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Everything posted by BurgerBB

  1. I did a quick google poll and it seems the majority of people, for some reason, are opposed to removing extended from secret. (7 to 4). https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfoiyoNNSk-3FEAywmEg-heuq8V3Bf_xcXf_VlyBRJ7Aofd-A/viewanalytics (1 means strongly disagree, 5 means strongly agree.) But I asked another question that would be a good compromise, and it would be letting players know that extended was rolled during mixed secret. The majority (7 to 4) were fine with this. I posted this poll in the discord, as well as in game when it was voted extended so there's obviously going to be a swing in favor of extended (especially how people strongly agree with the statement "I enjoy playing extended.") as people who likely don't like extended wouldn't be playing. I seriously think there should be a month-long official admin poll for this sort of thing to see what the players actually want. I think it would be a very fair compromise to try out just letting people know it's extended when it's rolled in secret so that players can adjust their roleplay accordingly. I suggested this before, but people scoffed at this saying that if you do this, you're a bad roleplayer, which is just a huge joke. This sort of attitude just fends off people who aren't quite experienced to roleplay and is very familiar to the attitude I received when joining the server for the first time (see: go back to mrp!!!!).
  2. That's entirely speculatory balance assumptions, because none of this is playtested in live, and the same problem you mention in the first post of this thread applies to the entire game mode you have created: If one of the ninjas is bad or shitty, then they basically stop being in the round and it's extended. You've admittedly added two extra ninjas as a failsafe, and tried to curtail their powers by giving them specific strengths... but your argument falls apart if you consider what happens to the round's 'balance' if there are one or more of these 'shit ninjas'? Then you are basically going to be missing one of the clan's anyway. It's going to happen. So let people pick their clans in-round. Create interesting dynamics where more than one of a particular clan can be in the game. Learn what combos create horrible imbalances, and correct them with patches. I've been balancing things for ages and it's better to have something that is underpowered, and then buff it over time, then have something that is overpowered and having to nerf it. People complain less when things are underpowered so it's easier for sanity. If I ever claimed that 3 ninjas was equal to the strength of one ninja, then I am wrong. In the final product, I believe two of my ninjas have the strength of one of ninjas. If one of the ninjas is bad, then the round could still work because there are still two ninjas left who can take their gear. Ezpz. If in the event that 3 ninjas somehow cannot carry the round, then I will tweak the gamemode to include a regular ninja as well.
  3. "By voting secret you consent to every gamemode in secret." And you know what? I'm doing something about it I'm making a policy suggestion because I do not like secret extended. This is a thread where I, who do not like the idea of secret extended, am making a suggestion thread to remove secret extended. "Extended is low chance." Doesn't excuse the fact that it still happens and still can be rolled. Chance is meaningless when the issue is the fact that it does happen. "I don't like ninja, I don't like wizard, I despise changeling and I dislike malf. Yet I still vote secret, because I want to be surprised." And that's good for you dude. There are a ton of shit gamemodes that need improvement yet I still vote secret only because it gives me a chance at something good. Voting for a specific gamemode NEVER happens unless people decide to meme and vote for crossfire. "Some people are paranoid and their own paranoia cripples their enjoyment of the game. This is a problem with those players, not extended being in secret. Stop being worried about winning the game, take what you're dealt." This isn't about winning, my dude. If I wanted to win the game 24/7 I'd vote extended because the crew wins every round. It's not the fact that I'm paranoid about getting killed, but I'm just paranoid about a garbage antag ruining the round by pursuing quality gimmicks such as kidnapping someone and having them broadcast their torture rp over comms. How am I supposed to roleplay with a friend when a complete stranger is whining about getting their arms cut off via comms without breaking character? There is only so many times you can say "OH NO I FEEL BAD FOR THEM." and get terribly numb from this sort of thing. "bu-bu-but people are going to remove ninja/changling/malf next!" Ninja and changeling are shitty gamemodes that can be fixed by improving the gamemode, and not outright removing it. We're simply asking people to consider the removal of secret from extended. We're not even asking for the removal of extended, just it being gone from secret. "People vote secret for antags" You know what? How about we put our money where our mouth is. Make a poll about it. See what the players have to say.
