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Everything posted by BurgerBB

  1. INTERESTING rip anyone who got a Head of Security slot recently
  2. I play chemist a lot whenever I am with flaw, I have worked with chemicals in code and in game a lot, and I know what every single chemical does by name. I coded all the antidepressants and I know the mechanics of them. Given this knowledge, antipsychotics SHOULD NOT be used for the casual snowflake prescription, especially given the complexity of the recipe, the strength of them, and the dangers of the medicine. The NSS Aurora is a high security, top of the line research facility, They'd be suitable for working for shipping and handling on earth but sweet christmas not on this station.
  3. I was going to talk to them in looc about it when they got their medication, but they ended up cryoing without a word after I made 240 units of one of the most complex medicines to make.
  4. Alright, I'm starting to get sick and tired of people requesting unreasonably high medication as a chemist. Whether this has been self-prescribed or doctor-prescribed, it doesn't matter, the problem is still the same. Doctors/users are prescribing VERY POTENT antipsychotic medication in HIGH DOSES. As a chemist main, and as a person who has overhauled these drugs and is continuing to do so, I STRONGLY suggest putting in some limitations as to what doctors can prescribe and how much when it comes to medications. 1. Doctors/players should not be prescribed antipsychotic medication before a shift starts. If a worker has a condition serious enough to be prescribed antipsychotic medication, they should be on medical leave or not hired in the first place. 2. The amount of medication a chemist should make for someone at any one time for mental medication is 120u. 120u is a nice number because that's how large a beaker is, and in 95% of rounds, you do not need more than 120u since medication lasts pretty long. 3. Doctors/players should not be prescribed non-mental medication, such as dylovene, bicardine, tricordrazine, inaprovaline, or oxycodone, for powergame reasons. 4. Doctors/players should have only one prescription per character. More than two is simply ridiculous, as the average healthy worker would only need one antidepressant.
  5. This PR isn't too complex. Makes the AI more protected by adding a reinforced Z-level layer to prevent memes from occuring without a struggle. I mean, you could still do this but you're going to need to drill through several layers of reinforced walls and regular walls. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/4668
  6. BYOND Key: BurgerBB Character Names: Diamond with Flaw, Ilaeza Marwani Species you are applying to play: Unathi Position you are applying for: Reverse Cowgirl Have you read our lore section's page on this species reproduction cycle?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to ERP as this specific race: Given how every single female on the station is played as an attractive, over-sexualized thot, it would only make sense for Marwani to finally join the cause. Given how Marwani is bland, unattractive, breastless, and a lizard, I think this would be a personal challenge for me that would help improve my ability to erp. Identify what makes erotic role-playing this species different than erotic role-playing a Human: Compared to humans, it only takes less than 2 seconds for reptiles to fertilize eggs and they seek no pleasure from it. During this two seconds, I need to shove in as many paragraphs as possible. I would have to play my erp sessions ahead of time, meaning that I will never have spur of the moment erp that interrupts the flow of the game. How would you rate your erotic role-playing ability? I like to use *blushes and nods* a lot so I'd say an honest 9/10 Notes:
  7. I'll try making this tomorrow. I've diddled with plants a little bit and I think I have a handle on it. Should be simple, and easy to do.
