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Everything posted by simfantic

  1. +1 Mad Man has shown a complete contrast of his characters to me, His Captain and His HoS are two completely different people and I couldn't recognise him.
  2. +1 , They are still a good Roleplayer in my eyes.
  3. +1 I enjoy some of their characters and I believe they'd accurately portray an IPC.
  4. -1 I've had rounds where you've completely ruined roleplay (removing batteries from a mech, shutting me down as a vamp almost immediately). I've been on Aurora for roughly 2 years, going on my 3rd soon enough and there really on a select few who actually deserve a place on the Command team, I do not believe Nick (or any other of your characters who I have hardly seen) to be capable of the responsibility.
  5. I remember Chloe from quite a while ago. I really enjoyed reading your application and think you'd be pretty gnarly at being a Lizard. +1
  6. Goret, you totally deserve to be on the mod team. You've handled most of my tickets and you're one of the only people on most of the time when I'm on (due to timezones). I think you'd be a great addition.
  7. I wasn't at all, I'll try to find it right now to take a look at upcoming updates and reworks.
  8. Oh, I completely didn't see this! I'd just like to clear some things. 1. I was taught by others how to use Telescience and I use a very In-Character program created by those who are really smart in programming. This code can easily be obtained by most scientists that wish to do telescience. Regarding injuries, I specifically told him if he didn't stand in the correct position he would be hurt when he refused to stand on the telepad, I shrugged and said I'll be teleporting you, the character had ample time to leave as I told them, then proceeded to click send (this usually left ten seconds for them to leave). They, as I predicted, were harmed due to someone moving the GPS I specifically asked medical not to move. I also use telescience to extract injured crew members (usually outside the station) so that EMT's are not forced to endanger themselves out in the void. Also considering most of the time the patient dies out in the void, so I bring them back before they cark it and get medical to Telescience, so to me this sounds like a win-win situation? 2. I believed that the RD was sick, I never directly witnesses such things but I saw on the CMC (crew monitoring console) that the RD was holding down his victim who was steadily gaining oxygen, this is when I proceeded to get medical involved as for all I know they were doing CPR due to the RD doing weapon testing. I created choral hydrate after we were told MULTIPLE times there was a 7ft criminal lizard roaming the station and attacking people, as a rational person would want some kind of defence. I kept this syringe on me even before the confrontation. I started to run away from you due to you know being a creature literally double the size of Xrim, this is when you proceeded to glare me and my colleague noticed you dragging me away and came to my rescue. I then suddenly remembered I had a syringe full of stuff to keep you down while we get security, so I proceeded to attempt to stab you, and yes I admit I was chasing you here. I successfully stabbed you and then yelled for security as you bats literally appeared from nowhere, the comment I made was along the lines of; "Take that!". 3. I have never once 'solo-operated' as Xrim, I have created weapons for the ISD and RD. I believe I make rather deadly weapons and I'm sorry if others feel cheated due to my superior weapons. I regularly used Xrim as a traitor during her beginning stages and I was often ridiculed in LOOC for 'power gaming' although I had a very good IC reason for doing so eg that of being a traitor. 4. During the enthral, as stated above, I was ready to cryo when the RD came to the lab, this is where he enthralled me and around this time I believe you came and spoke in looc something along the lines of: "Watch out, they have choral hydrate," and you stated this AFTER you cryoed. I posed Xrim to be 'brain-dead and unresponsive' due to be enthralled and I did attempt in my last few moments to get the RD to escape by attacking the ISD, where I was promptly put down by Eric Bayer. Also, I did not 'rage quit', I actually had to go see some important people in my life and becoming an antag wasn't my course of the plan. 5. Lastly, Xrim has been around for roughly a month, if anything I haven't seen your character at all throughout her career aboard the Aurora. Xrim, being Skrell, has an incredible amount of years she still has to live, and she was able to get a few degrees under her belt before she came aboard the Aurora, that being Medical and Xenobiology. Multiple staff have bwoinked me asking about her knowledge, and I have cleared it up and nothing has come of it, so, therefore, I believe it is completely within the realm of reality.
