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Everything posted by simfantic

  1. Leudobert, you've been one of my longest friends whilst playing the Aurora Server. You're a phenomonal roleplayer, and I've always enjoyed doing some decent RP with you back in your Bynum days. I'd be interested to see you have a trial to present to the server that you can handle the responsibility of doing it.
  2. Jarvis is an avid player, and I often see them during the low-pop hours of [my] the mornings. He's an established player, who has formed connections to many of the players aboard the Aurora (incluing me) and I really think they'd be a good asset to the Command team during the low-pop hours. A big +1 from me.
  3. Besides you not bolding the questions, I really do believe that Leudoberct can create a detailed gestalt aboard the Aurora that others will look to and wish to join the diona family. I've known him for roughly nine months, and he has never given me an ounce of doubt regarding his high roleplaying ability. a big +1 from me.
  4. Name: Liuxian Institute of Artisinal Arts Link to Lore Canonization: [N/A] Focused Field: Civilian Sector (Bartending; Cooking; Hydroponics. It’s just another Civilian Sector training institute, to show a variety so not all the civilian employed came from the Nanotrasen Academy) Overview: The Institute is located within Mendell City’s district 7, known for the numerous casinos, clubs, bars and other high-end entertainment, and so to no surprise, the institute hosts an upper-class Restaurant as well as an underground Nightclub. The Institutes restaurant is known by the name of "Baoshi's" and is usually staffed by the students, who undergo a quite rigorous competition run by the Head Chef, Vijya Bhatta, which is based on performance, taste, as well as creativity in order to be selected, to serve the customers dishes within Baoshi’s. It also hosts a Nightclub "Nebula", known for its open doors to all species, even going as far as each night to offer specials and discounts for a certain species (Saturday is Squid's Night for the Skrell, ie they get 20% off all their drinks). Students who study mixology will often find themselves scheduled to work here in order to refine their communication skills as well as their mixology training. The Institute was established during the 2350s by Xia Liuxian and vver the period of 2356 to 2456, it had managed to grow from a few hundred students a year to just over four thousand, allowing the construction of additional facilities to increase their capabilities from a humble ‘training’ institute to a rather established one that taught Mixology, Culinary Arts, Fashion Design and Agriculture. The Institute had implemented its motto mid-2357, regularly reminding students via the countless holographic displays across its main building, “Dream, hope, aspire.” The Liuxian family has maintained ownership of the Institute since its establishment over a century ago, and now offer financial aid to Idris Incorporated employees or future employees. Members of the family are often seen around Idris’ interstellar credit storages, begging the question of how deep their pockets are lined with Idris’ influence. Main employer of graduates: Idris Incorporated University Dean: Ren Liuxian, the Grandchild of the original founder, Xia. Ren himself attended the institute, studying Mixology and Culinary Arts. Ren is currently a divorced bachelor with a teenage son, Yang (17) Board of Trustees: - Andrea Idris [Human, 33, Female] - Aarifa al-Faraj [Tajaran, 35, Female] - Vijya Bhatta [Human, 44, Male] - Xunu-Nioh Pish [Skrell, 152, Male] - Ren Liuxian [Human, 57, Male] Famous Graduates: Xunu-Nioh Pish, a relatively well-known chef that routinely tours Biesel attempting to recreate famous meals into a vegetarian/vegan alternative. He is also a member of the ‘Board of Trustees’ for the Institute
  5. Leudo, you swore to destroy Skrell right from the beginning (as a joke), and I am so happy you've caved in and wanted to join the dark-side. I've known you since I first got my whitelist for the warblers and I've seen you grow so much from Bynum. You roleplay out details that most would overlook, and I can't wait to see what you could do as a Skrell. A big +1 from me.
  6. Dark1Star has shown the server how truly valued their character is as a person (a good thing here), and other characters are always happy to see them. I have roleplayed with them to some extent, however not a lot but from what I have seen, he really does come across as someone whos willing to go the extra mile to ensure that a round is interesting. A big +1 from me.
