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Everything posted by BurgerBB

  1. Nah, I think these are great additions to code. They just need to be balanced appropriately.
  2. I had that idea in mind when making this. There needs to be more chemicals that the chemist can make that can treat/prevent viruses from spreading, instead of relying on someone catching it, kidnapping them, and running tests on them.
  3. Hextrasenil and trisyndicotin are honestly lacking when it comes to use. I don't think I've ever seen the drug once, and that's likely because the thing is purely cosmetic. This update changes it so that these reagents actually have mechanical implementation when it comes to antagonist interaction. There are various other changes included in this PR, but this change is likely the one that warrants the most discussion. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U75T6ytSt2orHpkIKJmY2wPZ61cfpKNY3piJJ8_9-gs/edit?usp=sharing https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/4648
  4. I think that viruses are a little crazy in their current state especially when it's based on RNG. You can get really lucky, and really unlucky when it comes to catching a virus, and in the past week alone I've played 2 games where a virus completely ruined the flow of the round since virtually no one plays virologist. To solve that, I introduced a reagent that acts as some sort of easy universal immunization shot that prevents viruses from being contacted by non-infection means. One 15u dose is meant to last 30 minutes, and an overdose is 20 causes your immune system to be weaker, bringing in infections similar to what you would get if you received burns. In its current state, people seem to be against this idea. This is a discussion thread for this idea, and how to balance it properly. Current self-suggestions I have are: - Removing the ability to produce it, locking it behind cargo. - Changing the recipe to ask for a super-rare ingredient, like carpotoxin, platinum, or uranium. - Make it reduce the chances of contacting a virus, instead of eliminating it completely. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/4647
  5. Funny enough I did not see this post before submitting my updated Hextrasenil and Trisyndicotin concepts lel https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/4648
  6. I found a good middle ground: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/4647
  7. Events are based on how much personnel are present on the station. Currently with 4 medical personnel, it has a 10% occurance rate when a major event is triggered.
  8. Space Carp aren't as debilitating as random viruses. Any crewmember can kill/avoid space carp. Not every crewmember can cure a virus.
  9. I was under the impression that people hated the top-entrance medical level. I cannot figure out a way to implement it regardless because it would be compromising the entire design. This is the intended flow for medical conditions. Black means dead. Red means critical. Yellow means seriously injured. Green means moderately injured.
  10. Kneejerk reaction here, but honestly random viruses are just awful. They're the worst thing ever when there is a severe lack of medical staff, and/or there is a lack of virology trained professionals. Most, if not all viruses are crippling in some way, and seriously disrupt the flow of the round. Not many medical players know how to even use spacicilin to treat it, let alone virology itself.
  11. This is the proposed layout of a new medical. Not visible to the right: Cloning lab, morgue.
  12. I would be up for removing progression if there was at least some handle on shit-tier antags.
  13. What's wrong with 2-wid square hallways? Too big? Too narrow?
  14. HELLO
  15. Emitter exploits are fixed with the introduction of a wall shield generator. If emitters can go through this shield generator, a custom one will be made that blocks emitter shots. In order to emitter the AI core, one of the pylons will have to be destroyed first, which is digging through 4 tiles of reinforced walls from the elevator, as opposed to just 5 feet of non-reinforced walls. The above level will be made out of reinforced walls. There are still turrets that exist that can fend off people who end up breaching that core through other means. If there are competent cyborgs, then the ai core could easily be fended off since it creates such a small breach. I suppose I'll add more walls, then? Don't know what to say to this, honestly. This really isn't feedback. Then they'll be twice as likely to get banned. Explain to me how someone can breach the core from below.
  16. The goal of this the following: - Prevent emitter memes - Prevent dropping items on AI memes - Encourage people to go through the AI core to access the AI core instead of drilling (less doors/walls to get through) - Make the AI core feel alien. - Require engineering training (EVA) for law changes and modifications.
  17. Loyalty Implants I think are implemented to prevent the HoS from going antag, which is MUCH needed for this game considering that most security mains also have antag enabled. I suggest looking at rev rounds instead of the far useful loyalty implants that prevent one-sided antag rounds.
  18. BurgerBB