  9. I completely understand and I'll add this information in right now as I have completely forgotten to do so! I'd also like to slightly change some details about DEU in order to answer the question above. Additional Information: Personality: I'd like to attempt to morph DEU into being quite a cynical, somehow sad robot, as I think it would be hilarious to have a baseline IPC going around consistently being the one to drag his colleagues down, as well as make snarky comments (to a degree) to the other people around him. E.g An engineer sets up the engine, DEU would give a backhanded compliment, "Well done, you completed a job which we were all trained to do." Goals and Aspirations: Obviously DEU would like to be free, considering he doesn't wish to work for the whole of his life before being shelved due to increasing maintenance costs, but I'd also like to give DEU the goal of growing (If that makes sense) where through repeated interaction with organics he begins to understand their way of life and go from being rather cynical to organics he'd have a more 'friend' than creator view of them.
  10. BYOND Key: Simfantic Character Names: Ziiq’Luu Xrim, Nuux’Xi Oona, Ezhin Xunu, Lindsey Wardle. Species you are applying to play: IPC What colour do you plan on making your first alien character: (Exempt) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Most definitely. Please provide well-articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I’ve really enjoyed playing as a borg in the past, and I know there are vast differences between that of a borg and an IPC. I really enjoy the mechanics of the race, that for every positive there is an equal drawback such as the ability to be without oxygen in the void but require a suit cooler to actually stay for an extended period of times out in the void. The lore behind the IPC is quite interesting as well as their unique approach on how to make decisions. Identity what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: While, obviously there's the mechanics that are vastly different to that of a human, as I mentioned above the ability to survive without oxygen but having to carry a suit cooler to go for extended periods of time. The other differences are the unique discrimination towards IPC by some Skrell, Unathi and even Humans. Their speech is incredibly different (or the way I wish to hopefully play) between an organic and an IPC. Character Name: D.E.U 110 (Designated Engineering Unit Eleven-Naught) Please provide a short backstory for this character Designation: Designated Engineering Unit Eleven Naught (D.E.U 110) Construction: 24/01/2461 Activation: 31/01/2461 Initial Loggings as followed: Constructed January 24th 2461 by Nanotrasen. Approximately 6 days 22 hours and 37 minutes after construction DEU was activated in an upload facility found in Mendell City. Designated Engineering Unit had several key pieces of engineering knowledge downloaded in its database, shortly after the download was complete DEU was assigned to NSS Upsilon as an engineering apprentice in order to ‘test; if the software was capable of being used aboard other vessels found in the Nanotrasen Fleet. DEU successfully completed the task and was reassigned to the NSS Aurora. DEU has a unique personality module loaded in order to experiment with reactions by organics. DEU appears to wish to work until they are capable of purchasing their individuality; the calculated amount of time until they can do so appears to sit at roughly 62 months. DEU is also tasked in keeping the environment as clean as possible to improve general maintenance costs of the station as well as to ensure that crew environmental needs are met. What do you like about this character? I’d like to make DEU as robotic as possible, having little to no emotion and responding to the decisions in terms of binary choices, such as would it benefit the station and so on and so forth. I’d likely also make DEU janitorial staff if Engineering is full in order to keep the station looking optimal for its owners. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I’d like to rate myself at a 6 or a 7, obviously, I still have a lot to learn, but with learning comes a better ability to increase the joy of others when they interact with me. Notes: All criticism welcome! I’d love to hear the negative ones so I can roleplay better to ensure everyone has fun.
  11. +1 The idea seems good.
  12. +1 This player is totally meant to be Command. They have a good understanding of what it is meant to be as an RD and they are quite fun to roleplay with.
  13. +1 I've roleplayed with this player, and I have to say they are very humble about their ability to roleplay. +1 all the way! Simfantic - Ziiq'Luu Xrim (requested by player)
  14. -1 Not to be a stickler but if you expanded on your answers a bit more I will reconsider it but two sentences for answers that are supposed to be a paragraph long isn't exactly promising for a possible future command whitelist, sorry.