  8. https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=10730&start=10#p95587 https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=10730#p95544 People make unreasonable request. The ban request was unreasonable, it was deemed as such. He illustrated mistakes he's done, you addressed your side in the thread and nothing happened to you. Everyone is entitled to make complaints/appeals/requests on the forums, and it falls on the person handling the issue. You've made complaints in the past and if I recall correctly, we also found issues which we raised with you. I don't think I'll be reprimanding. It's one thing to exaggerate and post what they thought of your responses to faking evidence and outright lying. Perhaps I am insane but I find it insane that this is acceptable behavior from an admin, let alone an adult to do this sort of thing. A complaint is one thing but the circumstances regarding this complaint is another. He has made no effort to actually talk to me regarding the issue, other than quizzing me for some bait and then making a thread about it chatizing people who work hard contributing to the game. One it's own, it's next to nothing but given his behavioral issues that I've witness, it's just awful. Because at the time he only whined twice. On discord, he whined again like an hour after it happened and I thought that was worthy to complain about. Salt is fine, as you said, but if he's still salty about this sort of thing, especially after it's solved, then I think that's an issue. I don't really see this as egregiously bad either? His feedback is ironic, maybe if I was there I'd have asked to approach the discussion in the same manner everyone else is. Discord servers as a whole are not really the place for completely serious discussions barring, that's what we have the forums and github for. We have punished people for this in the past but it's usually if not always on virtue of them not listening to staff for not knocking it off. Then you admit that there is an issue, however slight it is. He has a history of this sort of thing where if someone says something he doesn't like, he will act out like this which is just silly for an adult and silly for an admin. This on its own would be belligerent, but with the insight provided by Coalf, it feels you're both going at each other. The ">insert x here" text doesn't really show any serious discussion here, in contrast to an issue you raised in point four, I imagine this is why he went this way. Is it a bit dickish here? Sure, but I do feel you're also at fault here. "Feels." Let me tell you something about feelings. I probably should've felt that I should posted that alone because that would've been a better focus here. To me, it honestly feels like you're trying to make excuses to him because you're saying "No issue here!" and then "Well if I was there, I would've asked him to be nice." There was absolutely no back and forth between coalf and us in terms of trying to get other people riled up. At most, my post could be considered a shitpost but to react in such a way to it is just eyebrow raising. Here's the transition. From 0 to armchair psychology in 60 seconds. How is this acceptable? Even skull made a comment about it. I don't know, I feel that there is an issue with coalf here, but I could be wrong. 25% of the intention of this thread is to see what standards the admins are held at and if there is no issue then I suppose I will support that decision.
  9. BYOND Key: BurgerBB Staff BYOND Key: Coalf I really want to like coalf, I really do but it seems like there are a lot of problems when it comes to him interacting with others. I don't usually do complaints about other player's conduct until there's actually enough information/evidence of issues because if I complained about every single issue that happened then it won't be taken seriously, so here is an entire thread of him. I don't know if it's an attempt at humor or a legitimate issue coalf has right now but it's starting to get to the point where it's becoming a problem when communicating with him. He gets upset really fast, usually unprovoked or accidentally provoked, especially when it comes to arguing. Let's start with the stuff I have no evidence about since that sort of thing happened first. I think it started one round where I was talking in deadchat about a really bad wizard. I did not know at the time coalf was the wizard himself, but I quickly learned to know what since he would hop in deadchat, while still playing wizard, trying to arguing about his ability to play wizard. It's fine to argue but it was a strange incident, and I don't even know if I should include this since I do not have the round ID or really any proof that this happened, but it did happen and it felt a little strange. Not worth making a complaint about it on it's own, but still something to remember. Some other users might remember. The second time was when I was discussing things in deadchat, peacefully and calmly, and coalf butted in the conversation, shitposting and meming his ass off. Again, this is acceptable given it's the fucking internet but apparently he was shitfaced or trying to be funny or something. It was really noticeable, but once again I do not have logs. Some other users might remember where he berated people then went emotional and started complimenting everyone. Third time, I swear he did something really stupid or something, but then backed off and made this really strange thread. https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=10918 I could've sworn some incident was related to it, but I am not absolutely certain. Then, here is the stuff I have evidence about. First incident has nothing to do with me, but I saw it regardless it it's strange as heck so it might be relevant to the situation: https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=10067 I don't know the full situation, but it just seems odd to make an application for an already filled position and linking a discord message containing "If you think you can do a better job, apply." Second incident is this thread where he literally baited me into answering questions and demanded that I was PR banned because of a single bad pr and seriously misintrepeting my responses: https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=10730 The complaint itself was filled with exagerations and it was just offensive to read comining from an admin. Third incident was recently, where a bad AI got him killed and despite the situation being solved by administration, he continued to complain and bicker in deadchat, ooc, and discord about it Fourth Incident was when people were advocating for the removal of secret extended, and he decided to leave his input like this: https://i.imgur.com/dgndH5J.png Fifth Incident was the one that just made me throw my arms up and actually bother to write a complaint up: https://i.imgur.com/9WBOmzO.png If this was another player I honestly wouldn't give too much of a shit about, but when someone is actually an admin and this is how they behave, this raises a few eyebrows.
