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Everything posted by Jennalele

  1. This is absolutely beautiful. ...Someone do Silent Night.
  2. +1. Rec is probably one of the top players of synthetic characters I've seen in a while. He finds amazing ways to give them depth, personality and individuality while remaining very in tune with the limitations, laws and so forth of a synthetic. They're uniquely awesome, and I think he is more than capable of handling an IPC.
  3. Personally, I've done mod and admin work for different RP games and servers for... Going on 7 years now. Sometimes I recognize that feeling- There's days where I really just can't take the antag rounds in-game due to the conflict, or feel hyper-vigilant over grief watch and the like. But in another way, I'm used to it. I've found out how to balance the two to a degree. I still enjoy the game, and I want to come back to regular playing so badly once I get internet set up at the new place. You guys are like a crazy family, really, and I too plan on staying around for quite a while. Whether it's listening to Pump and Skull on teamspeak, pissing ourselves laughing during an event setup mishap, or watching Experiment Kek eat the Psi agents and a singularity, I have too many good memories of you guys to leave now. It's all worth it, like the above have said. Thanks, Aurora. Each and every one of you are awesome.
  4. This is what happened when I finally figured out how to play. Sorta. The victim: Niloc692, a friend off a different game. "This is my head. There are many like it, but this head is mine."
  5. OHOHOHH. YOU ARE SOO DEAD. (( You're meeeean ;~; ))
  6. Jennalele

    Goodbye for now

    Good on you for focusing on school. Hope we can see you again soon. We'll miss ya!
  7. BYOND key: Jennalele Character names:Ananda Santana, SiNSIA, Eira Yates, Lirivien Kolton, Avelak Nirisha, Reanne Strafford, Leon Ortega, Narcisa Aucciello, S.I.G.R.U.N., CHiP, Chenmo de Xiaochou... Will add any that I forgot if I remember them. How long have you been playing on Aurora?: I lost track, started playing some time this summer. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I like to think of myself as a generally experienced roleplayer, and I think I could bring some fun into the departments I plan on heading- Chiefly, Medical and Engineering. In medical, it’s important that the crew is organized, that sensors are up—Generally, what’s stated in the wiki. They’re capable of coordinating themselves, considering the notable lack of heads usually on station, but it always helps to have the CMO reminding the chemist to make clonexadone, that the Virologist has a steady income of radium and whatever else they might need, and so forth. In Engineering, having a CE makes coordinating the engine setup and solars leagues easier, as well as designating official roles in the case of a breach, power outage, or otherwise. Not to mention, they help ensure that the wonderful land of Atmosia is being monitored and maintained. Roles aside, I think I could bring some goodness to the RP table with this. Heads are looked up to and expected to be a bit of a role model, I feel, and I’m willing to step up to that. Why did you come to Aurora?: I was recommended to come over by a bunch of friends, and I stayed for the awesome quality of RP I found here. You’re like a really weird, slightly terrifying family. <3 Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Extensively. I know the departments I plan to head very, very well. Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: The shorthanded, most common definition of RP I’ve heard is usually something to the effect of “Assuming the role of a character, playing out their actions and reactions with others doing the same,” but in reality, it’s much more than that. Through roleplay, I’ve met amazing friends, and amusingly enough, my SO. I’ve improved tenfold on my abilities to write and describe, to the point my English professor has asked me if I had considered a career as a writer. It’s one of the most unique and potent creative outlets I’ve known. When you step into the role of your cheery engineer or your knowledge-driven xenobiologist, you do so much more than just pretend to be them through actions. You assume a part of them for that time, like an actor in a play, and sometimes, you feel what they feel. There’s no real short definition that describes just what roleplay can really be, because when you put your mind to it, it can be absolutely anything. