highly volatile chemicals that explode when either tool hot or too cold. The explosion size is based on the change in temperature that occured. If you're smart enough, have enough phoron, and have large enough containers, you can make maxcap bombs with these (theoretically). If you have a reagent with a serious lack of thermal energy and then mix it with phoron salts, that has a lot of thermal energy, then you'll make a large boom similar to a water/potassium grenade. If you have a reagent with a lot of thermal energy and mix it with phoron salts, then you'll create a massive superheated fireball similar to napalm.
  9. While this is a feedback, I want to say this here while I have your attention. This is not an acceptable answer and gives us the wrong impression. The impression I see is that you are trying to steer around a barrier and not tackle it by outright ignoring people because they are not the "voice" is never a good answer. In other words, you are cutting other people and attempting to shut down a conversation so you can have it your way. It makes me want to get on the bandwagon and -1 your application without reading the whole thread because you closed off people's communication. No one likes having their say thrown out of the window. I know for a fact that United States of America's Constitution regarding free of speech do not apply to Aurora Station although everyone has the privilege to say how they feel about the topic. I know you mean well and trying to be supportive for the community but you have to be careful for what you say as a staff member/developer. You can go nuts for all I care on discord or shittposting thread but keep in mind what happened between you and Jackboot, that was the turning point of your last application progress. Moving on, from a business perspective, the server is a business. The players are the cash flow. Ideas/Pull Requests, Projects are the products of the business. If players likes the product, they will go to the business and buy them. If they do not like it, they do not go to the business and buy them. They'd rather go to a different business and buy their stuff. It's a pretty simple marketing strategy. Polls do not provide freeform communication rather are more susceptible to sampling bias depending on what the question is asking and the answers available selected below than forums. Oh yes, there will be people being picky for whatever reasons they bring up in the future. I want to be honest and direct with you to improve on your developer application, your communication with the community is far too aggressive. You should at least talk with some of strong known community members (Schev, Amory, Trazz, Alberyk, Jackboot, Menown, Chada, Doxx, Synnono, Skull, Aboshehab, Garn, Arrow, and so many more), get their opinions on the matter. You could also look at the suggestion and see what players truly want. I hope my feedback has been very constructive, understanding, and is neutral. EDIT: Perhaps you can restart and provide us the impression you were intending on to make to us? Right. People are getting the impression that just because I don't agree with the feedback given, it means that I'm ignoring them and their feedback is useless. The beauty that in reality, you're not forced to accept criticism. You consider the criticism given and respond to it, which i always do unless the criticism itself is inflammatory. I respond to criticism as much as I kind, and I can tell you that is depresses me that just because despite putting in effort out of my day to write up a paragraph or two responding to their criticism, it means that I'm ignoring them. Just because I don't agree with your criticism, doesn't mean I am ignoring it. All criticism is given, taken into consideration, and then applied to the PR if I feel it benefits the PR. I only care about the opinion presented and not the user, which is why you sometimes see me respond to a handful of people with different points so I don't repeat myself. When measuring an opinion, I care very little for how many people are saying it because it has been proven time and time again that just because a majority agrees with something, doesn't mean it's right. It's also logical fallacy, seen here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_populum. I don't think I would be putting out very good PRs if I followed the feedback of only 4-5 people who post on the forums as opposed to people who actually play the game. To avoid this, you can see me sometimes proposing projects in OOC as not everyone has a forum account and I wish to hear their opinion on the matter. Hell, every PR cycle, I ghost for the first devmerge round to listen to the feedback in ghost chat in OOC.
  10. Parapens are not stopped by armor, they are stopped by the thick clothing tag which not all armor has and can easily be bypassed if you target a specific body part. Source: I actually looked at the code.
  11. I honestly don't care if the antag winrate is 1%, I don't care if the crew winrate is 1% winrate as a statistic is completely and utterly irrelevant to me. As long as both antags and crewmembers have an equal amount of fun, then that matters. It's the reason why I think that the AI is overpowered, yet I fixed the dropping rods to kill the AI meme.