  10. Bumping this thread. Virology in its current state is a joke, especially given how there are so few medical players these day, and even fewer people who know virology.
  11. Added a new reagent that purges chems from the system, should be useful for removing syndites and Hextrasenil, among other things. Overdose time for conversion is now boosted from 3 minutes to 5 minutes. Legal antipsychotics now show up on medical scanners. Added panocelium, a mushroom mutated from fly amanita. which contains panotoxin. Panotoxin is a poison that causes intense pain to whoever consumes it. I never tested any of this yet btw.
  12. You're right, I only started working with DM this year, and had not touched it before then. Most of what I gather from code is trying to determined their purpose based on the actual text of the code, having people explain what their code does, and asking Lohikar for clarification (who also helped me set github up, I certainly didn't figure it out myself and still go to him for help). What you are doing here is presenting information to me under the assumption that I know as much about what you did as I do, and then calling me an idiot for not clearly understanding what is so self evident to you. Most of the current code I've written just involves changing text in game to something else, because I don't know enough about it to implement deeper content yet. You specifically underlined the ANTAG_IMPLANT_IMMUNE in the images you gave, which to me made it seem like you were indicating that it was, in fact, the reason why it would not affect antagonist powers. So I looked into it, and pointed out that the tag has very little relation to any specific antagonist type or their powers. So, rather than being a condescending jackass about someone being new to DM, can you explain why we need a drug to 'clear antag status' if it has no actual impact in any way on the antagonist other than implying that they need to roleplay differently now? What does this add to the game? What is stopping someone from just saying 'yes' to the prompt and they carrying on as usual so it stops popping up? It doesn't sound like you are putting in any actual consequences to 'submitting to Nanotrasen's authority'. Usually, selecting an option from a prompt causes something to happen that actually affects your round, like you are now holding an item, or you are now a cultist. What is this adding, Burger? How does this actually affect the antagonists round, in a concrete fashion? You'll have to forgive me if I'm missing something that seems very obvious to you, because it sounds like what you're trying to tell me is this is an entirely cosmetic effect. At least with loyalty implants there is a physical object that can be tracked, and you can't just say 'oh I never said yes to the prompt' even if that is a lie. i literally explained to you that antag abilities are not removed from loyalty implants, showed you that it shares the near exact same checks as existing loyalty implants, and you went "no that's wrong"
  13. Just ? because ? it ? removes ? antag ? status ? does ? not ? mean ? it ?removes ? antag ? abilites. "clear_antagonist_roles" is NOT self-explanatory, and only clears the status of antag. You can have a vampire loyal to nanotrasen, and STILL have their abilities. Skull confirmed with me on discord that the loyalty implant and as self-admitted you didn't bother to put actual research into your post at all. Kaed, it's incredibly evident that you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about as proven over and over again in this thread. I'm honestly beginning to suspect that you're just whining about this feature for some sort of attention because it's absoultely appalling that despite your complaints, concerns, and questions being address you always have a brand new one that usually makes no sense at all. For example, with this latest one you claimed that the pills have the ability to remove vampire powers, which is false. I tried proving you wrong by showing you that it's exactly the same as the vampire code, but now you've further dug your hole of absolute stupidity by bitching that it has the same code and therefore it's a duplicate version of loyalty implants when that's not how code works! That's like saying that a fucking car is a choo-choo train because they both have wheels. It's clear you have 0 understanding what code actually does, and I'm honestly tired of explaining it to you like some sort of mother to her child. It's a fucking miracle that you somehow got github to work in the first place so that you can PR your shitty string edits that change the flavor of medication from paper to fucking milk.