    Antag Tokens

    If in the event that an antag is griefed, the admins can deal with the problem and then refund an antag token.
  19. BurgerBB

    Antag Tokens

    [mention]Skull132[/mention][mention]Arrow768[/mention] I think I like some of your ideas better. I think the daily antag tokens idea is better for punishment. My suggestion was generous so that people can get adjusted to the new system instead of just throwing players into the ice cold water.
  20. A lot of new players tend to fall down holes for some reason. Happens once every 2 rounds.
  21. Is this something you plan to do yourself or request the development team to do? If the former, I suggest a more detailed example as a proposal would be nice. It is something I plan to do myself. I will write up a more detailed plan tomorrow.
  22. BurgerBB

    Antag Tokens

    I don't know if I'm just simply insane, but I'm noticing that this server is veering more and more towards MRP when it comes to antagonist interaction. The longer I play on this server, the more I notice that certain trends are picking up and certain patterns are being made when it comes to antagonists. My only treatment to this insanity is to make memes and post them on reddit but I can only laugh at "It's funny because it's true." jokes so many times before I turn into a bitter old man. I only found one remedy to this problem, and it is to main cyborg and not give a fuck about roleplay or anything, which honestly is just contributing to the problem. I used to absoultely despise extended rounds, as shown by my dislike of secret extended, but I think I'm starting to prefer them now because there are just SO MANY bad antags. You can't really punish bad antags if they don't break rules, you can only laugh/complain about them in deadchat and hope that they try harder next time they play. I sometimes ahelp these bad antags but it usually amounts to people saying "Well, antagonists are supposed to provide conflict, but it doesn't have to be good." I want to solve this problem by being the one to introduce antagonist tokens. Here is the concept. Everyone starts with 1 antagonist token. Every round completed as a non-antagonist, you gain an antagonist token. Every round completed as an antagonist, you lose an antag token. To play antagonist, you must have at least 1 antagonist token to play. Antagonist can regain their tokens at the end of the round, where a vote is called. The vote will be called when the shuttle departs, and the vote will end when the shuttle arrives at the station. If the antagonist receives more positive votes than negative votes, the antagonist token is given back. To prevent circlejerking and or shenanigans, total given and received negative votes are tracked, total given and received positive votes are tracked. Voting power is adjusted based on the difference of negative votes to positive votes. Someone who hands out a lot more positive votes than negative votes have lower voting power. Someone who hands out a lot more negative votes than positive votes also has lower voting power. The desired ratio of positive votes to negative votes should be 2 to 1. To prevent dogpiling and vote sway, votes will be completely hidden until after voting ends. Depending on feedback given, this statistic may be hidden completely to everyone but the antagonist who is receiving the vote. To prevent antag token farming, you will only gain an antag token as a non-antag if you play at least 30 minutes of the round, alive. Antag tokens will not be removed from converted antags, such as revolutionaries or cultists. People will still be able to vote your performance, however voting power is unaffected and antag tokens are not gained if you performed well. Admins will be able to give out or take away antag tokens if they choose to do so. Antag tokens will not be taken away from antagonists if less than 25% of the server voted negatively for them. This is to prevent stupid memes from happening such as receiving only 1 negative vote, and 0 positive votes.
  23. Alchemy will never be stronger than actual medication. The intent is that alchemy acts as a secondary merchant to the crew, if desirable, selling basic cures and cosmetic items.
  24. I think traumas need modified RNG tables, reduce effects for some of the traumas, and outright removal for some of them. Tourettes needs to be removed or adjusted since it is more of a meme than actual representation of tourettes. Muscle Spasms is the same thing, it's more of a meme than actual representation and it's just awful to deal with for a "mild" trauma.
  25. Konflict brings up a good point, however Tokash's waifu is actively trying to get him to cease with the barbarism and carp hunting. Unless that shitler has been hunting behind her back, those traits are being knocked back. My only complaint with the character is that I always see that ligger in a breacher. One time Marwani screamed for help because she encountered a spider and next think you know I see him in full breacher and a spear. If that behavior was cut back then I would give a +2, but for now I can only give a +1.
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