  12. Winrate is super irrelevant on an HRP server and means absolutely nothing to me. Nuke ops shouldn't be nuking the station every other round. Cultists shouldn't summon Nar'sie every other round. Revs shouldn't be killing heads of staff every round. Whether you win or lose shouldn't matter, whether or not you've actually had fun should. If you're playing HRP and get upset just because you lose then perhaps HRP isn't for you.
  13. Then I misunderstood and I apologise for the assumption. However it's weird you'd speak about your opinions on what robustness is, how boring torture RP is and etc. if you don't want to get into an argument. Again, if I am wrestling them to the ground. What prevents me from slapping cuffs on them. The fact is there is no way to justify the usability of the new parapen. As said, parapens take 5 seconds to kick in and cause a lot of pain in the meantime. Cuffs take about longer than that to tackle someone, and have a very high chance to fail as the person can easily resist out of a simple disarm tackle and grab.
  14. Parapens cannot be stopped by armor. Only hardsuits and softsuits. And again, as clarified multiple times, it is not being nerfed because someone's RP is shit. So you're... trying to nerf them more........ I see............................... ............... ..... Have you stopped to think that the fact that antagonists already lose all the time means that they don't need to be weakened any further? That maybe the meme (to use language you're familiar with) of the round depending on one person being 'robust' instead of allowing them to express some creative freedom is what needs to end, instead? Just because their instant 20 second stun is replaced with a 5 second delayed 20 second stun, doesn't mean that antags will lose any more. When I refer to robustness, I'm referring to the skill level of antags and the fact that they have to rely on instant-stunning parapens to kidnap someone and not something creative or bold. Use chloral hydrate and a rag. Get a combat manual and perform a move that wrestles them to the ground or silences their voice. Break into chemistry and mix together chems. Break into atmos and steal knockout gas. Kick them in the dick. Headbutt them. Do something creative. Antags "lose all the time" (they don't) for other reasons besides their equipment. There are a whole lot of other factors involved which is a discussion for another thread.
  15. 1) Traitors aren't security, stop thinking of them as such. 2) "Potential to be abused" is a pointles speculation, if this were true the entirety of science should just be deleted due to their high "abuse" potential. Yet you rarely hear about telescience instantly teleporting maxcaps into the AI core. Most likely because rules cover it. Blanketing every single mechanic under "Stun based" and "Non-stun based" combat is not good for long term development and quite harmful as a mindset actually. Yep. Okay question, if I have someone detained why would I be injecting them in the first place at that point. Even in your manifactured perfect scenario the parapen is an extra step. If I have someone detained enough to do what you described, I'll have already dragged them into maint. That first post was referring to the example where someone decided to bring up that situation despite it being irrelevant to the thread. I just explained to you the intent of this PR and if you're still continuing to insist that this is based on muh rp after the clarification, then I'm not going to argue with you because I genuinely think that you're only here to get in arguments. Detain doesn't mean have them in cuffs. Literally inject them, wrestle them to the ground as they deal with them being mute and dealing with halloss. That's what I mean by detain. If you want to stun someone for 20 seconds, you're going to have to work for it. The 5 second delay for the stun is, I think, a very generous nerf and will not remove the the usefulness of the parapen.
  16. "However this project has been created purely because someone dislikes a certain kind of RP with a complete failure to realize nothing about this suggestion would actually fix any of the presented problems." Absolutely false and I'd appreciate it if you didn't make claims like this in the future. You have a tendency to strawman the purpose of the PR a lot. I've been ignoring it however in previous threads, however it's starting to get irritating. I think it's time to put the foot down. The purpose of the PR is to remove an easy to obtain instant-stunning feature that has a very real potential to be misused and abused, as well as to level the playing field with the removal of stuns to most non-antag items. This has been made quite clear throughout the thread, and anyone who says otherwise is pointlessly speculating. If we're removing stun-based combat, it absolutely doesn't make sense to keep traitor items that do the same thing, but significantly better. The philosophy of this is that if you want something as powerful as a stun, you're going to have to work for it. This PR makes it so you have to work for it by finding a way to detain them for 5 seconds before the injection kicks in. The parapen can still be used as a gank injection tool, you just need to put in actual effort if you want to detain them.
  17. The reason why this happens is because vending seeds have a maximum restock limit, part of a PR that prevented people from making infinite donuts I think.