  14. New explinations: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U75T6ytSt2orHpkIKJmY2wPZ61cfpKNY3piJJ8_9-gs/edit?usp=sharing did you know that loyalty implants and my medicine share the near exact same code as eachother (https://imgur.com/a/5JkM7zw) did you know that loyalty implants do not actually remove antagonist abilities
  15. Your image links are broken, but I had to check my discord for whatever you sent me. You mentioned me at 9:48AM in a public channel (cough) on a weekday instead of directly private messaging me and you're complaining I haven't responded to you. Have you considered that given that I may have missed it? It isn't a powercreep because loyalty implants and holding someone until transfer are the far superior option than using high-risk, expensive, hard to make (the recipe calls for platinum now, as per feedback), hard to monitor medication. In order to even give medication as a non-antag, you'd have to do it realistically and under medical supervision. A book was added as per feedback to remind WHITELISTED Heads of Security and Captain that they can't just give antipsychotic medication to people just because they can. I must also remind you that loyalty implants are super easy to administer, they are just a simple injection while the medication to deconvert an antag doesn't deconvert them instantly, they must wait like 3 minutes and then BE ASKED to be deconverted from antag as per feedback. The traitor medicine was made to be more realistic in lore as per feedback. changing it from simple chemicals to nanobots that conflict the loyalty implant nanobots. The traitor medicine can no longer be made by anyone, as per feedback. The traitor medicine price was increased as per feedback. I can't help but laugh, and then cry afterwards, when people say that I'm not listening to feedback. The only feedback I'm working with is "NO THIS IS A DUMB POWERCREEP." and when I try to implement that feedback, I still have people saying it.
  16. okay lets look at your arguments and what I did to the pr since I'm clearly not going to remove this PR because I strongly disagreed with the removal, I lessened the effects of it by making the deconversion of antag very similar to cult, where only antags can submit if they feel like it's within their character to submit during the possible torture of the pill. you are literally criticizing me for listening to feedback and making the appropriate changes. Implementing a new, custom framework for over-time effects so the thing isn't instant isn't just a "minor adjustment", it fundamentally changes both medicines as people are concerned about. I swear, if I outright remove the PR you're just going to accuse me of trying to be a populist.
  17. ALRIGHTY THEN. I changed it so that Hextrasenil and Trisyndicotin function more mechanically and more realistically. Hextrasenil acts like a cult conversion where every now and then, it will ask you if you give in and revoke your antagonist status, while putting you under a torment of pain. The beauty of this medication is that the person who is being overdosed has to be overdosed for at least 120 seconds for the final stages to start kicking in. The final stage has a 5% chance to trigger a prompt every 60 seconds on whether or not you wish to give in. This value is likely too small, and will be changed for future use (Probably around 30% chance or so.) Trisyndicotin is similar where you'd have to be overdosed for a long period of time for the effects to take place, but there is no prompt to convert. Note that this only removes the loyalty implant, and does not make the person an antagonist of any kind. The drug itself is renamed, and the lore of the drug now makes total and completely sense. This has not been implemented yet, but Trisyndicotin will only be obtainable by uplinks ;they will not be able to be made. Hextrasenil will likely require a cargo material, such as platinum, in order to be produced. This makes it so that revolutionaries can either target cargo or medical to prevent production of this drug.
  18. The plan is currently this: As a non-traitor, having the anti-traitor medication itself will prevent you from becoming a rev/cult member, as well as send some cosmetic messages that you are encouraged to follow along with. As a traitor, having the medication itself will not remove your antag status UNLESS an overdose occurs, that will start a process to remove the antag status. It will be very similar to cult deconversion where the process will be incredibly painful and life-threatening. The player itself has complete and total control to submit if they want. I don't want to start a power creep where medication becomes a better alternative to adding/removing loyalty implants.
  19. Blob is much easier to take care of, same with meteor storms. Quarantine doesn't always work because some viruses can be stealthy.
  20. This is a good idea, honestly. Virology is a barely occupied roll and is honestly too specific for its own good. it's kind of like having surgeon as a separate roll that has different access from a regular doctor.