  15. BYOND Key: Simfantic Character Names: Lindsey Wardle, Nadia Turner, Mingxia Liu and Skylar Atwee Species you are applying to play: Skrell What colour do you plan on making your first alien character: White Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well-articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I saw there was an opening in Skrell Lore Deputy and once I began researching the Skrell and doing a Deputy essay I began to get really really interested and I soon found out it would be in my favour to have a Skrell whitelist. Identity what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Obviously there are mechanical perks to playing Skrell such as their ability to telepathically communicate with one another as well as their ability to share dreams (which I find EXTREMELY interesting). Some of the role-play orientated ways that this species is different is the lack of emotions (to non-skrell), their way of communicating with one another (reputation-based economy) and their unique way of life. Character Name: Ziiq Luu Xrim (I really like that name! I hope you don't mind me borrowing it) Please provide a short backstory for this character Ziiq-Xrim, born in 2393 (They’re apart of the Marqch cycle) to Luuq’Quoop and Xor’Qoouq on the Skrellian planet of Aloise. Both her parents were Xenobiologists and had belonged to the Abyssal Era, and she was apart of the transition between the Supernova Era to the Radiant Era. Ziiq was introduced to a galaxy that had mostly united and recovered from the Era of Synthetic Oppression. She lived an ordinary life before the discovery of Humanity which would’ve been roughly right at the beginning of her studies at the Aliose University of Medical Sciences. The discovery of Humanity ultimately changed the course of Ziiq’s life forever. Skrell has finally found another space-faring species other than those who oppressed them and those who could be grown in marsh pits. Although she was studying Xenobiology at the time, she quickly studied hard analysing every nook and cranny she could learn to better her chances of finally being able to research the species being discovered such as the Tajara in 2418. She’d finish her course in Xenobiology in 2425, and quickly rush into the medical division of the University and studying Human, Tajara and even Unati biology in her final two years of her second course, meaning she’d finish the course in 2435. Due to the Skrell often ‘overachieving’ she was pressured by her parents to take one final course, she decided with all the discoveries of additional species a ‘refresher’ course in Xenobiology would help her. Finishing it in 2445, she was fully qualified to finally begin working. She was quickly snatched up by the University to begin teaching, although slight unqualified to teach, she was extremely well-versed in the insides, outsides, behaviours and even traits of most the Species. She decided to turn in her teaching robes and sought out to become closer to humanity and eventually lefts to pursue her dreams aboard the Aurora as a Xenobiologist. Ziiq was born during the transition of the Supernova Era to the Radiant Era, meaning she wasn’t exactly an outlier but she wasn’t exactly expected to come so soon. Her parents believed Ziiq to be their little miracle and treated her as such. They were extremely over-protective and she was hardly allowed to do anything without her parents. Ziiq began to resent staying in one place for too long as it began to get dull, she wanted to see the world but she couldn’t due to her parents. Due to her parents being born in the Abyssal Era, she was often told horror stories of the Era of Synthetic Oppression and she always was wary of synthetics due to them. She values freedom above all else and will fight for it. Although Ziiq was a professor for the Aliose University of Medical Sciences, she loved every second of it. Ziiq enjoyed it thoroughly but soon the enthusiasm to come a day in and day out teaching Skrell for over decades she wanted to go out and use her knowledge to actually study them. She’s hardly ever seen real life Humans, Tajara and Unati causing her job to eventually become stale for her. She decided enough was enough although the professors job was highly distinguishable she wished to advance her studies and not be stuck teaching for the rest of her extremely long life, but she’ll likely come back to it once she’s satisfied with the level of research she’s gained (if the university wants her back that is). Depending on the races she studied: Humans: This was Ziiq’s favourite species. They evolved similarly in some ways like S. Sapiens evolved. Although she’s only met a handful she’s always been attracted to the idea of going to work in a human-dominated workspace. She’s extremely trusting of H. Sapiens and will always strive to befriend them before the other species. She’ll treat humans as though they’re Skrell. She believes Human’s are on the same way as the Skrell were and she views them as a sort of child to the Skrell. Tajara: Ziiq is curious about the Tajara way of life, only hearing about it in books/internet/documentaries she’s never actually met a common Tajara. She’s fueled to at least meet one in order to study them for herself. This might lead her to appear quite strange to Tajara due to her adopting a ‘Scientific Study’ towards them. Unathi: She’s quite appaled by the ‘metal’ Unathi’s and will actively remove themselves from a situation whenever she spots on, how do they allow such a vile creature to exist? She’s simply there to study Unathi, she doesn’t want a friendship (unless they’re women or respect women) due to the fact of their culture and how they oppress their own species by choice. She views the Unathi as a species which requires a change to ever succeed. What do you like about this character? I really like Ziig’s curiosity, although some might find it annoying it’ll just create more role-play. I also enjoy her enthusiasm to learn, which I do enjoy doing. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 6/10 possibly 7/10 in different situations. Notes: I do understand with my...colourful history with administrators it might result in negative feedback, which is completely understandable and I’d really like to see the negative feedback so I can see what I can improve on in the future!