  7. The surgeon is question wasn't afking to 'sulk' as you put it, I was doing some IRL business due not being required after I *offered* assistance, which you quickly shut down and then told me to and I quote; "Do your darn job." The obeying direct orders; The shift which Rev was taking place revolving around the 'Goat God'? Where the Warden explicitly told the entire crew to not interact with anyone in the Chapel and Security was going to deal with it, but then you (as a visitor) stormed the location with numerous other off-duty offers resulting in the gimmick to end at approximately 1 hour in, effectively rendering the round noot after the revs had ammassed quite a large gathering. We had a hostage, yet you still stormed. This isn't *recent* news. It has happened throughout the months I've seen Franscious on, it even happened to me a few times. You asked for feedback, I am simply giving it.
  8. -1. You've often been quick to shut-down antagonist gimmicks, resulting in the rounds to end fairly early. Francois is also quick to disobey direct orders (Warden; HoS I am not sure if this is her personality but I won't go into that). Just to reiterate something from before, a CMO is supposed to delegate tasks and preferably not get involved unless absolutely required.
  9. Ah -Yes, I understand that you might want to drive some alternate story but breaking Station procedure isn't something you should be doing. There are other more constructive ways to produce a story such as perhaps organizing a party in the bar? A charity event? A book club? Theres a whole world out there that doesn't involve breaking station procedure. A member of Command, above all else, will *normally* follow Station Procedure. They can't preach to follow procedures when they themsevles dont, its a very slippery slope to get no-one to respect you in a Command position. Ah - I meant when I am an AI. Yes, that is completely understandable but when theres a code blue or red the mostly likely choice of acting Captain isn't an Engineer, it is an Officer. Of course.
  10. I believe Joon does have a disregard for Station Procedure, however minor, but it does repeatedly. I've been in a few rounds with you aswell and you're quick to shut down other's ideas, even totally ignoring some characters (perhaps due to some IC context, or you just havn't seen the sentence, but I won't dive into that). I have noticed whilst as an AI and there is a need for a additional access you are quick to jump the gun and mention that you've been Interim, and yes I understand you might be caught in the moment and you're blood is rushing but a member of Command should remain level headed (Yes, I know I am not one to talk) but it is something I look to during the round to ensure how my character should be reacting. A smol -1 from me.
  11. +1 People often underestimated the importance of a Psychiatrist aboard the Station - They help ensure that everyone is of sound mind (despite half the suicidal and anxiety riddled crew) and its always nice to see someone take a keen interest to promote more interactions between the patient and their psychiatrist.
  12. I'm practically obliged to +1 this! Shestrying is a valued member of server, and I don't see why they wouldn't be able to accurately portray this species. Shestrying always makes roleplaying with her fun, and we always need more squids aboard.
  13. I was directly involved too, being Qu Shin. I'm here to agree on behalf of Xor, we were drinking Dyn Wine in maintenance (and as you know, Skrell are highly highly vunerable to alcohol so it didn't take much for us to get drunk) and we got bored, we then decided to head to irritate Berko (what Xor said above). We had background for our action, pity you didn't see it. Gotta agree with Xor, we did it face to face with Berko *not over comms* and it ended within a few minutes. I stand with Xor, Trickster aint done nothing wrong.
  14. Borya has a good understanding of Aurora and her players, throughout their time in this server they have showed many times that they are capable of creating new character concepts and whenever I log on I'm happy to see them on the connected players list. You deserve a big fat +1
  15. I believe I misread that completely, don't stress I'll wait for deputy and touch my essay up in the mean time
  16. I may not have conveyed it correctly, but for a species that views the Stars as a sort of diety but doesn't have horoscopes, is it really weird.
  17. I actually wrote this extremely long ago, but I used the names that the wiki had provided at the time. Again, just ideas.
  18. Ckey/BYOND Username: Simfantic Position Being Applied For: Deputy Lore developer Past Experiences/Knowledge: I did some lore writing ages ago for another server, I can't seem to find it which is basically as good as saying you don't have any. Examples of Past Work: N/A Additional Comments: My essay https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cmFVeQPaZjgPHThcWjRgyObO_zrvbMx3uIC0yipoJO4/edit?usp=sharing
  19. Borya, you amaze me with your characters and the thought that you put into each and every one of them, and this is what you deserve +1
  20. That is completely reasonable and without a doubt I can do. @Neinbox
  21. Tyranny has had rather consistent characters and through my various character that has interacted with Tyranny (some she doesn't know) I've always managed to form some kind of relationship (friends/enemies). Tyranny has brought up some good points and I believe an Aussie as a Command staff would certainly help with the lack of command in the times the Americans are sleeping.