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: In-game, when a player (Especially a new one) sees a head of staff on the manifest, they make a mental note that the player is probably experienced—A role model, in a way of speaking, and a trusted player that they can go to with questions and hopefully be able to learn in a welcoming way. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: It’s quite a similar role to what I said above. New players that see that a player has head access usually associate them with an experienced and/or trusted player. They set an example for people looking for one, and should generally be comprised of trusted and responsible players. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Eira Yates Character age: 36 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Eira Yates was born and raised on a particularly small off-world station. Not a science or military vessel such as the Odin or Aurora, but rather, a particularly quiet civilian orbital. Her parents had divorced soon after her birth, leaving the girl to grow up with her mother- A particularly eventless life as far as excitement went. She took a particular liking to the sciences as a child, and went through with it in her higher education with a doctorate in biomedical sciences, then going through med school for surgical qualification. As soon as she was out of school, she applied for and was accepted for work with NanoTrasen, beginning as a virologist on an auxillary station. From there, she would transfer from station to station as openings were created or filled, working medical as was her designation. It eventually came to be that she was transferred to the NSS Aurora—Originally as a virologist, but soon expanding to cover the surgical field again. What do you like about this character?:In terms of playing Eira, I find her fun due to her general personality. She’s not an outright mean or rude person, but she tends to forgo tact in favor of getting her point across bluntly. She may hold grudges, but it really doesn’t matter who she’s operating on- She’ll treat them regardless of her standing with them if they end up in the medbay. She’s highly germophobic, and hates uncleaned blood in the medbay- To the point she’s occasionally gone on a “Space cleaner rampage” through the entire bay. It’s… Interesting to watch, to say the least. What do you dislike about this character?: Eira is… Difficult, in terms of forming bonds to other people. It doesn’t mean she’s not on fair terms with anyone- She’s just hard to crack open, really. Not to mention I sometimes feel awful when she’s gotta be mean. ;n; Do you think this character is fit to be a Head of Staff? (Please note that Head characters must be over 30, unless given special clearance): Generally speaking, yes. Why?: She’s capable in her field, and holds basic knowledge in each department required for medbay to function. She’d enforce proper procedures, would encourage the chemists NOT to make space drugs by hopefully giving them other tasks or at least preoccupying them. She’s not overly dominant- If the staff know what they’re doing, she’ll let them be, and if someone does a dumb, she’ll certainly make sure they know exactly what they did wrong. Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: 7/10 ish, probably. Like most people, I hate trying to rate my own skills, but I’d say decent enough to be in a head position. Extra notes: STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY STATION!
  8. Incredible.
  9. Oh my god, it's perfect. I'm gonna try and upload some of my stuff to the forum relatively soon. Ish. Like Rec, I too am incredibly lazy and take forever to get to things. (It's the mark of an artist, I swear.)
  10. I find we have a regular influx of miners. I mean, they're played a lot more than the IAA, and they do get the cool stompy Rip. It's more a matter of when the players that play miners regularly happen to be on. It's a bit of a unique playstyle. And a lonely one. Like, super lonely. If people would talk to miners more often as is, they'd probably play more regularly. See: Nary a batted eye when the poor Wright shrieks "OH GOD, HELP" over their radio as the changeling eats them alive. Poor, poor miners...
