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Everything posted by BurgerBB
It's probably very easy to code. I just need to learn how to store data on a character slot and retrieve it.
I currently do not like how information is displayed in the chat in terms of spoken word. Sinta'Unathi shares the same color as the common channel broadcasts, and for some reason the icons broadcast the headset of the device used to broadcast a message from. There are also slight issues such as determining the gender and species of a person who spoke. Hopefully this idea will change that. As seen above, I'm thinking of making the icon just the icon of the object that played the chat relay, or possible an icon representing the language spoken like most servers do. I'm also thinking of adding the ability to customize the font of the displayed person's name via font changes. For example, someone who is typically loud would opt for bold text, someone who is foolish and speaks like a fool would opt for comic sans. A robot would use something like consolas or new times roman, while a Unathi might opt for Papyrus. Thoughts? Should customization be scrapped and only give races their own unique font? Should there just be slight tweaks to spoken languages?
Yes of course. I introduced unique energy pistols for xenoarchs to carry around. They contain batteries for clips (They can be recharged at cell chargers) and contain 3 shots of moderately damaging laser beams. It works like a KA where it deals it's full damage in low pressure environments, and the pistol itself can only fire in low pressure environments given it's firing pin setting.
I could be willing to make this. +1
Map is pretty much done unless people have more feedback to give.
as a quartermaster I approve +1
Yes, they're already in there, one one of the tables.
Chem dispenser is empty, see my explanation above. Chemaster is for the easier filtering of chemicals like the chef has.
[Resolved] Plahunters staff complaint against Alberyk
BurgerBB replied to Theplahunter's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
Holy hecking heck. Let me just clarify some things because this is getting out of control for absolutely no reason at all. I told Theplahunter to make a ban appeal SEVERAL TIMES, not a stupid admin complaint that will do nothing at all. The admins did nothing wrong here, and I refuse to take part in this admin complaint nonsense for reasons stated. -
Can bees crawl through vents or are you worried about scrubbers?
https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/4593 I found the overall design of Hydroponics to be lacking in efficiency and design. This PR changes those aspects so gardening becomes a more pleasant experience. Also included in the redesign is: An empty chem dispenser Reagent Grinder Chemmaster 3000 Plastic containers for storing chems in Box of pill bottles, spray bottles, and vials Spray Tank A drying rack, finally I want hydroponics to contribute to the station more instead of providing food solely for the cook. I want hydroponics to grow chemicals for medical, juices for bartending, materials for engineering, and fun stuff like cigarettes for the crew. I mean, they can do some of this already but this process makes it more easier with the new equipment.
Let's be honest, botany is something that is rarely picked during rounds. It is a job where you do all the work, and someone else gets the all fun (See: Chef). Botany on other servers is usually fun because you can mess around with plant's genetics and do crazy shit with it, but alas that is xenobotany, and even then xenobotany is pretty lame. I think a good way to cure this is to introduce semi-realistic alchemy. The idea is that alchemist can order/vend special, exotic variants of mushrooms and herbs that can be messed around with to create special, mostly cosmetic reagents and very mild medicine. If possible, a botanist could sell products to the crew, such as: Lipstick Hair/Fur Dyes Skin Dyes Paint Specific healing chemicals that only works when digested/breathed in/applied to skin. Specific damaging toxins that only works when digested/breathed in/applied to skin. Mild stimulants/painkillers Smoke/Flash bombs Now, the way this will work is that the recipes and reagents itself will be randomly generated each round. The reagents itself will have non-descriptive names like "Purple Paste" or "Red Powder" when two or more plants are processed through the alchemy workbench. In order to find out what these chemicals do, one must perform experiments such as drinking it, inhaling it, appling it to the skin, and/or throwing it on the floor/objects. Names/descriptions themselves will be randomly generated as well, purple powder from a previous round won't likely have the same properties as purple powder from this round. From a roleplay/logic perspective, this is entirely possible given the vast array of plants and mushrooms in the galaxy. In reality, Scientists estimate that there are over 1 million species of mushroom on Earth alone, imagine the potential with strange mushrooms from other worlds.
I've been having second thoughts about magboots being spawned at start. I kind of want to reduce the amount of fall damage someone takes if they fall a z-level so it's not an end of the world scenario for miners. Maybe instead of magboots, introduce shock absorption boots that significantly lessen the amount of damage someone takes if they fall.
Fear of holes will be """""replaced""""" with cheaper magboots that you can buy. Holes will never be removed.
@LordFowl How do you suggest adding mobs to asteroids?
I have mixed feelings about this. I think that all the mostly cosmetic secret chems should be behind secret recipes that are static; known to players only if they know the recipe. However, I think the more powerful chems should have a randomly generated recipe that's generated each round. The recipe in question would be something like: 1 Random Mineral reagent, 1 Random Medical Reagent, 1 Random Basic reagent. Something like: Uranium, Tramadol, and Acetone would make a secret chem.
PR in question: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/4329 I've played Cargo Tech and Quartermaster for a while now. I try to teach new miners how to mine on aurorastation, but chances are they they fall into a hole and die as they are not used to this system. Some veteran players still fall in holes sometimes due to lag or other crap that happens, and I think this is just irritating. I want to bring the fear of holes away from miners, and instead introduce the fear of wildlife as a replacement. With wildlife, there is some controllable fun added to mining in the form of light combat. So far the only enemies are two variants of beetle-like creatures that have less health than a carp and deals less damage than a swarm of space bats. They're very easy to kill (1-2 pickaxe hits) and they don't do much damage, however they are really scary because they usually pop up out of nowhere. I would like to know everyone's thoughts on adding infrequent hostile mobs to the asteroid, such as these beetle creatures and perhaps other lifeforms. This would make mining more combative at the cost of mining being less irritating.