  22. Good! Now I dont have to gank you.
  23. BYOND Key: Simfantic Character Names: Lindsey Wardle Ziiq’Luu Xrim Daniel Tanner June Sah-Kohl Nuux’Xi Oona Ophelia Cortenzo Vuzu Xunu’Oona Species you are applying to play: Dionaea What colour do you plan on making your first alien character: (exempt) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Thoroughly Please provide well-articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Well, from my post history, you’ll see that I’ve wished to play this species for an incredibly long time. Dionaea are such an inquisitive species and they’re an absolute unit in terms of gameplay such their unique way of communications, or even that they heal from radiation which is entirely unique to other species. The way I’ve seen people roleplay Dionaea can’t compare to any else aboard the station and I hope I can continue that legacy. Identity what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The species is entirely unique to any other species on the Server, you can't get them mixed up with something else and their lore is ultimately what attracted me in the first place. Being a dionaea requires you to be effective in what you say due to their slowness with everything (walking/talking) and being a member of this species requires you to think outside the box in terms of executing effective simple/complex words which convey exactly what you want as you require every second you can as a Dionaea. Sure, mechanics-wise Dionaea can heal almost any damage with a little radiation bath, but the fact that Dionaea take the childish element of being afraid of the dark to a whole new level (aka death) you have to be extremely careful if you wish to go maintenance tunnel diving or even if the station's power shuts off. Character Name: Memoir of the Star Songs Please provide a short backstory for this character Memoirs life begins approximately one-hundred and fifty years before the events of the NSS Aurora and had been with the original discovery of the Dionaea on what is known colloquially as The Conglomerate. They didn't have a name for a small part of their existence and was simply one of the nymphs within the Cetus. A small nymph drifted amongst the stars, gazing through the vacuum at lights that they knew they'd never reach, for it had been decades since Starsong had felt the searing heat of the sun, the warmth of the solar radiation it gave off. It would look longingly towards the lights, chirping a song-like counting as they continued to drift. Days, months and years would pass but the nymph never ceased gazing upon the stars, but soon the intense warmth of a Star beckoned the Conglomerate towards it. The nymph bathed in the warmth before it noticed fast approaching metallic meteors which suddenly came to a halt. After the discovery, the little nymph was tasked (along with others) to assist their newfound allies and conjured a gestalt of the other nymphs who had gazed upon the stars so many decades ago, taking the name of Memoir of the Star Songs. Memoir of Star Songs was assigned to assist a skrellian astrophysicist, Xiiuc Nini-Kaazi. Both studied the stars for decades, attempting to learn everything they could, and the Gestalt's mentor implanted a simple idea, an idea that would guide them throughout their life. Memoir promised Xiiuc on their deathbed that they'd learn until the end of their lifespan and shortly after the Skrell's death the Gestalt was sent to many other Skrellian scientists to go study. Memoir travelled throughout the Jargon Federation to visit notable places within their borders such as Xrim, however it was whilst touring the Jargon Federation's planets that they discovered a God-like tyrant, something made of metal, that obstructed their new allies in exploring the stars. Memoirs have forever had a distaste for synthetics since this discovery and will attempt to not interact with such vile items. Their knowledge quest had come to an end within the Jargon Federation, however, there were still many ways in which Memoirs could acquire more knowledge. Memoir took it upon themselves to seek this knowledge, a promise they'd given their mentor so many years ago, in Tau Ceti. Having travelled so far, they soon arrived in the city of new beginnings, Mendell City. The Gestalt heard about the megacorporation Nanotrasen whilst on their journey to Tau Ceti and promptly applied to a position as a Scientist aboard the NSS Aurora. What do you like about this character? This character has been scratching at the back of my mind for nearly 2 years, how could I not like them? This character was made from the bottom of my heart and has been there since Day 1. How would you rate your role-playing ability? As always, 6 and a 7 in other circumstances. I’m attempting my best to improve. Notes: One of many applications for Dionaea, and if there are areas that I am lacking in please do tell me so I can work towards bettering it, even if its in-game issues I want to do better!
  24. +1 +1 +1 ALL THE WAY! I love this player! Their roleplay is absolutely amazing!
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