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Everything posted by LordFowl

  1. More of a declaration that I hadn't abandoned this thread on account of age or the critique given, hence the question mark, although I suppose that's counter-intuitive. As in, more for the benefit of further constructive critique from others, than nagging for you to officially look at it.
  2. In the meantime, if you have an engineering borg I'm pretty sure they have all the necessary supplies to construct a camera.
  3. Guns can break the windows and send us to the void of space. I'd say one is worse than the other.
  4. Laser weapons pass through windows. Also, there's no real reason why a laser weapon should be more difficult to reload than a ballistic weapon. Furthermore, I see no reason why bullet spam is any different than laser spam, why bullet weapons require more skill than lasers mechanics-wise (I understand the idea, but the limitations of the game doesn't support the skill barrier currently. Bullets would probably travel just as fast as lasers gamewise. Maybe if we had huge open rooms this could be tweaked with, but you must remember this station is actually quite tight. However, I personally would like to see perhaps plasma weaponry. I'm quite a fan of energy weapons.
  5. Oh sorry about that.
  6. BYOND Key:Lord Fowl Character Names:Maximus Crane, ASIMOV, Radigan Connelly, OVERWATCH/Solo How long have you been playing on Aurora: Two weeks or so Species you are applying to play:Dionaea What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N/A Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yep Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Out of all the possible species to play as, the Dionaea attract me on a level that truly resonates with me. The Unathi and the Tajaran don’t even come close to attracting my attention, and the IPC would just be a free version of my synthetic characters, so the Dionaea really is the only one that is even applicable to my nature. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:On a deeper and fundamental level, the Dionaea are radically different than humans because they are not a singular multicellular organism, but a collective of organisms. They are naïve by nature, and undyingly curious. They are just to me radically different than mankind in almost every way, from birth to death. Why does this species in particular hold your interest? Really, the two above paragraphs quantify my interest pretty well. Their inquisitive nature, their collective body, their life-cycle. Its lore just strikes me as sound, its mechanics are interesting, and I feel I can roleplay an inquisitive character pretty well. Character Name: Two Birds, Beaks Together. Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs We were born from the dark expanse of nothingness into the plains of steel. Great trees of iron held the heavens from the earth. The sky was of metal, and the expanse was infinite. We reached out tentatively, and our approach was blocked by a force of nothingness, separating us from the infinite void, from those beautiful pinpricks of blinding light that spilled upon a canvas of pure, pitch blackness. We turned, and beheld the other side of the universe; we saw many boxes of steel and of metal, and within creatures, creatures of many numbers. Some strode upon their legs, and some upon their arms, and some did not stride at all, choosing merely to levitate. One creature did not choose to contain itself within the boxes, and instead stood in front of us. Soon, our world began to rise, and we saw into the eyes of this creature. It opened wide its maw, and forth issued so much hot air. We scurried to the edge of our world, and pricked him on the finger, a drop of blood issuing into our proboscis. Our world shook, and then fell with a loud bang to the world below. The creatures genetic and memetic knowledge was ours, and with it we contemplated his words deeply. “Oi, nasty lil’ bugger!” We comprehended much of what we saw. We were within the “cage”. Without was the “space”, and within was ourselves. Upon the other side was the “ship”, and within this ship were many “animals”. “bears”, “apes”, and “birds”. The creature without the cage was known as “Human”, and he was lord of all in this universe. He was “piloting” us all to a region of space known as “Tau Ceti”. It was within this “system” (A cluster of rocks, that surrounded those beautiful pinpricks of light. . . We could not wait) that our animal companions would be sold to a “zoo”. The humans appeared to enjoy spectacles of existence, and “Terran” animals were a peculiarity. Ourselves however were to stay with the pilot, a “pet”. We wondered why the pilot need not give us to the zoo as well. It knew something