  4. Wouldn't it be much less cluttered if you just let people pick their clan in game, instead of adding preferences for clan out of character, and insisting there be one of each per round? =/ I don't know what is with your steadfast insistence in static antag variant setup. Singular antag types (and ninjas remain a singular antagonist type, despite adding two more, because they are an outside individual with a plethora of powers you can choose from, rather than a regular crew member/external team with special tools and some form of loose shared goal) should not be set up to be so unmalleable for antagonist generation. What if everyone who has readied up and has any ninja settings enabled only picked spider clan? Would the game start with only one ninja now, and how has that changed anything from how it was before? Would the game mode fail to start because insufficient players have the right antagonist settings? Imagine if we created a 3 wizard round type, but there was always one spacial, one battle, and one cleric wizard. No one could be anything else, that was just what you got at round start, if you wanted something else or changed your mind, or forgot to edit your antagonist setting to a different wizard type, too bad. The point is to have 3 ninjas with their own various strengths be a part of the round. If people picked their clan, then that would be significantly worse in terms of balance because it would mean possibly dealing with 3 very robust combat ninjas, or 3 very speedy mobility ninjas. The round will fail to start if all three ninja types aren't chosen, and that will be highly unlikely unless it's at dead hour. If you don't want to be a combat ninja, then don't set combat ninja as a preference. If you don't want to be a stealth ninja, then don't set a stealth ninja as a preference. If you don't want to be a mobility ninja, then don't set mobility ninja as a preference.
  5. that isn't fun though in any way shape or form unless you enjoy playing d e p r e s s io n RP especially when it's part of an incredibly depressing larger issue regarding crew interaction. 4 antags rping with 1 crew member over comms is like a kid being locked in his room hearing the sounds of children playing in the distance.
  6. That rarely happens though. A quartermaster planned a pizza party but the head of personal got kidnapped and there was nothing but torture RP on comms. Two of the people in the party were friends with them so it was like "How can we party."
  7. I wouldn't replace revolution, but just add gang as a separate gamemode.
  8. Exactly this. I don't want to put effort into doing a roleplay session if possible craziness happens. I can't take the game seriously when I'm hearing torture rp over comms and I'm trying to talk about how my day went.
  9. Then perhaps a voting overhaul is in order. The problem with voting for a specific gamemode is like voting for a third party in the US election.
  10. Why is this a thing? I understand that it's a HRP server but I don't think I've ever heard someone go "Oh, I'm glad it was extended that round!" in a secret round. If people want extended, they'll vote extended. I vote extended sometimes. The RP during an known extended round is much different than the rp during an unknown extended round. I find the quality of RP during a known extended round is much much higher given how most players don't have to worry about dealing with potential chaos.
  11. Did a lot of work today on ninjas. Each type of ninja has their own preference, meaning that if you only want to be a stealth ninja, you will only get stealth ninja. The gamemode itself is playable, now. A lot of useful antag equipment was added too.
  12. I think there needs to be a concrete definition on what proper escalation of force actually is. I've seen mods, admins, and players defend shit-level antagonism because they felt they interacted enough with the crew. Just because an antag spent 2 hours interacting exclusively with command and security doesn't mean they're allowed to spend 10 seconds ganking someone who wasn't involved in your gimmick.
  13. I'm tweaking events and whatnot to be better, and I notice that a lot of the ion laws are pretty garbage or irritating, such as "This crewmember can't swim." or "This crewmember is wearing a pretty pink dress." which just means... what? Suggest Ion laws here that you would like to see an AI follow. General criteria for it is: [*] Laws must be somewhat harmless. Laws like "You must kill xyz." are obviously not allowed. [*] Laws must make some sense. Can't be random garbage like "YOU ARE A PRETTY PONY XD" [*] Laws must not be super irritating. Don't cause the AI grief with laws like "You must say sentences backwards." or "Replace all vowels with the letter s."
  14. +1 would implement no-hair dye policies
  15. BYOND Key: BurgerBB Character name: Ilaeza Marwani Item name: Lusty Unathi Nurse vol XVI Why is your character carrying said item to work?: Given how Marwani is a superior intellectual, Marwani needs something to read on her spare time. Item function(s): Readable. Item description: Some sort of comic book featuring a lusty unathi nurse, the Captain, and the Chief Medical Officer, all at once. Item appearance: Icon: Front Facing Handheld Sprite: How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP?: Marwani is an intellectual, and needs to showcase this more to the crew without saying it outright. I think that a crewmember catching her reading this in the warehouse will start a serious discussion about her superior intellect and contribute significantly to the atmosphere of the game. Additional comments: This application isn't a joke.
  16. A simple fix is work in hallos damage with pain messages. Like despite having pain messages for popped lungs, you're not actually mechanically in pain, you just get text notifications every few seconds.
  17. Only validhunting I've seen is validhunting that lizard pussy +1
  18. The WIP pull request is created here: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/4348
  19. My own headcanon is that nymphs carry extra biomatter while inside them, and use that extra biomatter to form bonding glue and special organs.
  20. Can't believe I forgot about the worms. Those might be replaced with spiders. The problem with adding respawnable nests like lavaland is that it creates a lot of useless mobs that don't need to be processed. I don't know how big of an issue that is, considering some servers have that hive ship that contains like 100 simple mobs (and the fact that they're named simple mobs) but I rather keep the amount of mobs to be spawned low. When you see that carp has a 1% chance to spawn when you break a tile, it's not actually a 1% real chance. It's a 1% chance to spawn, and if you or someone else is in that area 30 seconds after you hit the tile, the carp won't spawn.