  11. Here's the forms I've made during my time as a FTech. Case file reports- Generally, there should be one pertaining to each case you do, and evidence reports, which, if you do your job right, should be amassed into the double digits by the end of a productive shift. Also, I'm god-awfully organized with my work in game. Here's the templates if anyone wants them: Case File Report: Evidence Report: I'll offer filled versions of both just as an example here:
  12. Alright, I've got some input here. It's more along the lines of how to improve said hostage RP if you expect to be taken seriously. I'm going off a specific tactic here that could have been another way to approach the same bar hostage situation you attempted yesterday. One. Don't rush. When you run into the room with your gun out, screaming, almost everyone in the room with a weapon is going to go for it out of gut instinct. Walk in casually, sit down and wait. Blend into the buzz of patrons. Two. Evaluate your surroundings. The examine verb is your best friend. After you stroll in, casually looking like a part of the crowd, if you realize that the room you're in happens to be chock full of security, both on and off duty, perhaps you should find a better mark elsewhere. Three. Numbers. As Skull said, the more people in the room there are, the more unpredictable variables you'll have set out, and the more likely it is that chaos will break loose like a rampant bald during a prison break. Like the golden rule of Nuke Ops, you want to keep it simple. When the number of hostage takers to hostages exceeds a 1:2 ratio, you're gonna have a bad time. Four. Shit happens. Things don't always go to plan. People get disarmed, people get flashed, people shoot the wrong people sometimes. One of the most important things to keep in mind is that this is a game- We're all in it for the fun. If you're playing just to win, you may want to rethink your strategies as an Antag. To add to this, though, ghosting the second things go south for you is incredibly poor form, and more along the lines of a griefer's behavior than a proper antag's. The fun doesn't stop at the arrest- I've seen some incredibly interesting situations rise from antags and prisoners being transferred to permabrig, solitary confinement, and the like. It's understandable that people want their plans to work out without a hitch, but that's rarely the case, to be honest. This applies in general, really, but if one considers their job done at the time of their plan's execution, it might be a good idea to step back from antagging for a while and try to re-evaluate what the role is on the server. All in all-- Remember that the goal of an antagonist is not just to "Win" at their decided tasks. It's to engage the crew in fun and RP. This is just as much the antagonist's job as it is the crew involved, in many cases!
  13. I'm willing to back this. If you can keep the line clear with his aggression between causing interest and self-antagging, you have my full support for this. As the old system would put it: +1.
  14. At the same time, or separately? Because they warrant two very different reactions. O_O
  15. Bear with my spelling or syntax mistakes here. On phone. I'm going to have to agree with Erik here. There are so many easier and more logical answers to the predicament Kaneki is in. To be brutally honest... It seems like a roundabout excuse to have a cool mask. A mask that could be seen as particularly suspicious on a space sstation like aurora. Even in today's world, most people would prefer to take the surgery than have to explain a thousand times to passers by and security why they have a weird mask. The vocal disfigurement can be very easily fixed through a small implant or surgery itself.
  16. BYOND Key:Jennalele Character Names:Uh.. Lemme try and list them all. Lirivien Kolton, Eira Yates, Leon Ortega, Reanne Strafford, Aleksei Rogachyov, Ananda Santana, Chenmo de Xiaochou. How long have you been playing on Aurora:Since some time in.. July? August? Rough estimate. Species you are applying to play: Squ- Skrell. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yis, and I think it’s awesome. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race:Well, for one, we need more skrell on this station. I think they’re a really interesting race, and I’ve had a pretty specific idea stewing in my head for a long time now. I’d like to give it a shot, and hopefully add a little splash into the usual mix of RP. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:Mentally-speaking, Skrell tend to be much more logical and collected, and react differently to a human’s fight or flight instinct. See: Thinking themselves to death. Their way of thinking tends to be quite different from the average NanoTrasen human being, from their relatively lax outlook on sexuality, to their general pride and analytical way of looking at a situation. I’d really like to try to pull this one off. Not to mention, wordslurring because weird tongue. Why does this species in particular hold your interest? I’m not actually certain. I think it may be more of their mental and thinking process, as well as the complex tonal language- As a whole, they’re a pretty cool race that I want to try my hand at playing. I really enjoyed reading their wiki article, and actually wished there was more there- I'm a sucker for details, to be frank. Character Name: Risii Elliera Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Spawned and raised in the great underwater cities within Laush V, Risii was one of just three surviving eggs from her parents’ spawn. She was taught Basic alongside Skrellian, though had little contact with outside races for most of her youth life. She took an early fascination to chemistry, and quickly began to invest more of her time and knowledge into the science. As she began to grasp a firmer understanding of chemistry, reactions, and what did what, she began to wonder what she could apply her knowledge to. With a dislike of violence, she knew from the start she wouldn’t want to put her knowledge into weaponry or violence. Her mind wandered to the opposite soon after- Medical work. When she came of age and experience to be able to handle herself, she began working in the city fabricating chemicals, medications and gels for the fellow Skrell in the city. Curious and naïve as she was, Risii began to wonder what life was like outside the city she had barely left. She had heard tales from others, stories, read books, seen on Telescreens, and more— But she’d never actually left Laush V. Taken by the need to learn again, she began looking for a new job that would supply this need. NanoTrasen put this into motion for her when the company signed her on as a chemist and scientist. Just like that, Risii was sent off from her home planet, where new adventures, new findings and more awaited her, aboard the NSS Aurora. What do you like about this character? She’s a fresh change from my other characters, for one. She’s a bit naïve, doesn’t know a ton about other races besides what she’s learned through books, and hey. She’s a skrell. Squishy squish. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I’d say that I’m a fairly good roleplayer- I wouldn’t want to boast or overestimate, though. Regardless, I enjoy it- a lot, in fact, and I’ve got a fair deal of experience under my belt. Notes:Warblewarble?