of “regulations”. These regulations appeared to bind it. We contemplated upon this as we travelled. It was many moments of foreign time later, we now recognize to be hours, that we arrived in Tau Ceti. Silence invaded our universe, for all slumbered except for us. We gazed outside, into infinite space, at the approaching light. It was marvelous, and so large. The humans called it a “star”, and we were overjoyed that our universe appeared to be “on course” directly into it. Our contemplations were interrupted by a dire voice that came from nothingness. “Error. Error. Trajectory computer malfunctioning. Emergency alert; this vessel is on direct course with object TAU CETI. Projecting fatality rate if impact with TAU CETI is not avoided: ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. Causes of death: Extreme temperatures, radiation seven hundred REM. Automatic pilot is disabled. Manual control is required.” We heard this message repeat six and a half times before it was cut off. From beyond our universe resounded a great and tremendous word. “FUUUCKK!”. Our universe began to swerve immensely, and soon the beautiful light was moving as well. It was so very large at this point. The voice from nothingness began to resound again. “ERROR ERROR. Trajectory with TAU CETI is avoided. However, this ship has a ninety nine percent chance of undergoing radiation exceeding three hundred and fifty REM. Please don a radiation suit immediately. Radiation shielding modules are not installed on this vessel.”. The universe’s end opened, and the human ran out quickly. He opened what they call a “closet”, and pulled out a large “radiation suit” donning it immediately. We began to tingle. The monkeys began to screech, and then they began to vomit. The bears lay deep within their cage. In the far corner of the universe, the two birds began to hoot. Light began to fill our universe, and the two birds vomited. Whining, they flapped to one another, and upon their hind legs they stood like the manfolk. The universe began to wobble, and then suddenly the birds came together, in an embrace. A blinding light filled the universe, and we felt whole. Two weeks later, when we arrived upon the rock known as “Luthien”, the master of our universe brought us from our cage, and took us from our universe, into a new realm of light. As we traversed from point to point, we beheld the scene of “emergency”. Vomit covered the cages, and animals lay motionless. As we traversed through the airlock, in the most distant cage, there lay an eternal embrace; two birds, beaks together. It was upon this rock known as Luthien we did develop, and it was with much excitement that we came upon the space place known as the “Aurora”, for much can be learned from there. And when the time is correct, we can peer through the invisible force that the humans call windows, and we can see framed upon the massive canvas of blackness one great point of light that man calls Tau Ceti, and we recall distinctly two birds, beaks together once again. What do you like about this character?Uhh, well he’s Diona, and he has Dionaea attributes, but he is also a character that I made. I don’t really know what I’m meant to say here, but really it is his inquisitive and naïve character that most Dionaea tend to possess. How would you rate your role-playing ability?I’d say I rate fairly well. I certainly wouldn’t call myself the best, but I hope I’m not the worst. Notes: I was probably going to put something, but at this point I've forgotten. The one problem with this forum is that it doesn't save incomplete and unsent replies or topics.
  7. Instead, we see "Buttscratcher, Staff Assistant, has arrived on station".
  8. But really, the fact that I followed through with the order at all was a fault on my part.
  9. If it changed, then we wouldn't be able to tale humorous tales about it. Now why would we want that?
  10. The NSS Aurora is a great station, that produces epic and ground-breaking discoveries on a somewhat frequent basis. However, this all goes to hell when That One Shift comes up, that shift packed with degenerates and nincompoops. Its a good thing that That One Shift lasts at the very most four to five hours.
  11. It was located south, but as it destroyed one of the emergency airlocks, I can only assume that it depressurized other areas as well. However, I do understand the point. For clarification, this is a job ban for all antagonists, not just Syndicates. (Not sure if such a distinction exists.) As to Viking, this was long after the ERT shuttle docked, I believe (Probably didn't clarify that on my synopsis), and my reasoning was everyone would be herding towards the escape docks, since it was well into code red. Thanks for taking the time to look at this, also.