  21. I was actually thinking about the farther you go, the better minerals there are, however I feel that would be too much of a detriment. Those sort of things only work for those long term progression based games like minecraft and terraria where there are different tiers of armor. It would probably be too irritating on this server.
  22. The vending machines spawn on their ship. Now I don't fully understand ninja, but my impression is that you can only be on the ship once, then leave, and never come back. The initiation of trading will happen via hidden intercoms where you can choose to open communication with a specific ninja. The actual trading of gear will have to take part on the station.
  23. The ground framework for the gamemode is done. I just need to balance most of it and test it. The ninja equipment is instead purchased through a untamperable vending machine using credits. All the basic ninja modules are free, however the specialized ones do cost credits. Ninjas start out with 10,000 credits, and the modules range from 500-4000 credits depending on their usefulness. Obviously a lot of balancing is needed in the future, but it's 75% done. Instead of being allowed to pick another module from another class, ninjas could possibly trade other modules with each other if they choose to. I think this will add a lot of depth to it because this could add a lot of potential conflict such as a deal going wrong or a relationship being made. Hopefully there will have to be some escalation of conflict rules being put in place, such as one of the ninjas not being a dick and killing a ninja just to have their modules.
  24. tbh for a capitalistic corporation who focuses more on profits than on laws, the employment rights and whatnot are super fucking liberal for beings who are literally objects i'm pretty sure that dionaea have less workers rights than synthetics, which is just hilarious to me. literal objects have more rights than some xenos for some reason.
  25. I strongly dislike solo antagonists, and others do too. If the antagonist is unrobust, goes afk, does chairrp, or has a shit gimmick, the entire round collapses and it's extended. I'm planning on doing a ninja rework, but I need feedback first before I do anything. My current plans are to make it so that 3 ninjas spawn, each with different strengths and weaknesses. The tiger clan would specialize in combat. Powerful swords, ninja stars, crossbows, kung-fu, ect. The spider clan would specialize in mobility. Teleportation, speed, stamina, z-level movement, ect The snake clan would specialize in stealth. Invisibility, smoke bombs, disguises, knockout gas. Each of the 3 ninjas will not be of the same strength of a regular ninja. The Ninjas can choose to work together, oppose each other, or pursue their own gimmicks. The Ninja uplink will have to be removed, but the ninjas would get a fair choice of equipment relative to their profession, as well as any single item from any profession. Emergency Power Generator - An emergency use power generator that gives 1000 power to the suits battery. Has a long cooldown - All Clans. Chemical Injector - A chemical injector that allows the user to inject themselves with medical chemicals. - All Clans. Power Sink - A module that sucks power out of powered items and into the users suit. - All Clans. [NEW] Basic Suit Teleporter - A module that allows the user to teleport 3 meters in front. - All Clans. [NEW] Uranium Katana - A typical carbon fiber katana with a uranium coating. - All Clans. [NEW] Standard Matter Fabricator - A hardsuit matter fabricator that can produce sharp steel ninja stars used for throwing. - All Clans. [REWORKED] Mounted Grenade Launcher = A shoulder mounted grenade launcher. It can be refilled with more grenades. - All Clans. Stealth Field - A module that allows the user to go invisible. Consumes power when active. - Stealth Clan. Basic EMAG Hand Module - A module that allows the user to apply an EMAG effect to the targeted item. Has limited charges. - Stealth Clan [NEW] Sleep Gas Grenades - 5 smoke grenades filled with powerful sedatives with a 1 second fuse. - Stealth Clan [NEW] Advanced Suit Teleporter - A module that allows the user to teleport to a precise location, 6 meters in any direction. - Mobility Clan [NEW] Advanced EMAG Hand Module - A module that allows the user to apply an EMAG effect to the targeted item. Has unlimited charges. - Mobility Clan [NEW] Flashbang Grenades - 5 flashbang grenades with a 1 second fuse. - Mobility Clan Energy Net - An unlimited use net, if the user has enough power, that can be thrown at others causing them to be trapped. - Mobility Clan Energy Blade and dart launcher - A module that can produce a powerful energy blade in the users hand. It can also shoot stun-darts. - Combat Clan [NEW] Advanced Matter Fabricator - A hardsuit matter fabricator that can produce sharp steel and uranium ninja stars used for throwing. - Combat Clan Combat Injector - A chemical injector that allows the user to inject themselves with combat chemicals. - Combat Clan [NEW] EMP Grenades - 3 EMP grenades with a 3 second fuse. - Combat Clan Active EMP Shielding - A very complicated module for a hardsuit that protects it to some degree from EMPs. - Combat Clan Thoughts?
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