  17. I'm 17, learning to drive, and I live in Canada. I can speak fluently in English, French and American Sign Language. I used to be fluent in German, but I've lost a lot. I haven't lived in Germany since I was a very wikkle Jenners. I am close to deaf in my right ear, and it's expected to die out completely by the time I'm about 25. I made it up to Silver star ( Third level/rank/thing ) in the RCAC program with the rank of C/Sgt, then promptly moved across the country. I never had the chance to get back to it, unfortunately. I'm a competitive recurve archer. I once also took an arrow, not to the knee, but the shoulder, in a practice range accident. That was a fun hospital trip.
  18. Ananda Santana once panicked and shoved her brother out a window, breaking his arm. She didn't lose her heart in a cool fight or awesome story at all. It was a medical condition known as "Thick, iron rod through the chest." Lirivien Kolton is married with three children. She dislikes being touched, but rarely speaks up about it, and enjoys snow. A lot. Reanne Strafford had a brother. He was killed during an upsurge of infighting in their city when he was 19 and she was 16. That's what drove her to study law and the like. Chenmo de Xiaochou... Is related to Lirivien. She has worked as an EMT for three and a half years, and has gotten a steady job off station at a local hospital in her home city on call with paramedics.
  19. Imagine this; You're the forensic tech, arriving about an hour late to your shift. The Head of Security tells you that there's evidence that needs to be processed for the past two or three cases you missed. You get set up, paste your paperwork format and copy it a few times for templates, and think it's going to be a breeze. Oh, how terribly wrong you were. You are welcomed to evidence storage with three unmarked lockers in a cramped, dark room. You open the first one, expecting the items for the first case to be neatly stuffed inside, awaiting your analysis. Nothing. You open the second locker, hoping to god that your hunch isn't correct. Nothing. You open the third locker. Ten miscellaneous items and objects from various cases and sources spill out of the locker towards you as dread fills your chest. This is going to be a nightmare. After a tedious half hour battle with the rest of security to find out what came from where and what case each item pertains to, if you were lucky enough to get them all, you now have the even worse predicament of finding where to store all your evidence now, once complete. Frankly, there is no neat and organized location within your lab to place your many samples, fingerprint cards, and microscope slides given to you from your technological endeavors, and flushing them down disposals is just bad form. Alright.. Basically, what I propose is this. As the organization levels for forensic techs and evidence stuff sucks right now, I'm wondering what we could do to have a better way of organizing it. Allowing fingerprint cards to be attached to papers so they could be filed with their respective report into their folder and/or cabinet is one option, but I'm open to ideas. The big issue: There is no real concise and organized way of storing findings from the analyzers and microscopes in the lab. Your slides and samples have nowhere to go, and can't be filed with their result papers. This almost always results in the samples getting mixed up and/or left behind, while their papers get nearly filed away in their bins and folders. For some Forensic Techs that pride on their neatness, this is an absolute nightmare to try and deal with. The hand labeler only goes so far! The proposed solution: If it comes in the form of allowing the samples to be stapled or attached to their papers, having an organized place to store them, or perhaps a different idea below, I don't mind. But organization is always awesome and appreciated.