  12. BYOND Key: Lord Fowl Total Ban Length: Three Days Banning staff member's Key: VikingPingvin Reason of Ban: Detonating a welding tank in the arrival shuttle hallway. Reason for Appeal: First, an account of the events. As the Syndicate operatives, there were four of us. Our designated leader was a syndicate operative who was pretty tried of all the metagaming in Nuke rounds, so our entire operation had a sort of passive aggressive bite to it. Our plan was to set a bomb in the armory, and use the distraction to have two operatives try to take care of the AI and then eventually the Heads, disguising themselves as members of the crew. Unfortunately, the person who was setting the bomb blew it up too soon, killing themself in the process. Our cover in jeopardy, me and the other operative who was infiltrating hid as cigarette stubs in the maintainence tunnels for quite some time, while the situation outside rapidly escalated without any interference from our party, prolonging our waiting even further.Eventually, my comrade operative went out to try and kill the person he was disguising as, leaving me in the figurative and literal dark. While he proceeded to progress slowly to the research department, where his mark lay, the ERT was called. The head operative, who was observing in the shuttle, ordered one of us to try and explode the point where the emergency shuttle docks with a welding tank. However, although I was nearby, I could not accomplish this task before Arrivals started heating up, because I got stuck in the narrow maintainence hallways. Eventually, somehow my partner died (The AI says it was a suicide), although he succeeded in exploding Telescience, I think. Regardless, the head operative wanted to give off the illusion that there were bombs placed across the station, so he called me out of hiding and had me detonate welding tanks. This is where our problem culminates, and is the cause of this current ban. Finally getting myself unstuck from the maintenance tunnels, I arrived in the Arrivals hallway, where all the emergency airlocks were down. With welding tank in tow, I pushed it up to one of the emergency airlocks, seeking to disentangle myself while also complying with the illusion of there being bombs placed, which necessitated that these explosions occur in areas where few people were. As everyone was being ordered to the escape hallway by the ERT, the opposite side of the station seemed as good a place as any. So I lit the welding tank up with my SMG, and promptly was yelled at for pulling a cod "Delta". That long synopsis out of the way, I'd like to examine some of the points. Firstly, we were being led by a person who was deeply embittered against Nuke rounds for all the meta (And lo and behold there was plenty of meta, but this topic isn't about that.). One of the Nuke Ops promptly killed themselves, and we had to hide out in a maintenance tunnel for a good while, because we didn't want the situation to devolve into the standard *Explosion leads to ERT leads to Syndicate failure leads to Escape Shuttle*, thinking that the situation would de-escalate. This failing, my only other support killed themselves as well, leaving me alone. So when I first was able to actually do something in the round, I will admit I did it a bit haphazardly. However, I think my actions, when looked at in that light, and when considered along with the fact that the emergency shutters in arrivals were already closed, and that the Nuke round had already reached its climax (Albeit prematurely) with the ERT being called and the shuttle being considered, I think that the complaint that "new players are effectively cut off from roleplay" is more or less invalidated by the fact that new players already WERE effectively cut off from roleplay before my involvement. Nevertheless, this ban has been a learning experience. Firstly, I did not even know there was a rule against this "code delta". While I understand that ignorance does not excuse misdemeanor, I again think that this ban period is too harsh, considering the events of the ban. And while I understand that much of what I described can be labelled as "As antagonist it is your responsibility to not screw up, no matter the events", I ask for some leniency.
  13. You're gonna have to clarify a bit on that point there, boss.
  14. I've sent you a PM. Please follow my example and let us have this be the way we continue this argument. Previous arguments have only serviced to derail this post. If we reach a conclusion in our PM discussion, I will modify the post to suit.
  15. Furry, I don't really want to embroil myself in the largely pedantic arguments that have plagued the post prior, so I will simply invite you to look at the rest of the custom items applications. Their entire point is in essence to add uniqueness to a character. My further point is that by adding uniqueness to a character, it adds uniqueness to that character's department. It is irrefutably an "improvement" to my character, as you said. 100%. All the way. Unfair? Not really, since it is server endorsed. I really don't want to be rude, but I don't think you really understand the methodology and purpose of custom items. To cut the potential argument short, if you really feel that this is somehow a degradation to your own roleplay, I'd like to hear your reasoning (Beyond it being "Unfair" which is a cryptic complaint). However, please send it to me via PMs. Otherwise, if your only complaint is that it is "unfair", I remind you that you too can apply for a custom item, although you need to put some thought into it.
  16. I would like to clarify, Furry, that this is not a pet. It is dead. It is a petrified cadaver.
  17. The full reasoning of why I want the item OoCly, Skull, is a bit hard to delve into. The fine points of my thought were had when this post was first made, which was some time ago, so they've sort of faded. To speak simply, the idea of having an organic test teleportation is necessary; there is no way a human would test it before a Tajaran, then an Unathi, and then a Monkey. But why a Squirrel? This is the odd part. Notice it's description. "This is a vibrating blue squirrel. It is a normal sized item. It vibrates, and it is blue. The goal of adventurers everywhere" Vibrating Blue Squirrel is a lesser known RPG term used to describe a functionless item that the main character in an RPG must acquire to win the game, usually to defeat the gameboss. The Triforce strikes me as an alright example. It serves no purpose other than to give the main character a concrete goal. The ultimate example of a vibrating blue squirrel is when the Questgiver, King Urist McKingly, tells the hero to retrieve the gem of Heroicness from the temple of elemental evil, and bring it back to the King. The hero goes through the dungeon, gets the gem, and comes back. The gem has absolutely no effect on gameplay, but is absolutely integral to the plot. That is a vibrating blue squirrel. So in essence, the exact reason it's a squirrel is because I wanted to make a reference nobody would get. The exact reason why I wanted an item at all is to help expand the Telescience department, which I think deserves some expansion in roleplay terms.