There was an idea I had a while back. it would be 3 ninjas vs 1 regular ninja. The regular ninja would be able to recruit additional players, if desired.
I'll submit a fix that reduces the sound's volume as well as the sound's radius.
RNG calculated once doesn't lag. Implementing chance to succeed when doing something you're not supposed to be doing is much better than straight up not allowing you to do it.
An idea that I had was implementing fail actions for each machine interacted with. For example, if you have a low skill as a chef and you interact with a microwave, there will be an increased chance that the microwave creates burned mess, regardless of recipe. Interact with a complex computer? Chance to accidentally hit the wrong button. Try building a complex contraption? Chance for it to malfunction when in use or not to be built at all. Try using an advanced brute back on someone? Chance for it not to work at all and waste it.
[CLOSED] Dionaea: Less Secure
BurgerBB replied to Elohi Adanvdo's topic in Accepted/Implemented Policy
Dionaea Security is a meme. Under no circumstances should this be a thing given how Dionaea lack the mobility that a security officer needs. They would fail any sort of training requirement, easily. -
I personally feel that this brain trauma is honestly a little too much and a little too common for its own good. Usually when one receives a brain trauma, it's from a traumatic event such as getting cloned or almost dying. The very act of recovering from death is now made incredibly comedic as the person just cannot stop swearing over comms. I've seen a lot of bad doctors ignore this condition, even as going as far as to not have the common courtesy to remove their headset because memes. This condition seems like a good addition to goonstation or something MRP but I think in HRP it doesn't have a place in it's current state as it damages RP potential. Thoughts?
Reporting Personnel: Ilaeza Marwani Rank of Reporting Personnel: Quartermaster Game ID: BTI-aaYc Personnel Involved: Quartermaster Ilaeza Marwani (Victim) Shaft Miner Caiden Moyers (Victim) Doctor One Lemskr (Offender) Doctor Heshi-Regluk Jrugl (Offender) Chemist Eliza Pond (Witness) Head of Security Klaus Eliade (Witness) Time of Incident: Aprox 1:30 Real time: Aprox 7:00PM PST Location of Incident: Medbay Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard [X]Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [X]Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault [X]Misconduct [X]Other: Malpractice Overview of the Incident: An insane crewmember by the name of Aunt Tagonist attacked Caiden Moyers and several other crewmembers, I was also attacked as well in the left leg. I found a nearby roller bed, and dragged them on it. They were in critical condition and medical wasn't responding at all. Despite being staffed with at least 5 members of medical, not one of them responded in person or said anything over common, so with a torn up, heavily bleeding leg I ran to medical. Two medical personnel were at their desk, sitting around, when I brought Caiden Moyers into medical one comment by Doctor One Lemskr will resonate with me for the rest of my life. "Oh, a dead body, you shouldn't have." Caiden Moyers was a friend and this broke my heart severely. Whether or not this was the truth, this is absolutely disgusting by a practising doctor, especially when they were simply sitting at their desk and not responding to the calls for help in any way shape or form. The practising chemist (Eliza Pond) at the time stabilized my condition by injecting me with painkillers and buckling me to a rolling bed. Doctor Heshi-Regluk Jrugl and Doctor One Lemskr brought me to the surgery room. I wasn't feeling good. I felt faint, light headed, and very hungry. I voiced these concerns and it did not seem to resonate with either of them. Given my delirious state, I said "Hungry." and "Blood." and the Doctor One Lemskr's response was "What." which annoyed me greatly because it was clear that I needed additional blood. I was in the operating room, buckled to a bed next to the operating table. The Skrellian Doctor Heshi-Regluk Jrugl was fiddling with the buckles for a good minute until they stopped, asked for help, and then got me unbuckled while I was critically bleeding, however I slipped out of consciousness. At this point, I don't know exactly what happened but a Doctor Naught Canon explained to me that neither of them bothered to hook me up to the IV drip filled with lifesaving blood. I was incredibly lucky that Doctor Naught Canon decided to witness the surgery and prevent my death from occurring. They said if I wasn't hooked up to IV that very second, I would've perished. Overall, everything that happened is absolutely disgusting. No patient in the finest station in the galaxy should have went through this. I label Klaus Eliade as a witness as they also screamed for medical assistance that never came. Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: No Actions taken: None, I was in intensive care for the remainder of the shift. Additional Notes:
[Dismissed] Add shuttle immunity rules [Binned: 01/05/2018]
BurgerBB replied to BurgerBB's topic in Rejected Policy
It boils down to the round really. Transfer shuttle is called as Nar'sie is summoned. Can't expect them to really just ignore everyone in the shuttle. Nar'sie wasn't summoned that round. Cult was presumed defeated and I bet you that there were 1-2 remaining members left, so they decided to send a flesh army to the shuttle when the crew transfer shuttle was called. I think emergency shuttles should be exempt from the proposed rules, but voted ones are only exempt if it makes actual sense and doesn't look like some last ditch effort to actually do something.