  20. +1. The character idea is great, Covert is a fantastic RPer, and let's face it, deep philosophy conversations.
  21. Basic Information Byond Account: Jennalele Character Name(s): Ananda Santana, Eira Yates, Lirivien Kolton, Leon Mahaat, John Rorik, Aleksei Rogachyov, Hatchworth the Borg. AI Name(s): N/A, Hatchworth the miner droid is probably the closest it gets to having played an AI. Skype: [information scrubbed] Age: 17 Timezone: EST When are you on Aurora?: Honestly, I have no schedule whatsoever. 4 PM EST onwards I'm usually on, and I tend to stay up obscenely late into the wee hours of the morning, especially on weekends. Experience How long have you played SS13?: A few months by now. How long have you played on Aurora: Same amount of months. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I'd say a fair amount. There's probably bits here and there I haven't picked up yet, but I know enough to be able to help people out. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: None official, but I did boot my own server once and play around on it to get used to basic Baystation mechanics. I know a fair amount about what commands do what, for what counts. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Nope, my record's clean. Personality Why do you play SS13? I came around because I heard from several friends about the hilarity they'd experienced. Getting spaced by aliens while trying to shove into a shuttle sounded fun at the time. Thanks to EvilBrage, I learned that it was indeed fun, in moderation. Alien Larvae 330 will see all of the cosmos thanks to you. Why do you play on Aurora? It's the only server I play regularly on, actually. Aurora has a great community with even better staff-- not to mention the quality of RP is the best I've seen on an SS13 server before. I definitely don't plan on leaving any time soon. What do moderators do? From what I've seen and understand, the mods are there to solve OOC and in-game issues, and generally enforce the rules/resolve conflicts to the best of their ability. They represent their server, can act as a mentor or aid for new players that need help learning the ropes, and help decide a course of action for a problematic player or character. They help keep a server going at full capacity. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server? In a sense, a moderator for a specific server (In this case Aurora) is a representative for the server to new players. If they act immaturely and overall show poor behavior, people probably won't get a very good impression of Aurora. They're here to help make Aurora such a great server to be on. Why do you want to be a moderator? What can I say, I just like helping out. I figured I might as well give this application a shot, because I think I could contribute well to what a moderator's supposed to do. A happy playerbase is a happy server, so I'd be glad to do whatever I can to help ensure this. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator? I'm usually fairly patient, I can deal with people well, and hell, I'm experienced. To be fair, I try not to have a stick up my rear about a staff position, but I'm not overly lax, either-- Or, at least, I don't think I am. I'm generally hard to really tick off, as well, which helps when dealing with conflicts, and I try to see both sides of a conflict and hear out each side when resolving arguments. Helps to keep butthurt down when everyone's spoken their piece calmly and rationally. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults? I'd like to think fairly well. I've been staff on multiple other game servers in the past, just not SS13, and I've seen a lot of.. How do you say..Colorful characters. Heh. But really, bring it, insults and rage don't bug me all that much. Stress? As my friend Jack said once, "Ain't nothing but a thang." Anger? My own, bah, it's a real feat to actually get me angry, and I'm not one to take it out on people even if I've hit that point. Other people's rage directed at me? I usually shrug it off and try to diffuse the situation. As for insults? I don't usually insult other people, and I couldn't care less about ones directed towards me in turn. Anything Else You Want to Add: http://puu.sh/1AJEA ... Alright, being a bit more serious here. I understand the decision of staff to say yay or nay to my application, and either way? I'm cool with it. I want what's best for the server just as much as you guys do, and I can easily say this is the best server I've played on out of all the others out on that there list.I respect the final decision either way, but I'd be more than glad to try and prove my capability as a mod, given the chance. See you in Bluespace, -Jenna. ( Obligatory: )
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