  18. While I will agree that this thread has progressed to a point where most of the posts are no longer relevant or useful, beyond me slinging back an insult or being quizzed on my exact knowledge of science, I still disagree to the point that this would fail to promote roleplay in any way, shape, or form, and I plan to use it in a highly serious fashion. Just as a serious item (Like a gun) can be used in a ridiculous fashion, so too can an ostensible ridiculous item be used in a serious fashion. Failure to use an item to promote roleplay is failure to roleplay; and if I fail to roleplay in one form, then I will probably do it other forms. I assure you that I make a point to not fail in roleplay. In an effort to dispel any potential and off-putting rudeness that may evolve from this post (Because that will only discourage people and put me at a disadvantage) I will from this point take account of any critiques, but not respond to them unless they beg response. I apologize in advance and in post once again for any rudeness that I have allowed, from action or inaction, to emerge on this post, and find it gravely erroneous of my duties as a resident of this server and a roleplayer to be allowing such things to tarnish my prospects and perhaps even my reputation, as well as that of those around me. To those who are able to examine this post within an official capacity, I beg of you to disregard any of the superfluous posts that come after it, and only to examine the meat of the topic. If you wish to direct a question at me directly concerning the item, please do it pointedly. I am sorry.
  19. Evening in what timezone? (I want to get my dates right!)
  20. It does not vibrate constantly; it only vibrates and glows when moderate to extreme pressure is applied to to it; thus it has not been doing this processes constantly for thirty eight years. I believe I said this somewhere else on this thread; but I may not have clarified on the topic thoroughly. You seem to only consider two options, and I present a third. It is possible (In fact it was always my idea), that the squirrel has been petrified, as in its exoderm has been solidified to such a state as to warrant it no longer sustenance for a decomposer, through some process. Discluding these two points to some degree, since I have explained them to some degree, I say that the squirrel is not "highly, highly, highly radioactive" as you say, but it is possible that it may be composed of some exotic and likely not extremely dangerous matter that is unique to the dimension of Bluespace, into which the squirrel has through some process transmogrified. Not all exotic things need be dangerous, it is only that the few exotic matters we are familiar with in this universe happen to be dangerous. Finally, on the topic of my forum conduct, I once again say I see no fault in it. Any of this "posh" vocabulary or condescension is either a misunderstanding or miscommunication with us that I have tried to repair with my profusely apologetic nature, or some phantasm being placed upon my person in post as some sort of personal jab to be applied to your post to possibly "take me down a peg" (Or more likely to make me drop my opinion on the squirrel.). I find this last possibility an IMpossibility, however it still deserved to be noted.
  21. I apologize ever so greatly, Gollee, for even possibly ever being rude to people who refer to my post as, for example, a "shitpost", or perhaps a bit condescending to people who appear to give it no more than a glance before deeming it completely a waste of their observation. I apologize ever so thoroughly for that fault in my moral character. However, I thank you for taking at least some time in researching your own retort. Your application of your time is well appreciated, and I am grateful that you've applicated it here. To be quite honest, I find it ironic that in accusing me of throwing around "posh" vocabulary and condescension, you respond slightly in ilk. Fight fire with fire, I suppose? Nevertheless, it is not for me to dwell on the formula of response, but rather the meat of it. That is to say, it is possible that by OOC knowledge of radioactive physics may be a bit rusty, which means my response may seem a bit clunky to your brilliant retort; but let it be known that in saying it was de-radiated I referred to the conventional forms of radiation we are all familiar with, and exist in reality. I was discluding Bluespace energy radiations from this list. In fact, it is the presence of Bluespace radiation that validates the existence of this item; as an item of research. The effects of items passing through Bluespace are not wholly well recorded, and indeed it is entirely possible that certain items when passing through Bluespace may defy the laws of physics; as the very idea of Bluespace itself does. While I would love for the physics of Bluespace to disprove that the idea of this is impossible (as you yourself seem to be taking the bluespace physics "into account") I cannot for the life of me finding any source the describes anything but the history of Bluespace's discovery; simply to say that there seems to be no confirmed physics whatsoever for how Bluespace operates, and understandably so, because Bluespace really can't be expected to have a law of physics that is comparable to our own when people can travel through it at 1000x times Light Speed at not feel any mal-effect. While I will admit the object in question may pose as a subliminal source of radiating energy, I cannot say that these energies are harmful to larger organics even at the longest conceivable rates of exposures (Considering that it is only on the station for shift periods, the time of exposure is not extremely long). Again, I profess no professional or even adept understanding of the