  16. Thank you. Trust me, I definetly will.
  17. Ive been playing on Polaris, HRP Fallout: Outcasts, Fallout: Bad Deathclaw, Persistence Station , Goon (think it was server 1?) and some CM every now and again. I prefer the Polaris vibe as well as Persistence.
  18. BYOND Key: Simfantic Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: aboshehab Reason of Ban: Defaulted to torture during a contained situation about a missing security co-worker. Broke the rules of self-antagging and playing a sane character. Reason for Appeal: I first of all wish to apologize. What I did was was wrong, even if I believed it would have brought the co-worker back. Ive been playing other servers for the past few weeks to try and learn how to better myself, and I believe I truly have. I do understand my brief history of bans, as well as warnings may set you off from unbanning me, but I truly wish to rejoin the aurora community. I solemly swear not to do anything stupid or vile again. Also, I wish that maybe if you accept me back, I could get a job ban for security? I know its a really big if but, thank you.
  19. Okay, heres my side of things: I loaded in the AI halfway through, so I hadnt seen the whole buying and shipping. I decided to do a skim of the station to make sure that nothing was happening, as I got to medical, all I see is the CMO in question covered in blood and breaking the leg of what I believed to be a human, due to the protohuman having a name and coming up in my 'database' I figured, hold on, what the hell is happened. So I proceed to question him, and he tells me that its protohuman, I sense the human still in it and I ask why he is causing pain to the protohuman, he then doesnt answer me but instead tells me to 'Stop talking that is a direct order' so I take it to the HoS who then questions the CMO, and at every chance as stated above, seems to be dodging the question, or outright refusing to answer it. During this time, he threatened to reset me because I questioned him. This is when the HoS came in and told me I couldnt talk about the subject anymore, so I complied until the CMO threatened over the radio that he would file an IR report, because it is 'illegal' to detain him, so i notified the CMO that it is infact not illegal to detain him if security thinks he has done something wrong. This is when I told them of the several reports, which I thought was public, and I apologize for bringing that up, and that CCIA will likely conduct and investigation on the HoS side.
  20. Talia Sulyard here. I was doing my job, waiting for the SMES to drain, in order to upgrade it which the previous engineers failed to do. Finn first came into the scene right about now. Brought up my stutter [My character isnt native speaker. As well as I am trying to learn to roleplay other personalities] belittling my character constantly. The Ai went through my character's records and was notified of why my character has a stutter. The ai told Finn that if he continued they would alert security. About 5 more minutes continue about Finn insulting my characters and belittling them. Noir was called and Finn recieved a warning by Noir subsequintly slapping him across the face. Finn then increased his belittling and then went across the department insulting them [Roughly the longest segment about 10-15 minutes here] Sec somehow managed to get a engineer headset and listened to the evidence. They were called and he was arrested on accounts of slander and misuse of comms if I am correct.
  21. Ive gone to the warning page, I have no warning, Im sure an admin would have given me one if I had infact done this. I have no memory of doing such thing, maybe an admin could clear this up? I honestly think that wasnt me.
  22. Wait what? Ive never kidnapped the Captain? I think you are getting confused, I used telescience once and that was an experiment and it went horribly. I honestly honestly think you are getting confused with someone else. I would most likely have a warning atleast for that, I dont see any. I do think you are confusing me with someone else.
  23. I understand, but most of my characters do revolve around having a high ego, I am going to admit I have one as well so I wont particulary play with a character with a low ego. but Im not sure what trouble Ive had with superiors in Science. I had a problem with a medical superior who then assualted me in that round twice, so my character obviously will not listen to them but theBureau? I was only called once and it was sorted out fairly quickly, in that same round if I remember as well.
  24. Just added, sorry I seemed to have forgotten about it!
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