  18. I've learned from polls done that forum is not the absolute voice of the community, and this should never be used as an argument. Thirst changes. Nearly 100% of people in the thread were absolutely opposed to the thirst changes. A poll that was open for a month and it shown that over 66% of people supported the thirst changes. Mental medication. Same thing; nearly 100% of people in the thread were absolutely opposed to the thirst changes. Again, a poll was made and over 66% of people supported the mental medication changes. I'm pretty sure there were more polls done on different PRs and shown very similar results.
  19. Maybe twice, I was involved both times, and when it was used in combat both times it was used in a defensive way (one wasn't even really combat, it was sneaking up on a distracted officer). The first time I saw it I was a traitor, I stabbed a surgeon with it because they kept grabbing me and I was trying to flee. The other time (Burger was involved this time) me and a dionaea were going about mugging people. After I attempted to run away when the officer wanted to search my bag (to which burger then chased me into medical with a stun baton) my dionaea partner came up and stabbed him in the back with the parapen, saving an unconscious me from a pair of handcuffs and giving us an officer to hold hostage. Any tool, regardless of telecrystals spent, that allows you to stun people for an extended period of time so you could kidnap them for torture rp, is a ridiculous tool. And what happened there was everything wrong with Aurorastation antags. I would not complain if you actually did something creative. I straight up knew something was going to happen because you were so obvious, yet the most creative thing you could come up with was parapen me, threaten to eat me, and threaten to bomb implant me. I straight up asked you to kill me because you were so boring. I expected something decent but all I got was 2 people who didn't know what on earth they were doing, as proven by the fact that both of you did nothing with your gimmick. Aurorastation antags have a serious lack of robustness, as proven by Rosetango's post. On other servers you'd actually had to make an effort to insta-stun people, which usually involves breaking into chemistry and mixing the ingredients to do it. If you actually went through the effort of doing something creative and didn't result to boring, depression RP, I wouldn't be complaining. I feel that most of the traitor uplink items are stupidly strong and the fact that they're easy to get isn't making antags focus on actual quality RP more as proven with the many anti-material rifle purchases, .357 purchases, parapen purchases, and of course, grenade box of any kind purchases.
  20. All drinks from the beer and soda dispenser, with the exception of ice, will be dispensed room temperature. Any drinks from the coffee machine with be dispensed automatically hot. Chilled coffee drinks will actually need to reach a certain temperature before coming chilled, which can be done with ice.
  21. I went insane and built the framework for it. Everything works in respect to changing a reagent's temperature (with exceptions to a few bugs). Added features include: Vending machines having temperature control based on wires. Soda machines have coolant while coffee machines heat the reagents up. You can mess with the wires if you want cold coffee. Consuming hot reagents will raise body temperature. Consuming cold reagents will lower body temperature. Reagents having different heat absorption properties. Recipes involving heating/cooling reagents. Several new recipes involving phoron. Planned: Splashing very hot/very cold reagents on people will burn them. Cooked food will have their reagent temperatures set. Some chems having temperature related benefits.
  22. I recently created a framework for reagents having temperatures. It's almost done, there are a just a few features I need to code, however this is some feedback needed on what exactly should be added when it comes to this feature. For far, what exists, is a chemistry heater that heats/cools chemicals. There are currently only 3 recipes that use heating/cooling, and it's ice and water. I could tweak existing recipes, or add new ones (See: meth) and I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas for features. Current planned features are: - Superheated/cooled temperatures adjusting body temperature and/or causing burns. - Chemicals having increased effectiveness at a certain temperature. - Phoron temperature science and experimentation. - Secretchem integration.
  23. Yeah I went against the plans because I wanted to make a chemical that wasn't just tricord but better. I made omnizine incredibly versatile and non-doctor friendly instead.
  24. First PR is up. Each PR will have aprox 3-4 chems that are closely related to eachother to make it easier for people to review it. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5414
  25. I don't think any of you have an understanding of how an injection check works. Parapen doesn't work against armor, only hardsuits and softsuits, which only protect ERT. You can inject security officers easily unless they're wearing a hardsuit, which they never do on station because muh powergame rules.
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