higher concepts of radiative energies, however I hold by this opinion, considering the almost mythical (Because to be quite honest Bluespace science is only science in the way only Sci-Fi can achieve) source of its origin. Moving past my perhaps fumbling discourse on Bluespace radiation, we move to the concept I hold to be more important, and am more familiar with; heavy roleplay. I again see absolutely NO reason why this item contradicts the possibility of heavy roleplay. Elaborate more thoroughly on this point, as it merely being a blue squirrel doesn't really cut it. We achieve serious roleplay with equally and more ridiculous concepts (I mean, we are achieving roleplay on a game engine that had CLOWNS as a corporate occupation, there is plenty of slapstick that the Aurora devs haven't purged.) Furthermore, I am of the opinion that a certain amount of slapstick does not detract from heavy roleplay. Heavy roleplay is not in my book synonymous with "super duper serious drab corporate roleplay 24/7", and I am sure that when I put it in those admittedly mocking terms, many would agree on basis of form. Regarding the entire formula of your response (Didn't I say I wouldn't go into your formula? What a liar I am!) I can only label some portions of it, in particular the last paragraph, as personal attacks. I have been for the most part modest and reasonable in my discourse, and my apparent throwing about of "posh" vocabular is, if it exists at all, merely a force of my own nature; and not a force of maliciousness. I am not trying to demean anyone's opinion by sticking to my own. I will admit however that I refuse to release my opinion unless overwhelming evidence is presented against it, and even then perhaps not. I suppose it can be said I'm stubborn. Also, as to 1138, I think I've explained the necessity of the blue squirrel before; so please do read previous posts for further information on the subject. However, to put is simply, it is indeed designed for roleplay, and not for tossing at people as some sort of blunt and slightly humorous projectile, as you might believe. Finally, in conclusion to this admittedly long-winded post, I would like to declare a revisal of the age of this squirrel, from 40-45 (The extreme end of that range being impossible due to the fact that Bluespace was discovered in 2413) to the more comfortable and absolute 38 years of age. I apologize in advance and in post for any feelings I may have wounded with my "posh" vocabular and my "condescending attitude", which I again state are likely imaginary affects, but still affects that surely effect. To wound is not my goal in this discourse.
  22. I'm offended. If you're critique is only going to be rude and abrasive, please keep it to yourself. I'm not even going to bother responding to that kind of comment in any other way. I will say however that your conception of "minimal-effort" seems to be a throw-away insult; if it pleases I could write an entire book on the morphology of the damn squirrel, but I've modelled the amount of effort put into this application to the other applications submitted so as to not be to little or to much.
  23. It may be the end of your participation in the argument, however your participation is not integral. Now, I am not the opponent of discussion or critique, but I don't like it when you assume a tone that makes it seem as if you have a final executive decision on the matter; I respect your opinion, and I say that it doesn't change my opinion. Furthermore, I find your opinion to be offensive; as implying that the application is trollish by extent implies that I am trollish, and implying that it provides minimal roleplay implies that I am incapable of creating roleplay around a simple object. The discussion is not ended merely by you leaving it, because it does not rely on you. I do NOT want to engage in an aggressive tone in this application further from this point, because I don't think the people who look over custom items and decline or accept them really appreciate it. I do not intend to demean your feedback, smiffy, so I humbly am grateful for it, though I reject it. I civilly open the doors to further critique, and would appreciate any comments that I can use to construct this application further. And as to the idea that monkeys and mice and other animals can be used just as well as squirrels, would a vibrating blue orangutan make this application any better? I don't think the kind of animal really matters, its simply that I found a squirrel the easiest to sprite.
  24. This application is hardly more absurd than the scientific task it seeks to serve as research for. Bluespace as a topic is completely ridiculous; in fact many of the scientific venues in this game are essentially farces (Genetics giving you superpowers? Is this a comic-book game?) I think as realistically as I'm expected to, and the standards of the game are the standards I uphold. Not ONLY are we playing a video game, we are playing a video game that makes no pretense to hold strict the laws of reality or physics. In this case, I interpret Skull's guideline of realism to at least providing some reasoning to your item's existence or being; if such is the case I've done so quite clearly, namely that it is a result of Bluespace augmentation; literally caused by what may very well be an exploited breach in the fabric of reality its very self. Drop the realism argument and reapply with something a bit more cogent. Sorry to take such an aggressive stance, but I'm quite firmly against the idea that the item itself is unrealistic, at least to the standards that are being upheld. In fact, this entire server's stance on realism tends to fold backwards on its self multiple times, but that's not a topic for here.
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