  21. Right let me just spend some time on this because is a lot of silly to unpack. Spaceacillin does not cure stage 2 viruses. They only cure stage 1 viruses at >5u dosage and prevent them from being contracted by others. Viruses to do use germ meters. You are thinking of infections. Infections are completely different than viruses. Spaceacillin does prevent infections from being contracted, but it is so stupidly inefficient. 30u of Spaceacillin, which is overdose, gives only 10 minutes of protection. And I don't think I recall complaining about a security powercreep. You're mistaking me for someone else. As for the last part, I think I should focus this on the most because that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Every single PR I make is reviewed by my peers. They can approve or disapprove it after careful consideration at their will. If I have a shitty PR, they will tell me that it's not needed like they've done before. Any claims that my development methods are actively running the game should be discarded because they have no clue what they're talking about.
  22. This is grossly misinformed. Unless the wiki lies, spaceacillin can only cure viruses at stage one. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Guide_to_Chemistry#Anti_Microbials
  23. Judging by the ratings on the github thread, people are opposed to this idea because of the tired and dumb meme "I died please restart." and really all my PRs are "I died, please restart." Every single one of my PRs are made because there is something I noticed while playing that was absolute shit. My cooking PRs were made because I was playing chef and I noticed the food selection was seriously lacking. My mapping PRs are made because I was playing the relevant role and I noticed that the organization and whatnot was seriously lacking. My mining PRs are made because I was playing quartermaster and I notice that the fun was seriously lacking. I've played two rounds in the past week where the flow of the game was completely ruined because of RNG viruses with no virologist to cure. In both situations, ERT had to be called, and in one of the situations the ERT that came did not know how to do virology. Virology is hardly played because of how boring, tedious, and situational it is. From a roleplay perspective, the virologist will receive ZERO roleplay because they will be spending half their time locked up in virology, isolated from the crew and really anything happening. It is more secluded than mining, and it is as useless as the priest. The only use for virologist is curing random events and antagonism, which lets be honest is on par with changeling antagonism because there is hardly any quality roleplay when it comes to releasing a virus and killing/crippling the crew indiscriminately. Virologist is a shit role and the absolutely worst designed job on the station. No one plays it and we shouldn't have to suffer because RNG dictates that we are afflicted with a virus that blinds you completely and stuns you every 30 seconds. My PR is on par with adding vending machines for the first time and forever, removing total dependency on the chef. This chemical isn't as strong as everyone makes it out to be. To immunize 10 people for the entirety of the round, you will need 600u of this stuff. For an average shift of 20, 1200u. For a highpop shift of 30, 1800u. And honestly, there will never be a round where everyone is completely immunized. People hardly get vaccinated when there's a cure as it is, especially new players who don't understand disease. All immunizations will need to be tracked as well, because overdosing can cause serious detrimental effects to the user. And a lot of you are forgetting that this pr exists: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/4549 If there is ever a traitor biochemist, they can immunize themselves with this chemical and do their traitor work. There won't be a situation where the chemist can cockblock an antag virologist, because the chemist IS the antag virologist.
  24. I've played as their pAI before when they were a raider in a different round, and I honestly got to say that there was VERY little RP involved between them and crewmembers. When they spawned they were like "Yeah uh lets raid the vault." and nothing else. There wasn't a gimmick of any kind or any sort of plan other than "lets raid the vault." I had to convince them to actually interact with the mercs by stealing one of their hardsuits, in hopes that some interaction may occur, but this only started some petty discussionless war between raiders and mercs and a new gimmick to take place, which was "steal the merc's ship." The crew weren't involved in any way. The only interaction I've seen them do with crew was with medical when their friend was dying and they needed to perform surgery on them. Even then, Doomslayer only used medical for the medicine and tools and did the surgery for his friend himself. It honestly just feels like they're in it for the action. This was doubly evident when, after their entire raider team was destroyed, for no reason explained or shown whatsoever, they decided to say "Nah, I'm just going to fight the ERT." as calmly as possible. They didn't fight the ERT because their friends died. They didn't fight the ERT because they were filled with rage. They fought the ERT just because they wanted to.
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